r/Idontworkherelady Stupid Customer VS Army Veteran!

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady we're an entitled woman gets beaten up by a combat veteran background I am a small Chinese woman living in a predominantly white neighborhood our house has a large front yard and we like to do the gardening ourselves I don't speak with an accent and I usually use a very English name for easy communication I called for a free estimate from a local duct cleaning service and scheduled it on Saturday my mom and I were in the front yard planting flowers and eating chatting family stuff in our own language while enjoying the nice weather outside we were in full gardening gear complete with straw hats and rain boots with face masks on a white truck with a trailer drove up and a middle-aged man jumped out he weighs me down hey where is the owner of the house I pulled down my mask oh you must be the duct cleaning service please come in with me no I need to speak with a landlord I am the landlord do you need to come in the house for the estimate the guy cuts me off no I need to speak to the person who made the call I pull out my phone okay hold on and i dial the company number he pulls out the phone see the landlord is calling me hi I'm Opie I'm standing right in front of you I don't think I'll be needing your services today good bye the guys stood there dumbstruck for a moment then Sully walked back to his truck and left my mom looked at me confused and asked in Chinese what was that I shrugged and answered looks like we need to call another duct cleaning company ma'am I'm sorry for being sexist and/or racist actually I was being an East in so many different ways I'm not exactly sure which one offended you the most can I please still have your business our next reddit post is from fluffle for five my husband works for a pretty prestigious university as the director of student life he oversees a decent sized staff and their work encompasses all manner of student activities groups Greek life etc a little background before I get to the incident a few months ago we were acting our baby most people on campus knew this and knew that my husband let's call him Joe would be taking paternity leave when the big day came I called him at work and told him it's go time meet me at the hospital and he dropped everything and ran out the door as you do in the delivery room we had plenty of downtime so from time to time he checked his work email while I rested he's looking through it and goes what the f a professor wrote him the most caustic unhinged rant saying basically I came into your office to see you about a matter concerning my students and you weren't there despite the department hours clearly stating eight to five this is unacceptable and unprofessional contact me immediately etc he'll old and said won't she feel silly when she gets his out of office reply but no ten minutes later she's harassing him again finally he sent her a very terse reply and it seemed that that was the end of that but not for long every day for the next week this professor came to the office demanding to know if Joe was there more than one tear was shed by the staff during this time I don't know exactly what she was saying or why no one else could do what she needed the staff was kind enough not to burden Joe with this while he was on paternity leave but reports are it was like having an angry de mentor come through on the first day Joe returned to work he got to meet this professor face-to-face he was in his office on FaceTime with me actually when yelling erupts from down the hall oh he says to me but that's her we hung up and what conversation happened in that office can only be imagined or maybe he told me and I forgot hashtag newborn life but by all accounts she was cantankerous irate and incorrect in what she was trying to do could not be told otherwise as he's in charge of the department but not of her he could only put his foot down on the request but not the behavior finally she left and the whole situation was done and dusted finished and forgotten but again not for long fast forward to yesterday I decided to pop in with a baby to surprise him and hopefully we could go to lunch also show off the baby of course when we arrived it was squeeze all around from the office staff and one of the ladies took the baby for a tour around the building I've been holding that kid for three months straight so I was happy to let her Jo's admin assistant told me he was in a meeting for another 10 minutes or so and then she went off on the baby world tour so I decided to sit in his office and enjoy merciful silence but Anji guested not for long inter the professor from heck I knew it was her before she said one word she looked like an ivory tower Karen with him I want to talk to your Dean hairdo does nobody do any work around here this is out rages where's the administration assistant why is Joe even on the payroll if he is never here go find him what oh my effing gosh are you two effing hung over to accept simple direction what the f is wrong with you I kicked your butt out of class looking like that I don't care where he is go and get Joe oh you think I'm a student she says mockingly oh I'm gonna pretend I'm not a student now sitting in the office with the university's sweatshirt and a book bag what group are you in because Joe will be very interested to hear how inept you are I'm like book bag oh yeah diaper bag Lowell at this point I decided to ride this out and hope he comes back in season in progress okay let's say I'm a student why do you think I work here that was exactly the wrong or right depending on your point of view thing to say this lady came undone in a torrent of maniacal hissing and shrieking her vitriol knew no bounds as she directed it at me the office staff my husband all students except hers the building itself I've never seen such a tantrum give the baby a few years as she's having her meltdown