Rocket League pros try to guess ranks again

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do we really even need an intro for this series at this point you guys are probably tired of youtubers talking too much at the beginning of their videos like Oh make sure to like and comment oh these guys are paying me so much to say this or Oh make sure to subscribe to me so I can get a million subscribers before musty blah blah blah blah blah blah blah so I'm just gonna skip the intro to this one okay its guests that rank we have professional rocket league players and they're trying to guess the rank of random players we found and that's pretty much it oh yeah plus I finally added a free play element so for round for the contestants will have to try to guess the players ranked based solely off of him practicing in free play should make a hard game even harder which is what we're all about in this series let's go all right he's got lightning this this is this is definitely not champ trash boosts so far not too bad I think if this is icy 8jc every single game oh my life that's the landing enough and he's been clapped wait is that is that a real alpha boosters just like my plan here is to look at the car is just stereotype them like that that's my strategy but it doesn't usually work that well I definitely would have dogged now is that a scarab booster he's not using it like a ginormous monkey oh that's good are you okay his car movements really weird it's like not fluid at all well he's but he actually just did that so now I'm confused I was thinking like flat I'm thinking maybe DOM and Platt maybe plot hot plat maybe Oh oh that was a weird area that's gap I mean unless that's flakes playing this is pretty low-tier and there's the kickoff goal cuz they forgot to go yeah and that's a note okay no I want to take back my statement and then I don't know they just miss the kickoff how much time do I have left it there's like no time that's it I need more we always need more but we never get it in this game this is a bad game this event this is a very bad game speed welcome to guess that right I'm gonna go plat to I could see this as like Jim Jim one high diving well I mean K could be a little Ola it's like let three buttons that one or literally kennel area so I'm gonna guess he's something like gold one I don't really said difference between like gold and platinum I dive it - yeah I'll say diamond - I think I think I'm gonna say flat one I think I'm gonna go at go up drill now you guessed flat one yeah yeah he's dead scared yeah that was plat three okay like that that was unfortunately a platinum three a pet Oh oh that's a ring set off you hate to see it okay I had a I had a feeling the first game might have been lower but I I could understand that I could see the bow spot three Craven Avery and a great start yeah we're a little off there Rob they couldn't even Ariel but do you know I feel like also at those ranks like do you give yourself a drink buffer and you're basically in the same rank you know thank you basically guess it exactly I nailed oh I don't know what Carlos is that's a that's a good what is that it's an Arab you know I don't actually know I don't even know what these car is but okay whoo yeah oh my god what are these camera settings Oh flaps go up when he boosts look at the boot I think it's a guardian the flaps go up oh man I should've been watching the gameplay I'm glad you got to interested in the car okay okay alright zero I'm not look at the car anymore Mike good antenna though is it corrupt ik is it per her I've got lost again no everything's wrong he's already a gold in my head wait no that's a good shot never mind and maybe it's the samurai only reason I wouldn't know that is because Jay sir that was a pretty accurate shot but maybe he got lucky we got to see the rest might have been the best show of his life so far that could have been so lucky he didn't know that he's never done that before I feel like okay it's just lucky oh wait no he's wavedash kick offing it's above goal that has to be yeah I'm I'm what's a little wife - that he's completely unaffected about I think he thinks it's cool oh my god it's a wife - bronze is out of the way a wave - kick off huh confident man right here he's not challenging which is good because he wouldn't got anything but then he missed see like that's such a bad ball to go for but literally great chance to do that so okay I don't think this is a grand champ just because the way he's not contesting stuff and then okay well there is something okay oh boy that's a mess this is this is like a curve ball right now they're just really good in really bad I think but no watching the game play it looks like that was a one time that yeah I was definitely at one time this is really good this is gotta be well this is easily worse than in the first clip okay what is this he's already up though I go yeah that's definitely my twos game this is grand champ we're all very interesting very interesting this is this is gold Eric