r/Prorevenge Evil Landlord Gets ARRESTED!

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welcome to our slash Perl revenge where Opie takes down the IRS our first reddit post is from fox mccloud first you have to appreciate the kind of guy nathan is brilliant engineer slash crazy person because Nathan likes rules and Nathan doesn't give up when he knows how things should work I like to get him to tell the story whenever we're together because he doesn't even see why it's funny it's just how he deals with all problems Nathan was like if you saw Sisyphus and you thought maybe I should try to stop him but then one day the boulder was on top of the hill and you go and ask Sisyphus how he did it and he replied it was simple I just kept pushing it forever and ever and eventually the mountain gave up a real grade 19 bureaucrat he just worked systems through problems no matter how daunting they should seem until one day when Nathan's unstoppable force met an immovable object I came into work and saw checks and envelopes spread all over his desk and Nathan filling them out with the kind of grin steve buscemi might have crossing off a list with a tube of lipstick I asked him about it and he calmly starts explaining that he's having trouble with the IRS I probe a little deeper since that in no way explains more than one check or envelope and he starts telling me about how last year during tax season he was in China for work so he started filling out his taxes early while at his parents house he owed a little but left before he could mail it in but he remembered while he was in China and he broke through the Chinese firewall in order to pay the taxes online but then his parents thinking he forgot wrote a check for him and mailed his taxes in to so now his taxes would be paid twice so they said don't worry about it we'll cancel the check well it turns out that the New York State IRS has a canceled check fee of something like 40 bucks and they sent Nathan a bill and penalty for the $40 that was it that was the whole story $40 fee Nathan why do you have 20 checks on your desk oh well after I explained to them what was wrong with the fee they didn't get it so Nathan spent the next four weeks escalating the issue to the point that he got a case officer a real live human agent on the phone with a case number remember the next sentence I'm about to speak because it's important for later Nathan started by asking for the agent to spell his name and politely to demonstrate that he was where he said he was by asking how the weather was and how the drive-in had been that day he then asked for his agents manager got their name and exchanging pleasantries he explained that his parents wrote the check but that he was the one being charged the fee the agent explained that this was the policy of the IRS all canceled checks will result in a $40 fee the agent and Nathan went in rigorous complaint circles for hours exploring the rules Nathan didn't calmly confirm that one it is the policy of the IRS to allow just anyone to write a check on behalf of anyone else yes sir that is fine you just need to indicate the name and zip code of the accounts to it is the policy of the IRS to charge a $40 cancellation fee to the person whose account is indicated on the cheque yes sir that is the policy in New York State this means that and I swear to god he actually asked the agent this hypothetical on the phone I Nathan could write a ten dollar check and indicate it's for you mr. agent at one two three four five selected in New York and canceled its resulting in a $40 fee for you with absolutely no penalty or recourse to me the equally complaint and rule minded agent replied yes sir I guess you could so that's what Nathan did and that's what he was doing with 20 checks on his desk and what he meant by IRS trouble he was following at sending checks to the IRS address to pay the taxes of the agent and the agents manager so Nathan could cancel them causing the agent and his manager to owe the IRS a fee for each canceled check he was exploiting the same flaw in the system in which he was caught to essentially extort the IRS agents I laughed about this for weeks after and then three or so weeks later I'll be damned if he didn't receive a letter from the IRS sir we understand the point you've made please consider your fee waived and I hope we can put this behind us that is formal IRS speak for please stop please we surrender if he wrote 20 checks divided between the agent and the manager that means that each of those people got hit with $400 in fees and that's just the start Nathan could have done this infinitely for only the cost of a postage stamp our next reddit poses from deadly gerbil many years ago when I worked for a rent-to-own company in a small town there was a little apartment complex which I made frequent deliveries to and just as frequently had to repo from it had been a motel when it was built and the owner turned it into apartments by just making drawer ways in the walls between rooms putting a kitchen a living room in one room and a bedroom in the other the place was very rundown and apparently pretty inexpensive and based on a few things customers said it seemed that the majority of the tenants moved in there for short times I figured it was because they were waiting for prefab houses to be financed and delivered since the vast majority of housing in that town was mobile homes turns out I was wrong but more on that later between deliveries and pickups we were visiting the place multiple times per month but the landlord wouldn't let us park the truck in the parking lot to do it it was a motel parking lot so there was way more space than the tenants needed and room for our truck but the minute we pulled into the lot the landlord would come running out of the office and yell at us to get the truck off his property we were still allowed to deliver and such we just had to carry the couches and old-style rear-projection big-screen TVs across the gravel lot from a truck parked on the street it was more than a little annoying then the day came that I was visiting some customers a young couple to have them sign an extension because they couldn't make their payment and I saw an eviction notice on their door I knocked they answered and then they too saw the notice they explained that they needed the extension because they were behind on rent but the eviction was unexpected because they were only two days late the notice gave them one week to move out they signed the extension and I left a little suspicious because that didn't seem right to me a few days later I got a call from the couple saying they needed to return the stuff they'd rented because they were being evicted and had to move to a motel I told them to wait there I'd be over in an hour my wife had worked in the rental office of our previous apartment complex so I knew some tenant laws when I checked after getting the extension signed I found that evictions couldn't be served with only a week notice they had to give 30 days for the tenants to pay or move out if they moved out the landlord could take any unpaid rent out of their security deposit this was a small town with lots of mobile homes so I'm guessing the law was to prevent people from being evicted