It's In You | Robert Madu | James River Church

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the shadows bound for the gallows - laughs : [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I'm excited to preach the word today anybody come to get a word from God I'm telling if you feel like hearing it like I feel like preaching it something's don't happen in here today so I want to go to 2nd Timothy 2nd Timothy chapter 1 I want to look at verses 1 through 7 and also Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 across every campus and online if you have a Bible which wave it in the air and even hear which wave it in the air like I just do care come on shout out to North Campus West Campus in Joplin you at home and your bathrobe a man 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verses 1 through 7 and then Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 when you're ready to read it say yeah if you need some time to find it say hold up all right I heard that hold up it was a desperate hold up some away even though it's gonna be on the screen come on second Timothy chapter 1 and it says Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy a beloved son grace mercy and peace from God the Father in Christ Jesus our Lord I thank God whom I serve with the pure conscience as my forefathers did as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day greatly desiring to see you being mindful of your tears that I may be filled with joy when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you which is dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and I am persuaded is in you also therefore I remind you to start the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands for God has not given us a spirit of fear hashtag don't be scared but of power and of love and of a sound mind can you say Amen and then just to add an addendum to this Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 it doesn't seem like it goes with this passage but we'll make it make sense by the end Genesis 2 verse 7 declares God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life the man came alive a living soul can you say Amen I want to preach today not long probably about four and a half hours just using this using this as a title it's in you it's in you what something incredible happened this weekend as people begin to use what God put in them to make dfl happen and I earnestly believe that everything you need to do what God has called you to do it's in you it is already in you you don't have to be jealous of anybody you don't have to hate on anybody you don't have to look outside of yourself everything you need to do what God has called you to do it's in you in fact I need you to help me preach today would you look at the person next to you get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor oh come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor in church come on this is a friendly church come on say neighbor it's in you okay just in case their neighbor was stuck up and didn't want to talk to you find another neighbor find another brothers come on say other neighbor here my second option but I got a word for you it's in you come on if you believe God's gonna speak to you today would you give him some pray in here come on let's pray let's pray let's ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us father thank you for your worm but I know the grass withers the flower fades but your word will stand forever Holy Spirit speak to our hearts today we've not gathered today out of religious routine I would not come today to be entertained we have come to be drastically changed speak to us so clearly and let us leave different than the way that we came in and Lord because I am from Dallas I asked that you would favor your team America's team the Dallas Cowboys to defeat the Redskins in Jesus name everybody said come on you have not as you asked not quick a quick little sermonic survey before we delve into this how many would say across every campus and here today how many you would say about showing of hands that you were raised in church I'll see your hand if you were raised in church wow that's almost everybody hold on keep it lifted raised in church I just need to see who needs the counseling I'll lift up my hand with you and I'll let you know that I too was raised in church and if you lifted up your hand you are probably acutely aware of the fact that the life of a church kid is distinctly different than the life of a regular kid oh come on so body there are trials and tribulations and situations that you will go through as a church kid that other kids aren't even aware of at dfl pastor Debbie asked me in the Q&A session you know why are you so committed to the local church and I wanted to say because I had no choice I grew up in a household where we had to be in church early day the doors were open had to be in church there were no discussions there were no debates there are no diatribes it was not a democracy it was a dictatorship okay had to be a church I don't never one Sunday I think it was like 13 and I woke up feeling kind of bold kind of brave kind of gangster I said to my father I said to my father I said to my Nigerian father said I'm not going this Sunday I don't feel like it I said that to my Nigerian father and do you know what my Nigerian father said to me he said let me tell you something boy no no no let me tell you something you have two options huh you can get the bed bed and go to church or I can kill you and we will go to church and have your funeral but either way you will be in church because as for me and my house we will serve the Lord go to church what kind of I ever boy go teacher didn't do the work on the part but true story true story dinner's dinners were different in the Madhu household