Robert Madu "'Tis The Season"

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[Music] God with us can we celebrate all these amazing children and the choir come on Trinity family you can do better than that for every worker come on would you let them know how appreciative we are [Music] absolutely amazing I think right now we're gonna have a nice game of find your parent or parent find your children awesome are you glad you're here at family Christmas how many know this is one of the best Sundays for you to ever come to Trinity one person is excited about it I love family Christmas for so many reasons one of them being every Sunday at Trinity is family Christmas our family rather because that's exactly what the body of Christ is it's a family where you belong not just some organization that you join I also love family Christmas because often when God does a thing his greatness is not really measured in minutes as much as it is measured in generations God will do something or promise you something that you won't see to another generation I was thinking I started coming to Trinity when I was three years old I used to be one of these kids up here picking my nose and not singing the songs and who would ever thunk I would be here preaching I saw the preschoolers up here playing that air guitar and some of you were just sitting there just looking like it frustrated and been sucking on lemons and constipated in you don't even know that like 30 years from now that same kid you saw playing an air guitar for free you gonna stand in line and pay money to see them play a real guitar I'm just saying you don't know who's up here in this room who's in this stage who's sitting in that seat and I believe God's got something special in store for us today amen are you ready for the word I'm telling if you feel like hearing it like I felt like preaching it's gonna be awesome would you stand with me to honor the reading of God's Word I think every child has finally made their way up to the parent unless the parent said no I'm good go so else awesome I want to look at Genesis today Genesis chapter 1 and I want to look at verses 14 and 15 Genesis 1:14 and 15 do you have a Bible with you if you got a Bible would you wave it in there like I just do care come on awesome somebody was a glowing thank you for charging up your Bible today just two verses of Scripture and this won't be painful I will not be before you long it's family Christmas because immediately following in service we're having the biggest after-party ever so make sure you hit up the food trucks and hot chocolate and everything that we have I think we're giving away free cars in the parking lot afterwards but Genesis chapter 1 verses 14 and 15 when you're ready to read it say yeah if you need some time say hold up I heard that hold up even those Genesis the first book then God said let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night and let them be signs to mark the seasons days and years let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth and that is what happened it was so nice let's just read it twice it says then God said let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night and let them be signs to mark the seasons days and years let these lights shine in the sky down on earth and that is what happened can you say Amen I want to preach to you just for a little while using this as a title and a subject tis the season tis the season would you help me preach look at the person next to you get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor oh come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor in church come on say neighbor tis the season come on just in case that neighbor was being a Scrooge they're little stuck out find another neighbor come on find another neighbor come on say other neighbor I got a word for you tears that sees him come on if you believe God's gonna speak with you give us some praise up in here this is for somebody today somebody watching online this for you let's pray and then you can see it just real quick let's pray some y'all are so tired I gotta keep standing after you sit out you good let's pray father thank you for your word God I know the grass withers the flower fades but it's your word that's gonna stand forever speak to us today Holy Spirit saturate this place from Center to circumference we've not come here today out of religious routine we're not coming to be entertained we have come to be drastically changed speak to us so clearly let us leave different than the way that we came in and because it is Christmas season of miracles Lord help your team America's team the Dallas Cowboys to somehow qualify for the playoffs and everybody said hey man you may be seeing the presence of the Lord you have not what you asked not tis the season Trinity family in the not-too-distant past I received an invitation to preach at a particular event and the moment I received the invitation I had some fear I had some trembling trepidation because I knew that to accept this invitation I would be preaching to the most difficult group of people to preach to to preach to this particular group of people you really have to be covered in prayer to preach to this particular group of people you have to put on the full armor of God to preach to this particular group of people you need the help of God the Father the Son the Holy Spirit Mary Joseph the angels and the wise men a particular group of people I'm talking about are not felons who've escaped from prison it's not Junior High students who had too much sugar but I was actually invited to preach to a group of preachers and believe it or not it is sometimes difficult to preach to preachers to add insult to injury they gave me the topic from which they wanted me to share on and they wanted me to share on the art of effective biblical communication so now not only am i preaching of preachers but I'm now faced with the daunting task of effectively communicating to communicators how one can communicate more effectively begin to share with them the 10 commandments of effective communication 10 commandments of effective communication I don't get it from a mountaintop just from my mind and there were Commandments like thou shalt know your audience Commandments like thou shalt steal I said it's ok for you to take an idea but