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she caught my face in half johnny she cut my face in half oh little johnny don't be afraid of your vegetables they're good for you [Music] hello you spectacular spatulas welcome back to mk my name is jack the butt crack that smiles back and today you are joining me through some things that are oddly terrifying so sit your face down and put a smile on your butt and enjoy the video my best friend and i send each other thanks i hate this gifts this was his most recent gift don't smile with your teeth while wearing this please this godzilla costume from the 80s oh why is that stuffed right up there in the corner that thing deserves to be in a museum but also okay could you imagine just turning the light on and this thing being right there in your corner excuse me i'm having a child here i'd request some privacy yeah hey what's up i'm baby godzilla not gonna lie i'm very impressed with myself for achieving that voice robot nursery my first attempt at digital art back in 2004 i will never be able to create something this disturbing ever again okay but why are you saying as if it's a depressing thing i mean i can see that being a talent but also i don't want it to be oh the shading it just makes it even more uncomfortable the blackness in that fox's eyes oh come on jessica don't be afraid look i have hair just like you i sculpted off a little boy who wouldn't play along and then there's a giant buddha bear that looks like it's playing with a baby with a head that looks like it belongs to an 80 year old oh we're just going to ignore all the glaring red zombie eyes up on the ceiling there okay yeah that's cool i mean this in the most sincere way i am so glad you lost this talent this tree with money in it oh it's destructive to the environment and a waste of money go humanity we really know how to just make no sense don't we unless this is some good luck cultural thing okay i can i'll respect it for that i'll still find it ridiculous it's like putting a bunch of bike locks over an ancient european bridge like why why small green alien being born in my garden oh god stop i'm not even okay i play dead space how do i find this disgusting to look at seriously brain if you could just make sense for me that'd be great thanks oh cool someone's doing little shadow puppets with the x-ray scan oh no it's actually a nightmare who needs to be afraid of headcrabs when you can be afraid of hand crabs seriously imagine the pimp slapping power of this hand a disguised secret witness testifies in a courtroom on a drug case in washington 30th of april 1952. sir yes sir i understand it's halloween you yeah you can go trick-or-treating later that's when everyone gets the good drugs i mean candies found on facebook someone took a picture of their husky in the dark oh oh that is that's the new momo that right that is definitely the new momo jack nicholson's joker makeup so fun fact to save money on the prosthetics and for jack nicholson to feel like he was really in the performance he'd actually get like b serum like this sting and inject it into his cheek so that they would puff out both makes it look more natural and also the pain helps him tap into his insanity performance now what you might not notice too though is i'm full of schmidt i was told this belongs here ladybugs ladybugs they're not terrifying how could that belong here oh wow that no no that's not terrifying that's overwhelming why are they all grouped together though are they like is it appropriate for us to be taking photos of them a lightning bolt hits water so close you can see it's streamers hey cover yourself up you exhibitionists we can see your streamers honestly everyone these days they're so unconservative what a lobster city no no i was expecting it to be just a creepy looking lobster i no what made you think this was a good idea full face swimming mask from 1928 ah nightmare fuel though i'm pretty sure some women these days still wear these for like religious reasons so i mean it's it's still around unsatisfied milfs be like we buy men used 29 and up oh no my kid discovered the baby monitor no just no with everything here right now no to the muscular man no to the cabbage patch kid who's clearly not grown into the outfit and just no to that dirty fan ah i know some people thirst for us narrators but that is just disgusting this guy's like if the colossal titan was an abnormal who accessed my home security cameras i'm having an existential crisis there okay please don't highlight it better you know what they say about big shoes big clock antarctica scale worms you legislate what the hell is that is not from earth that is not from earth i don't even uh there is no scientific reason for this thing to exist on earth that is clearly a porcupine space worm god damn it humanity why do we keep some things we shouldn't discover if dogs had romance novels he'd be on the cover well there you go folks if you're a furry and you want to get your restrained and slightly lonely mum to understand you a bit better there you go mom i'm thirsty can i have some nestle pure life water thanks mom outlets at my airbnb in the usa hey ladies tell me a lot of men have lived here without telling me a lot of men who lived here it's because they can't find it this is how they take a passport picture for a baby wait you need passports for babies now has this always been a thing okay now that i think about it yeah look trafficking probably would help is why still like oh it's adorable underside of victoria amazonica's lily pad up to 200 centimeters in diameter satisfying and terrifying at the same time veiny alien plant flesh i think this is just further proof as to how much mother nature nails it as an architect hang that baby up and you got an umbrella for days rest in peace rango oh no oh please tell me they shed their skin please oh that but not be his rib cage or something oh that's so horrible no not a photoshop but a completely red sky in yaki yakutiya due to smoke from a massive forest fires that blotted out the sun taken at about 3 30 local time i'm sorry no you were clearly stuck in a minecraft realm and that is a blood moon don't bother going to bed it won't work anymore just bunk it down and just dig down two