Robert Madu | Don't Forget To Remember

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hey I'm excited about the Word of God today I have a word from God say don't you always have a word from God sometimes I'm walking up like Lord I don't know help me but today I really believe this is a word from heaven I was walking out with my five-year-old Evie said preach good daddy I said that's what I'm gonna do so if you're in the room online I want you to engage be responsive especially if you're in the room y'all are the live studio audience so don't act dead okay go with me to mark chapter 8 today mark chapter 8 I want to look at verses 14 through 21 the Gospel according to Mark starting at verse number 14 and we'll land at verse number 21 when you're ready to read it say yeah you need some time to find marks they hold up I heard little hold ups i'ma wait says the disciples had forgotten to bring bread except for one loaf they had with them in the boat be careful jesus warned them watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod they discussed this with one another and said it is because we have no bread aware of their discussion Jesus asked them why are you talking about having no brand do you still not understand or your hearts hardened do you have eyes but fail to see and ears but fail to hear and don't you remember someone just say remember come on say like you had your coffee say remember when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand how many basketballs are pieces did you pick up twelve they replied and when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand how many basketballs are pieces did you pick up they answered seven he said to them do you still not understand one hone in what Jesus says and don't you remember don't you remember I want to preach today not long cuz it's the second service probably bout four and a half hours you using this as a title don't forgive it to remember don't forget to remember would you do me a favor don't touch anybody but just look straight ahead and just say don't forget to remember just look at somebody next to you right in their face if you're online look at them in your house if it's just you and your cat look at your cat and just say don't forget to remember Emma let's pray father thank you for your word thank you for your presence but I thank you that your word brings life light and illumination father let us be transformed today the power of your word in Jesus name everybody said don't forget to remember never heard me preach before you know I start off on a light note but not today ladies and gentlemen I regret to inform you that 2020 is only halfway over is it just me or does it seem like this year has been going on for half a century I don't think it is exaggeration or hyperbole to say that what has happened in just these six months of 20/20 has completely changed the world as we know it don't get me wrong every year has its challenges every year has its defining moments every year has its changes every year has its problems but not every year has such a paradigm shift that is so sudden that you're left with more questions than you have answers you're left with more complexity than you have clarity and you're having to perfect the lost art of adaptability 2020 has been a year for the record books 2020 and it funny the irony 2020 a number that's use for vision and many of us are seeing things that we have never seen before and I like 2020 the Prophet said this is the year of the mouth so they said prophetically personally I said this should be the year of the mulligan because I'm trying to throw 20 20 away and say Lord can we just get a new year and I was just praying and half way complaining to God and he whispered something in my spirit that I could not shake he said Robert don't forget to remember you prayed for this year I said hold up wait a minute no I did not I did not pray for anything that I'm saying right now he said no no no Robert see it's July you got anointed amnesia you forgot in January you prayed for this year I said Lord what are you talking about no I didn't he said yeah you forgot you prayed in January you don't want to say it Lord this is the year I'm ready for a change you're the one that said Lord this histor here I want to go deeper into you you're the one that said Robert no you said God no matter what it takes I'm ready to get more from you this year I said God I said no such thing it's messed up when God goes to your Instagram and brings back a video of a message you preached in January would you play that video real quick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever it takes I didn't mean this whatever it takes oh I said I wanted to go deeper but I was not expecting this right here oh and in that like sitting it's funny and it's funny how we cry out to God and say Lord I want change but we want change in the way we see change coming in our lives we say God I want to go deeper this year but we don't want our lives to be disrupted we don't want to be disturbed yes we want change without a challenge we want to go deeper without God disrupting our normal routine but let me just say to somebody in the room and watching online you serve a god that will disrupt you you serve a god that will wreck your routine you serve a god that is so committed to changing you and pushing you into your purpose he'll use whatever it takes he didn't cause a pandemic but hum you know he will use a pandemic to cause you to be who he's created you to be oh we want to be changed but we don't want the challenge and I think many of us think that being a disciple is synonymous with being comfortable God did not come to bring you comfort he will disturb you I'm not the only one that's ever put a Do Not Disturb sign on the area of your life and just put it there say God now don't knock on the door only to have him come in and just kick the door all the way down he knows how to disturb you that's what he's always done have you studied the life of Jesus when he walked the earth he was almost every morning he