r/Relationships My Husband Intentionally Broke My Dog's Leg!

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welcome to our slash relationship advice where Opie's husband intentionally breaks her dog's leg and I have a very special surprise at the end of this video so make sure you listen to the very end I a 23 year old female and days away from giving birth and my 37 year old boyfriend just decided to tell me that he can't be at the birth because he's married I'm just in shock right now like I almost feel numb but I really appreciate everyone here for your help I was really happy and looking forward to the baby and I just feel really sad right now so I need to take a breather everything is ready for the baby and I'm still excited to meet him but Jesus so first off I know the age gap probably should have been a red flag but I was stupid we've been together for two years but he lives in a different City when I got pregnant he said he was going to move to my city and we would move in together he just needed to finalize some things with his ex-wife he told me he was divorced when we met and I never had any reason to question it I knew that he had two kids with her as well he told me the truth about that just not that he wasn't divorced or even separated so fast forward I'm 39 weeks pregnant and he suddenly got uncommunicative which is less than ideal when you're literally about to give birth bear in mind that he was supposed to have been fully moved in here about a month ago but he blamed köppen today I found out I'm going to be induced on Monday unless baby decides to come out over the weekend so I contacted him and I was like okay what's going on and that's when he told me that he isn't actually separated or divorced he never told his wife about anything and now he felt like he was backed into a corner I don't feel sorry for him for that because that's his own fault but obviously literally for days before giving birth isn't the time you want to get this news and I have no idea what to do now tell him to F off obviously but what else I mean I feel like I can take care of the baby but I was preparing to have a partner to take care of it with me you know I don't even know what I'm asking for in terms of advice but any advice for moving forward and handling this is appreciated Oh P step one find a family lawyer ASAP step two do everything they tell you to step three dump that loser step 4 make sure you save every communication you two have ever had because it's gonna make it a lot easier to sue them for child support later our next reddit post is some throw away slapped I'm a 21 year old female and my 64 year old stepfather slapped me and I don't know how to process it first some backstory I was adopted by my mother and late father I love my mother and loved my dad after he died four years ago my mom remarried two years later with my current stepfather let's call him John I have one younger brother 17 the biological kid at my mom and late dad and two stepsisters both 10 years older than me John generally doesn't care for me or my brother sometimes it feels like he's just leeching off my mother if that makes sense I don't really like him but we never had a big argument and just kind of tried to live alongside each other until I finally move out me my brother mom and John lived together now to the present due to the coronavirus we all had to stay at home the past couple weeks mom doesn't work right now but John can work from home since everyone stayed home all day naturally there was more talk in the family and John opened up a little bit to us he expressed some world views that I didn't expect of him such as that the economy should continue running and it doesn't matter if old and sick people die because they're a burden to the country anyway I told him that he is in fact old and sick he has complications with his heart and his 64 years old my brother was laughing at my remark but John didn't take my comment well and told me to apologize I was kind of taken aback because for me I just stated a fact I said that there was nothing to apologize to he repeated that I needed to apologize I looked at my mom and asked her to defend me to my surprise she also said that I should apologize to him I asked what I did wrong and he started screaming at me to stop being disrespectful and that he's feeding us with the money that he earned and such I started to cry because it felt like I was in a bad dream and then he got up and just slapped me across the face it came out of nowhere and I was just sitting there petrified I guess I waited for my mom to say something but she didn't so I just got up and went to my room I heard my brother screaming at my mom that he hated John when I was in my room my brother texted me if I needed comfort or anything but I told him I'm okay but I didn't feel okay and basically cried till I fell asleep what made the feeling worse was that neither my mom nor John came to my room nothing no asking how I was just nothing it's early morning now as I'm writing this and I still feel horrible I don't want to get out of my room or see anyone I still feel like I'm in a bad dream I guess I'm just asking what to do now and if I was in the wrong or if my comment was offensive I don't know Opie no you didn't do anything wrong here your stepfather definitely crossed a line so first things first that is assault and assault as a police matter you need to call the cops and file a report because what he did is not okay and if he did it once he's absolutely capable of doing it again so it's important to get a document and show your stepfather that you will not let this go unpunished secondly you said you're 21 years old I think it's time to start looking at leaving this house if your father's becoming physically abusive then the best thing you can do is remove yourself from that situation I realize you're kind of stuck right now because of the corona virus but as soon as the quarantine lifts you need to start looking at apartments our next reddit post is from throw away dad lad so I'm a big pet lover we have several dogs reptiles frogs and small animals I work in