r/Prorevenge Puppy Abuser Gets ARRESTED and JAIL TIME!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where a puppy abuser gets sent to jail our next story comes from midori n' so I'm not a regular Reddit user I recently found our slash hey that's me on YouTube and heard many stories of revenge Pro revenge etc I am a very forgiving person often taken advantage of but I let it slide I have one exception don't mess with my kids quick backstory my oldest is on the autism spectrum when we first moved here six years ago he saw two girls playing next door with some rocks he knew he wasn't allowed to leave the yard so he ran around our property finding the prettiest rocks he could and threw them at the girls who ran crying to their mom I spoke to their mom who seemed cool and we resolved the issue peacefully I thought shortly after we moved here I noticed the neighbor's dog would get out and roam the neighborhood she was very skittish so I could never catch her we live on a busy road so I was worried and occasionally called animal control to see if they could help her before she got hit one day my neighbor's other dog was in our yard when the kids and I stepped out of the house to go to the car it snarled and growled I called the police it was a Sunday Animal Control was closed and they took care of it the next day neighbors storms over to me screaming at me for costing her a lot of money she blamed me my husband her landlord for not fixing her fence and insisted she had very powerful friends who would crush me if I didn't leave her alone she screamed over her loss of thousands of dollars claiming I cost her daughter her senior pictures you should be more forgiving she said since I should have reported your [ __ ] kid don't mess with my kids another quick note it turns out she would let the dogs out when they were in heat and only let them back when they were pregnant they would sell the puppies and repeats animal control did what they could but they couldn't do much since watching our slash I became quite aware of malicious compliance I read our city's codes and ordinances until I knew them front to back and I reported her for everything cans on the street at 6:01 p.m. and it required to be in by 6:00 p.m. reported I can hear you from my property reported grass to high reported I have a massive spreadsheet of times dates and violations meanwhile she still let her dogs out they dug up the neighborhood pooped everywhere and got into our trash since the one dog was vicious I couldn't let my kids go outside without me we felt like prisoners in our own home the dogs would be outside in all kinds of weather ice storms 100 degree heat no water no food no shelter animal control and I became best friends they desperately one of the dogs were moved it reached a point where they drove by her house on the way to and from work they rescued dozens of puppies sometimes finding them wandering the road where I live there is a limit to how many times you can report someone within a time frame and if I walked into report and they knew I couldn't they would give me a shake of their head and I would instead announce I wanted to look at adopting an animal I've taken in a fabulous sweetie of a cat and a poor abused dog oh but that's not important to the story my neighbor was furious any day I reported them I would wake up the next day to find something on my property wrong car broken into faucet in the backyard turned on high the gas in my grill left on all kinds of stuff I've tried everything even getting PETA involved before I knew they were likely to put the dogs down eventually the vicious dog was hit by a car they immediately got a new dog I reported them for not licensing it when I spoke to other neighbors I let them know what was going on and encouraged them to report them as well I am very active in my community and I've gotten to first name basis with many like the mayor police chief etc there was a sort of Academy to get to know your city and I took it so I met a lot of people in heaven tiering so they view me in a good light well it's been a couple years and my work is finally paying off I got a call from a lawyer representing the county she was bringing everything to the court and wanted me to testify when she found out I had a spreadsheet pictures and videos of everything she nearly squealed with delight my neighbor is currently being charged with reckless endangerment being a public nuisance animal cruelty child endangerment disturbing the peace and I can't remember what else the lawyer informed me that they were requesting the following one they'd not be allowed to own any animals ever to the current animals be removed at once 3 due to the large number of complaints from the neighborhood and due to the varying types of complaints they are to be deemed a public nuisance and be removed from the county never allowed to return for damages be paid to the neighborhood since we all lost many a flower garden to the dogs plus all the time we had to spend cleaning the trash and poop up five jail time now I confess I didn't know it was possible to be banned from a city never mind an entire county it wasn't my intent I just wanted those dogs rescued they didn't deserve to be treated like that bonus a few nights ago I was legit concerned when I heard screaming and crashing from their house I called the police evidently they got the news about going to court and why and it started an argument between husband and wife that evolved into a screaming throwing things event shattering their front window in the process they only arrested the husband who screamed the entire time that he was going to divorce her and she would take the fall for the puppy mill by herself I haven't seen him since but a lawyer showed up at my door on accident looking for her I looked her name up she's a divorce lawyer so I think the main things we can take away from this story is that watching our / vid saves puppies and helps you crush your enemies so be sure to subscribe for more our slash content our next story is from just a mouthful I was in an abusive relationship [ __ ] for over six years my ex is a poor excuse of a human being and I've learned to hate him more than anything else I'm mad at myself to this day because it took me way too long to get out of this situation it was not until I got pregnant that I had enough strength to escape everything so my child has a safe home I planned everything in secret and left without a word I moved as far away as I could I deleted all my social media accounts got a new phone number and used my maiden name again with the money I saved I bought a train ticket and I've ended up in a small and extremely friendly village to be honest it was just a mistake that I was stranded there but it was the best thing that could ever happen to me I was desperate to get a job but I dropped out of school and ran away with my ex when I was 16 I know it was stupid I had no graduation no driver's license and I never worked before but I was too scared to go to the Social Security office because