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welcome to our slash Perl revenge where a child abuser gets what's coming to her also the other day I asked you guys to send me the worst are slash logo imaginable for a chance to win $100 I announced the winner at the end of this video back story my mother was a really sucky person I have four other siblings one older sister three way younger three different dads before I was born I'm a male by the way my older sister was taken away from my mother when she was a few months old because she tried to stab and slice the father of my sister while he was holding her she lost custody and the dude left her older sister goes to live with her father's family in a different City cute little old me coming into this sexy world my dad went to jail two to three years after I was born for a while I rarely saw him he's an alcoholic if that matters she was a single mother but she made it work and she worked hard one of the bigger problems was that she took out all her aggression and hatred of my father on me as well as work stress etc she dealt with sexual abuse growing up which I'm sure definitely affected her relationships and how she treated me as well anyways cue me being abused from the age of four to five to about seventeen every day was torture she was extremely strict and her perspective was warped she was also pretty big in stature and had a lot of strength examples of her being sucky I've gotten beaten up badly once because her room was dirty the dishes weren't washed and I got beaten as soon as I got home even if there weren't dishes when I left to school if I walked too loud I'd get my butt beat she broke my nose for looking at her the wrong way on my tenth birthday when she bought me a cake I was allergic to it had peanuts she knows I'm slightly allergic but feigned ignorance it was more or less every day or every other day she used her fists elbows extension cords hangers chairs canes bats etc whatever she could find I was getting beaten with I couldn't ever escape to my room for long because she would always call me every few minutes to get her things or to yell at me she never drank or did drugs or anything whenever she was upset and I happened to be in front of her she kicked me down the stairs to make me hurry up she's put a knife to my neck before and had to be forcibly stopped by her boyfriend at the time burnt my Christmas presents from other people she didn't give me anything that year and just other really sucky things the only thing I will say she tried really hard to make up for it with video games and electronics and etc it didn't make a difference to me though it never helped she controlled most aspects of my life I got by with petty revenge's peeing in the Lipton iced tea she drink rubbing her forks and spoons between my butt cheeks before I served her dinner ignoring her screams for help when she had kidney stones how the Freak am I supposed to help anyways but by the time I got to high school I turned to alcohol I resented her and the negative atmosphere affected who I was as a person I started to be cold and uncaring calculated she started kicking me out every few months telling me to find somewhere else to live by age 15 she sent me away to a different country for a year and tried to keep my passport but I made it back to the US with the help of the embassy and my stepfather she had already left by that time and found some other dude I came back senior year with no credits for the prior trade which ended with me getting a GED I spent most of the time I could with my best friend and started working sucky jobs I was terrible at saving as I had accumulated loads of sucky habits while growing up so it didn't make much difference she eventually told me that if I went to college I would always have a place to live until I finished cute my first two semesters at a two-year college I maintained a 3.7 ish GPA my teachers loved me and it was my escape towards the end of my second semester during finals I came home late one night around 10:00 p.m. and my mother Yanks the door open screaming in my face asking when I'll move out I'm slightly drunk and decided to completely ignore her and walk to my room if I opened my mouth that day would be the day I blew up and cursed her out I've rarely ever raised my voice at her because it never ended well now at this point I'm 19 and I've been doing school full-time with knows savings I am also fairly fit and could easily take my mom at this point never laid a hand on her or any woman I hate violence I get to my room she rips my door open and starts yelling I say nothing and stare at her she walks away and called the police on me saying she thought I'd murder her and my younger siblings I don't know where the freak she got that idea from as she's the one who's nearly killed me at many times I packed everything into a duffel bag and left five minutes afterwards I failed all of my finals because I couldn't make it to my school things kind of spiraled and the next two to three years were me on and off homelessness I survived the best I could in a big city with no college degree and made a lot of sucky choices due to my sucky habits eventually I found a profitable hobby that gave me meaning and through that I started to work my way up got my own apartment had a full time job and did my hobby on the side I hadn't kept up contact with my mother at all but my younger sister who was old enough to have a phone found me on social media so I saw photos and such she didn't have it anywhere near as bad but she did get beaten occasionally my mother reached out by email all smiles asking how I've been now guys I've always been envious of the relationship most people have with her mom so I gave her a chance and gave her a call we talked for a few minutes and everything was civil and seemed like things would go okay but then she asked me what I've been up to for the past few years and I told her honestly that I was homeless for a while and struggled a lot after what she did to me but I worked my way out of it she literally laughs she laughed for a few seconds in a very condescending kind of chuckle and then said I never did a thing to you so you don't know what abuse is it's your own dang fault you were homeless so how about you but by that point I hung up I was speechless and fuming I don't know what abuse is okay I've spent two effing long letting you destroy my sanity now is the time there were a few things my mother didn't no one I knew