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news mysterious cube shape anomaly discovered on the moon's far side by chinese rover the rover will spend the next two to three months verifying it god damn endermen [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today i've been tasked with taking another look at r slash oddly terrifying not exactly 100 sure what to expect again as i wasn't last time but nonetheless we're gonna get right into it before i change my mind oh let's jump right in sounds stupid but i was driving through rural texas and had to pull over and calm down because the long road of nothing changing was starting to give me anxiety dude honestly in the dark yeah same man i'd have to pull over and puke a couple of times that's just terrifying and in texas weekly world news boy captured by explorers two miles underground bat child found in cave his giant eyes see in the dark and his ears are better than radar says scientists i actually got to see that in a store once i loved those old tabloid covers my eyes currently filled with blood after a bronchoscopy yesterday afternoon no filter oh my god whether or not that's a normal side effect of what happened it still just makes me feel like that shouldn't have happened you know what in the hell's going on are you transforming a whale skeleton found in the hot dunes of egypt repost from r slash be amazed what wait what no i need to what does this imply what does this mean for the world of science chicken wing all right well let's see that's not oddly terrifying that's violently horrifying and disgusting that doesn't belong here close-up shot of a human eye that's not oddly terrifying that's just cool as hell i mean the eye certainly is one nifty organ isn't it too bad mine are terrible this toenail i cut off of a dog yesterday oh my god why aren't people helping their poor dogs how long was that growing why did she buy this doll do you really want to know because i don't want to know i just want the doll to leave my vision and never return my little sister has an obsession with cutting the faces off of baby dolls or stuffed animals and putting them on other dolls hell yeah she might actually need some help but don't ask twitter for it get some real help just in case i recently learned that volcano snails exist their shells are made of iron and they live around hydrothermal vents that can reach up to 750 degrees fahrenheit has scales lives around extreme heat protected by iron that's a dragon no that's a pretty high level monster none of us can take that sucker on right now we gotta grind on boars imagine doing a court illustration of this [ __ ] while she stares directly at you and draws you right back this feels like the type of publicity she shouldn't be getting he's a messy eater so am i oh my god wow he's uh he's a next level messy eater dude look at all that collateral damage what's his problem this fungi resembling an alien hatching from an egg oh god wait a minute i've seen that thing before i can't remember what it's called though you know what in the comments what is this alien fungi called eye injury causes man's iris to collapse okay so what exactly does that mean for his vision there huh how do you fix this um oh that is a very very good question i don't know but then again you shouldn't be asking people like me the largest animal to ever fly yeah look at the size of that monstrosity dude i can't even fathom it flying look at the size of that head oh well that's just a house centipede dude doesn't mean it's okay that you're seeing it but it's not really gonna do much to you it just looks like death looks like death acts like a little creepy angel was playing video games when i heard a sound to my left looked over and saw this huh well out of all the things i was expecting to see it wouldn't have been a bear i don't know maybe player 2 is about to enter the game i did not know that lemons were cannibalistic let's go play in the forest hole excuse me let's what let's go oh oh the forest hole right um where's the forest hole located again i just want to make sure i know so i don't ever get near it you know what i'm saying this hideous cutaneous horn on my finger keeps growing back then dropping off then growing back again it hurts like hell is there nothing that can be done about that at all i've never seen something like that happen what in the world you know what it might be worth just taking the top of your finger off you know my hospital room by the way i'm a fully grown adult huh i'm getting major raccoon city vibes here for some reason specifically raccoon city orphanage vibes i wouldn't want to be in that hospital room either he knows your sins never speaks but always judges well maybe he should mind his own business yeah get out of here you look like a pillow who are you to judge me man i could get something like you at build a bear workshop that one time my michael sarah comforter got stuck in my laundry chute excuse me your michael sarah comforter you want to run that one by us a couple dozen more times this elmo arrived in the mail like someone in the sesame street mafia was trying to send a message yeah and i hope that message got across the way this fan melted oh my lord what in the hell happened here wait let me guess it's phoenix in the summer right all right my jokes are off the charts today the world's most modified man wants to look like a black alien he's cut off his ears nose and two of his fingers in order to make his hands look like claws oh he also had his tongue split and got tattooed from head to toe he's gotta be independently wealthy uh i would imagine so look at all that crap dude just the tattoos alone have got to be in the tens of thousands of dollars man what does this guy do for a living what did he do before and what the hell does he do now man today we received a letter from a recently convicted murderer in the united states written from jail he killed his housemate it was to our address but wasn't meant for us as it talked about stuff that was irrelevant to us there was no name on the envelope or letter just our full address alrighty then um i want to let the jail know about that alert to residents or occupants boca chica village all right spacex will conduct space test activities on november 10th from 10 am to 6 pm approximately 10 minutes prior to the activity you will be provided noticed by the sounding of a police siren in the village there may be more than one instance during that time period where you will hear a siren notification there is a risk that a malfunction of the spacex vehicle during these activities will create an overpressure event that can break windows therefore in order to protect public health and safety it is recommended that you consider temporarily vacating yourself other occupants and pets from the area during the space test activities at minimum you must exit your home or structure and be outside of any building or your property when you hear the police sirens which will be activated at the time of the space test activity to avoid or minimize the risk of injury thank you for your ongoing cooperation that one is oddly terrifying isn't it this person goes door to door every day inviting people to have a picnic with her um uh okay okay that one got me children's playground in dallas 1900 damn and we say things haven't improved for the children over the last 122 years i say 122 because it's almost 2022 sue me 300 million years before dinosaurs the sea was rich with crinoids crinoids whatever just like this one well let me tell you i'm glad it's not anymore kenneth copeland the only person i would believe that if you kill him the murder scene burns around you and he transforms into satan yeah that man is not a man he's a [ __ ] lizard person and oh that dog dude i mean the kid in the back is pretty creepy what is up with that smile man has this photo been altered in any way it's the only one to send shivers down my spine get that demon out of my face i want a girl who looks at me like bezos's girlfriend stares into his soul why the first image of another solar system sorry i'm just staring intently i don't like it woke up with four random tiny cuts on my finger i don't have any pets if that's what you're thinking huh well that's rather unique sometimes i wake up with scratches on my face and no my bedroom door is closed the cat can't just sneak in here and [ __ ] me up i have no good explanation for this found three hours into deep forest 20 feet in the air and impaled on a tree hours away from major roads huh well ain't that just a thing right there it's actually a kick-ass truck makes me kind of sad it's just impaled on a tree somewhere a soldier's face after four years of war he aged like 12 years man a webcam appeared in the bottom of my computer screen after it blue screened what no no no no no always use a webcam cover do not hold on to memories of life they will be distorted and inaccurate do not try to put yourself back into your dead body or any other living ones you will be frightened oh i'm frightened now actually ah the moss monster of the hundred acre wood delightful well on that delightful note we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents before we cut and run let's take a look at that fan art more fan art oh would you look at that i like all of these notebook drawings that have been coming around lately they're just good fun hope you're paying attention to glass though always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video to consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time i'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 386,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: oSsfr1o4gNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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