from rented land on which they had a mobile home they owned but it applied to apartments too normally I'd have considered this none of my business but everyone in our store hated that landlord and wanted to get back at him so I printed out the applicable rental law pages from the town's website and drove over to the apartment complex there I knocked on the door of every one of our customers living there which was about half of the 20 or so apartments and gave them a copy of the law while doing this I learned that the landlord had been evicting people like that for being a day late then keeping their deposits citing the very law I was giving to my customers just not the part about 30 days leeway he charged rent in advance you paid for the next month at the end of each month so people were losing their deposits over being one day late on top of that the landlord wouldn't accept late payments even if they were before his scheduled eviction time because he made more money by evicting people and moving someone new in since he kept all their deposits I told the couple that started all this that if I were them I would move out and I'd contact a lawyer or at least the city housing department and file a complaint they were worried because the landlord had said he'd have this Sheriff's Department a victim if they didn't move out in time there were no local police small town but I said that even if the landlord called them I doubted they'd actually evict them if they cited the law that was about all I could do and I hoped it'd be enough it was the couple came in a few weeks later to pay for their rental furniture and to thank me for all my help telling me the landlord had just been arrested they filed a complaint and when the landlord called the sheriff to evict them it had kicked off an investigation I never learned what exactly the charges were or what happened to the landlord but the complex ended up under new ownership and the new manager had no problem with us parking on their property for deliveries also the number of our repos and deliveries there suddenly dropped because people were no longer being evicted constantly between that experience and the other stories I've read online I never cease to be baffled and annoyed that people don't know their rights as tenants check your laws don't take a landlord's word for anything and stand up for yourself I love stories where Opie rolls in like a freakin superhero and does this super beneficial deed that helps so many people but they don't do it because they care about people they do it because of pure hatred and the drive for revenge it's almost like they're villains who accident we become heroes our next reddit post is from bleedy butts my uncle is an indian doctor in the 90s there was a massive doctor shortage in Australia so the government gave him citizenship unfortunately you still had to sit through three expensive exams to work as a doctor in Australia these exams cost thousands of dollars only happened twice a year had limited sitting spots and times and had arbitrary pass/fail marks so many Indian doctors ended up becoming taxi drivers or small businessman etc my uncle decided instead he would reapply and go through Australian medical school sure enough being a doctor for over ten years makes medical school easy and my uncle was top of his class he decided since he was already pushing 40 years old and had a family he would apply to become a general practitioner a family physician instead of applying to be a surgeon like most of his teachers had suggested at the time many desperate foreign doctors were applying for GP residency they would essentially get treated like garbage they would be forced to work unpaid overtime they would not be given proper study time or time to leave to take mandatory exams their employers would pocket the meals a combination study or leave allowances that you were supposed to be paid by the Training College they would schedule you to work every Saturday or Sunday shift and if you refused they would give you a bad review and your training would be jeopardized this mostly happened to foreign doctors as most of them would be in bad debt and highly desperate for any sort of work when my uncle graduated he applied for GP training and a practice that is located within an Indian ethnic Enclave so that he would have access to religious food schools etc for the kids sure enough this practice engaged in all of the above problems my uncle would work every single Saturday shift during his dedicated study time you would have to come into work he got reprimanded for not overcharging patients and line with her framework worst of all when my aunt was really sick and hospitalized they wouldn't give him any time off to look after her and the kids the owner of the clinic was a white GP who was openly racist against Indians Asians and Aboriginal people who were a large percentage of the clientele of this clinic my uncle bided his time for three years and as soon as this documentation came through making him a GP he quit that instant he went down to the local bank and got a loan to open up his own practice all his old patients quickly moved with him to the new practice the first year he struggled but his practice quickly became known and word spread surprise surprise foreign trained doctors actually work well and to care about their patients if you actually care about them and give them appropriate wages and living conditions more patients and more doctors look to work with my uncle within two years my uncle had a GP practice that had four doctors to nurses to trainees and a manager his practice easily rivaled his original teachers he then started two more GP practices with the money he was pulling in these practices trapped his old teacher's clinic in a two kilometre triangle he would advertise heavily and make sure he could take as much business from his old teacher as he could within five years his old teachers practice went from hiring six doctors four nurses and six trainees to just one doctor his old teacher and no one else his old teacher tried to sell his practice to other doctors but no one would purchase it given how successful my uncle's three surrounding practices were he then tried to sell it to my uncle who refused to buy even at a ridiculously low sale price instead he waited for the bank to repossess his old teacher's clinic and then purchased it for a bit more money from the bank my uncle then repurposed the building into his main offices from where he runs his other three practices he made sure to redevelop his old boss's room into staff toilets just as one final tribute to the human turd that was his old boss how awesome would it be if the old boss came to this old office to talk to the uncle and the uncle was like right this way let's step into your old office and they step into the bathroom and some dude is sitting on the toilet where the old boss's office chair used to be that was our / / revenge and this is a video of you go after I read him one of the comments from you guys talking about how much of a good boy he is [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,082,640
Rating: 4.9384208 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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