for a fact that current well-paying job she had was non lies as she never got her college degree and lied about it on her resume - I had access to all of her email accounts and cloud storage accounts since I was the one that set them up when I was younger and she never changes her passwords lastly she definitely wasn't aware that from thirteen years old and on to the last time she hit me I took photos of all my bruises marks wounds bloody noses saving them to my computer and then Google Drive on top of that my little sister had been sending me photos via social media of the bruises she got from my mom the first thing I did was compile all of those photos and videos into one folder I then reached out to Child Protective Services in my city and explained that my siblings were being abused how I was abused in the past and that I had mountains of proof since I've called the cops on my mother before and the thing that happened with my older sister there was immediately a home visit they arrived almost a day later with the police and coincidentally my mother was literally in the process of beating my younger sister when they were knocking Hugh an emergency removal of all my siblings from the house and my mother getting arrested though she was released hours later I was getting a day-to-day play-by-play because my mother's best friend is a blabbermouth and everything my mother said she told her son who related to me without either other knowledge I sent CPS all the evidence and there's a legit case against my mother now the next day I emailed and then called up her job to inform them that she had lied about having a very necessary college degree as well as current events in her life which sparked a background check she was fired days later say adios to $75,000 and a blacklist in the only industry you know how to work I then spitefully deleted every cloud account an email address I ever made for her which was all of them which I'm sure will make keeping up with a lot of bills and etc nearly impossible hi then anonymously reported her to the IRS because of the tax fraud she committed four years by claiming people's children that weren't hers with a lot of detailed information since I lived with her while she did it so now my mother lost all her kids and job I'm meeting with a case worker from CPS next week to talk more about what happens moving forward but I do know they're not going back I don't know how she's gonna pay her mortgage now and survive I am sure she's gonna get a call from the IRS who be looking for a few thousand dollars she owes them she also has to go back to court in a few months not exactly sure what she was charged with but I'll update when I find out how everything turns out so now that the story is over I would just like to point out Opie's username you / how about that Lipton about six or seven years ago I was trying to enlist in the military I ended up not joining but that's a story for another time at this point I was led to believe I was about four months away from leaving for boot camp I was running out of savings and needing a part-time job for some spending cash while I waited around so I did what any enterprising 20-something would do and searched Craigslist for jobs I normally hate sales jobs especially those based on Commission's but figured it would be a great way to earn some extra cash short term found a few job listings that looked promising and put out some applications a few days later I received a call from David he was opening up a new store and needed associates he liked my resume and asked if I'd be available for an interview on Friday morning I was very upfront with him and let him know that the distance was a bit more than I'd normally drive for a retail job and asked what he was offering for an hourly rate to see if it was worth the drive he told me that they were planning on offering an hourly rate in the mid teens along with Commission's seemed like an okay deal so I agreed to be there Friday at 8 a.m. Friday arrives as a cold rainy day I wear a nice shirt and tie and drive in heavy traffic to the address David provided I knew the area from a previous job and eventually found the strip mall I was looking for however I'm not seeing any signage for the company name that was listed there is however one empty space with no signage and two people inside okay maybe they haven't gotten the store set up yet no big deal I had arrived early knowing how bad traffic can be in that area while in my car I witnessed a young lady in business casual dress remove a sign from the window stating space for rent called 1-800 blah blah blah okay a little weird but maybe it's the first day in the space I walk in about five minutes early and immediately my BS meter goes from yellow to the highest-level black watch plaid the tables are all simple plastic folding tables the kind college kids would buy for beer pong while on a shopping trip to target the walls are plastered with laminated charts featuring tons of dollar signs smiley faces from stock photos and an organizational chart showing an all-too-familiar shape a pyramid dang it's all rights might as well have fun for a while to wait out traffic going home the young lady in the dress approaches me introducing herself as Cindy she welcomed me to a company a name and asked me to have a seat she sat at her desk another plastic table and pretended to go through paperwork however she was really just shuffling papers around we get to chatting and I asked her how long she's worked for David she says she's been his secretary for about six months and that I'm going to love it here eventually a guy walks out of the back office early thirties clean-cut wearing an ill-fitting suit from JC Penney's as he is walking over all smiles Cindy says Oh Dennis our newest recruit is here the guy stops in his tracks and gives her a cold stare it's David Cindy we've been over this he turns back to me and gives me his brightest hard to find good help these days smile David sits me down and welcomes me saying they're going to start with a group interview and has me sit down in a circle of chairs eventually more people come in and sit down David gets up and begins to thank us all for coming he tells us about an exciting new opportunity from Cutco he pulls out a set of knives and explains how with his company we could make as much money as we want all while setting our own hours he even pulls out a textbook saying about how his company's revolutionary tactics have been featured in