I thought they might be giving out my new name and address to my ex later I learned about women's shelter and data protection but yeah I was pretty dumb back then it just happened that I applied to a small hotel in the village the owners my boss and her husband are just amazing if they ever need it I would give my kidney to them I just love them my boss is the kindest and most understanding person I've ever met but back to the story I just applied to be a dishwasher my boss told me they don't need more kitchen personnel I don't know what happened to me at this moment but I just broke down in tears and cried and cried I thought she would be mad or something because it's not very professional but she just stood up without a word went outside and when she came back a few minutes later she had tea and snacks with her she sat down and handed me the tea and calmly asked me if I want to talk about it I don't know why but I just talked and talked and talked over an hour I told her everything she said nothing and just listened the whole time it felt amazing to just let everything out when I finish she said the most awesome words I've ever heard well we don't need more kitchen personnel but you can come in tomorrow and work two weeks with my husband at the front desk if you prove yourself you could start there I never thought it was possible but she explained to me that Hotel EUR is not a registered job title so everybody can open and or work in hotel to make the story not longer than it already is my first day there was now over eight years ago I worked my butt off to repay her kindness and it was more than worth it my boss helped me through all this time she allowed me to bring my child in when I had problems finding a babysitter and paid me well even though I had no experience she gave me days off so I can go to school and I got my graduation after two years in evening school after five years of work there I got the admission to the final exam with that vocational training my boss promoted me to front desk manager two years ago and I got a pretty nice 45 K salary it's enough for me and my daughter to go on vacation twice a year and live a great life things were awesome I never felt better in life until my ex-husband showed up one day at work he found out where I went because my mother's friend told him by accidents great now he was there at my work telling me how he missed me and how he is sorry for everything that happened and how he wants to be a family again I kicked him out a few days had gone by and the police were at my door my ex-husband called the police because of child abduction it was complicated because of my youth I never thought about that when I made my plans but he was theoretically in his rights to do so he was the father after all and I left with a child but I had one point on my side he never signed custody so I had sole custody and therefore it was no abduction things were settled with the police and I was allowed to go home I told my boss everything and I saw in her head she formed a plan she asked me if I had ever taken photos of the abuse and luckily I did I documented everything every single bruise and black eye I had medical records for broken bones because he hit me with a chair until it broke and a lot more another few days later my boss got a call from my ex-husband asking for my number she was more than happy to tell him he has to call back later because she is in a meeting a lie she told me and we agreed to give him my work cell phone number it doesn't even take him 10 minutes after he had the number to blow my phone up with messages and calls first he was nice talking about how he missed me all those years but after a few messages it was clear he was after the money I make complaining about how I have such a good life now and left him all alone uh-huh he never worked a day in his life and just used and abused the system to pay for his alcohol and glue addiction I kid you not he spends over 500 euros a month just on glue to sniff it he cussed at me called me a prostitute and even threatened to do harm to me and my child when I refused to take him back with all these things in my hand my boss went to her a longtime lawyer and asked him for advice in the meantime my ex-husband wanted to be settled in our hotel for free of course because I'm family after all when I saw his name in the guest list I was mad I wanted to kick him out but my boss told me not to we have security cameras everywhere and my boss wanted to make sure he is seen on it I worked the front desk when he checked in and I told him with a smile on my face too kindly f off and leave me alone he always had a short fuse and hated when I talked back so he was pissed and customi still my smile on my face I just told him we are never going to be family and he is the worst person I've ever met when he saw that I don't fear him anymore he just hit me over the counter I pressed my panic button and screamed two of our cooks tackled him until the police arrived they asked me if I wanted to press charges and of cool I said yes my boss handed out complaint forms to all guests in the hotel present or not in the incident and asked them kindly to please note that they were disturbed through the commotion and they get 15% off their room prices funny thing nearly all guests handed them back and got their 15% off so I said the hotel lawyer looked into everything and he managed to sue him twice once on behalf of the hotel and the second for myself we had so much evidence that he had to pay for all the money the hotel lost for hitting me in the face with the cost of the lawyer 2.5 K and he was not allowed near the hotel anymore for my trial the judge said normally claims for damages lapses after three years broken bones etc but he took my particular situation into consideration and I got twenty five thousand euros for damages to my body as well as emotional damage and a restraining order the best part is this whole trial made the tax office and the Social Services look into him and became more concerned with him all the taxes he had evaded were charged back to him which was about 23,000 euros he got three years on probation and five hundred hours of community service honestly the money was not important for me and even though he got what he deserved in my opinion I'm proud to get back at him and at the same time I'm still a bit sad I blame a lot on me because if I had made things different when I was younger I might never end up in this situation but I'm glad everything turned out well Oh P I don't know why you're so down on yourself in this story to be honest your story is kind of inspiring you got yourself out of a toxic relationship built a new life for new and your daughter and landed a pretty good job kudos to you that was our / / revenge and if you want to save puppies and destroy your enemies then be sure to subscribe to our /
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Id: XPoACWit1rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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