Girl Gets Bullied For Liking Anime

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hello friends it's me and today we're finally going to be watching my dharma collab that i've been telling you guys about dara and i wanted to do a video that was anime related and he wanted to include me in it i mean in case you can't tell i haven't seen any of this yet so we're going to be watching it together for the first time what you get for number 23 i'm not there yet heather reina can you stop talking until everyone's finished first of all who brings a 5 000 chanel bag to school are you not afraid of getting robbed i need to step out for a minute finish your worksheets and i'll be right back oh my man just texted me y'all be good here while i go take this call right can they just 23. heather what's up what is this wait a second is this chase that's private let me see oh my gosh it's totally him he even has the same jacket give it back hey chase looks like you've got yourself a little sucker wait is this me as a anime character yeah mia's totally in love with you no i'm not i was just practicing drawing characters for my series it's for an anime contest first place gets a thousand dollar prize are you serious just when i thought you couldn't get any weirder what do you mean so she drawing people in her class i used to do that i didn't write their name in big bubble letters just in case anybody saw it though anime isn't weird yeah you're a bunch of celebs are into it ariana grande kanye west sniper wolf i never thought i'd be put in the same sentence as kanye west what anime does ariana grande watch spirit it away okay you know what that's a good one there's so many people that like anime these days it's like become mainstream oh and a quick reminder that friday is career day so you will want to dress up as whatever you want to be lawyers doctors astronauts whatever your dream job is and then you'll give a brief presentation to the rest of the class she go dress up like an anime character that mia's dressing up as pikachu i'm sorry is something funny back there yeah excuse me miss krenn what if you don't plan on working well you have to choose something anything you could be a philanthropist or a stay-at-home mom like i would ever do that to myself i'm surprised nobody's laughing at that like you really not gonna work wow the bully has no aspirations to do anything with her life is mia legit still drawing her anime oh she's vibrant leave her alone she got bokutachi headphones she having a good time get your phone out why what are you gonna do i'm stopping the freak from drawing her anime for good record me but start it in like one minute hey loser thanks for the sandwich hey that's my lunch oh you can keep it how old is that meat i don't know my mom got it from walmart you get your groceries at walmart bro somebody has a lot of free time let me go sniff people's lunches ugh freak what are you wasting your time on now if you don't have anything nice to say can you please leave me alone i need to finish this for the contest you really don't think this is gonna make you any money do you i mean it might someday you really do live in your fantasy world you know if i were you i'd start practicing taking coffee orders now since that's all you're gonna end up doing if you stay on this track what's wrong with working at starbucks you know better than not wanting to do anything with your life and live off daddy's money and also have you heard of a hobby you can enjoy things without them making you money me see stop taking my stuff dumb dumb even dumber i can't keep picking on her yeah just give her her book back heather stay out of this i'm surprised nobody like records or puts her on tick tock look at this freak hold up is this me yeah my series needed a villain oh she made her so kawaii little horns and everything if that's how it's going to be then i might as well embrace the part [Music] i needed these for the contest serves you right for drawing people without their permission and besides anime is a total waste of time you know one day they'll be thanking me for this what a lame villain when i try to explain why i like anime to people who don't watch anime it's entertainment right it's like a show but they could do so many cool things that you can't do like in real life with special effects it's just cool the music is better personally i think most anime is better than most movies and tv shows i enjoy it more i'm so sorry mia you didn't deserve that yeah don't let her get to you it's okay those pictures weren't that good anyway if you're gonna draw something for a contest and hope to win you gotta step it up anyway i needed these for the contest what is that oh you guys are cowards just walk away hey mia thanks for the views what are you talking about guessing you haven't seen my tick tock she put on her glasses and walked away like she thought she did something thanks for the 26 views now it's only a matter of time before you get cancelled but that's fine it's not like you're gonna get a job or do anything with your life anyway [Applause] sweetheart how was hey are you gonna tell me what's going on nothing can we just drive something happen at school it's not that big of a deal is someone picking on you is it the heather girl i swear i don't want to talk about it can we just go home you're supposed to go to the thrift shop get your career day outfit remember i don't even know if i want to go to school that day anymore what do you mean you've been so excited you're gonna dress up as tender uh tender tanjiro demon slayer i grab you this huh make a palette you want it you can match it with the wig mommy you don't need to be wasting your money on me like that it's not a waste you're so talented what kind of mom would i be if i didn't support you thanks but if i go then i'm not going to wear an anime costume why not i thought you wanted to be tangy ro when you grow up do it i'm going to thumbs up heather's video okay so what do you want to go as i don't know something normal so no one makes fun of me i don't know what's heather gonna do i hope she got a rainbow wig dress up like a clown since you want to act like one can't let people that don't understand you keep you from following your dreams well that's easy to say when your dreams aren't sitting at the bottom of a garbage can do you remember the sketches that i was doing for the contest heather destroyed them at lunch you can let a mean girl tell you what you can and cannot do you know what life advice don't let other people tell you what you can like and what you can't like if you stay true to yourself you will always find people that like the same things that you do that's how you make friends and if somebody doesn't like the same thing as you screw what they think they don't have to like what you like and you don't have to like them you got some really cute things are you going for more of like a kyle richards vibe you know i was actually leaning more like kardashian oh look what the cat dragged in what do you want heather i just wanted to thank you my tech talks at over 1 million views guess i can add influencer to the list of things