1 Supersonic Legend vs 2 Grand Champs (feat. Jon Sandman & Athena)

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hey gamer quickly before we get into the video if you've tuned into my last few videos or you tuned into my twitch streams a lot you may have seen this really cool musty sign you won't see it in this video but i finally got it hung up on the wall and it looks really cool so i want to give a shout out to brian x solutions on instagram they're the ones who sent it to me also you can go to brianxsolutions.com and yeah this isn't even sponsored but i just really like my sign like lights up and everything i can change the colors of it and it'll be in the background of all my videos from here on out so if you want a custom sign or custom furniture or gaming merchandise or anything along that line just shoot them a dm they should be able to hook you up just wanted to give a quick shout out to them and let's get into the video hey gamer today i faced the ultimate challenge to truly test my rocket league skill lately i've been taking way too many w's bought the tesla became a pro rocket league player johnny boy said i was the best player in north america and even addison ray said i was cool so i needed a challenge so difficult that it would almost be guaranteed for me to take a nap so for this video i decided to 2v1 athena and john sandman and despite athena being known for her signature athena flick she's actually grand champ which is in the top one percent of the entire rocket league player base and with john sandman being known for well uh yes what's up guys he's even one rank higher at grand champ two and with me being a super sonic legend i figured this would be extremely hard to win like if they bump me i'm kind of screwed and they have decent enough mechanics to simply outplay me every once in a while and this matchup is going to be a best of three meaning the first team to get two wins is the winner of the video but my gamer socks were on tight so i was ready to take on my hardest rocket league challenge yet i'm not gonna lie feeling kind of trashed right now but hopefully he goes all right hey he's got something up his sleeve he's got something on the sleeve we'll let him join he's got something on his sleeve i know it i need no musty i actually have no hope like i i do think i'm gonna lose but to fake my confidence here stay until i make it i want to get flicked actually by athena i do want to give like i want i want to get athena flick oh i think that's a goal we're fine get that boost and do something okay oh my god he beat me that's mine ah okay nice nice i thought she saved it let's go oh i missed oh i got it let's go let's go whoa that is a cool goal explosion i actually thought athena was double touching i i shouldn't have trusted her why would i trust athena to double touch good i still have to wait for her to go that's fine she's trying the the bump straps i think beat him up beat him up yeah come on come here come here come here come here come here come here jump him let's see if we can shoot here i think so let's go let's go he's pushing him careful no it's not fine athena no there's nothing fine about him scoring a goal i didn't see him he literally why did you hit him why did you give him a nice one why would you give him a nice one why would you because it was a great shot against him we're against him you have to be confident to go for those wall shots man i decided to trust my my mechanics actually worked out i don't i don't think he he has the mechanics i really don't honestly i i don't know what he's doing and avoid bumps this works i'll get a hook shot on johnny's on the far coast here scoring 76 percent of the time nice let's go no way so it's a 1v1 i think john over committed surprise oh she actually win as last bag it's really risky athena i'm just why are you athena and me i don't know we're fine five four five or five or five yeah nice let's go oh no y'all cutting back the other way yeah that's fine it should be my hit here i'll just hit off the ceiling not exactly the ceiling he should be missing this and we'll double touch because they're both down nice what a save john is so good what if it's not him playing what if it's what if what if it's what if it's like squishy playing what if it's all of nrg first go go go up god damn fake here cut it over now and shoot almost call me justin call me justin fake fake oh i tried the double fake push he's making me faking he's not making me no highlights for you give you see wait i demoed him dang it okay okay that's fine it's fine should be game keep it up for the memes dang it how did literally not even on the ground okay we actually do end up winning game one i played all right and i feel like if i keep avoiding demos this is actually a winnable best of three so if i win this game this this should be the end of the video i think i think we're good i still think he has we have to win the next two we have to we have to i i'm actually gonna try the speed flip kick up again i think i think i got lucky with that the one fast kick could be wrong though almost got it fake again now we go lip reset double touch triple touch almost almost fake challenging will really be the key so they're they're the ones that will hopefully over overcome it [Applause] john is so lucky honestly really good pass by athena here i had to avoid the bump i still i still could have saved it if you shot it on net i don't understand how you scored that prophecy hand man props to