woke up it's like he had a mantra cuz it sounds like what we gonna do today Jesus same thing we do every day try to take over the world I'll get that later and let's see what we do let's just go out and disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed that was like Jesus mantra every morning he woke up let's go out and disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed he was always disrupting and disturbing things especially his disciples that's what's happening in my text today if you read the scripture reread you can almost sense the frustration in Jesus voice he is annoyed he is perturbed you know he's mad because he's asking questions not the cute questions like do you want to get well he's asking those are rhetorical questions like do y'all have eyes but you can't see you have ears but you can't hear what in the world is wrong with y'all he is completely annoyed and you'll understand his annoyance until you just begin to peel back the layers and understand what's happening before the passage that we read he's been on the earth he's been ministering I'm talking about ministering in power he's been healing people he's been casting out demons he's been calming the storm he's been letting the holes get cut in ruse to make laying people walk he's making the mute to speak he's making the Deaf to hear he's doing supernatural things like walking on the water he's feeding multiple people with little Happy Meals he is moving in power all throughout the I'm talking about miracle after miracle after you do know that John's Gospel says that the recorded miracles in the gospel are just some of the things that Jesus did all that we have in the gospel are just some of the things that he did because if everything was recorded the world could not contain the books of all the things that your God did he was moving in power sign that the signed miracle after miracle and we come to our text today after all those miracles after just feeding a multitude of people the Pharisees come up to him probably still munching on the fish and the bread that he just multiplies and they have the nerve audacity and unmitigated gall to say to Jesus give us a sign that you really from God and just like are you for real right now have you been paying attention to everything what you mean a sigh oh he gets so annoyed read it in your Bible he lets out this deep sigh of exasperation he said what is wrong with this generation he said you're never gonna get a side from me I just want to pause right here and I don't know who this is for but if Jesus the Son of God could not change and convince the mind of somebody that was already committed to not believing in him how in the world do you wear your crazy self think you're gonna change the mind of somebody that is convinced you are not what you are quit wasting energy trying to change somebody's mind argue with them on Instagram and Facebook you cannot change somebody who is committed to unbelief sometimes you just gotta throw the deuces say agree to disagree god bless you i'ma move on with my life and do what God has called me to do hello somebody he said I'm not about to waste my time trying to change the mind of somebody that is committed to unbelief you say you want to sign you've seen signs the problem is not evidence the problem is unbelief and he's annoyed he's got attitude and after he finishes with the Pharisees he gets in the boat with his disciples and in the boat are the disciples of Jesus and as they walk on the boat they just randomly say you know what we only brought one loaf of bread so in the boat you got the twelve disciples of Jesus and a loaf of bread when they get in the boat Jesus says watch out I was like what it's about to be another storm what's going on no no watch out be careful for the yeast of the Pharisees inherit so what Jesus says that something like yeast of the fish Jesus just us on the boat Herod is not on about the Pharisees are not about what are you talking about beware be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees inherit he says be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees inherit I love this because this is classic Jesus a lot of people have heard them say oh I wonder what it would have been like to walk with Jesus all the physical Jesus that would have been beautiful no that would have been frustrating okay you were to lost your mind if you were walk-in with the real and Jesus okay you would have been convinced this dude is bipolar this dude something something it's wrong with him how could he not be you understand your God was not just a good man he was a God man he was God in the flesh fully God and fully man so when you are having a conversation with somebody who is fully God and fully man how many know that's gonna be a crazy conversation it's gonna be a messed up combat sometimes you're gonna get hit with deity sometimes you don't get hit with humanity and he just gonna leave you there scratching your head because he's fully God and fully man now let me give you one example my favorite you remember the wedding the first miracle he ever did do you remember how that miracle started his mama comes up to him says Jesus baby they're about to run out of wine he looks at his mama and says woman it's not my time and just walks away and leaves her standing there and I can see people going Mary is Jesus all right second only worry about it okay he's got some things he's working out just just do whatever he tells you to do what is wrong with that scenario he's fully God and he is fully man and humanity understands that the bridegroom messed up and didn't plan accordingly and should have ordered more wine the humanity understands that but deity understands that he will have a wedding himself and that he is the bridegroom and that he has a bride and he wants to consummate with his bride and the same way that the wine ran out his blood which is the wine cannot run out so when she said wine he's thinking about his wedding and his bride and thinking about blood he's like wait a minute it's the beginning of