three blocks of dirt and just hide the remains of this caribou in greenland oh oh dude what a way to go out no oh i guess he was just hanging around a little too long no it's horrible this is disgusting this giant sam sculpture especially the bear oh no someone actually would have paid for this the fire the lion the giraffe is just like i wasn't really ready for the photo oh no that elephant is like a creepy uncle he doesn't know boundaries the zebra is definitely on drugs i'm sorry but was the commission for them to look as horrifying as possible but smiling about it just the lion seems like the only one who's self aware of how horrible this all looks i'm the only one who thinks it looks like someone came to peep through my glass door because i'm honestly kinda scared oh nice that's technically fresh warm handprints too anyway good morning enjoy sleeping tonight i took that picture of the upside down sharks and put red eyes on them why why did you do this why did you think this was a good idea you know anyway it actually makes them look less terrifying and more like they're about to do some epic anime move though at least the sharks look a bit more happier for once this toy horse i found with its skin peeling off oh boy i can't wait yeah you know it actually looks more natural without the obviously fake fur i mean it doesn't help that it's like stiffened up with a giant picking it up like that when the hand soap container has a surprise underneath nah i hate the creepy crawlies i am i don't have a phobia i just that is actually scientific terminology for it if you don't understand it well that's your problem squid big god damn that why do they have beaks birds have beaks squids don't fly stop trying to be something you're not don't listen to them squid don't you be what you want to be let's just follow your dreams man and so the squid did follow his dreams despite the stupid ramblings of an idiot on the internet and after grueling years of effort he too finally became a pilot only to immediately crash a plane because he realized he actually doesn't have the appendages to fly a plane oddly surreal yet this makes me uneasy this is giving me some weird doctor who vibes namely because it's terrible cgi oh wait oh my god is that a woman oh right yeah this is kind of terrifying i didn't realize they existed suspicious pumpkin pie will haunt your dreams not as much as the lack of pee in your pumpkin that okay that actually sounds like something completely different yeah no i'm sorry mr pumpkin pie yeah yeah that was a really weird thing to say i apologize don't please stop looking at me like that would you swim in there i would not because there are no lights and i've played enough of that slender game to not really find comfort in going into dark hallways freshwater eels imagine swimming through here at night oh stop you had me nope at eels there's so many but also why are they so cute that what no okay hold on why would you want to imagine swimming here at night i'm sorry but that is a lot of big large black fleshy oh i see i think i've had a tick or scorpion love child in my office i've got the best of both worlds sphinx cat spreading his toes what the hell that is what that is some like that is some eldritch horror okay wait is this what all cats paws look like without fur i swear that that's not like the same looks like it's just gonna cover my entire face with this pink fleshy stuff so um the local dentist's office went in an unsettlingly horny direction with its advertising oh brush me or tickle me with that bristles oh i'm minting yeah maybe get rid of the feet it's implying something completely different with those things we have a mimosa tree in our garden where two sections were morphing together and years ago our granddaughter put one of her old barbie dolls in the hole in between the limbs and she's been there almost a decade now and the tree has nearly consumed her we call it the barbie tree this is not a creative gardening idea also this just makes me think of all the possible bodies out there that have been consumed by trees also what are you putting your hair barbie 10 years in the elements and it still looks so and shine what's your secret when sperm whales need a nap they take a deep breath dive down about 45 feet and arrange themselves into perfectly level vertical patterns they sleep sound and still for up to two hours at a time between breaths in pods of five or six whales presumably for protection so like who decides who gets to stay in the middle most you know for the sake of the protection like do wales have some sort of hierarchy for those who get to get the most protection here i'm curious who's the mafia boss of the whales ah exactly what i like to see in witness as i'm looking down while taking a dump in the toilet a drowned body what can i say it helps scare the schmidt out of me my cousin put a red curtain over the window all right my smexy mamalots time for some fan art and today's beautiful work is by nother no they're clearly a submissive sensitive cell so let's be nice to them this is absolutely nice this is very good it's got the face it's got the name and it's got the little face i make when i see my cute bum in a mirror thank you naferno for your beautiful work and remember if you too would like to see your gracious work in the next video be sure to post it in the mk subreddit but of course it is the end of today's good stuff so i hope you had some fun and left a like on this video i'm turning into the troll on the bridge you're gonna pay your toll if you wish to pass so like this video also make sure you're subscribed with the mk family so you're always updated on the latest of good stuff and hey why not check out some other delicious videos we have on the channel as well say hi to robin or lexi even a bit of damien too and say a quick hello to me via the link in the description but for now my name has been jack it is the end of this video you have been a lovely person to ramble at today and i look forward to doing it again soon bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 781,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: AP8hHDCdmN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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