r/Mildlyinfuriating · why whY WHY

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i reserved an airbnb with sea view can't complain ah you do get a view of the sea you can't complain you really can't hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy my name is cougar and today we're diving into our slash mildly infuriating things that make you really want to punch a hole in the wall oh so like your voice ah thank you let's get to the post i believe in you 420 comments yes 420 likes yes 421 retweets why'd you do it man a photo i took at a coffee shop i title it a 2020 tragedy but also who's gonna use this we do not accept boob sock or licked monkey all sales final no returns no refunds not final no no oh my what is going on here get a free hundred pound gift card free hundred pounds click on the ad this ant and roach killer is like three dollars more than the ant killer but they have the exact same active ingredients at the same amount ah it's just like the pharmaceutical industry i mean store brands exact same chemical makeup as the big brands oh you had one job architect make my house look beautiful beautifully round arches beautifully round arches beautiful cat photo in the back with a base oh and then you gotta just leave that hanging over thanks thanks i'm gonna i'm gonna burn my house to the ground dang if there could just be a way to make this dangly yellow thing make more durable yeah put some saran wrap over it that'll totally keep it from bruising okay you've ruined my chocolate wafer experience i'm gonna throw this in the trash now the tragedy of liberation mao's great famine the culture revolution why are you bigger culture revolution oh that really sucks because that's something you bought at the stores like this is so pretty and then you get home you're like crap no break but it does crack doesn't say anything about doing crack that tub does a lot of crack oh speaking of crack i see you uh put this wall together real good over here totally perfect nice and lined up now infuriating at all my brother purposely broke this and thinks it's funny who's your brother i'll hurt him for you philippine national police burning marijuana trees this is an infuriating look at the god's face he's like oh yeah baby dad can we go camping in the backyard sure you can camp in the backyard just move the tent every two days okay dad four days later ah son i've seen you let me down once again in life go to the disappointment corner here when it imports it's pretty visible that the candle was 7.99 on the portion ripped but they put the 9.99 sticker on top store closing sales are a joke sometimes hey man they got to recoup their losses somehow number one number two but not spelled out even though it's the same amount of letters as number one target parking lot 8 30 in the evening danny and empty what in the holy hell i really hope their friends are like this guy maybe just like oh better park next to the other car so i don't get my audi broken into this teacher doesn't erase the board fully and continues to use it ah i see you have chosen to teach me infuriation on the daily thanks chick-fil-a you totally filled this bun up totally not a rip-off at all why's the pickle look so scary too oh those fries were put in upside down that sucks why don't we do things my way it's so much easier see you just cut the pipa chocolate out instead of taking the actual pip so much better i only got one chopstick well it's not a chopstick it's a chopped stab and put in your mouth hopefully you didn't get rice random number generator 6a419 one okay then on my new controller there's a teeny detzel that is wrongly colored is it detzild that's hill i thought it was the shield of like triforce oh i see the leg is blue yeah i just burned this controller but also might be worth money because it's a misprint i made this and words can't describe how annoying it is after a hundred plus times never ask a woman her age a man his salary a colorblind person what color something is after you learn they are color blind hey what color is that i don't know i can't see them you dick orange tangerine tangerine orange orange you glad i'm moving on from this post am i understanding this correctly covey 19 is so deadly that paul manafort and michael cohen had to be released from prison early but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto okay cool that checks out totally not fabricated or anything what i ordered left versus what i got right oh oh this kind of makes it cooler though you sir are a monster you've ruined this carrot slash cheesecake just just cut next to each other there's no reason not to deer winter branch cracks holy crap dear when two tons of steel are coming at them at 40 kilometers an hour hey how's it going let me just dent your car diploma finally came in stunning presentation at bcu ah i see totally totally worth that eighty thousand dollars in debt i am wine doesn't solve problems but neither will water don't shop adopt visit your local animal shelter okay okay all right then oh that's a very good parking spot um let me just get my key out and make a nice little note on the side of your door real quick okay this is obviously like a 14 year old girl who likes to use too many emojis it's a sidewalk to nowhere hey this happens all the time