ministry it's not time for the cross head so woman it's not my time she's talking about wine deity is talking about blood is this too much for a Sunday morning breathe back to the boat remember on the boat it's just Jesus the disciples in one loaf of bread and they're confused cuz they got one loaf of bread but they don't just have one loaf of bread on the boat there are two loaves of bread on the boat because they got bread and they're looking at bread and Brad said be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Harran yeast is fungi that if you mix in the dough of bread it'll contaminate the bread just a little bit of yeast will contaminate the whole batch of bread there's a lot of biblical metaphors for for for for for yeast one is unbelief one is sin one is pride because when you put the yeast in the bread it will expand it'll get puffed up it'll be prideful it'll be arrogant he says be careful of mixing pride and sin and unbelief in your faith I'm the true bread furthermore he says be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees religion and Herod politics because if you start mixing religion and politics in the true bread it's going to contaminate the purity of the bread the bread is enough don't contaminate the bread the yeast of the Pharisees and the pet religion and politics if you think that you are justified by your works by your prayer about how many times you came to church about how many times you read your Bible about how long you've been in church if you think that justifies you and it's by your words you don't know what the true bread is this is grace you cannot save yourself or fix yourself if you think that transformation can happen through your particular candidate and who you vote for and that's what's gonna change the world you're mixing politics in the bread I came not for religion or politics I came to establish a kingdom and if you start contaminating the bread Oh see I'm glad I'm not the pastor cuz I can just say it if you start contaminating the bread with religion or politics it's gonna mess up the bread it's gonna be puffed up and so he starts talking about that and then they think oh see he's talking about bread see we should have brought bread we should have more than one loafer but they still are confusing she's like oh my goodness no I'm uh I'm not talking about I'm not talking about the y'all a messed up he says no I'm not talking about bread like talking about the purity of bread of me but not that bread but since you talk about that bread okay so you tell me I'm talk about the period of this bread you talk about provision of that bread but since you just just missed it and you talk about the provision of that bread let me break something down for you okay when we have five loaves and we fed the five thousand how many leftovers did you have twelve all right good good good when we had seven loaves and we fed the four thousand how many leftovers did we have this is seven okay it's twelve of y'all on the boat you got one loaf of bread I fit you gonna be all right I think we're good you know why because you got the bread on the boat and you should be stressing about whether there's enough when you're on the boat with bread and bread no they missed it that they missed it they were completely clueless and he had to remind them and no I was reading this text and I talked about Jesus and I read the Jesus talked about the five thousand in the four thousand I had to file a complaint I immediately filed a complaint not with Jesus or Matthew Mark Luke and John I bowed to complain not with the CDC but with the SSC SSC the Sunday School Committee found a place where the Sunday school committee because I was raised in church how many raised in church because you have you raised in church give a Holy Ghost wave if you raised in church okay I was raised in church okay I'm talking old school Church now this new school old school oh I'm talk about church Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night Oh school Church I'm some I'm talking about Vacation Bible School Oh school church come on I'm talking about like whose report will you believe we shall believe their report Oh school I'm talking about like October 31st halleluiah night cuz we don't celebrate Halloween dressed up as a Bible character Oh old-school Church okay and I took issue my Sunday school teacher because growing up is Sunday school I don't think I ever remember then telling me that the miracle where the master takes just a few fish and Pablos and multiplies it for multiple people happen twice something else it up you're looking spiritual watch a lot some of you watching online you didn't know that that miracle happened twice he fed the multitude twice I wish they would've told me that is simple you know how many times I could have asked for extra goldfish and graham crackers when the Sunday School teachers being stingy I could say give me a second round you know he did the mirror he did it twice he fed the 5,000 and then a few months later he fed the four thousand that is important for us to understand that he did this miracle twice in fact some scholars have a school of thought that mark messed up and he's talking about one miracle two times but Jesus completely debunked that because he says remember when I fed the 5,000 and remember when I fed the 4,000 that miracle happened twice so I want to stop and praise God because even though everybody focuses on the 5,000 I want to stop and praise God not that he fed the 4,000 I want to thank God that he fed the 4,000 because the 4,000 says to me that he has enough power to do a miracle once and he can do it again the 4000 lets me know come on somebody that if he did something once he has the power to do it again y'all don't hear what I'm saying the 4000 tells me that if he opened up a door once he can open up a door again then if he healed me once he can heal me again come on don't let this pandemic take your testimony away about the faithfulness of your God because if he did it once he will do it again oh the miracle of the 4,000 is a