dinners were different because you could not eat your food you could not touch your meal without my mom hitting you with this question what's your favorite scripture before you could eat your food you had to give a scripture before you can touch the plate you had to give a scripture Church you don't know hunger until your mind is racing to the Bible just trying to find the scripture so you can eat your food I remember one dinner being so exasperated with my mom I looked at her and saying jesus wept give me the chicken why are you playing what peoples food but that is the environment that I grew up in and today I was just kind of like to invert the question that my mom asks at the dinner table and not ask you what your favorite scripture is but ask you have you ever considered what your least favorite scripture is because I know mine we read it today it is in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 the Bible says that God created man from the very dirt of the earth just let that scripture bless you for a minute there if you were ever tempted to be saved and stuck up or to be anointed and arrogant and just kind of think you all that and a can of Pringles you need to do a Bible study on Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 because the Bible is clear that we did not come from some amazing celestial substance but every single person in this room across every campus came from nothing but dirt I want to do exercise that's helpful for yourself a stain would you do me a favor just look at the person to your left look at them real good look at the person to your right look at them real good look at the person behind you looking real good look at the person in front of you watch this you may think you have nothing in common with the person that you looked at you're wrong every single person you looked at according to the Word of God is a Dirt Band yes yes I'm not trying to fence you I'm just trying to be biblical because the Bible is clear that we came from nothing but it's just funny to me to think about all the things that we do for our dirt like come on you got this morning you washed your dirt you you put deodorant I hope you put the old her head all your dirt all the things that we do for our ladies sisterhood the money you spend on your diet all you get your dog manicured you get your dirt pedicure done Mary Kay a mac makeup on your turn some of you go in tan advance to get your dirt to be closer to the shade a monitor all the things that we do for our tithe of billions of dollars that are spent in this nation on dirt surgery yes you can get dirt suction you can get a dark lift all the things we do the nerve and the audacity to take their smart device hold it like this at this angle at the perfect life take about a hundred pictures cuz you know the first one you post is not the first one you took take about a hundred pictures posted it on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter talk about hashtag selfie No hashtag dirty because you came from nothing but dirt you need a visual I'll give you one this is you tell me that we did not mess up the James River budget today get in this dirt okay about a dollar ninety-nine cents if if the substance of something speaks to its significance I take issue with the fact that we came from dirt come on dirt has never had a positive connotation in society we say things like you better watch your mouth you got a dirty mouth even when you talk about the frugal tea if somebody spending cabbage you say man you are as cheap as but that's where we came from dirt and I'll take issue with this this becomes problematic problematic especially when you juxtapose it with the greatness of our God because you do know that we serve a great God we serve a magnificent God he does everything with Beauty he does everything with Wonder he does everything with splendor come on dog does not do anything ordinary he does everything extraordinary the Bible says that the heavens are declaring the glory of God come on if you see a sunset you're seeing the handiwork of God if you see the time it should take your breath away and show you how God creates everything with splendor and opulence you do know he's the interior designer of heaven he did the streets in pure gold he did the gates in pearl but when he got ready to create you and I his prized possession the one he's his only son to die on a cross for of all the things that could have used he said let's use dirt I was so mad I said hold on God streets get gold but we got dirt that's messed up I think God started speaking to me and he said Robert don't get mad get glad and he started showing me the revelation that is encapsulated within the creation process because church since the beginning of time God has been trying to teach us something about what he does and what he can work with and you want to thank God today that you serve a God who is holy but he's not afraid to work with things that are dirty you serve a God who is magnificent but yet he can work with things that are mundane and ordinary you serve a God who is awesome but yet he can work with things that look like they're awful and I just want to pause and thank God that in a culture that says get that dirt away from me get that messed up person away from me and a culture that is quick to write people off and say no they can't be used no not them they're too dirty God says no bring me that turn bring me that person you think can't be used I will put my hands on that dirt I can shape that dirt as a matter of fact I will breathe in that turn and that dirt will come alive and become a living soul come on how many you're thankful today that God can work with dirt and messed up situations oh come on somebody see if you're stuck up you can't praise God for that but if you know you got some issues and