the pet care industry and have recently lost my job due to the shutdown that being in the case I've been home a lot more often and I noticed the animals aren't attached to him like me I thought nothing of it as I care for them mainly and most of them before we got together our pets had their own room and yesterday I went to let our dogs out and our five pound chew a mix was limping and putting no weight on his leg my husband jokingly said a few minutes before I checked on him I got Rufus to stop scratching the door I thought nothing of it until my poor doc was unable to move I took him to the vet and they did x-rays and let me know Rufus his hip was broken they said being so small it could be because he jumped off the furniture and hurt himself as he's rather old as well my husband later admitted that he lost his temper picked Rufus up from the scruff and beat him he feels incredibly guilty and wants nothing to do with any of the pets now I found out yesterday I'm pregnant and I'm worried he may lose his temper with a newborn much worse than Rufus is constant scratching what do I do I love this man and we've been married half a decade now Opie there's a lot going on in this post so the first major red flag is the obvious one he picked up and beat a five pound dog the second red flag is in my opinion even more troubling after he broke the dog's leg he made a joke about it there's a world of difference between having a momentary lapse in judgment and just acting on emotion versus being proud that you beat a defenseless animal and the third red flag is pretty subtle but still very important based on the way you wrote your post it sounds like your husband didn't confess this until after you went to the vets which means your husband is actively trying to avoid responsibility Opie I know that your life is kind of intermingled with this man but this is three strikes in just one story in my opinion you should be looking for an exit plan down in the comments Raptor claws has this to share been there done that if they'll hurt the animals they'll hurt you both me and my kids are now victims of domestic violence and it started with a similar situation our next reddit post is from throw away dump kill me and my fiance have been together for six years now I love her dearly my fiance has always been huge into drawing in her free time frankly she's really good at what she does she showed me a bunch of stuff in the past and if I recall she's always posted it to her deviantART most of it is video game characters some of her artwork is suggestive yesterday I was talking to a co-worker about video games and I remember my fiance did some heart for one of those games we were talking about so I decided to try and go find it being lazy I decided to punch in her username into Google hoping to find her deviantART except I had a lot more stuff come up Google showed a bunch of pictures I guess you could call them the not-safe-for-work version of art she's done I ended up clicking on them and being sent to my fiance's H foundry profile now I've got to be careful about what words I say on YouTube so it's up to you to figure out what H foundry stands for I just kind of shrugged and didn't care however in the Google search results I also notice a link to an archive of our own story with her username this got me kind of curious so I decided to take a peek expecting it to just be old fanfiction stuff she wrote ages ago there was a lot of stuff including recent stuff in her profile most of it was I guess what you would call erotic fan fiction at this point I found it funny and when she got home on Friday night I offhandedly mentioned what happened and how I found it humorous she got very very upset at me and started acting like I caught her cheating or something I told her several times that I'm not King shaming etc she told me I violated her privacy and broke our trust she said that stuff had nothing to do with me and I had no business snooping I tried my best to calm her down but she was visibly upset last night all of today she's been very upset to the point where she said she needed to spend some time at her sisters I've apologized and told her it was an accident and I told her several times that I'm not being judgmental about what she draws however she's still very upset at this point I'm at a loss for what to do and then thankfully opie post an update she came back after I sent a large apology message apologizing for laughing at her fanfiction and it was not done out of malice and more out of awkwardness we had a long talk about it I explained that I wasn't that comfortable with her keeping such a large amount of her life secret and hidden from me she also admitted that often times when she was saying she was working late in our home office what she actually meant was she was writing and drawing stuff and just wanted to be left alone I told her I had no problem with their hobbies which made her happy she also told me she's so embarrassed because a bunch of it is self inserts of her and some of it would make me unhappy reading it I asked her to show me and she eventually agreed I read some of it and it didn't bother me at all in my opinion to me fantasizing about fictional characters isn't a huge deal as it's simply a fantasy and not real I asked if some of the things she writes about her things it turns her on and I told her I'm willing to try anything at least once yesterday night she actually sat down next to me and started writing while I was next to her on the couch and she didn't seem embarrassed at all anymore so I guess this is good thank you for your help yeah I had a feeling when I read the first part that your girlfriend was just super embarrassed that she'd been discovered but I figured you guys would work it out eventually our next reddit post is from throw away so angry and this is an update to one of my previous stories that I covered in an earlier are slash relationships video as a quick reminder opiez entitled sister moved in with her and her boyfriend and she immediately started pushing boundaries by flirting with Opie's boyfriend I finally decided to talk to my sister