testimony that God can do it again and some of you in this season you have to be careful because the enemy what's the difficulty of your circumstance to make you doubt whether God can come through in your life but if he did it once how many you know he can do it again I love this miracle y'all bored yet yes I love this miracle because we have to critically examine the miracle of the multitudes because this is one of the only miracles it is the only miracle besides the resurrection that is mentioned in all four Gospels all four gospel writers take the time to talk about the feeding of the multitude Matthew Mark Luke and John talk about the feeding of the 5,000 matthew mark only talking about feeders the four thousand but all of them mention it and they're mentioning it it's prevalence in the text lets us know something it lets us know that God is not just concerned with my soul he's also concerned about my physical needs come on that's good news right there to know that Jesus is not just concerned about your soul which is important he's also concerned about your needs how many you know if it matters to you it matters to God come scratch that if it matters to you it matters more to God he is concerned about your physical needs he is concerned about what you're facing how many know he is concern about what's keeping you up at night your God cares that's what the miracle of the feeding says it says that God does not just do miracles to show us greatness he does miracles to show His goodness that he cares he cares about what you go look at this Savior who has the power to amass thousands of people and keep them so leaned into his message that in the five thousands they forgot to eat for a day with the crowd of 4,000 they forgot to eat for three days come on that's the litmus test for good preaching right there don't tell me you can preach until you can preach so good that for three days people like I don't want to eat I'm good I just want to sit here and listen to the mess some y'all logging on you don't already went to the kitchen to get a snack you already logged off you are ready jesus was powerful they said for three days I don't care if there's any food just want to listen to this man that speaks with power and authority I just want to be in his presence instead of being captivated by the crowd and continuing to preach II said oh wait a minute he noticed they're hungry they're gonna have something to eat that is a message that God cares about my needs but it's also a mandate to the church that we cannot just be concerned with people's soul and then neglect their needs oh come on you cannot just be concerned but just preaching the gospel and then sending people away and not meeting their needs thank God for this church that's gonna preach the gospel and give you some groceries if you need it and prophesy if you need it because both are connected he cares about my soul that cares about my knees I'm all about preaching to the soul I'll preach on any medium that I have tick-tock Instagram Facebook Facebook life whatever I'll preach I want to give you the soul food but the reality is there's got to be action too because the Matthew 25 it does not say when I was naked you gave me knowledge when I was in prison you sent me a podcast when I was sick you gave me a sermon no no no there has to be action I love this quote can you put that quote up I love this quote that I found from Howard Thurman it says the power of prayer is directly connected to your willingness to be a part of God's answer oh the power of prayer is directly connected to your willingness to be a part of God's the power prayer is not how much you shout and buck and do the Holy Ghost two-step power of prayer is not in whether you speak in more tones the United Nations power prayer is directly connected to your willingness to be a part of the answer and some of us are praying about stuff we need to be acting on so no wonder in both miracles he had the power but he used the disciples now all that was my introduction don't worry I'm almost done I'm Allison I want to do some with these two miracles the feeding of the five and the four I'm gonna do something I want us to contrast these two miracles just for a moment I know if you ever seen those magazines are those newspapers where they have two different two pictures this is the same picture and you got a circle the different in the picture those things messed me up because I just obsessed looking at both of the pictures I try not to cheat and turn around the paper to see what it is I want to do that with the miracle of the 5000 and the 4000 so we cannot forget what we need to remember first thing I notice in both the miracles is that there were a lot of people and there was also a problem there's a lot of people understand five thousand four thousand is just counting the men not women and children it's possible you had a crowd of 20,000 people or 15,000 people so a lot of people so in both miracles you got people but you got problems because any time you have people you gonna have some problems and don't forget to remember that you are called to people and with people come don't run away from people just because they got problems we are called to people and people have problems I don't care what you do to try to avoid it if you say I don't want nobody I'm gonna be by myself shelter and place orders prove to some of us you can't even stand yourself you can't even be with your sauce because you got problems I'm telling you people have problems can I just take my time I love in the feeding of the 5,000 only the 5,000 is 20,000 people before the miracle they have to put them in groups of 50 or 100 can you imagine come on go there in your mind 20,000 people and 12 dudes have to put them a group of 50 100 what at a steady one to put your hand down okay to see messed up my count one two three four go over there with your mom one two the kid you people people people are frustrating yet we are called the people with people come problems second thing unnoticed in the feeding of the multitudes is that