some of your issues have issues you ought to thank God that he doesn't need clean pristine Pinterest perfect people to get the glory out of their life and that God is the only one that can take a great mess and turn that thing into greatness so when he uses that person they can say that was not my that was not by power that was about the Spirit of God because he can't work with dirt can I take you further I think it's also imperative to note that dirt is the only environment that is conducive for a seed you cannot put a seed in gold you cannot put a seed in a diamond I don't care how giant the tree how nutritious the vegetation or how beautiful the flower if the gardener never places the seed in dirt it will never reach his optimum potential and I want to submit to you that although you came from dirt there is a seed on the inside of you there is a gift that God has put on the inside of you and the world is waiting for you to stir up what God put down on the inside of you this is what the Bible says that we have this treasure in earthen vessels that it is Christ that is in us that is the hope of glory well I feel like preaching but let me calm down and be an exegetical engineer who effectively and efficiently excavates an extrapolates the complexity is hidden within the crevices of a biblical composition get all translation I just want to break this Scripture down a little bit if I can I love second Timothy because it is written by the Apostle Paul and Paul is writing to his spiritual son Timothy and he's letting him know the need to be a steward of the gift that God has put on the inside of him and I love that Paul is writing this because who else but Paul is qualified to tell you to stir up the gift of God on the inside of you Paul knew how to stir up the gift of God you should never mandate something that you haven't modeled yourself the reason he can tell Timothy disturb the gift of God is because Paul stirred up the gift of God on the inside of him Paul was off the chain two-thirds of your New Testament was written by the hand of the Apostle Paul this dude would write a letter and revival what break out in the city from him write a letter if Paul was alive today you would get a text a tweet an email from Paul that would change your life forever Paul was off the chain one day Paul was preaching and he must have been boring because he preached so long that one to fill out the window broke his neck and died Paul stop the sermon went downstairs the laid hands on the dude raised him from the dead and went right back to preach see that's why I put jokes in my sermon because I don't want you to fall asleep on me fall out your chair and die cuz I'm not sure if I got the power to raise you from the dead but Paul did Paul was powerful one day the disciples were trying to cast out some demons and they failed miserably and the demons shouted out Paul I know Jesus I know who are you Paul was powerful demons trembled when Paul stepped in a territory that's why everywhere Paul went they tried to shut him down because he knew how to stir up the gift of God in him they said Paul we gonna kill you he said that's cool because the die is gay he said ok then Paul we're gonna let you live he said that's cool too because to live is Christ they said ok then Paul we're gonna make you suffer he said that's cool too because I've already reckoned that the present sufferings of this world are not worthy to be compared to the glory of God that's gonna be revealed on the inside of me I was off the chain but you can't really appreciate second Timothy until you understand the context of the text because scholars and theologians are almost unanimous in their declaration that 2nd Timothy is the last thing that Paul wrote he is literally writing this from a jail cell he's about to be executed so when you read 2nd Timothy you are each dropping into the psychology of a man who knows that he is about to die why is that important it's important because there's something about a consciousness of death that will clarify what's really important in your life oh come on somebody if I told you you had 24 hours to live how many know getting some chicken after service and watching Netflix would not be that important to you come on you would want everything that you did to carry great weight and significance because you would be aware of the fact that you are running of time so I find it intriguing of all the things Paul could have written about in the last moments of his life he feels the need to tell Timothy whatever you do stir up what God put on the inside of you I'm gonna be honest with you I love you James River Church I really do but if I'm on death row and they're about to kill me and I get to write a letter the last thing I'm gonna do is write you a letter and tell you to stir up the gift of God if they're about to kill me I'm writing one letter don't kill me exclamation point but now Paul Paul says if there's anything I gotta tell you with my last breath I'm telling you to stir up what God put on the inside of you why would Paul do that because ultimately that is all that life is about what did you do with what he put in you what did you do with what he put in you not with what he gave your neighbor or your cousin what did you do with what he put in you you got to stir up the gift of God on the inside of you I think some of us think when we get to heaven God's gonna say well thought my good and faithful servant well hashtagged my good and faithful servant well dreamed to my good and fit no well done that means you gotta do something with what God put in you some of us he's gonna say well because we haven't started up what God put on the inside of us oh I'm telling you this is what wakes me up every morning in fact I'm scared of a couple of things I'm scared of heights I'm scared of