yesterday she was actually sitting in my living room in her underwear and bra and I completely lost my cool I told her multiple times to wear some clothes but she said it was too hot which it wasn't she then made a small comment about me being insecure about my boyfriend liking her or something like that and that made me angry i sat her down and we talked I told her she was making me uncomfortable she was making my boyfriend uncomfortable and we wanted her to leave she looked very shocked by it because I don't think I've ever talked to her like that she immediately apologized though she said she didn't know or some BS which I wasn't going to fall for this time I gave her an ultimatum she needed to pack her stuff and get out in three hours she looked very emotional and she apologized a lot said sorry a lot and that she loves me she said she would never intentionally try to hurt me if I misunderstood her actions it wasn't her fault she kept saying she didn't know she said she was just trying to be friendly with my boyfriend which is not true at all I asked her if sexually harassing someone was friendly to her and she started crying by this time my boyfriend who was in our bedroom avoiding my sister and her skimpy clothing came out to support me she kind of directed her questions towards him she asked him if she was making him uncomfortable he said yes and she cried and apologized she then tried to gain his sympathy by saying that I was kicking her out when she had no place to go she also lied that I was always mean to her she completely ignored me and asked him if she could stay she had nowhere else to go of course he said no what the f did she think I will forever remember the look on her face so yeah she actually refused to leave cried a lot and said she was jobless and she didn't have money a place to stay friends etc I told her she had no friends because she was a jerk the first time I said something like this to my sister she even tried to guilt-trip me to let her stay by repeating the words I'm your sister family I love you etc me and my boyfriend helped her pack all her stuff and put it next to her car I told her she can stay in her car I didn't care I wanted her to go it wasn't really epic like some of you wanted I was actually crying a little while I was shouting at her because I was shaking so much at one point my boyfriend had to tell me to calm down it was just so overwhelming I'm just glad she's gone she did leave eventually she was calling someone and I'm pretty sure she went back to her own flat thank god she's not going to my parents because I don't think she knows how to quarantine I know she won't quarantine and this was the main reason I was hesitant to kick her out two to three hours after she left my mom called me and yelled at me for kicking her out I shouldn't have been shocked when she accused my boyfriend of bothering my sister my mom also asked me what kind of man I was dating I should leave him etc I should have expected that really I tried to reason with her but my mom was just angry at me she asked me things like how can you do this to your own sister and similar BS she should be asking my sister at that point I was so effing angry I was in tears and shaking I just told her to f off in anger and hung up it was just a weird day I'm proud of myself for finally standing up to my sister but I also don't really feel like getting up from my bed my boyfriend is back to his cheerful self and I'm happy about that but I just feel like such an idiot I should have realized my mom wouldn't never take my side a long time ago I just don't understand what I did to make my mom so angry at me why doesn't she love me I've done everything she asked me to do but she never takes my side of things I just want her to effing love me and support me for once it just never happens and I feel like I'm an effing idiot for even trying I think she regrets I was even born anyway f that I'm done trying to reason with them my mom will never believe me pretty sure my sister lied to her so mom keeps calling and trying to speak to my boyfriend I'm currently thinking of cutting off all of my family all they do is make me feel like garbage I deserve better than that my boyfriend deserves better than that Oh P I don't know why you said don't expect a badass ending because that was kind of a badass ending you stood up for both yourself and your boyfriend against your sister who was emotionally manipulating you and kicked her butt to the curb so good on you o P and needed to give yourself a lot more credit that was our slash relationship advice and recently I've been trying to grow my podcast and I just came up with a very interesting idea I'm trying to get people to follow my podcast and as a way to say thank you to the people who support my podcast I thought I'd give a shout outs so if you want me to shout you out go to the Apple Store or Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcast and follow my podcast then go to the anchor fm link down in the description and leave me a voice message to start off I think I'm gonna do shoutouts maybe once or twice a week but at the moment there's only like five voice messages in my inbox so the odds of you getting picked are actually pretty high our first shout-out goes to Shelby the thing Shelby for helping my podcast grow I really appreciate it hi are / this is me Shelby / my last name hope you're doing good you are the best I love your videos every day watch them in the morning before I go to work I work in customer service food and waitress and housekeeping and so it's really awesome to kind of get a little vent going before I face the beast that is my work keep doing what you're doing love you love you go you guys have a good day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 406,990
Rating: 4.9342828 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, relationshipadvice, relationship_advice, relationship advice, r/relationship_advice, relationship_advice posts, relationship, r/relationships
Id: V34Bntoik94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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