him [Music] i'd avoid that bump again there's no way that's in i should have just gone i'm trying to avoid the bump gotta set my game up here a few opportunities that i've missed okay it's gonna be a good bounce for me if i avoid bomb i do get bumps i can't go now no and then i dang it good shot i'm away bumping him you have time boom that's over let's go i'll probably beat the kickoff but i have to go what can i do about it man what can i do about it this is the exact opposite of the first game man honestly still winnable if i just play faster and get a little more lucky it's fine interesting aerial interesting aerial fake oh we'd love to see it oh i thought i okay okay are you okay are you okay yeah no no no no no no no no i'm not okay i'm not okay i'm not okay oh he faked it no wait he picked it that's fine i saw 48 here athena's there oh i didn't see athena there nice where are you at where are you i'm in the middle i have zero though there you go there you go there you go dang it dude i just got to play faster and more confident i literally didn't see athena there wait oh oh oh my god oh okay he really no no no no no he played him he would have saved me gotta get boost and get back oh we traded but that's going to be so much more favorable for them dang it man good shot good demo good shot wait wait hit him with the one to say hit him with the water save hit sorry you're the bad guy in this one they nice oh my god he actually got it around me kind of caught her in a really really weird spot where she kind of had a pre-jump and i still got it around okay that was actually a really that was a nice shot i'll hit him with a nice shot i bumped her what i literally bumped him it's a shot it's a shot i'll blow him up just have some fun i tried it oh he he cheated nice let's go you guys think you got to think 200 iq you got to think 200 iq the disrespect the dis respect oh we're keeping it up thanks surprise johnny actually hit that gg and we are going to game three boys athena is hard carrying though i'm not gonna lie like gotta figure out how i'm gonna shut her down game three winner of this match is crown champion double touch what i'll cut here watch out john salmon needs to go pro after clear like that man this is what i'm talking about where i just need to be fast i feel like barely save that one touch d1 get boosts near post nice let's go let's go oh that angle was disgusting an angle was disgusting no i'm not going to say thanks okay well i will then flick it's fine john can't finish you'd love to see it this is tough this stuff 27 booths and i got a really bad landing fake it's off open for me nice let's go see that's when they go for the 2v1 bump plays and it uh it backfires because now there's no one back it's like all or nothing either they score they get the bump they don't get the bump and i score oh god this isn't good dang it go go go i'm bumping him go go go go let's go hey more of that honestly i don't care look how dirty we are you know the comp listen you got to do what you got to do in rocket league sometimes fake it's fine now i get boosts hopefully no no no no no ah boy did the athena bump i did not think john would go for that dang it there we go let's go i hope right now musty's making this face yeah where he's just like yeah this guy's g fuel in the background he's like maybe no too high oh my no no it's high time careful though no no we're gonna draw it we're good she actually went i cannot believe he went no dang it i tried my hardest man i could have won i could have won i could have won why is athena hard carrying though bro she's actually insane hey gamer you guys just absolutely obliterate me and that's what you say oh my god yeah you guys i i had you in the first game but hardcore what did you change differently you bumped more like was the strats coming into games two and three i noticed a big difference yeah i think it was just like we were a little more warm and uh you know something was going on with you would you would you turn off no yeah no i was just trying to uh i was trying to play smart like if i do something risky like a dribble or something you guys might dunk me out so much you're telling me this is a normal video 2v1 yeah it's a normal video you guys you guys beat me you guys took the top it was fun it was fun unfortunately for us john and athena do end up taking the big w for this video which i kind of expected honestly they're both grand champ they're both decent players and unfortunately i just couldn't clutch up at the end there but i thought the video turned out really funny so hope you guys enjoyed it make sure to use creator code must see in the item shop to help support my channel make sure to subscribe to the channel as well if you're not subscribed kind of cringe you are subscribed you're an epic gamer but that being said i'll see you in the next video [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,711,055
Rating: 4.9538398 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League, 1 Supersonic Legend vs 2 Grand Champs (feat. Jon Sandman & Athena), supersonic legend vs 2 grand champs, 2 grand champs vs 1 supersonic legend, 2 gc vs 1 ssl, 1 ssl vs 2 gc, jon and athena vs musty, musty vs jon and athena, musty 2v1, jon and athena 2v1, jon sandman vs musty, athena vs musty, musty vs athena, musty vs jon sandman, rocket league showmatch, supersonic legend
Id: -0O1wCj9eR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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