don't just take it take it to a whole nother level I don't have to spend a lot of time on that commandment they had that one down but the commandment I did spend a majority of my time on is the commandment that says thou shalt know the power of intro thou shalt know the power of intro I began to articulate to them that perhaps the most important part of your message is the first 5 to 10 minutes of your message because it's in the first 5 to 10 minutes that your audience is deciding whether they're gonna lean in and listen to you or whether they're gonna lean back and check their Instagram while you're preaching so I began to tell them that how you begin something matters how you start something is very significant I'm an avid movie and TV watcher and I found out that even cinema knows this principle of the power of intro how many know there used to be a time in the history of movie and TV shows where they were start to show the movie by rolling the credits that's how it would start just by rolling the credits today you'd be hard-pressed to find a TV show or a movie that starts like this because now they understand the power of intro now it starts off with explosions it starts off with car chases that's why still today one of my favorite shows in all the world is CSI crime scene investigation that's my jam I love it because the show will just start off with a dead body missing shoes this is how it starts people is how it starts and for the next thirty I'm trying to figure out who killed him and what did they do with his shoes because they understand that how you begin something matters how you start something is so significant come even social scientists will tell you this social scientists have a theory it's called ERP Erb it stands for estimated relationship potential and what that theory postulates is whenever you meet an individual for the first time within the first five to ten minutes of meeting them you are already formulating in your mind whether that relationship is gonna be of any value or of any significance to you at all in the first five to ten minutes that's why I say if you're single oh you should smile at a person human touch because you don't know if they could be God's will for your life how you begin something it matters ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters I'm beginning to find out that this principle of the power of intro is not just a principle for communication but how many know it is a principle for life how you begin something matters how you start a season it matters come on how you start your day it matters that's why you're already winning today because you chose to come into the house of God and lift up the name that is above every name come on you ought to start your day out with praise how you start this new year that is upon us it matters there's power in the beginning we say cute things in culture like it doesn't matter how you start it matters how you finish I disagree I think it matters how you start and it matters how you finish as a matter of fact Christmas God's arrival is an answer to a problem that began in the book of Genesis come on somebody you wouldn't know anything about Mary and Joseph if Adam Eve hadn't jacked everything up in the Garden of Eden it was a messed up beginning but thank God for Jesus because he arrived to give us a new beginning our safe is predicated on the fact that God can give you a new beginning I can think of no better text of Scripture to preach from during this holiday season in the book of Genesis because Genesis is the book of beginnings and look at how God the greatest orator the greatest preacher look at how he starts off the greatest book ever written listen to God's intro you ready in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth that's a good intro yeah that is a good intro that is a powerful introduction I had to go Morgan Freeman voice because that introduction has so much power you must understand that that introduction is not so much a scientific description as much as it is a theological affirmation that is to say whenever you read the book of Genesis or any book in the Bible you have to read it with what scholars call literary intentionality that is what did that particular author have in mind whenever that author was writing that particular passage of Scripture you have to understand the book of Genesis was not given to us so that we could debate the evolutionist the book of Genesis was not given to us so that we can have discussions and diet rise with the Darwinist nor was Genesis given to us so that science could one day confirm with the Word of God says about creation because the reality is God does not need anybody to confirm him come on somebody He is God all by himself he is the Alpha and the Omega he is the first and the last he is the beginning and began come on he is the pre-eminent powerful all-seeing all-knowing God nobody voted him in nobody can vote him out you can impeach him cuz you like his policy himself would you wake up and just take ten seconds and give God some praise I appreciate the beginning God created the heavens and the earth God could have dropped the mic and walked away in one verse of scripture in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning God well not abolish his atheism because it says there's always been a God there will always be a god and there always was a god in the beginning God created God created that repudiates pantheism because any God that created something has to be separate and distinct from the entity that he created so that means I can't worship a tree I can't worship a well they're just the creation even the creation is giving glory and honor and raise back to the Creator in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the heavens and the earth that gives me the parameters to live my life the heavens and the earth that means I cannot be so earthly minded and so materialistic and hedonistic and think that the sum total of my life is what happens to me here on earth because the reality is if you are a believer how many know this earth is not your home you're a stranger you're an alien that's why your neighbor looks the way they look this isn't their home heaven is your true home I'm not just looking up to heaven waiting for God to rescue me from Planet Earth because the thing that