r/TIHI | NOOOOooOooOoOOOOoooooOOOO!!!!!

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face of an ant why does he look so god damn done he looks so annoyed like we made a bad joke and he's just staring us down i am trained in guerrilla warfare and i'm the top sniper in the entire u.s armed forces sometimes you might feel like no one's there for you but you know who's always there for you laundry laundry will always be there for you actually yeah i've got some to do myself but i'm here instead for all of you magnum chicken what oh god i think i just threw up a little bit mayo coded yep there what what the hell are you looking at dog why do marvel movies need three hours to accomplish what the powerpuff girls did in 11 minutes look we're not really at the point as a society where we can comfortably talk about the powerpuff girls being the height of superherodumb we'll get there i'm sure thanks i hate this beehive between the window and the shutters well i hope if this person got rid of them they actually had some beekeepers come out and move them somewhere else oh no way you got a bowl of uh what the hell is that exactly either way impressive whoa all of those masks they remind me so much of that incredibly well done pikachu yeah that mr mime is really grossing me out foods to eat after wisdom teeth extraction plus what not to eat or drink and expected healing time hey this is not how it works i'm just saying normally before they put the giant drill in your mouth you're asleep over here in the u.s anyway i know that over in other countries it's not the norm to be put to sleep but look i'm just telling you right now i am not going to be awake when something like that happens i don't care luca halloween costume but why but why who the hell wants to be luca for halloween first and foremost i guess if you do want to be him now you can scare the out of people this person decided to paint the bottom of their pool red instead of blue this is kind of fire oh sorry this kind fire i genuinely don't know how to inflect that last micro sentence there but honestly the pool i don't know i i don't know man i don't quite trust it there's just something about it hey look at that a collaboration between well what looks like a couple of adults work and an elementary school class it's quite gross and terrifying oh ew was this an actual frame taken from the show or was someone really good at being a smart ass because this is just not right baxter just turned nine yesterday we've been working on this paper mache project for a few months but he finally finished his brother george so much fun and was baxter's idea been working on that for a few months what were you doing all that time i got the dragon balls thanks i hate goku getting the actual dragon balls i wonder how old this joke is older than me i'd bet finally i can touch grass and flame war at the same time hey that's really not cool uh i'm sorry i just can't there are a lot of posts i've seen lately where i just can't stop looking and this is definitely one of them here's the black hole at the center of our milky way named sagittarius a this is the eye of sauron that's my butthole are you saying that the gravitational pull of your butthole is so strong not even light can escape it ah baby fingers okay please don't give capcom any ideas for the next resident evil and now that there are multiple silent hill projects in the works don't give them any ideas either you like the pain tongue tell me you like it i love it oh so hot since hot dogs are basically just pureed meat stuffed inside an animal intestine a hot dog doesn't stop being a hot dog even after we eat it we just become the new hot dog casings and that makes us in a way hot dogs as well you're right we're hot dogs that have all kinds of things in the casing dude receives death threats from italy after posting photos of kiwi pizza i completely understand i'm not saying i am happy that italy is doing this but i understand it's the ice cream demon i swear i fought him in silent hill at some point yikes or hey maybe i fought him in postal nobody me ever think about this no not really especially not after seeing buzz out of the suit in the new lightsheer movie farewell my little princess of the sea farewell i love you dad i love you mom where the hell do you think these things came from right come on you got to think about these things elmo's lunch is interrupted by the local vegan well maybe elmo shouldn't have been such a carny as in a carnivore that doesn't blood mouth i think that's the term right some weird crappy derogatory term someone came up with that sounds metal as hell tuesday the day you realize that nothing can stop you because you are a magic skeleton packed with meat and animated with electricity and imagination you have a cave in your face full of sharp bones and five tentacles at the end of each arm you can do anything magic skeleton wow that is the only raving review i've ever heard of a tuesday whoa that's a hell of a mask did you go to spirit halloween oh we got mario jumping down oh oh oh my god mario no study finds parents can do a third of their kids math but struggle with the other three quarters huh weird i wonder what's been going on lately medusa but the other way around medusa how in the hell did you manage that oh wait this wasn't a frozen pizza was it you just made one at home and it fell through i'm sorry man i am so sorry man oh oh no oh man i'm sorry i gotta move on the egg is just not working for me today me does something cringy my brain a core memory well yeah we're gonna remember the awkward way more than the well not necessarily more than the good but they're never going away you know that much ha what are these for and be honest i said be honest dipping the oreo in the salsa just why this is some gourmet is this an oddish like an ancient medieval oddish rendition oh my god this sub sucks man i hate it here oreo oh and rio oh and oh oreo rio riri riri riri oh oreo oreo ri ri riori or riori ririo riori or re-r rio oh ooh rio oh my god i hate this oh re-re-re-rereal i'm just gonna stick with the oreo thins okay huh made with postermywall.com well that's gotta be the worst mascot i've ever seen other than ready kilowatt australian man patents the ham dog a hot dog and burger combo an australian man really well that's the biggest surprise of this post hmm is this a 1920s florida man ah finally i can bring my favorite musician into the restroom with me so i can be serenaded while i do my business oh man i have nothing to say about this except for ow restaurante pizza pizza pasta i am slightly sickened but i must admit that i am also slightly curious you know it's kind of like which only us americans i think only us got this because we're freaks but the kraft mac and cheese ice cream you have to try this stuff sometimes just so that you can confirm your suspicions that it is indeed vile and you know what the mac and cheese ice cream was not nearly as disgusting as i thought it would be i'm never going to eat it again but it did not make me vomit this reopens the ages old pokemon debate is it ethical to catch a mr mime is mr mime just a guy oh no something about ash's mom forcing mr mime to sit on the floor and eat