I moved out of the chair where I'd been sitting and sidled up to a photo of our wedding that Joe hung up I leaned against the wall like a laconic cowboy with my foot up arms folded smirking unsurprisingly she didn't notice the similarities between the beaming bride and the dumpy sleep-deprived chick standing before her but I remain committed to the con after several moments of a non-stop torrent of verbal abuse she owes not even fit for Community College how the f did he get a job here was the one that made me chortle she didn't like that much I hear a flurry of footsteps come flying down the hall the admin assistant comes sliding through the door like Kramer face white as a sheet I asked her if Joe junior is okay another co-worker had him in another office because they heard the crazy professor and didn't want his baby self to learn what madness lurks in the world at such a tender age she has exactly enough time to answer yes before the professor unleashes the Kraken in her direction visa vie the ineptitude of moi clutch pearls the admin assistant says wait what are you talking about that's Joe's wife me still posed like the Marlboro Man points in my picture and right on cue here comes the man of the hour Joe complete with Joe jr. and armed the co-worker holding the baby had called a cell phone and told him what was happening and to get back here a Joe was livid but that eeriest scary sword that is a schadenfreude of lovers delight when directed at a deserving recipient he handed me the baby and asked if I was alright and then turned to the professor get out do not come back until I spoke to your department chair I'm going to lunch and then I say boy do I have a story to tell you and out the door we swept off to lunch where we got pizza and migraines from laughing so hard so I actually know people who work in universities and I've heard some real horror stories from what I've heard yes professors really can be this egotistical have any of you had similar encounters with insanely and titled professors if so I want to hear from you down in the comments our next reddit post is from Hema and horses some background before I start I am in my 30s have a bit of gray in my beard and regularly wear my hair in a ponytail I retired from the military and after a lifetime of being a noncommissioned officer apparently have an air of I know what I'm doing even when I clearly do not know what I'm doing add to this that my primary job is horse training for dressage so I tend to dress up a bit due to the nature of my clientele what this means is that it is very common for me to be wearing slacks a button-down shirt and a waistcoat I get mistaken as management fairly often though greater than 90 percent of the time the people I'm interacting with simply apologise and go on their merry way every once in a while it goes much worse this happened about three weeks ago I had to have one of the rescue horses euthanized due to an injury that his emaciated body simply couldn't recover from and this happened about a month after my elderly mayor who was the best horse I've ever had the honor of knowing had passed due to age suffice it to say I was in a funk but needs must so off to the market I went for dinner supplies as I'm browsing the shelves looking for an item I can no longer recall I hear someone clear their throat in the obvious give me your attention away assuming that I'm in the way of their buggy I step closer to the shelves without looking up Hugh a second louder throat clearing I make the mistake of glancing in the direction of the sound what I see is a stereotypical Karen standing behind her buggy arms crossed and looking at me very disapprovingly while I don't recall exactly what was said through the entirety of our interaction a good portion of it is burned into my memory now you acknowledge me I've been standing here for ten minutes huh you gonna help me or not well given how rude you're being when we've just met I would rather not how dare you speak to a customer like that what's wrong with you at this point I briefly worry that she's one of my clients at this table but quickly decide that if she is then I can stand losing her me still thinking she might be a new client but knowing that I always let them all know to address concerns at the stable directly or via my professional phone number I'm not working at the moment so if you've got a problem just leave me a message or swing by the office tomorrow this needs to be addressed right now unsure of the exact wording here but that was the gist of it well I doubt that she proceeds to prattle on about a rude employee who wouldn't get her some item and now it was no wonder since management was the same way this is the point where I finally clue in I believe you're mistaken as I don't work here I don't care if you're on break you're the manager do your job I say slowly and deliberately I did not say I was on break I said that I do not work here yes you do but you won't for long give me your regional managers number now I laugh right I'll get right on that for you sod off she sputters about rudeness and how loyal a customer she is etc etc I reiterate one last time that I don't work there decide that whatever I was looking for is probably unnecessary and turn to walk away this is where she screws up a big time after multiple combat tours I don't deal well with large public spaces as it is and I deal even less well with being pushed grabbed pulled or other very sudden actions directed at me she comes up behind me grabs my right shoulder and attempts to turn me around I know she was talking and yelling at the time but I don't know what she was saying out of reflex upon feeling the pull on my shoulder I rotate my arm around her trap her hand with my other hand and step through while pulling this puts her face first on the floor and I've got her arm levered behind her with my knee on her back as soon as I became aware maybe two seconds after the