heights you will never catch this chocolate brother bungee jumping or skydiving ever okay if they sound bad for a bunch of jumpin investigate somebody killed me okay scared of heights I'm also scared of snakes I don't do snakes at all but man above Heights and snakes you know what I'm really afraid of I'm afraid that when I get to heaven God would flash up on a screen all the things that I did for him and then he'll flash up on another screen all the things that I could have done with what he put in me and what I did will dim in comparison to what I could have done this is what wakes me up every morning to know there is a gift on the inside of me there is a gift on the inside of you you've got to stir it up oh I love what one writer says he says the tragedy of life is not death but rather what we let die inside of us while we still live another writer says that the wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery because buried and the cemetery are dreams that never became a reality buried in the cemetery are songs that we never got to say buried in the cemetery are books that we never got to read art that we'd never got to gaze upon because the person never stirred up what God put on the inside of them but on this Sunday morning God sent this screaming shouting sweating shot the brother from Dallas Texas to tell you you got to stir up what God has put on the inside of you because the world is waiting to see it and the grave cannot get what God put on the inside of you come on somebody just wake up your neighbor and slap them upside the head real hard and say stir it up no slap it real good say stir it up well if you go you go to Dallas you go to my parents house and you go to the backyard you'll see this peach tree there's this huge peach tree there and the way that peach tree got there is when I was a kid I loved eating peaches can I'll never forget eating this peach one day and I got down to the seed and being the precocious kid that I was I went to my father and I said dad what is this about that said son that's the see extra scratch that he's Nigerian so he actually said son that is de-seed I said really he said yes he said son do you know if you take that scene and you plant it in the ground a peach tree will come up I said no daddy he said son it is true so true still right now my father we go to the backyard we plant this seed for the peach tree and I am so excited about having my own peach tree like I am elated about this peach tree I'm going to school the next day saying I'm have a peach tree I'm half a peach tree y'all can't sell my peaches no but hey know me you can't have none of my peaches I mean I was excited about this peach tree we plant the seed and the next day the next day I'd go outside to get my peaches to my shock there is no peach tree I said okay maybe you need it today go outside the next day no peach tree next day no peach tree next day no peach tree next thing no peach about that eighth day I don't even want to go outside anymore I am inside the house my nose is pressed up against the windowpane one tear is slowly cascading down my face because I don't have my peach tree my father walks in and sees me crying says what's wrong with you why are you crying don't talk to me you sad note if your father's African don't call him a liar okay discipline is high on the priority list okay is that you calling me a liar are you calling your father a lot where's my spear boy I brought you in this world take you out what I said come here boy I'll never forget it took me outside to the place where we planted it ask me a critical question he says son have you done anything with this sense we planted a certain oh he said son listen to me every day you come home from school go and get the water hose and water what we plan to stop crying like a little baby and go and get the water hose and you water what we plan it I hope somebody sees where I'm going with this today because there are so many believers who have their nose pressed up against the windowpane of your life and you think your heavenly father lied about what he was gonna do in you and through you but God's saying no I've been lie I've just been waiting for you to do something with what I put on the inside of you come on you are not waiting on God he is waiting on you to stir up the dream the promise the gift that he put on the inside of you you got to stir it up oh come on somebody say stir it up oh come on say like you had your coffee say stir it up come on say like you got some passion say stir it up oh you got a stir pass fear you got a stir pass worry you gotta pass your insecurities you got a star pass what other people have spoken off of your life and shake it off and believe what God has spoken over your life come on somebody say stir it up Oh stir pass worry star passed down star pass all of that and once you begin to store some stuff up you'll begin to see wait a minute there is a gift down on the inside of me you know what I love about the illustration is none of y'all knew that was in there except for me you know why cuz I'm the one that put it in there see that's why I get excited when haters and naysayers come in my life and they say no you can't do that no I don't see that happen now I'm not in Springfield I just don't see it I just don't see it of course you don't see it because you didn't put anything in me but there was a God that put something down on the inside of me and as soon as I stir it up oh come on somebody you don't see these that eyes have not seen and ears have not hard neither has it entered into the heart of man the things God has already prepared for you oh hear me just as sure as I'm holding this gift in my hand every single person in this room every single person and North Campus and Chaplin and West Campus guess what you have a gift everybody