authenticates the validity of you being a believer is to know you've been called to bring heaven down to earth and change every environment you step in and be a light in the midst of darkness in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth the Bible says the earth was without form and void and darkness was everywhere in the Bible darkness is a metaphor for chaos chaos was everywhere and a powerful God stands in himself and of himself and looks over the darkness it says ok guys here's what we are going to do in himself and up himself and say hey guys here's what we are going to do only God can do that only God can you understand that he is three and owada he is free and one God the Father Son the Holy Spirit three and one so he can stand in himself and up himself and say hey guys here's what we are going to do only God can do that only God come on if we catch you in the room by yourself how about hey guys here's what we are going to - we all got a pole pole in a clinical psychologist but God it's so awesome you can say hey guys here's what we're gonna do and he looks over the darkness he looks over the chaos if you will and says if there's ever gonna be the manifestation of something new I must first bring order to the chaos that is around me there's ever gonna be the manifestation of something new I must first bring order to the chaos that I'm encompassed by and can we be honest today on family Christmas isn't that what every single one of us want to do with our lives we want to bring order to the chaos status around us come on all you have to do is look on TV and read the news and see there's this human taking and longing to bring order to the chaos that is around us how many know there's every time we needed the Prince of Peace it is right now people are trying to bring order to the chaos some people try to do it through legislation and who we vote for bring an order to the chaos come on you have a look at the world look at your world have you ever looked at a particular area of your life and said who order has got to come to this chaos oh yeah I don't want to keep it 100 on Sunday come on have you ever looked at your finances and says order has got to come to this kale have you looked at your kids and saying order has got to come to this K look at your waistline and said oh it's got to come to this chaos it is a real human emotion to want to bring order to the chaos that is in your life I love it because we're on the cusp or right on the edge of 2018 how many already started your resolutions you under started your resolutions I love it because we have all these resolutions all this resolved and every new year it's gonna be my year to get it together I know I said the last year but for real this is my get together all the chaos not not of 2018 I'm good I love church people because we give her a spiritual what our declarations have you ever noticed anytime we make a declaration for the new year it always has to rhyme our declaration has to rhyme that's that's the church things so you know I'm saying like so like in 2004 God was gonna give you more in 2005 you were coming alive in 2006 you're gonna get it fixed in 2007 it was the year of open heaven in 2008 God was gonna make you great in 2009 you were gonna be fine in 2010 you were determined to win in 2011 you were gonna get the open heaven that you were supposed to get in 2007 you got all kinds of rhymes and a whole bunch of resolutions you hear me clearly I'm not saying you shouldn't have bronze I'm not shouldn't saying you shouldn't have hashtag goals but do you know what a lot of our resolution and I'll resolve to bring change in our life do you know what a lot of it's predicated upon I found willpower wheel power muscle I can do it I can fix myself I can get myself together how's that working for you how many no willpower is not real power have you come to the alarming conclusion that you cannot get yourself together that you cannot fix yourself come on that's why you needed a savior because you were too messed up how can you fix yourself with your wheel got you in the first place come on it was your wheel that text him back when you knew he was a loser it was your will that charged it you knew you didn't have the money it was your will they said give me the chocolate cake forget the kale salad [Music] says if you want your life to be a perpetual cycle of failed promises and failed resolve to change keep on using willpower but if you ever want to see the light of God's glory shine in your life if you ever want to see the chaos turned to cosmos you got to use the same thing that was used in the book of Genesis and how many know God did not create the world with willpower he created the world with the word power come on somebody there's no power at your wheel but how many you thankful there is power in the Word of God your will I love that word created in Genesis it is only used of God because that were created in the original language is excellent Helio and what it means is to create something out of nothing how many know God is the only person that could create something out of nothing you do know there's a vast difference between making and creating you and I we have the power to make we don't really create I know you think you're a creative but you don't really create God is the only one that really creates there's a difference between making and creating for it says after this service um you tell me Robert go make a fire like cool I can make a fire i'ma gather some wood together I'm gonna get some matches probably some gasoline just to make it interesting and once I got the wood the matches in the gasoline I'm gonna light it once the flame goes up in the air because I saw castaway with Tom Hanks I'm gonna beat my chest that would be right I made fire I did not create it because if I don't have the wood if I didn't have the matches of the gasoline I would be void and impotent to give you a higher here's what I love about God he does not make he creates God could be in Alaska inside of an igloo with a ceiling fan and air conditioning and out of nothing and from nowhere say let there be fire and fire has to show up because he can create something out of nothing okay you just missed your opportunity to shout you just miss your opportunity to do cartwheels up and down the aisle of the church