in florida and like honestly i'm just used to it virus thing for sure why didn't you put dasani in there dasani's not good for drinking so it might as well be used for putting out fires if you like the fireworks clean up the mess dude i lived in daytona beach for a while let me tell you every day after the fourth of july the front of my like house where the beach was was covered in old fireworks and this made me so angry the way my sister takes a piece of butter she's a maniac and doesn't deserve the joy of butter our fortune cookies have advertisements inside okay okay viral advertising taken to the next level hey there bud can you just move your face in front of the shield and stand on the x please very simple to follow yeah yeah it's not hammer time it's definitely not hammer time the godless heathen let it finish or hit clear okay i do this too i think this is better because if i can time it just down to the beep it's like yes i beat the machine you had one job put the brick in line with every other brick what did you do the opposite of that and for that reason you're not getting paid today george it's a shame to see ign stealing my deep fake videos and trying to cut my watermark and then uploading to their facebook pages and getting millions of views so making a bunch of money without even taking my authorization i spent three weeks on average to make each deep fake and they just didn't bother and re-uploaded my videos without permission i filed a dmca takedown and facebook protected them if they stole a 500 sub-count channel content i wonder how many smaller creators were stolen by ign and none even noticed what a shame this actually happened to a series i used to voice act on that did like video game parodies let me tell you we won in the end suck it ign did not fully plugged in 3.5 mm jack on pewdiepie's headset pewdiepie what are you doing my rent-a-car came with two sets of keys but they are crammed together with steel wire i'm currently renting a car from hertz and let me tell you they do this all the time my in-laws do this you know what i do i pick up the soap slipper garbage pick up the soap's favorite garbage pick up the soap molecule garbage if i see you doing this or eating a taco like this honestly that's up to you man it's not going to make me angry eat food how you want to eat it ketchup plus ranch crunch crunch ah okay okay this reminds me of when they did that like multi-color rainbow uh ketchup no one's gonna buy this stop making it landfill recycle okay yep some yep yep yep fried rice five stars two stars four stars one star three stars just put it in order from five four three two one or one two three four five that's simple parmesan cheese ha more like nacho cheese cause you're not getting none of it none of it damn it oh come on just just get the same light hotel why you got to do this just real quick take the yellow light and boom my friends bathroom lights oh this makes you angry you should see mine i got one giant like stage back room light and then like three small ones of all different sizes hey man i'm broke i can't afford more lights man my grandma bought lucky charms then took all the marshmallows out and put them in a jaw because she didn't like them hey man i just take the jaw and go to town my employee handed out mass and sanitizes the mask was not wrapped but the sanitizer was ah okay then what why do you got a litter man just pick up your litter there's a trash can right there why you gotta destroy the park for everyone else i never understood this apparently my siblings need to open a new bottle every time they need a drink so you'll know what they do take milk away switch it out with poison milk that will teach them listen it's been stuck on this for five minutes everything's working properly red orange yellow green blue purple and black or gray no that's not how it works a hundred percent perfect except for this little last nudge just move over there we go good to go oh that right there that's the crosshair of death way too much packaging for a small cord if you think this is way too much packaging buy a bueno four pack that thing has three wrappers per piece of candy you have to open i swear to god dude this isn't even like a normal toilet paper roll that you have to fight with to get off all you have to do is slide it off the end there's no squishing it together pulling it off no but instead you're like eh it's fine plus you're hung the toilet paper the wrong way i don't know who who parked this i'm guessing the car went underneath the truck and if so ballsy moved dude ballsy move you would never catch me doing that in my 97 civic what the hell is going on here why do you got a park like this there are very clearly enough parking spots but all you're like nah man let's make a crappy jigsaw puzzle with our pumpkin good job what a shame you're never getting that bacon out and can you please do some nail care my dude like look at that cuticle jeez oh okay thanks pizza hut what a great job you did also there's a little too much pepperoni on here and that's coming from someone who loves pepperoni oh i see this is why the plant is trying to kill us we uselessly use plastic that's slowly killing it oh dude that sucks because if you go to take that out wrong and make a connection or ground it