I recorded every toxic player I played with in Rocket League, this is the result (part 5)

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[Music] that i'll tell myself i stop the things that keep me from your dear but i keep on losing it [Music] but i keep on losing in till i've lost the only thoughts that keep me safe i play a weird car soccer game called rocket league whenever i play this game weird things happen to me i record all those weird things and then every few months i put together a video for your enjoyment it's usually toxic funny and downright bizarre and today is no exception in episode 5 of i recorded every toxic player if you like the videos i make make sure to hit that subscribe button and most of all [Music] wasting enjoy my days yes i've been wasting them four years and i'll do my best [Music] i think that i need to rearrange things i'll be a man of god in [Music] oh god i've lost the only thought that keeps me sane [Music] i'm about to end this man's whole career [Music] i do not give up i feel no fear i fear no pain [Music] make a choice what is going to be who you're going to be how you're going to do it just decide and then from that point the universe is going to get out your way [Music] i always hear stories about people getting scammed out of their account losing all their items in rocket league but no one has ever tried to do it to me and i always wondered when it would happen well the moment finally arrived and this is how it went down i never thought it'd really go like this i was queuing once and this dude was like hey hey stop i'll forfeit the game i'm just looking for a teammate because my friend's pc died while we were in a tournament i should have been tipped off because no one says mate in north america but whatever red flags went off right away for me because i've heard this exact scam where they send you a tournament page and then you log in with your steam so i baited him a bit got a free win so that's nice and sure enough he sends me this site that looks just like an official esl page it's actually important that you don't even click this because i heard some of these can even scrape your login info without even you entering anything so i didn't click it uh obviously i decided to waste his time a little bit and ended up trying to rickrall him but that worked about as well as his scam worked on me and that was that [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] use the force loop [Music] [Music] [Music] hey that's pretty good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] once this guy got mad at me and said i was so slow bro so we decided to 1v1 and you will not believe what this guy tried to pull on me so he invited me to his party and he's got his homie larry in the party and tried to convince me that it was just him on his main account that's right this dude tried to use my own video idea on me by having his friend who i have no doubt is much better play me he really thought i'd be like oh yeah larry this is the same guy even though that guy is literally here in the party watching like you're gonna have to put a little more effort if you want to do a toxic takedown the right way buddy i did enjoy the attempt though used to be the team people talk about what a chemistry i can see it in your eyes anymore [Music] you know exactly what it means [Music] i wish [Music] but now it's so hard to breathe [Music] that's a good trick [Music] crazy [Music] y'all have so luck [Music] take the shot thanks i don't enjoy your company [Music] breaking rule one [Music] so [Music] kill yourself gg [Music] stfu [Music] y'all made [Music] that's all i needed that's all i needed for him to do that and it it became personal with me you think he's a great defensive but okay fine i'm assuring you that he's not [Music] oh [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] we are yowie has it five aiding he's about what do you expect imagine playing twos and not knowing how to contest look at this dude is where the fun [Music] [Music] [Music] it's treason then [Music] maggie [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i in danger [Music] so [Music] [Music] in our last adventure of the day these guys were having a little hoedown in the chat and decided they wanted to 1v1 each other so naturally i said i would host the match and add them both surprisingly they both accepted my invite and unsurprisingly i decided to cue a little threes game with my new teammates [Music] they were a little weirded out at first but we all played really well together and ended up winning by four goals and then we became best friends and lived happily ever after just kidding i don't have any friends [Music] yeah i've been thinking for years that i'll tell myself i stop the things that keep me from you dear but i keep on losing
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,400,351
Rating: 4.955605 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: oHQvNIiyeqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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