out of a dog bowl makes me uneasy mewtwo was right mr mime has a humiliation fetish and ash's mom totally doms him hey please don't type these words ever again grass-fed never frozen ground beef pop-tarts frosted with what what's the frosting on there i'ma need you to tell me right now kellogg's oh and it's raw too my thumb liking all your posts keep your thumb though away from my posts executive producer larry david hey larry what the hell's your problem man i get that you're at that stage in your life where you can do whatever you want with reckless abandon but what is your problem oh eminem had too many m m's uh damn this is just weird yo my boy doing a shot of ravioli chef boyardee killing it it's the cw reboot finally pay attention baby i don't want to see you lose focus for even one second i let my kids name my harry potter character curse baby and now i feel like i'm in a very uncomfortable relationship with snape i think any relationship with that guy would be uncomfortable enough the eggs i laid in your stomach will soon hatch robert oh no we're gonna have to put you down boy teacup spoon and saucer made from cicada body some of you people need serious help ooh that's it that's all you get this yellow line is the size of sea world's parking lot the green dot is where orcas will spend their entire lives isn't sea world finally actually slowly as hell starting to phase out the larger whale attractions and stop doing that forever wasn't there enough public backlash after blackfish for them to go fine we'll just stop because if not oh my god a scan of a one thousand year old buddha statue revealed the body of a monk hidden inside winner of the hide and seek competition 1019 stop sending me this oh hey it's claire redfield what is this though oh big bird what's up man come on out little pokemon whoa a wild charmander two wild charmanders what are they doing in the forest what the where did they all come from this time you better produce a shiny ah i see hey i'm really uncomfortable with this shirt can we all just agree that this type of thing should be illegal oh my god oh no no no why why now i'm gonna have an irrational fear of riding a bike hitting a bump too hard and then being ripped in half it's just silence but it keeps getting faster oh god this is stressing me out great horned owl fast food solve um no i'm sorry you can't afford to be alive and other stories from america i'm so unhappy thanks i hate this limited edition frozen pizza fish sticks on the pizza is the new pineapple on the pizza again i don't know what the hell's up with this company in their wacky ass pizza but i wanna try this one just as much as the last although i'm completely good without the kiwi pizza i like kiwi a lot but don't ever put it on a pizza come on come on huh so i'm just trying to think if i know of anybody that can do this to my body when i die i'd like to be useful at least once whether i'm dead or not the age-old lower case stop sign at least this one's not quite as commanding and quite frankly rude like all the others what's the best example of men not understanding a woman's body that you've ever heard well the one guy who thought virgins don't have vaginas it's his responsibility as her first sexual partner to make the whole i'm not a capri sun thank you very much i don't buy that for one goddamn second there's no way in hell there has ever been a single human being that's thought something like that although to be fair i do know somebody that convinced a friend of mine that women shed their skin during their periods which i gotta say quite hilarious he didn't fall for it for very long he got himself out of that within maybe two minutes but still the fact that he was on board for those 120 seconds was enough to make me a little scared in super mario world mario has a halo after a game over implying he would go to heaven if he dies however in super paper mario he goes to the underwear an equivalent of hell after death this implies that between 1990 and 2007 mario has committed some unforgivable sin okay i need everybody in the comments to switch over to what you think mario did that got him sent to hell maybe he just didn't go to confession or missed a week a church who knows who knows uh that's a hell of a tattoo i must say at least i can tell what it is you know it's not the worst looking one i've ever seen i just like with most tattoos i can't understand immediately i do feel the need to ask why um looks like a tornado's about to pop up either that or one of the many gods is well doing something pretty gross i don't know exactly what but come on use your imagination i don't wanna oh look at all that look at all that delightful cheese how much did that cost you i can tell it's from mcdonald's first things first must have cost you what 300 knowing how they charge for cheese good lord it's not even like real cheese man it's it's that american cheese slice you know if you're american you know if you're from europe you know and you're really mad right now i'm just saying anybody with any lactose intolerance might actually die craig's thanksgiving dinner let's see if we can identify what we have in this thanksgiving in a can solution looks like we got some mashed potatoes cranberry sauce and there you have it your craig's thanksgiving dinner in a can is that a little gaming controller at the bottom right there is this to imply that this is the gamer's solution to thanksgiving leonardo dicaprio kate winslot a romantic tale about a woman who falls in love with a talking boat titanic featuring nicholas cage as the titanic i love this art style this art style that puts well at least me on edge i know who this is but i'm not gonna say their name you think if we tweet this particular image at him enough he'll cry poop his pants and then stay off of twitter for a little while watch to be fair a lot more of us could probably do every now and then even though i like my twitter and you should follow it look i'm getting my messages a little bit mixed up here i'm sorry hey what in the world is this thing it looks like a man in a costume and there's some forced perspective trickery going on that's messing with my head and i don't like it actually this bird just looks like it could absolutely whoop my ass what's a waifu i think it's japanese for body pillow you know i know that that's not the right answer but it may as well be the right answer right i was today years old when i found out the middle row in a package of oreos was actually for salsa if i buy a package of oreos and the middle row isn't full of oreos i'm getting pretty mad oh would you look at that finally someone did something worse than the oreos in the salsa yeah that's right i think oreo in the water is a little bit worse than oreos and salsa at least i'm getting a little bit of weird gross ass flavor clash there but here i just have a wet soggy oreo i mean what this is not not what i meant by touch some grass oh my god ah oh the crop job is making me even more upset that stop why why
Channel: EmKay
Views: 455,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, TIHI
Id: OED0e2qFwjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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