something God has given you to bring him glory I wonder have you figured out what your gift is because you got something what is your gift I thought that was incumbent upon me to preach this message because I saw this weekend DFL so many people use they're gifts not all seen on the stage but people using their gift to bring glory to God and that's why we can celebrate and say almost 300 women made a decision to make Jesus Christ their Lord and their Savior because some people said I'm not gonna sit on the sidelines I'm gonna stir up your gift you got something we could spend all day talking about the gifts that are here some of you are gifted to be a business person gifted lawyer gifted a politician gifted teacher gifted mom I know I don't feel like it because you're just cutting the crusts off the edges but God has called you to be a mom that is your gift you have something some of you don't even realize something so small could be a give your smile is a gift just some I think churches were girl like crazy if people would just smile when they walk here and hop like their face looks like it has a relationship with Jesus instead of looking constipated like you've been sucking on lemons all day just smile almost - not a smile and ministry what do you do for God I smile what is your give you got some of your gift is you just look good it's a gift not everybody has it either come on come on the Bible is clear the Bible is clear some of us are wonderfully some of us were fearfully made there's a clear distinct vertical you're beautiful you're beautiful you have a gift what is your gift or something God has given you to bring him glory do you know what your gift is because you got something come on let me just give you some practical questions you can ask yourself to find out what your gift is here's a question you can ask yourself to find out your gift number one what do you like to do our gifts are hidden in our passions what is something that when you see it it just brings you joy or something that when you see it it actually breaks your heart there's some ministries that have been started because people have seen things that are broken they said this cannot be this way and there's a reason that your emotions feel that way emotions are horrible dictators but they are great indicators that can point to a passion a god-given passion that you have what do you like to do here's another question what would you do for free if nobody paid you do it what would you do for free here's another question what do other people see in you sometimes people see things in us we don't even see in ourselves I was growing up in church I never wanted to be a preacher never wanted to be a preacher I wanted to be an actor I figured I look like Denzel shut up may as well act like him I remember doing a Bible study before our drama team would get on stage and my youth pastor overheard me doing the Bible study and he said Robert you've got an incredible gift to articulate the Word of God I think he's gonna use you to preach the gospel and I looked at miss hell no we're just smoking I'm going to Hollywood to be an actor but he saw something in me at 13 I didn't see in myself here's another question what frustrates you sometimes you're anointed for what annoys you sometimes the thing that you notice in the church see like aw I can't believe that they should do this or that instead of getting frustrated and walking away you ought to look at that thing and say could I be the answer to the thing that I'm frustrated about guess we used to frustrate me growing up in church boring preachers I'm like Lord you gotta quit hiring boring people to speak for you they making you look bad you can say a lot about my preacher but you can't say I'm boring okay if you sleep on me go see a doctor immediately answer to something that frustrated me what is your gift and not get in the sermon right there to stir up the gift see the gift but I can't in the summer they're without warning you that the day you stir up your gift get ready for all hell to break loose in your life ooh aren't you glad you came to church today so if there's anybody the enemy hates is somebody who's identified their gift that's why he's attacking you because of the gift and the call that is on your life in fact there are three entities that will always be after your gift God wants your gift the enemy wants your gift other people want your gift God wants it the enemy wants it other people want it God wants it because he gave it to you every good and perfect gift comes from the father and he's waiting for you to give the gift back to him to bring him glory the enemy wants your gift and the enemy will rob you of your gift by getting you to use your gift for you that's all the other people ever tell you do you use your gift for you don't ever give it back to the kingdom of God but how do you know your gift left to you will crush you you can't handle your gift and we can cut on TV and look in culture and see people who are so gifted but their gift became a curse because they never gave it back to the giver other people want your gift this is where it gets tricky because God wanted my gift that's a good thing right the enemy wanted my gift that's bad but other people wanted my gift is that a good thing or a bad thing because people love gifts gifts are attractive we connect when we see the gift whether it's a relationship business partnership you see the gift but how do you know when you meet that person you don't just get their gift you also get their nerve and people can handle your gift but not a whole lot of people can handle your dirt okay I just lost everybody in the room you are so excited earlier you're like whoa I got a gift I got a call but let's be honest you got some dirt to your dirt doesn't make it to your Instagram page