r/Prorevenge Nosy Neighbor Gets SKUNKED!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge we're a noisy utility worker gets skunk bombed our first reddit post is from quiz less a few years ago I was working in a job I really enjoyed with the team I really gelled with there were about five of us working on the same portfolio of projects in different roles and every single team member was just cream of the crop incredibly good at what they do I can't overemphasize how satisfying it was to work with such an incredibly competent likable group of people in this job instead of getting the Sunday night blues I would get excited thinking about the work I would be doing the next day and planning how we would solve the complex problems together it was like a series of logic puzzles yes I realize I'm a huge nerd I promise I also had a life outside of work the one downside there's always a downside to this job was Steve Steve was not in the supervisory line for me or any of my team members but he was about three levels above us and very senior he'd been there for years and was tied with senior leadership Steve was also a mega creep he said extremely inappropriate things to young women in the office and he apparently wasn't averse to being handsy though as far as anyone knew that was as bad as it had gotten the women in the office all knew to steer clear of him my first week on the job the whisper network made sure I knew never be alone with Steve sexual harassment is difficult to document and no one wanted to risk their career and put a target on their back going after a big guy like Steve so he just got away with it for years so for a couple of years I followed this advice there were a few instances of Steve saying incredibly uncomfortable things to me in passing but for the most part I've managed to avoid him then I found out that my teammate Rob had gotten on Steve's radar for context is non neurotypical and has some minor dickish behavior he's also shy and easily spirals into social anxiety when put in uncomfortable situations so one evening and our team's informal weekly happy hour after work Rob lets it slip that Steve's been giving him a hard time the rest of us are like whoa wait what because Steve never interacts with staff at our level except a creep on women and we basically make Rob tell us everything basically for the last few weeks Steve has been bullying Rob making fun of his tics and mimicking his way of speaking back to him he's also been asking Rob how he can possibly be competent to do his job and implying he's a pitty higher ones he called him a [ __ ] it's clear Steve is seeking out Rob for this because again there's really no reason for him to interact with our team Rob has been having horrible anxiety over this situation and has had bad insomnia and stomach issues ever since Steve started targeting him and not that it bears repeating but just to reiterate Rob is an effing beast at his job and a genuinely good guy at this point I'm seeing red we all were we tell Rob to go to HR that has neurological issues put him in a protected ad a class that he could get Steve in big trouble Rob panics and says he can't do that begs us not to tell anyone at work and says he wishes he hadn't said anything we assure him we won't say anything if that's what he wants but we're all very distressed I leave the bar fuming just thinking okay that's it f you Steve you're going down I can't tell anyone about what's happening to Rob because I promised him as much so I start my own paper trail I start baiting Steve and I don't mean I behave in any suggestive manner come on I just stopped avoiding him and I even initiate contact myself i instant messaged him through the companies I am system very professionally and politely asking if a big client will be staying on through the next project cycle and the floodgates open he starts sending me outrageously sexual IMS I mostly don't respond but I occasionally keep him going by sending extremely literal responses to his innuendo Laden questions or pretending not to understand something suggestive he's saying sometimes when he clarifies I'll outright say this isn't appropriate or this is making me uncomfortable or please don't say things like that Steve but he steamed rolls right over me during this time I've also been seeing him more in person around the office and he often says gross stuff to me in person as well a lot of it is not just inappropriate but bizarre and nonsensical is it legal to have a butt like that in that skirt low what every time this happens I immediately go back to my desk and write down what he said the date and time and the names of any witnesses after about a month and change of this I compile my creep journal with printouts of the I am conversations and and take them to my HR rep I asked to file a sexual harassment complaint against Steve as soon as the word sexual harassment leave my mouth my rep instantly gets the head of HR and two other reps and they go through my evidence with me and ask me a ton of questions the head of HR assures me they'll take my complaints very seriously and asked if I know of any women around the office who have had similar issues with Steve I am able to give them several names they send me on my way and two weeks later my rep formally reaches out to me and lets me know Steve has been let go much jubilation is had around the office it took a couple of months for me to piece together the whole story but basically after my complaint HR started following up with the names I gave them both the witnesses to my in-person encounters with Steve and the other women he'd harassed they corroborated what I told HR and then threw them word started spreading around the office that HR was conducting a sexual harassment investigation against Steve this emboldened at least 15 different women who'd been biting their tongues about Steve for ages to come forward and tell their own Steve stories the worst story was from a junior staff member who Steve had sexually assaulted at a company party the year prior during all of this IT had been asked to go through Steve's emails and IMS and this had not only been used to validate my printouts is legitimate but IT had found a ton of additional incrementing stuff in Steve's correspondences somewhat frustrating Steve received an extremely generous severance package as part of his termination but on the bright side word got around the industry quickly and Steve was poison at that point no company would touch him with a ten-foot pole much like how none of the women in that company would touch his 4-inch pole the last time I thought to snoop on his public social