today you just missed it because I just told you that God is the only one that can create something out of nothing and some of you know don't shout now don't count now nothing is happening in my life right now seems like nothing is happening with that business I started seems like nothing is happening with this child I've been praying for seems like nothing is happening with what I've been believing God for throwing the towel that's time for you to exercise your faith and start praising God in advance because you know he can create something this is why you look ridiculous and crazy as a believer because you can be praising God exuberantly over something that hasn't happened in your life and somebody can see you shouting praising going what happened you you win the lottery what's going on and you can look at them saying nothing but I'm going crazy until it shows up because God has the power to create something I'm getting excited on my own sermon never doubt the potency of God's Word just because nothing is happening Beckett is often on the canvas of nothing that God will create something better for God's Word it can get worse but if God said it it has to come to pass okay you don't believe you don't believe it you remember John chapter 11 numbers John chapter 11 we're introduced to a family he just starts coughing and they don't trip at first cuz it's not that bad they don't ruin for his mom sudden gets worse and worse and worse to the point Lazarus can't even get out of the bed and in my mom in my mind I see Martha she's kind of composed she's trying to keep it together but Mary's having a panic attack stop that crying let me ask you something when Jesus comes into town whose house does he stay at the presence of the Lord it's gon be okay this Bible story takes her cell phone this is a text message to Jesus says hey Jesus the one you love don't even say his name he knows what I'm talking about but what you love is sick you're Jesus do what you do send Jesus is on the other side of town preaching the gospel about cell phones while I preach it the ciphers are like Jesus that's you pulls out his cell phone sees the text message from Martha reason says the one you love is sick you Jesus do what you do response he says do not worry this cyclone this sickness predictive text will mess you up this sickness will not end in month against the tech girl look who just texted me Jesus look at what he said he said this sickness will not I told you he's an old-time haven't charged as a communicator that was so selfish because that entire moment waiting for you it was for me it was some of your faces go I never read this version before let me help you today that is the NIV okay Negro International Version it's a different translation is not in the lobby but don't miss the tension in the text right after they finish dancing Lazarus dies Jesus has the nerve and the audacity to not show up to the funeral then come to the graveside service then come to the house when they're eating chicken he walks him four days late four days late cool calm and collected number how y'all doing y'all good y'all good ma'am I feel like brother wouldn't have died you laughing but some of you are right at that place right now you're standing on the promise weren't you shouting and dancin hold it on to a text message what you're looking at a dead situation and I felt like the Lord told me to encourage you to get the same revelation that Mary and Martha God it's gotta come to pass it must come to pass oh I love that Jesus walked right past him went straight to the place where they laid Lazarus down preaches a three-point sermon and since the Lazarus come forth and a dead man came out of the grave and thank God it was a 3-point summer that day cuz y'all do know his word is so powerful if he would have just gone to a grade and said come forth every dead person in there would have been I heard on you talkin about me and it would have been a video but I want to thank God he can get the right word to the right person at the right time so that situation that people forward dad oh come on somebody you can know it will come back to life again somebody needs to take a place break and just praise God over that situation that looks like his dad but don't you forget he's the resurrection I'm telling you just because nothing is happening doesn't mean God's doing nothing I really want to show you through the creation there it is how whenever God speaks something it's got to come to pass whatever you speak so I want to show you through the creation creation there can we turn Sunday morning the Bible study real quick I promise we're almost done it'll be good but I want you to look at Genesis 1 verses 3 through 5 Jesus is 1 3 through 5 I want to show you what God speaks something it has to come to pass Genesis 1 3 through 5 declares then God said let there be light and there was light God saw that the light was good then he separated the light from the darkness God called the light day and the darkness night evening past and morning came marking the what today which day first day that's what your Bible says says day one God said let there be light light shows up God verbally retweets himself it says I'm good and there was light on the first day why because God said so okay let's look at Genesis 1 16 through 19 Genesis 1 16 through 19 says God made two great lights the larger one to govern the day as the Sun the smaller one to govern the night that's the moon he also made the Stars God set these lights in the sky to light the earth an evening passed and morning came marking the day so on day one he says let there be light and light shows up and the Bible confirms he said I'm good but he doesn't create the Sun the moon or the stars until day on day 1 he says let there be light and light shows up but he doesn't create the Sun the moon or the Stars like giving entities until day before so from day one he said let there be light and light shows up but the Sun the moon and the stars don't make a cameo appearance until day number 4 you gotta be asking yourself as a thinking cognitive individual what in the world is shining for three days light shows up but the Sun the moon and the stars don't show up until day four what in the world is shouted for three days is simply the power that is in the Word of God his word is so