and I can I want to go gold one this one looked worse than the other one that was worse I think so I could be relatively off on everything by three ranks but at least I was off by the same amount is there a lowered and silver like bronze bronze is a ting right I mean he waived ash on the kick off those so like the mechanics were better than the other one but were they I'm gonna say plat three I I know I'm all over the place there's some very interesting guesses yeah I bet I'm a difficult to for that shot no I think the wavedashes thrown me off it was only one wave - as well and it looked like on the kickoff it looked pre-planned you know I mean that's a good like silver it - I mean there's four people in front of the net at one point and they all missed the ball no silver - you said gold one that was actually being a little generous because that was a silver - oh yeah what's this guy the best player in the world all this the the silver prodigy oh really guessed it you guessed that right let's go as soon as I sold the car flats silver - screamed at me I knew that was the first time he's ever scored that in his life that way okay that's a rough one that's what I like cause like oh yeah the rotation was really bad I'm gonna get some Platt I thought he was just like it I have carry on k-kyle foot maybe he just sucks kickoff is pretty important on the on these ones okay he's going for a little quick one that's not too bad good half flip that's important in high-level see this just based off the speed or any I could see this is grant champ that's a fast challenge in the air this looking grant chappy already yeah yeah this is this is looking pretty good this looks like a xB playing or something okay no nice very allowed to teammate but he wasn't there it's the light oh my that's my cue all good bye plot where player above hit he's got a touch off the wall okay fight challenges very good this is like JC Lowell so far it's like it's timed and patent a that's pretty experienced player I don't think I've ever seen someone pay attention to camera setting so much like how can you tell like I can't even really tell what this do like what do you what are you talking let's say say his camera settings like that looks like he has like solid like normal camera something like 260 distance somebody actually took possession on the ball - they're hitting it to the side and not just straight their hits actually a power like it looks pretty solid I would just I'm just gonna get screen champ right now all right I like the early guess this is looking like diamond champ anything I'm not happy about it at this man's boost he's like you know what there's a small boost Pat I'm gonna use 40 in my boost to get to that small boost pad and get 12 back it's a brilliant idea it's a shot nails it course you're three feet out I'm already sold that this is a green chip and gameplay okay you want to lock in your guess right now oh yeah this is it this is top 100 OCA players ever yeah at a good goal so yeah Jesse so far my mum could probably school that that doesn't really tell me much okay what I know gene apps you know that I'm guess he thinks this clip is me okay so we got a bonus bonus contestant with J naps I'm gonna put him in Jane apps Jess's riza no there's no way it's me I think he's a part of left the game or his team right left so needs one v2e wait really yep this is a 1v2 i literally even notice that and these shows no problem I'm really confused this definitely isn't grand chapter because nobody actually say no I've gone up against some pretty boost heavy grand champs and his name starts with D and ends in E vote I hope you didn't include yourself and I've done that too many times now you're probably safe there okay I mean from the other game play there's no way you're in that because in thanks I appreciate that I hate that you're laughing like always laugh no matter what yeah I know but for this one it's like this guy's probably like a diamond three with the best mechanics in the world Oh Jason looking I'm just gonna go with grand champ here because this looks better than my teammates enjoying even by standards this isn't brilliant but I think the mechanics and the positioning a half-decent sign ago I was probably champ three champ no wait revision champ two went down the last like it all down greater though if you tell me he's chap three we're gonna have serious problems this was Stokely was a professional player even with his alpha boos oh my god I didn't even pick up with that I think I'm the only pro player who doesn't ever have I don't have alpha boost mmm your eyes aren't attuned to it's no clean my man okay okay I knew I see these camera setting I I came from his camera setting I love you so clear this is pretty honest somebody didn't guess Grand Champion that's a pretty rough oh yeah oh okay I hope you don't watch this video you will almost certainly watch it to be fair technically only two ranks out yeah right as far as the actual ranks go you're not that bad on the scoreboard