somewhere you're gonna get a nice little shock still a good 20 sec left on the video but i can't see because of this recommendation that i can't turn off yes this is problem with youtube that is why us here at easy peasy big brand moment we use blank outro card sold not to block the content oh man i i thought it was bad cause i only saw the light gray one with the dark and then you look all the way up to the right corner and then boop there's the gray one right there just taunting me like nine i don't gotta fix one i gotta fix two my brother is an absolute sadist my brother does this too and uses my toothpaste and beg him not to but he still does it pepper salt can you just switch the lids real quick thanks bud this uh this uh enforced across your experience thing is giving me brain problems oh this right here this is why california every time it rains people reckon die because they're not used to driving in the rain and our drainage system is crap back pain relievers on the last shelf oh that's funny because you got to bend down and you're going to throw your back out even more dude why you got to do that that is not a lightsaber that's a starbucks coffee it's disrespecting the aisle and just throw it away just throw it away and this too this too yo you took frozen items out of a refrigerated area the gummy bears i can understand maybe you just didn't want them left on the shelf i can kind of understand that and that's come from a guy who worked at walmart but this is a refrigerated item that is now turning bad and has to be thrown away it's a waste of food and a waste of time oh there's a screw screwing the screw and you got screwed by the screw screwing the screw that made my brain hurt forget to add soap to the shopping list so now i'm stuck trying to shower with this well hopefully you don't drop it because uh that's a bad time for you red dead redemption 2 character character character character all right then i don't know why but i i both love this and hate it because they are beautiful photos but you turn the one the wrong way but still beautiful photos like damn dude those are some nice sunsets especially that top left one that looks beautiful stainless steel just ignore the rust i think it's coated in stainless steel but when they do the engraving you're like eh it's fine yeah this right here happens a lot and what sucks is you got to repaint the wall if you scrape it off or just leave it someone stole a stepping stone from the side of my house why did you steal stepping stone i don't really understand like what is so special about it stop stop making signs like this is advice i give you person there's so much wrong the handle is going to melt the egg shells in the pan the egg yolks on the bottom and the wrong burner thing is turned i hate it so much clear thumbtacks on a carpet oh dear god you're gonna have a bad time if you walk around your house barefoot targeting young girls who are insecure about their weight are you female needing to lose 5-20 pounds having no luck with diets between 14 and 18 years old well i give you the insecure device it'll make you hate your body why why why just move the orange cube over man just fix it my appointment was scheduled for 12 45 and i was encouraged to come 15 minutes early this office is closed daily from 12 p.m until 1 pm for lunch thank you ah thanks for lying to me i've misspelled tomorrow so many times that both suggestions are incorrect spellings and it doesn't autocorrect anymore i have this same issue i'm not gonna lie useless useless useless useless useless yeah yeah really reinforcing me about how useless i am all right thanks meme i reserved an airbnb with sea view can't complain you do get a view of the sea you can't complain you really can't dude why you're driving a gmc this ain't like a porsche this ain't like a maserati you're driving a gmc suv and you know what on purpose i would park as close as i could to your front bumper and get someone to park as close a gun to your back my girlfriend opens new water bottles without finishing the others first send help please well if she was my girlfriend she wouldn't be any longer okay now this is bad for the environment and i get what they're going for like oh just take a few with you share them with your friends that way no one's touching each other's food but also this just reminds me again of kinder's bueno bars look up the four pack the four pack comes in one big wrapper then you gotta unwrap the two packs inside and then each one of the candies has four wrappers this is just like that you're wasting it and this is why the plant is trying to kill us hey guys and gal and every other beautiful person thank you so much for watching feel free to like comscribe let us know in the comments what you like to see more of maybe some new subreddits maybe some new content just let us know and here at easy peasy we'll try and fulfill that wish anyways have a good day and be good people or don't i can't stop you if you're a bad person
Channel: EzPz
Views: 170,359
Rating: 4.9381089 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/MildlyInfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, ezpz, emkay, ez pz
Id: PzOGy_saHhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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