powerful he can just say left up right and light will show up without Sun Moon or stars but simply because God said so because when God speaks something it has to come to pass whether there's a sign for him or not but simply because he said it Oh anybody has ever gotten a word from God you should be shouting right there because when God speaks something is God I come to pass let there be light light shows up at day four goes oh yeah let's put a Sun and some bonus of stars up there to it I asked myself another question I said God if your word is so powerful that you can say light show up and light shows up without sun moon and a star then why create the Sun the Moon in the star's light just shine because you said so so even today we'd be outside we go who the word is bright today well thank God for those word because in Clause B of Genesis 1:14 he tells us why he created the Sun the Moon the Stars put Clause B of Genesis 1:14 he says let them the Sun the Moon the stars mark the signs let them be signs to mark the seasons days and years it says always not creating Sun Moon and stars is because they are gonna mark the seasons days and yes they are signs to mark the seasons days and years seasons days it's family Christmas can I get my friends from love your city theater to come help me preach cuz I feel like that they're missing the message can y'all welcome them as they come these are my preachers for today can you get right here and Debra you right in the middle and just kind of step out right there he says the Sun and the moon of the stars are signs to mark seasons days years season day years can y'all help me preach so you got to help me preach because they got it they got a lot of issues need you to help me help them get this because they need to understand the power of right now they don't understand the power of you see everything you're struggling with right now could be fixed if you understood the power the reason you're frustrated with where you are in life right now is because you haven't got a revelation of how God works you don't know the system by which he works he works through the reason you're already stressing this in the holly-jolly season for you it's because you don't understand the power I'm drunk god bless you so good being with you today say John chapter 10 I love it Jesus gives us his mission statement and the enemy's mission statement he says the thief comes to steal kill and destroy he said but I come the owner is not shut up in Bethlehem and so that you might have life and have it more abundantly in your life watch this will be lived throughout the years that God gives you and the way that you have fruitful is when you begin to understand the power and the value of every single way you have the strength to face each is when you develop a face this is God I'm gonna trust you no matter what the lines that I'm in I kind of want to help me preach that is a system that will push your life into the place that God has for you hello say was some power well let's say by themselves come on oh [Music] that's how you can have a great life I'm telling you you will never step into what God has for you you'll never receive life and life more abundantly because your life is really comprised of that he gives you the way you have every single you do know that every day that God gives you is a gift what you do with that you'll give back to God well you have strength for each you have a faith this is God I'm gonna trust you no matter what season I've learned that a season will come and go but God's Word will stand forever if the enemy watch this can get you frustrated in life cuz you don't like this season you'll waste every single game when you waster before you know what you'll look back and realize you're wasted you lost your entire life cuz you didn't understand the power of somebody say tis the season would you give them a hand thank you so much what's your team join me it all starts with you understanding a season seasons come and go God's Word will stand forever I think the art of living life well is trusting and unchanging God through the changing seasons of Lion say that again I think the art of living life will is trusting and unchanging God in the changing seasons of life it's funny I was uh talking to a person the other day now we have three kids under three three kids under three I was like a classic human complaining about the season of life that I'm in I was talking to this a couple of heck had the kids 2014 man I'll change the diapers every day me losing my mind these toddlers I don't know if we need to cast out the demons I don't know what's going on she's going on and on cleaning about the season as I'm talking person with kids tears coming down their face like you feel me sometimes - they're like no said my kids are grown man seems like just yesterday they were that tiny season you ever talk to a single person my life I'm so sick of being by myself you don't know what it's like every night having to cut up myself every night having to watch Netflix by myself I just wish somebody could just hold their hand and be with somebody I'm so sick of being alone about to lose my mind sitting right next to a married person going home every minute of every day they all right on your side of the bed I wish I could just have five men so while Massa can I get some me time please season season what is the art of living life well thank God I trust you no matter the season seasons come and go coz word will stand forever you know in Dallas here we don't get to see all the seasons I love that I get to travel cuz you get to really see all the seasons I still think my favorite season is summer summer is an awesome season I mean come on backyard barbecues doing the electric slide swimmin get to work on my tan summer it's an awesome season how many know here in Texas we get triple digit heat and have you ever put your hand on the steering wheel after it's been enclosed to your garage and that triple digit heat whoa it'll make you speaking a tongue that needs no interpretation it's still an awesome season winter oh it's an amazing season some places it looks as if God has leaned over the balcony of heaven I've thrown a white Snuggie over all of creation winter looks good looks good looks good fall oh it's an amazing season even has bass with I'm good fall to