you got some dirt to some humanity some things you're still working on so you know what most of us do we love to show our gifts and hide our dirt one person's honest over there this is how you meet most people this how most people come to church hallelujah god is good we don't want anybody to see the real us we love to show the gift come on this is why dating is easier than marriage I don't want to be real because in the dating process all you see is the gift but as soon as you say I do you wake up one morning and roll over on the other side of the bed and say what oh you didn't say this at Cheesecake Factory what is pass what credit score is watch what I'm telling you our ceremony I don't even say I do I said I'm dirt I'm dirt I take off the turn hope you can take mine too this is the challenge of life balancing the gift and the dirt this is why I love reading the Bible because I'm so glad that the Holy Spirit was the final editor of the Bible and let us see real people with real issues that have gift and dirt because church people today don't do that they act like they're in the witness protection program and they don't tell their real testimony but God let us see it all people like David gifted walked right up to the light and said hey you ain't gonna talk about my God in front of everybody I'm about to knock you out mama said knock you out you won't get knocked out today gifted the same David was on a rooftop saw this woman named Bathsheba taking a bath sends her a text message it says hey girl saw you taking a bath you should come over tonight smiley face dirt moses was gifted walked right into Pharaoh's Palace kicked the door open they wrote cut the music off God said let my left mop know he had a stutter and left we want to leave we want to leave we're sick of this gifted that same Moses committed murder trying to accomplish the plan of God in his own strength and how many know you don't have to look at the pages of biblical antiquities but can you look at your own life and see the inequities of the gift and the dirt if you're not careful your thought approaching God the same way you approach people trying to show the best and hide the mess what I love about God is that he can see your gift you can see your dirt and he loves you anyway and he says I still have a purpose I still have a plan that's why I gave you the gift and I know your turn I'm just waiting for you to give it to me hear me do you know what most of us struggle to handle our gift in our dirt do you know why so many of us struggle to handle it it's because we are trying to handle it see the whole time I've been preaching I've been trying to hold this gift and hold this dirt and hold this microphone and it's a picture of so many of our lives you've been trying to hold it and you were never meant to hold it or handle it can I tell you true freedom is when you take your turn and you take your kids and you put it out of your hands and you put it in the hands of the God that formed you the hands of the God that loves you hands up the god that cares about you come on that's when you can worship that's when you can experience real freedom when it's out of your hands all hear me church life is predicated upon whose hands you put something in life is all about whose hands you put something in you don't believe me a basket ball in my hand is worth twenty dollars you put that same basketball in LeBron James hands it's worth three hundred million dollars because it all depends on whose hands you put something in come on if you take a golf club and put it in my hands you'll get a horrible game of putt-putt but you put that same golf club in the hands of Bubba Watson you got a masters championship because it all depends on whose hands you put something in come on if you take instruments and you put it in my hands you'll run out of this sanctuary and cover your ears but the same instruments and their hands is giving glory and honor and praise to the king of kings and the Lord of lords come on whose hands are you gonna put your life in a slingshot in my hands can't hit the back side of this building but in David's hands it defeated a terrorist and the people of God got freedom come on are you gonna put your life in his hands if you take a hammer and nails put it in my hands it won't do anything but in Jesus hands we got salvation we got a healing we got a hope we got life we got joy we got two little ants we got everything Oh somebody did got some praise in this place today and you know there is power put it in his hand [Music] you're struggling because you're trying to handle it put that marriage in his hands put that business in his hands put that child in his hands true freedom it's knowing God I can't handle this so I'm gonna put it in your hands I told you about my church kid we used to sing this song I don't know who wrote it because it went very creative just kept saying the same words over he's got the whole world he's got well he's got your world in his hands but you've gotta say God I'm tired of trying to handle it I'm tired of trying to show the best and hide the mess I'm just going to give it to you
Channel: James River Church
Views: 130,981
Rating: 4.9310541 out of 5
Keywords: robert madu, taylor madu, robert madu messages, robert madu sermons, robert madu it's in you, robert madu it's already in you, 2 timothy, sermons on 2 timothy, how to glorify god, trinity church, trinity church cedar hill tx, robert madu trinity church, pastor robert madu, robert madu sermon, it's, in, you, james river church, church, church online, robert, madu, best sermons, best sermon, god, jesus, christian, encouragement, uplifitng, inspriring, jrc, james river church sermons, trinity
Id: IT4iTS_vdAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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