for use Farsi hey he's got a new a decal recent gameplay Phoenix alright great boost management already he's got a hundred all the way really knows he's cover pro version of the game Baca smarter whatever whichever one hard to tell I can whip these in free play to these camera settings are pretty trashed so I'm already thinking he's bad back is not as well I definitely think this is like it's not horrendous either bought the wall chillin not really doing much or probably moving as fast as you'd like for a UH for a high level player definitely not JT I want to say that alright see based on what he's doing I'm just gonna guess geez now I feel like he's better than what he's actually doing in free play he's not doing anything like extraordinarily so it's really hard to tell so far but at least he can aerial and might at the bought decent speeds it looks like he's trying to do something he's not air rolling either except there and then he just does a recovery he's applied that seen other players do cool things and wants to do them as well pretends that he can do it but just not quite there like he's pretty good I think what he's showing his like maybe diamond but I feel like he's actually like champs something champ - I'm just gonna say oh and he thing gets my ring that's this low grand Jim can do this stuff but it's kind of hard to tell I guess I'm gonna go with c3 around champ one people start like trying to keep the ball close and stuff that's you I will give you that's me I would use a fennec Wow speeds not a real one anything for a video that was champ one this is definitely this is definitely a youtuber friend are you friends with I don't have any friends she just stuff replay diamond three you've took me on an expedition and left me in the desert welcome to guess my race I've seen plat so you can do triple flip resets and I've seen me who can't do a flip reset so I'm gonna guess maybe yes champ - you said diamond three and that one's gonna hurt because that was actually a champ three player no way no way - it was that you know wasn't me you were the only one to guess it correctly Cheerilee was it you know wasn't me okay no god no that's actually my editor Paco that's buckles yeah you know Paco he's the Manager for yeah I know yeah for monkey business oh my god talk no he's he's throwing on purpose for the video oh my I'm like only one rank out there give me that give me that oh I would I would give myself I'm giving myself that one did I guess champ three and then go back on it no that was Stokely that you did that that was a professional player you downgraded okay you some teammates really good nice job to me I was actually a pet oh he's got to save that oh god that that's not good I don't know I'm thinking maybe Platte at the moment I mean go on put that in nice now I don't think he's aiming to put it Bob let these look like I'm into camera settings if I had to guess what that's so specific yes so funny they look like diamond to camera settings I need more I need more sunless get a little more but you don't get a lot oh there's a lot of hesitation here well he's dunk the hell out of him quality moved from the man patient but like in a bad spot I was better off during frontier dribble and gets it done it was pretty crap he didn't really Faust Ariel that went for edible Oh got the dog I'm gonna guess a probably champ one Hey he believes in the playerbase he's optimistic genuinely right this stinks of well I was gonna say it stinks of a rank but it really doesn't stink of a rank that's a problem I'm gonna go with diamond two on that one I'm gonna smell the rank hang up stink what is it what do you smell am i smelling has revealed diamond give me diamond two one oh no one I'm thinking maybe champion till not one there wasn't bad bet oh maybe not mucking in with Chapel a night you know maybe a couple more inhales to narrow down now I need a big one diamond three [Music] using your nose you 100% accurately detected a diamond through your nostrils right three diamond three I'm just not bad one rank off right about to I'll take it oh I was close I was very nice one drink off okay that's not bad yeah that's why they're pretty good I feel like I did pretty good that's that bad you might have tied the best of all time now that I think about it really that's four total you just tied karma for the best prank guests ever right I'm applauding into my might I think you think Wow representing SSG really proud of myself this is not rigged guys I promise the scuff station yeah huh dude this is a huge deal you should be in tears right now you should I'm actually tears I should see me awesome thank you for having me that was fun pleasantly surprised my nose is better at guessing rockaway ranks from me [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 5,051,469
Rating: 4.9272614 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games, ssg, spacestation gaming, pc gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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