see the leaves in the trees and the changing of colors as if rim Brenner Picasso has painted each one with intricate detail then again when that wind starts blowing at those leaves start falling in your yard and you got to go out there and rake up oh it's not art there that's just Savoy spring amazing season if you would just get off of Facebook and look at the flowers some of the flowers are so beautiful they will take your breath away then again is not much breath to be taken away because the pollen count is up and you sneezing all over the place and Papa claritin like is Eminem's you saying saying every season has its beauty and its burden and it's all contingent upon your perspective what are you gonna focus on season [Music] [Music] hear me I'm not negating the factor in a difficult season I'm telling you some seasons are hard somebody they need want to come to church today because of the season you're in I'm not saying it's not hard but I do know that seasons come and go God's Word will stand forever never let a season dictate your worship or your trust let your trust in your worship speak to the season so no matter what season I'm in no matter what's coming to get you by song it's still the same it's the same in December it's the same in January it's the same in February no matter the season my heart is still postured in adoration to say o come let us adore him can we sing in spite of the season somebody needs to lift up his name even though you're going through a difficult season [Music] come on [Music] [Music] Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father thank you that you don't change God thank you that we have strengths for the season where you tell me you got strengths for the season you're in you just got a change of perspective the gaze at the beauty of who Jesus is that's where the straight comes for your season just what heads bowed eyes closed been here today and he just be so honest to say you know what I'm in a difficult season I'm not necessarily asking God to change your season come on when you look back some seasons you're thankful that you went through it was difficult but you come on you got a prayer life like you ain't never had before when you went through that station come on that's when you learn how the were sure if you're here today and you say you know what I'm in a difficult season and I just need to change my perspective it's all about what you're focusing on I need to focus on his sufficiency and because he came in a manger I have everything that I need spotted this season heads about I was close s you say I just need strength to change my perspective in this season that she lifts up her hair wherever you are need to know who I came for said SP she lifted them right back down thank you anybody else got just about out still clothes fit here today and you've never taken that first step to say Jesus my life is yours I could think of no better season just surrender your life to Jesus during this holiday season call it cheesy calling cliche but Jesus really is the reason for this season today you've never surrendered your life to him you've been trying to change your life with willpower willpower is not real power its power and God's Word His Word says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that he is lower you'll be saved today you've never taken that first step to surrender your life to Jesus so maybe there was a season you were going after the things of God you walked away because of the season but you need to rededicate your life to him today would you just lift up Aaron adesh you I'm not gonna plead you and this closing for air see that hand anybody else this it until it bears you at all but can I ask you to be so bold and so brave I know it's family Christmas we're almost done but just at this moment I just think there's something powerful about leaping where you are and coming down to the front if you lifted up your hand for either one of those saying I need strength to change my perspective in this difficult season or saying I'm surrendered my life to Jesus when I count to three I don't care if you're all the way at the top I want you to come to this altar and I just want to pray and believe with you that you gonna make it even in that season you're gonna surrender your life to Him when I count to three if you lift the piano you should have one this is your moment two three would you call would you call you lifted up your head or you should have lifted up your hand I want you to come come on church so we encourage those that accompanied the church you can do better the back could you just come all the way to the front for the top of a balcony [Music] [Music] we'll ever be [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your body [Music] [Music] males you just lift up your hand specialist although just begin to just declare that at your season [Music] Oh we'll be home [Music] not gonna let the enemy Rabia praise [Music] thank you just right at this altar can you repeat this prayer some friends are behind you I'm gonna pray with you after this for just personal prayer but we all just make this declaration as one big family but especially those new at the front to say this from your heart so dear Jesus thank you so much for coming down from heaven to earth thank you so much for living the life I was supposed to live for dying the death that I was supposed to die you took my place so my response is to surrender all of me for all of you come into my life I need you in every season today change my perspective to focus on your beauty your sufficiency I have strength for this season because I know seasons come and go your word will stand forever so I'm holding on to you Jesus a man a man come on can we give our God a big big lover praise come on you could do better than that would you give God the biggest Handclap of praise today tis the holidays when the enemy is trying to take your peace away oh I have strength for this your in-laws are coming in you're like how in the world am I related to you I have strengths for this season
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 16,021
Rating: 4.8900342 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu, Family Christmas
Id: 3XO3BTr1g-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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