compassion was the catalyst for the miracle compassion started in feeding the 5,000 it says that Jesus was moved with compassion because he saw them as sheep without a shepherd not apathetic with compassion moved with compassion feeding the four thousand he calls his disciples to him and verbally says I have compassion for these people it is the only time in the Bible Jesus verbally says I have compassion so his compassion made him move his life and his lips but he had no option for inaction because care with action is compassion you cannot say you care if you're not going to take action or do something and it was compassion that started the miracle I feel like I'm preaching better than y'all are talking in here today feeding the four thousand it says he had compassion on them watch this because he said I can't send them away for they haven't eaten for three days he said some of them will faint along the way because they've come from a long way off looking your God that in a multiplicity of thousands of people he knew its specificity how far some of them had come see it's hard to have compassion if you don't have clarity about where I've come from my only one ever been in a conversation with somebody and they just you know going off on you or saying something come on at your job and I mean everything in you as they're talking your heart starts palpitating and you're looking at them and your eyebrows start raising up you want to remind them that you ain't always been saved and you know some words that are not in the King James Bible and my only one ever been in that moment and don't you just wish in that moment before you go off that a pause button could be pushed and all of a sudden you could rewind and get some insight on where they came from how they were raised what they went through that day what they're facing how many know if you got that information all of a sudden you were changed what you say you might say let me pray for you I know you man come on let's pray let's talk you would chat you would have compassion why because you knew where they came from we're called as a body of believers to move with compassion nothing I noticed in the two miracles let's keep looking at the picture is that the magnitude of the problem made them ask the wrong questions the magnitude of the problem made the disciples in both miracles asked the wrong questions as soon as they saw them egg to the problem and feeding the 5,000 they said where can we get enough bread to feed this many people what can we get enough bread this will cost a half a year's wages in the feeding of the four thousand they said where can we even find bread in this desolate place all of those are the wrong question and hear me worried is the byproduct of asking the wrong questions if you're worried right now you're stressing and I know there's a lot to make you stress please understand that worry is the byproduct of asking the wrong questions anytime you're asking the wrong questions you're gonna worry especially for Robert I give you Scripture for it Matthew chapter 6 verse 31 look at what this is Jesus read letters so do not worry saying here come the questions what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear for the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well come on somebody the worry always starts with the wrong question something I'm stressing right now cuz you're asking the wrong questions what if there's another lockdown what if I lose my job what if I lose the house what if I lose my pension whoever lose the 401k what if the kids go crazy what if I gotta stay at home I gotta be a home school teacher for the whole school year what if I internet breaks down what if the car breaks down what if like oh you just needs what if I got it what if they run out of masks what if you're asking the wrong question I promise you you gonna worry but I love Jesus because Jesus asked a better question he said in both miracles please don't miss it question of Jesus how many loaves you have that's a good question how many loaves do you have y'all are asking the wrong question I'm the savior of the world let me give you the right question how many loaves do you have would you say that with me how many loaves do you have one more time how many loaves do you have online how many loaves do you have I'm gonna drop a mixtape how many loaves do you have oh how many load that is a better question do you know what that question makes you do it makes you stop worrying and makes you started working to see if he's asking me how many lows that I have I better start checking to see where the loaves are when you understand how many loaves do you have you stop complaining you stop feeling sorry for yourself and you start taking inventory as to what is it that God has given me when you start asking how many loaves do I have you operate in gratitude cuz you stop crying about what you've lost and you start focusing on what you have left yeah you lost your jobs but you still got your mind you still got your creativity you're still here how many low I'm gonna keep preaching even though y'all wash out how many loaves do you have so y'all don't like that because it's easier to look on Instagram and like pictures of other people's loaves and complain you say well of course they can do that I don't have that now what they have how many loaves do you have that makes you take inventory as to what God has given me because the miracles not gonna happen when you complain it about what you don't have or you don't even take the time to see what you have Oh dad would you bring me that they need a visual would you bring me that real quick cuz I'm running out of time real quick real quick real fast how many loaves do you have you know this came from came from my house take it out and put it back and put it back I just need it I just needed to show them I need to show you this is not even a full thing but it's what I have it's not gluten free but it's what I had that's why I brought it judging my illustration I feel you don't judge my illustration I feel