I challenged toxic players to 1v1 BUT queued with them instead to see how they react

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this video doesn't need much of an intro i challenged toxic players to 1v1 but then queued twos with them instead to see how they'd react just imagine you're a toxic player and you've just accepted the challenge to 1v1 your trash teammate from the previous game that's uh that's me but instead you're launched into a ranked two's game with the very teammate you despise you're then faced with a tough decision are you gonna rage and abandon the game giving yourself a five minute ban are you gonna sit there and lose on purpose which drops your rank even further are you gonna reform and become a non-toxic to try to win this game with your trash teammate or are you gonna find a way to get your trash teammate back there's just so many options i got this idea one time when i was trolling this toxic player who got mad at me for this play which apparently was a back pass and then said he'd 1v1 me so hard i'd uninstall so i decided to mess with him a little bit and i kept adding mutators to the private match then when he was just about to leave i decided to take it to the next level by cueing a two's game without his knowledge then to mess with him even more i built up a lead for us then let the other team come back and finally scored the game-winning goal for the other team with zero seconds remaining so this was obviously a little toxic even for me but i thought it'd be funny and he did seem to get a kick out of it anyway i decided in the future i'd actually try to play with the toxic players i'd come across rather than throwing and being toxic back and that's where we find ourselves today it always starts with such a normal game i like to give a little bit of the background information for each one sometimes you don't need much though like this i missed that save i mean he missed two to be fair whatever we're not here to decide whose fault it was mistakes happen all the time in rocket league no need to get toxic and that's when i spotted subject number one [Music] i really am curious how they're gonna react because like what i don't even know what i would do if i was gonna 1v1 and i got pulled into a twos game [Music] here we go [Music] he's not doing anything he's just sitting there oh he's laughing that's good laughter is good that means he thinks it's funny uh not defending though so is he gonna throw yep looks like he's gonna throw okay i'm just gonna tell them my teammate is nervous says he's not gonna try oh my opponent's nervous too so for this one i'm not actually undercover i am actually sunless normally i go undercover because everyone is all nice to me when i'm sunless i don't know why just tell me i suck well this guy didn't care so props to chief for telling me i suck and now we've just tied it up so cheech is kind of turning it around like he's he's coming back i need to tell chicha i almost missed that though i have to admit to him 20 seconds left that looked like a ghost hit but he scored it we're gonna win this game so it props to cheech man he turned it around his toxicity is cured so i'd say the first subject did pretty well oh yeah here i am a couple seasons ago using a dominus basically he was mad i said all he does get dunked on he was mad back at me and he wanted to want me one so here we are i did need another test subject for this experiment and i didn't even have to challenge him these opportunities are pretty rare i don't just go around just flaming people and challenging them to want me ones all the time like this is a this is a project that's been going for a long time we have to gather a variety of reactions and boy did we get a reaction on this one [Music] well no one's gonna top that down two nothing [Music] a little fake there oh no that one was not a real fake oh and my teammate is not playing it's only two nothing so let's see if he's mad or something all right wants to forfeit nah you just can't do none okay well fair play so i asked if he wants the 1v1 and he said yeah so he became test subject number three let's see how he reacts [Music] a simple okay and that's pretty much it like this guy is just pretty chill he didn't really say anything he's kind of like yeah i mean we're playing seas now just switched gears did his best i mean can you really say anything bad about someone like this [Music] i mean yeah he's stopped playing when it was two nothing and he could have easily scored a goal and made it to 2-1 so he has a terrible attitude but he wasn't like openly hostile to me he was just like yeah he's i mean you suck dude i'm not gonna play with you and but now he has to play with me so i'm just looking for a teammate someone to play with me anyway they come back it's three or three that was lucky i'm vibing with this guy like uh he's chill we're good except we're not good we lost in overtime so i respect that guy he was he was fine our next subject really turned the tables on me though so this is a clip from my toxic players video it's just this guy diego bumping me for boost it was just kind of funny i threw it in there anyway he tweeted at me i appeared in your video yesterday i'm diego and you're a trash you only put the part that i bump you that's true i didn't put the other part where he also bumped me again i challenge you to 1v1 trash so i don't actually think i'm good at rocky like i'm not always