initial grab I let go step back and figure I am screwed she starts bawling about my breaking her arm it wasn't there was no actual damage to her except a bruise where her face hit the floor which causes an employee to come running he asks if she is okay and what happened she screams about how she was just asking for help and I grabbed her and threw her down he looks at me he knows me because this is near my home and I'm there weakly and I tell him to get a manager and to call the police this shift manager arrives before the employee can even take two steps and asks what happened as this manager knows me very well I teach his daughter to ride and we hang out fairly often he hears what she says and responds with when the police get here they can review the security video then ask the employee to escort me to the managers office until the police arrive at this point I'm figuring that I am well and truly buggered about ten minutes later still waiting for the police arrive I hear a commotion Karen slams the door open and proceeds to scream at me at the top of her lungs the first thought in my head was well I'm done I stand up square my shoulders and turn on my sergeant voice quiet you ragged grunt you assaulted me you grabbed and pulled me I didn't survive three tours of combat just to be treated like trash in a supermarket is that how you treat all the people around you or just the ones you think are below you because they work in a place like this at this point she is silent and has gone full deer-in-headlights like a private who just got off the bus at basic training I continued not noticing that there are now two police officers nearby nothing gives you the right to treat people like trash let alone put your grubby hands on them you've probably gotten away with it before it's just your sodding luck to have put your hands on a veteran with PTSD this time now sit the F down and don't open your [ __ ] holster until someone asks you to she sits quickly and quietly the officers into the room fully and I sit back down one of them takes her out of the office the other closes the door and asked me for my version of what happens after I finish he steps out confers with his partner then they speak to the manager and toddle off to watch the security video a few minutes later they walk back in the office I assume I'm to be arrested so I turn about and put my hands behind my back because I don't want to give them any reason to view me as a threat they then ask if I want to press charges I turn around see that they have her in cuffs they explained that when they came out from seeing the video she verbally assaulted one of them then spit in his face when he told her that she could not press charges because she was the aggressor they were arresting her for assaulting the officer and wanted to know if I wanted to press charges for her assault on me I was tired I was hungry and I just wanted to go home I told them as much and they left my buddy the manager came in after that and gave me a ride home because I was really in no shape to be driving um so here's a lifepro tip for you don't assault combat veterans not only will they absolutely wipe the floor with you but you're also gonna come off looking like an absolute d-bag our next reddit post is from BTS I work at a hospital as an ER nurse which means when I start at 7:00 a.m. by 9:00 in the morning all the flips I possess are gone and by the end of my 12 and a half hour shift I'm pretty much just done with people in general don't get me wrong I love my job but fighting Darwinism can be exhausting so after a rather grueling shift I stopped by the grocery store for dinner I'm tired and feeling super lazy at this point so even though I'm only grabbing a couple of things I use a regular card cuz you know I can lean on it I do my shopping pay for my goods and head out to my truck just to inform and no khakis were involved here store employees wear dark brown slacks white collared shirts and ties I was wearing an incredible scrub top yes the animated movie no you can't judge me and bright blue scrub pants after loading my groceries I of course return my wheeled crutch a him shopping cart to the corral and return to my truck when I see a harpy with a resting jerk face that would make Lois from malcolm in the middle' proud screams across the lot boy I'm done you can take my card now huh I know I look young but really boy come over here and take my cards yeah I don't work here sorry just do your dang job and take my cards that's gonna be a hard note from me sorry I started again back towards my truck harpy at this point decides to thrust her cart towards me it rolls as carts with wheels are one to do and to me it's like a train wreck I want to look away but I can't i mesmerized by the free range movement of this cart as it runs right into a Jaguar a nice clean one with dealer plaque still on where the license plate should be and a woman who totally look like a Karen you know the type just getting out the Karen obviously starts screaming and hollering as only a Karen can harpy is trying to blame me for not running out to catch the card I'm trying very hard not to start laughing I finally get back to my truck as her pee is screaming at me to stop because this is my fault because I should have collected her cart in the first place the last thing I heard before closing my door and driving off was the Karen's screaming at harpy about how he's effing wearing scrubs how could any idiot think he works here I think this was the first time I've ever rooted for Karen that was our slash I don't work here lady and if you enjoyed my content please like and subscribe this video because it honestly really helps me out
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,873,824
Rating: 4.9381504 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Id: qFEISfAx9dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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