you can say Robert well you just got a little ragged a piece of bread and you didn't bring fish it was it was it was fish - where's the fish well we didn't have any fish in the house okay we just had low so that's why I brought the loaves okay and I'm not even worried about the fish I'm not worried about fish no I'm not worried about the fish because he never asked for the fish he never asked how many fish do you have read your Bible when you go home read all accounts he never said how many loaves and fish do you have all he asked for were loaves but in the process of looking for the loaves all of a sudden I realized hold up Jesus we don't just got Lowe's we got fish - in the process of looking for the Lowe's they realized that they had something else oh my goodness do you hear what I'm saying if you will look for what he's given you you will find things in you that you don't even know was there how many you got some straight that you didn't know was there during this pandemic come on have you got a prayer life that you didn't have before but till this Penta help me you all took your worship to another level and you even know you can worship like that the fish was extra he even asked for the fish he had the love ooh I love it cuz you start looking for Low's you might have to talk to people that you would have dismissed kind of use my exegetical imagination feeding of the 5000 they looking for love and Andrew I believe us had to go find a little boy with a little lunch he's a man what you got oh you got somethin hey hey buddy my mama back this I know your mom affected but just till you give me that I don't know can I call my mom quit playing the master is waiting can you get he had to talk with them about in my imagination that could have been the same little boy that one day when his mama brought that boy to have Jesus pray for him and you might have been the same when I sent uh uh jeez don't have time for the little children Jesus ever say hold back up bring the children to meet a little boy I said yeah you don't want me to come to Jesus and now you want my fish in my lofts give you nothing I play another gift two days you start getting humble when you're looking for the loaves start getting thankful when you look for the loaves and when you look for the loans you find you got something extra to it got some fish and both sermons both miracles rather what they had in their hands wasn't enough it's awesome they got the fish but still even with the fish in the loaves and both miracles what they had in their hands wasn't enough not the only one that's ever looked at a magnitude of a problem and a crowd and looking at your hands and just go it's not enough I think that is a feeling that all of humanity wrestles with yeah what's in my hand is not enough not just for people talk to some rich people she would look at them how are you depressed are you for real right now but keep talking to him they have this innate feeling of not enough it's not enough and I want to mess up his self-help books it will never be enough in your hands as long as it's in your hands it will never be enough and you will never feel like it's enough as long as it's in your hands because if it's in your hands you are controlling it and if 2020 hadn't taught you anything is that you are not in control you're not in control so you got to experience the miracle of getting it out of your head I will never be enough to be the husband I'm called to be I will never be enough to be the student I'm called to be I'll never be enough to be the wife or the mom that I'm called to be but I gotta make this step of faith and say that God has I give it to you as I put it in your hands I don't even understand how you're gonna do something with it but I'm getting it out of my hands cuz the miracle will start if I get it out of my hands got it out of their hands and then Jesus took it you know the story worship team join me he took it he gave thanks he didn't say that's all y'all can find there's a little bit but it gave things then he broke in it then he gave it back to them and then both and miracles watch this the multiplication of the bread happen in their hands not his it happened in their hands I have to believe that cuz what does it take what faith do you need if they were putting these things all of a sudden it starts growing and multiplying all the sudden he's got all this britney's okay y'all take this no no something so simple sometimes supernatural is so simple you know what daddy said that's all you got cool we can work with it thank you lord there you go I really believe that was his prayer thank you lord can you imagine somebody gave you'd allow us to pray for defeat 20,000 people Father in the name of Jesus I need some worship music fog I mean you would have been calling down here but not Jesus thank you Lauren came back to her can you see them walking [Music] passing it passing it getting down to the last bit [Music] all of a sudden every time they look down they had what they needed the multiplication happened in their hands after he blessed it they just kept passing multiplication please don't miss this happen in interaction with the multitude just think about this for a moment this miracle makes no sense this is not efficient 20,000 folks 12 dudes all passing out the bread Jesus there's a faster system you are God you could have just done I Dream of Jeannie and twinkled your nose and just made everybody stomach before you could have created and in an out fish and bread spot right there and had everybody drive-through why are we wasting the time for 12 dudes to feed 20,000 people how long did this take can you see him just going through but the multiplication happens in interaction can you see him passing hey how you doing hey how you doing man he's handsome yeah where you from I live over here to interaction this is what the enemy doesn't want us to connect with other people this is why he wants us to be divided multiplication happens is something you have that I don't have something I had that you don't have multiplication