trying to 1v1 people so i ignored it initially but then i was playing rank this is a random ranked game i ran into the dude again and he did this that's as free as it gets that's wide open and i don't have a problem with people sucking it's just if you're gonna flame other people then you better not be making a ton of mistakes yourself that's all i'm saying so yeah then i made a mistake there what a save what a save four fits it's two nothing throws so that's diego okay just for some reference that's diego so this is test subject four i decided to run this experiment on him rather than one be wanting him so this is probably good because he said he was a gc2 and i'm only a gc1 peak in one so he's probably better at once than me this search is taking forever i thought for sure he was gonna dip because it's kind of obvious we're not we're not going into a private match really curious to see how he reacts since he was pretty hostile to me uh setting this up in the first place he says no problem so yeah you might actually be a good teammate you never know how someone's attitude changes when you know they're just forced to be on your team we gave up a goal we're down one nothing and uh this is where he decides to forfeit he's kind of playing it's really confusing it's like he doesn't want to forfeit and like go down in his rank he said i'm not he's not following my game so he knows i'm playing a game with him at least be serious he says i like that anyway so he just basically threw the rest of the game and that was that we he left the party and i was like all right well that was a solid one i guess i was in free play and i get an invite from diego okay so he does actually want a 1v1 you know what i could actually go for a 1v1 so uh why not [Music] diego the genius pulls me into a threes game he reverse who knowed me kept calling me 30. so honestly diego is just kind of owning me here at this point our teammate is in shambles isn't this threes he says all i can say is it's a long story i mean how can i possibly explain this scenario to the lobby i just can't there's sometimes you just can't explain it you just have to just take the l here's some wisdom from diego all good but before assuming you were good at the game try to really be and i took that to heart [Music] for our next game i decided to shake it up a little bit we had a toxic opponent which i don't think by the way i don't think saying what a save is really that toxic i wouldn't normally do this but i was looking for one more test subject so i thought you know what throw down the gauntlet baby you want to save my teammate jay i'll clap you in 1v1 after this i don't actually normally talk like that jay says aye meanwhile we gotta finish this game unfortunate missing my teammate jay whata saves him again so i gotta defend my teammate's honor you know or something i kind of do tied it up and then later in overtime get the win but that doesn't matter what matters is the experiment and jay what it saves his teammate as well too i just want to saving the whole lobby there it is what a save subject five it's really not dead toxic whatever we're just still looking for that test subject that will take this experiment and we'll turn it around and we'll win some games you know that's really the goal here see how he reacts i love how i look at him like he's gonna make a face at me with his car doesn't really say anything it says absolutely nothing even when i make a mistake there zero boost up too far get scored on the opponents were like how do you have those wheels talking about my wheels for some reason now all of a sudden they're cocky they're up three nothing it's not looking good for me and jay but uh you know maybe they got a little overconfident [Music] so i tell them i'm sunless that's how i have these wheels and he says makes sense i don't know if that's an insult or a compliment but uh we make it a one goal game again and then i chase the ball like an absolute monkey but we get the goal now we're kind of feeling it jay almost had the game-winning goal there i just really want to win a game with the toxic other than cheech and with five seconds left jay gives me this ball let's go a zero second goal against these guys and jay would have saved them as is tradition so that was pretty great probably the best moment with a toxic teammate so far i asked him if he wants to play another game the opponent was salty and said i could see how your sunless because you're inconsistent as hell and i said thanks but uh me and jay were having a good time so i was like let's play another game he said sure and in this one we kind of just uh we just kind of dominated to be honest [Music] and there you have it some of our subjects raged and left some refused to play some outplayed me at my own game and some played with the hand they were dealt and made the most of it if you want to see more rocket league experiments like this hit that sub button and let me know in a comment what you'd like to see next i'll do pretty much anything except dancing on tiktok or using a scarab or going for more athena flicks or getting good at rocket league but other than that like yeah pretty much anything's on the table
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,167,954
Rating: 4.9693522 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: nKvNboqyqbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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