i can become okay that's just embarrassing were you just shopping at the thrift store and what is this it's part of my outfit for friday what are you going as a witch no i'm going as a character for my favorite anime demon slayer maybe your life wouldn't suck so much if you weren't so weirdly obsessed with anime you know maybe you should start pulling things out of her bag what is this girl you cannot show up to career day dressed as a hooker you have no friends no boyfriend and you're poor what do you mean she has no friends i can't believe she has no friends there are plenty of people that like anime now unrealistic what are you doing we leave for school in 10 minutes so david i'm not going i don't feel well i know it doesn't feel like it right now but i promise you things are gonna work out yeah but i don't know if i'm ready to do it why don't you go get that who's at the door oh my god well technically i'm nezuko yeah who's sniper wolf nezuko here you must be mia oh yeah i i'm sorry how do you know my name oh my god i wish i didn't look like this right now [Laughter] [Music] i thought it would be cute to do a little like because giggling was in the script it's cringe i know you're totally fine i saw a tick-tock video about you and i felt super bad i also feel bad having to witness my acting so i reached out to your mom that's why i was trying to get you to go get ready i'm sorry for what you're going through that heather girl sounds like some of the girls that i went to school with that made fun of me you were made fun of you've got like 30 million subscribers now but i wasn't very popular in high school yeah it wasn't just the girls the guys too like people are mean like for no reason too they literally just like walk up to you and be like ugh you ugly i'd be like what did i do i was into anime and the other girls were into boys or shopping but now some of those same girls want to be my friends it's funny how life works it's part of the script i don't write the script when people were mean to you it didn't make you want to change no not at all because one thing i know is being different is what makes you cool yeah you don't have to fit in with everybody else yeah but my mom tells me it's facts though your mom sent me some of your drawings and they're really good like getting published or produced one day sort of good wait you mean it you're not just saying that to make me feel better now saying that to make you feel better sorry nope it's so good that if you want i could help get your series off the ground i'm gonna pretend that she is like actually good i feel horrible but not really but for now i think you better go change or we're going to be late no where are we going wait you're going to school with me yep tangier and neziko got to stick together right yes i'm going to school with her bro i'm literally so nervous i have not set foot in a school in like 10 years maybe i want to be a real housewife preferably the beverly hills cast but i'm willing to accept new york or the oc2 why is nobody laughing hey you want a viral tick tock record this girl saying she want to be a real housewife of beverly hills on career day that ain't a career what an interesting goal heather and don't mind her colorful ideas between that and derek's dream job of creating a pyramid scheme bro wants to create a pyramid scheme all we all should have wore a rainbow wig because we got a class full of clowns uh mia you want to come up hey jerome looks good so uh i decided to dress up as my favorite anime character tanjiro from demon slayer because i hope to create my own anime series that's code for gonna be broke heather sorry mia keep going yeah i have all the favorite characters you could have had from demon slayer you chose changiro he was the only one on amazon prime actually what steps can someone take to become an anime creator so actually first step be born a total loser okay that is it one more comment and you are getting sent to the principal's office so to become a creator normally you need a foot in the door but actually heather helped me with that what are you talking about no i didn't because of your video i was able to meet hello friends hello what brings you here i'm here as mia's friend but i'm also collabing with her on a special project i'm surprised the t-shirt didn't be like excuse me who are you what are you doing in this classroom do you have a visitors pass special project yeah i've been working on my own anime series but i haven't found the right person to collab with i'm not unfortunately so we're going to produce a show together and i'll promote it on my channel yeah you're making a show with snipers i mean that what are you guys talking about anime is for total losers i think my subscribers would disagree i think a lot of people would disagree actually but thanks for making that tick tock because that's how i found mia principal matthews is everything okay i need to speak with heather with me why don't you guys in trouble about a certain tick tock you made that came to my attention literal physical cringe sounded cute in theory and then i'm watching it now and i'm just like what chase sorry i missed the bus this morning but is it true you brought sniper wolf to class today yeah but wait are you tomorrow night that's this guy i didn't see any of this five years later interview with jack feldstein my name is heather langston follow me say it ain't so did daddy's money run out mia heather what are you doing here uh loki i'm interviewing for an admin assistant role here super lame i know wait you're interviewing i thought you had a trust fund oh i uh sort of spent most of it so my dad told me i have to go out and get a real job here so sorry jack got held up at a meeting i see you met mia oh yeah we go way back i knew mia when she was still scribbling those little anime characters in her notebook i had no idea i would have had mia's assistant find a time for you two to meet directly had i known assistant of course well technically two assistants since you know she's the ceo she's the ceo of the anime company whoa wow i had no idea honestly if anyone deserves success it's you you always worked really hard and i never understood or appreciated any of it oh she's grown as a person lost all my money that is some character development yes love to see that sorry to interrupt but your mom called she is loving the new house you got her and is hoping you'll be home for dinner and then sniper wolf just got here for the meeting okay great tell my mom we'll be there at seven and i'm coming right now for the meeting and your first task can be making us some coffee ah get her to start working and do that i'm just kidding you can help run our social media well okay we got a happy ending but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and i just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at og i'll link it below and subscribe join the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,117,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, Dhar Mann
Id: RPbp7t8fqgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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