happens in interaction I guess the only tension I have with the text i'ma let you go home only problem I have with the tick's is that the feeding of the 4000 happened months after the feeding of the 5000 months after I get the first time being nervous like oh is it gonna multiply all is it get first time happen but why are you still tripping the second time the second time you should have been like it so you saw the crowd like oh I don't know how this is gonna go down somebody give me some bread come on Jesus get ready you're ready you know how we do Wow is there stress what is the difference in the second time [Music] I used to think that the difference was that they just forgot the faithfulness of God just like we forget come on don't you judge the disciples how many Oh God's brought you to stuff before here you are stressing in this pandemic you've been something through something before I used to think they just forgot maybe they did maybe they did I think it's deeper than that I think it has to do with the fact of location location location location and feeding of the 5,000 they were in near Bethsaida in Jewish territory but in the feeding of the 4,000 they were near the reach of the Decapolis in Gentile territory people that they had no dealings with people that were completely different than them that's where the miracle had been in the 4000 so no wonder with the 5000 the problem wasn't really the crowd the problem was the price and so how can we get enough money half a year's wages but in the feeding of the four thousand remember what they said after he said I have compassion on these people they said well where can we get enough bread to feed these people in this place something else is so nervous right now here's the thing all of us have these people all of us have people and if God doesn't get our attention to let us know these are my people to look at I should have known the Blue's Clues was in the bread and the baskets and the feeding of the five thousand five loaves indicative of the five books of the Old Testament they upheld they had twelve baskets left over the twelve tribes of Israel the feeding of the 7,000 they had seven loaves of bread and seven baskets left over seven the number of completion seven the number of perfection seven how long it took our God to create the world what is he saying I am the bread don't forget it and the bread is not just for people that look like you walk like you or think like you this bread is for the entire world and I gotta open up your eyes since I'm calling you to be my yes to Jerusalem Judea Samaria and to the ends of the earth you gotta see these people as my people and they begin to pass it now and have interaction with people they normally wouldn't have had interaction with and Jesus took it he blessed it he broke it he gave it away he had him sit down he took it he blessed it he broke it he gave it away that's what I've seen that before do you remember the Last Supper when all of them are at the table what did Jesus who was the brand dude he took the bread that was his body and he blessed it and he broke it and he gave it to all of them because he's letting them know do this in remembrance of me this is what the cross did that anybody who is hungry no matter who you are you can get that bread what he did with the disciples hear me he wants to do with you and me he wants to take us he wants to bless us he wants to bright you but the breaking is so he can use you more and multiply what he is gonna do in the earth come on would you stand to your feet all over this place and give God some praise just right where you are I'll take those three claps thank you [Music] father help me see who I don't see cuz they need bread too it's funny how you don't see addicts until somebody and your family is an addict you don't see children with disabilities and walk into a building and wonder how come they don't have a real way until your child suffering with a disability father help me see the people I don't see the only way you can do it is if you allow them to take you you'll bless you but he will break you [Music] what search family only tell you this it's been the season during this pandemic for me personally it's been a season of ultimate breaking go talk about breaking I didn't have a point of reference for dealing with anxiety and depression having panic attacks I'm serious I didn't understand it till I went through this season of complete breaking it's amazing how when God puts a pause on some things and you can't go and you can't travel you're forced to confront things in your heart in your soul it's been a season of complete breaking and moans I'm like I don't even want to preach anymore look at the world what is the point I just wanted to give up I forgot to remember I forgot to remember that in 2015 when Taylor and I the year after we got a few years after we got married I was preaching in London and the woman comes up and gifts Taylor not a word to say can I share something with you she said I had a vision of the United States of America and there was a race war going on people were arguing and fighting and yelling and bickering she said but in the middle of the chaos I saw you and your wife in the middle holding hands and as you held hands healing begin to come to America that time I'm thinking oh god bless you yeah you missed it forgot to remember tell me I had to cease I'll just like God forget this I don't want to preach I'm done my aunt had her 70th birthday party on Father's Day in Mount Pleasant Texas that great metropolis went down there I was born in Mount Pleasant went down there to preach we went down there not to preach but just to go to her birthday party while I was there just feeling so depressed so down I remembered I forgot to remember that my grandfather started and planted a church in Pittsburg Texas population 4,000 people and the church wasn't far I told my mom I said mom take me to that church take me to the church we drove all the way up to the church this dirt road I got a picture of the church this is the church right