college textbooks he opened to a page his hand covering parts of it making sure we can all clearly see the words Cutco large letters on the page sad to say a lot of the other interviewees were very impressed by this one pregnant girls seemed very excited that she could work around her pregnancy and upcoming of birth David was going on and on about how much money he's made and how hard workers will rise to the top quickly at this point David said he needed to take a quick phone call and gave us five minutes to have some coffee chitchat whatever as he stepped away he left his college textbook bind whoops so I pick it up find the earmark page and read as I thought it was all about pyramid schemes and it had Cutco as one of the largest examples it goes on to talk about how these are essentially scams not economically viable etc etc so I decide to share this all with a group I explain how pyramid schemes work and now he's just scamming us they seemed incredulous so I said when David gets back to ask them about what we need to pay to get started that finally got everyone to realize what was going on David walks in a few minutes later and one of the girls in the group asks David what we need to get started well all you need is your first set of knives to demonstrate you can sell that on directly or have them order one and keep that as your demo kit doesn't matter just have to pay the startup fees for it and that's when all heck broke loose one kid started to get up and tell him to go F himself saying he's wasting our time and he's a butthole for trying to pull this stuff the pregnant girl is crying because she thought she found a place that would allow her to work despite being pregnant David is clearly confused and flustered and asking who told them all this when it became apparent that I'm the wrench in the machine David gets upset and starts telling me to leave people are yelling at David David is yelling at me Cindy is trying to tell everyone she never met David before today and didn't know what this BS was eventually we all walk out leaving David behind as I'm walking to the door I see leaning against the wall the sign that was in the window before retail space for rent call 1-800 blah blah blah as I get into my car I dial the number eventually I get through to person and ask about the property for rent at the location of David's company the nice lady on the phone apologized saying they had just leased out that property I asked if she knew how long the lease was for as I was really interested in the property she said she wasn't sure they hadn't done the official paperwork yet they were on their way to the space to sign everything with the lease holder in a few hours I told her everything that had happened to me and about David using the space for a pyramid scheme she got extremely upset saying that this stuff happens all the time in the industry they will go to sign and last minute the lease holder will decide to opt out after using it for some fly-by-night operation she thanks me for the info and I thought that was the end of that or so I thought a few weeks later I received an email from David telling me how I ruined his life about how the property management found out what was going on and weren't refunding his down payment on the space saying he violated a clause in the paperwork he's signed to hold the property how he knew I was the one who called because I'm a terrible human being etc etc now he was out thousands for the space and supplies how he only wanted to give us jobs and help us it was a long very angry email with several things said about me and my mother so I called 1-800 blah blah blah again spoke with the same lady I did before and she was very interested in an email from David where he essentially admitted to what he was trying to do said it would help them in all the legal proceedings and don't you know I was more than happy to send that email along to her her lawyer said it should be an open-and-shut case at that point I like to think I'm a helper hey jerkface who ruined my illegal activity twice in a row here's a long angry email detailing all the crimes I've committed I'm sure this won't backfire in the slightest speaking of emails back firing in an earlier video I asked people to submit the worst are / logo imaginable for a chance to win a hundred bucks I thought to myself haha what a fun little thing to do what could possibly go wrong Oh so after going through every single entry I've selected a winner so the contest is over you guys can stop emailing me now seriously please I'm begging you please stop emailing me so I got some really fantastic entries and I want to thank everyone who submitted so I'm gonna go through my favorites and then at the end I'm going to show you guys the best of the worst starting off starting off with this masterpiece couldn't even be bothered to get a new piece of paper to correct that typo just exit out rip the paper in half and kept going next we have this abomination which might actually be the ugliest logo anyone sent me the only competition for ugliest logo comes from this modern work of art this guy changed my name to butt rash just does an excellent job of capturing the quality of my content here we have the laziest entry so far this looks so bad this looks like one of the terrible backgrounds that you'd see on like a live journal page from like the 90s this is hideous I'm not really sure what's going on with this one I think this guy's pres spray-painted a piece of pita bread then put it on a bunch of garbage and took a photo fun fact the guy who submitted this demanded that I reimburse him for the cost of the PETA gonna be honest with you this one kinda hit close to home and the grand prize winner goes to this post where someone wrote R slash reddit but some guy reads it to you subscribe on the bottom of some person's foot my favorite thing about this submission is that the person couldn't even be bothered to wash their feet before submitting it so congrats so congrats for winning I will send you $100 for this absolute a masterpiece that was our slash Pro revenge and despite the fact that it took me literally hours to go through all those submissions it was kind of fun so if you guys have any suggestions let me hear from you down in the comments
Channel: rSlash
Views: 2,312,006
Rating: 4.9240646 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: nlO1ra7fEls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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