media pages he he was listing himself as an independent consultant in our industry which I seriously doubt he's actually doing and based on his public Facebook page he's doing a couple of multi-level marketing pyramid schemes so that should kill off whatever savings he has in short order I don't work with Rob anymore but I did recently attend his wedding he's extremely happy with his new wife who was a sweet and lovely woman and he's doing really well in his career opie you took down someone who sexually harasses and assaults women calling you a hero isn't at all an overstatement our next reddit posted from upchuck to boogie my mom lives in a really small town where people get into other people's business quite often my brother and his family live next door to my mom on opposite ends of shared property though it's shared land they do have separate addresses for their homes they will often share responsibilities in the like well neither household accumulates enough trash each week to justify both of them having trash service my mom pays for the pickup and they share a trash can they rarely even fill the one can between both households the trash man noticed a piece of junk mail with my brother's name and address on it one day and had a fits saying that they had to pay for their own trash service my mom ignored him they weren't doing anything wrong trash man didn't like this he started going through her trash before dumping it in the truck to make sure there wasn't anything in there with my brother's information on it my brother's household started burning all junk mail so no one is the wiser even if they weren't doing anything wrong the trash man kept threatening to have their service cancelled again my mom ignored him he kept digging through the trash and just being a dick in general I told her she should have reported him but she didn't fast forward a couple weeks my mom has chickens something kept killing my mom's chickens my brother set a trap to catch or kill whatever it was and they waited a few days later the culprit of the chicken killing was caught it was a skunk at this point the skunk was dead and smelled awful instead of disposing of the skunk properly my mom decided to be a dick she had my brother put the skunk in the trash can under a bag of trash it baked in the Sun for a couple of days before the trash man came again mom stood outside and watched as the smug trash man opened the can to dig through it and gagged from the stench of the dead recently sprayed skunk I don't think my mom had ever been so proud of herself the trash man stopped digging through the trash and stopped making threats after that though today I learned skunks kill chickens who knew our next reddit post is from yazdan last summer I was at a cousin's wedding his bride and her family had been close with ours since before I was born and the couple had known each other since they were toddlers so it was a particularly exciting event for both sides of the family however after the ceremony was over and the party had only just started one of the bridesmaids decided to announce her own engagement the attention was immediately taken away from the newlyweds and brought to the bridesmaid who i'll call Sarah and her equally smug fiance my cousin's wife I'll call her Emma didn't make a scene or utter a single negative word about Sarah she looked like she was on the verge of tears but she kept grinning and acted very happy for the other couple this was unusual as Emma is typically quite confrontational and speaks her mind no matter the consequences Sarah later picked Emma to be the maid of honor at her own wedding which took place last weekend I wasn't there for it but my cousin sent me some of the best bits on snapchat and explained the whole situation this is where the fun begins Emma's too much younger sisters were the flower girls at Sarah's wedding at the very last moment Emma switched out the white petals in their baskets to blue one she had secretly brought with her she also told her sisters not to say anything about it or let the bride see them until it was time to scatter them down the aisle Sarah looked very confused upon seeing the blue petals which didn't coordinate whatsoever with her theme but of course she didn't say anything about it in the moment most of Sarah's other bridesmaids were also Emma's friends and had attended Emma's wedding and were in on Emma's scheme at the reception Emma's sisters and the other bridesmaids were tight-lipped when Sarah began demanding to know why there were blue petals the wedding planner ended up getting a lot of abuse for not checking the flower girls baskets before they walked down the aisle finally it was time for the speeches the speeches took place in front of massive screen displaying a loop of photos with Sara and her husband which had been compiled by Emma Emma took the remote that controlled the presentation screen and at first she showed some pre-approved humorous photos of Sara with Emma and other friends to facilitate a couple light-hearted jokes then at the very end Emma said to Sara that she must be wondering why there were a blue petals instead of white ones originally planned that was when Emma displayed the last slide from her presentation Emma announced in front of everyone that she was five months pregnant and that she just discovered the baby was a boy hence the blue petals the last slide her ultrasound picture there were shocked yells and gasps Sara had a fit but those involved in the scheme cheered so loudly that I sincerely regret watching the snapchat recording with headphones apparently Sara had been very nasty to her bridesmaids before driving several of them away and forcing the others to pay ridiculous amounts of money for dresses Emma and my cousin were eventually thrown out of the party but they were all smiles Sara's fuming mother went to confront her outside and Emma retorted with gentle gentle I'm pregnant I reckon Sara doesn't speak to the majority of these bridesmaids anymore I feel like somewhere on reddit with several thousand down votes is opposed on untitled parents that reads entitled pregnant woman ruins my wedding that was our / / revenge and if you enjoy my content and want to support my channel please consider checking out my merch store we've got a Yugo plushie as well as official R / t-shirts
Channel: rSlash
Views: 936,843
Rating: 4.93367 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, nuclearrevenge, prorevenge, r/nuclearrevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge, nuclear revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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