here used to be a chicken coop used to be a chicken coop my grandfather cleared out a chicken coop and built that building big crowd 50 people was the largest crowd they ever had and I went through and I just sat in that little bitty room wanting to quit preacher wanting to give up dealing with a dark cloud of depression i sat in that church they still had the same pews the same pulpit and I sat there and I forgot to remember that my grandfather named that church which is still named dad a miracle center Church of God in Christ because when he started it miracle started breaking out all through Pittsburgh Texas people getting healed and delivered I forgot to remember that my mom told me that my grandmother when I was just three years old I would be there in the service and I would be saying little poems in a loud baby blue Easter suit and I would be talking and even before my grandmother passed she closed her eyes and told my momma God's gonna use him there's a call on his life he has a great destiny keep him before God don't stop praying for him don't ever stop in a seeding for him I forgot to remember the legacy of what God had done in my life and I say that to somebody that feels like giving up that feels like throwing in the towel and this pandemic don't you forget to remember where God has brought you from my grandfather didn't know Harold Tubman when he was preaching to those 50 people that his grandson would travel around the world and preach he's never been to London he's never been Australia he pops about what I'm doing insignificant but what he didn't see in his lifetime God allowed it to be accomplished in his bloodline and every time you hear me preach you hear my brand daddy free kid who was faithful over just 50 people oh man no don't you forget to remember where he's brought you from don't you forget to remember that generation after generation is waiting on us then seeing how we're steward in this season they want to know if the church is gonna actually be the church can we stop bickering and arguing and a house divided cannot stand can we actually come together don't forget to remember where he's brought you from that our children's children's children's children waiting for us to allow him to take our lives bless us the gospel can be multiplied around the world I got a hurry I'm preaching too long sorry can't give you somebody to give the first service I'll give you one thing it's funny the seven baskets that were left over seven baskets we're different than the twelve baskets left over there were big baskets because goblins are doing your life is so massive big baskets the only time you see that Greek word for the big basket is when the Apostle Paul is being lowered down the wall in Damascus after his conversion that's the only time in the Bible you see the mention of this baskets to Apostle Paul who used to be solved was lower than this big old basket the same power that would write these words in Romans chapter one verse number 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone to everyone he who believes first to the Jew the 5,000 and then to the Gentile the 4,000 but understand it is for the entire world is gospel if you're hungry you can eat today to buy your hands with you here today say I'm hungry for the true bread of life I've never surrendered my life to Jesus today is your day cares about your soul cares about your needs if you've never surrendered your life to him today is your day to say Lord I'm coming home if that's you whether you're in the room watch online we just lift up your hand as a sound to take out I'm giving you my life today's the day today's a day coming home I'm coming to the true bread from heaven and satisficing put in my back down in the room or online you're going through the breaking process it's not to destroy you dear me it is to multiply what God is gonna do in the earth that's why you can't quit right now you have no other the testimony you're gonna have after 2020 the people that are going to come into the saving knowledge of who Jesus is after 2020 because they're gonna look at your life and say if you survived all that I know God has to be real that's why you can't quit in the breaking process in here online is breaking you I just want you to lift up hand as a sign to say god I'm not gonna quit or give up in the break trust you in the breaking I want to pray especially for those of you who lifted up your hands the first time these altars are gonna be open especially for those on line you lift up your hand that first time saying I need to give my life to Jesus would you repeat this prayer after me say this they do Jesus and let's all say it say dear Jesus I admit I'm hungry I need you you are the bread of life if I don't have you I'll faint forgive me of my sin make me brand new I believe you're the Son of God died for me got it from the grave for me coming back for me till that day I'm walking with you I trust you even in the breaking multiply my life so that hungry people can be fed in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen amen amen come on give God some praise in this place today you pray that prayer especially if you're watching online I'm gonna ask you to text a new life to the number on the screen you want to stay connected with you willing to keep you in the family not only that a prayer for any need online please type let us know you want to stay connected with you everybody here in the sanctuary these altars are going to be open I want to challenge somebody who especially is going through the broken breaking season if you leave to these altars will be open you can just stay here worship while your social distance but until next Sunday may the Lord bless you and keep you make its face shine upon you give you grace and peace now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 15,000
Rating: 4.9449539 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu, Taylor Madu, Social Dallas
Id: -ZLuc4Z9kiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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