Robert Madu | Live At Free Chapel - February 4th 2018

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come on can we give Jesus a big hand clap of praise today free Chaplin come on let's lift up the babe that is above every day come on praises like you know this is the day that the Lord has made come on out rejoice and be glad in it come on let's tear the roof off like we have the Super Bowl and give a great guy great praise God we whoa hey would you do me a favor would you do me a favor before you take your seat before you take your seat would you look at your neighbor get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor in church this is a friendly Church come on say neighbor I've got a feeling that this is gonna be a good service come on just in case that neighbor was stuck up find another neighbor found another neighbor come on say other neighbor you're my second option but I want you to know I got a feeling this is gonna be a good service how will you believe it give God one more hand clap of praise you may be seated in the presence of the Lord and don't get comfortable you might be back up again come on anybody excited to be in the house of God today unbelievable I say this all the time but it certainly rings true I'm not just excited to be back at free chapel I am red bull excited and expressed so elated I've been waited with tiptoe anticipation just to get my chocolate face back at the place man I love this church I lift up my hand when they said if your first time yes cuz this pastor mentioned my wife and I had the incredible privilege of being here with the divine ladies and then staying over Sunday morning and it just never ceases to amaze me just the incredible favour and the anointing that is on this house how many know you're a part of an amazing Church come on this is not an ordinary Church this is an extraordinary Church and can I just say please don't make the mistake that so many believers make and oftentimes when God is doing something magnificent you can treat a casual or treated mundane and ordinary I pray that you never do that when I listen to your pastor make an announcement that in 20 major cities the anointing that is in this house is going to be going all over the world come on somebody that is unbelievable not just on TBN I'm talking about CNN ABC NBC hijk LMNOP every pockets it's gotta be affected it's amazing you're about to open a brand new campus and you really embody the song that we sang and worship you're going from glory to glory from strength to strength and how many are thankful for your pastors and who they are leading the way come on can we celebrate pastor Jensen and Charisse Franklin oh come on you can do better than that they are heroes to my wife and I can do that to know how much you love them come on how much you appreciate them come on clap like they were here let them know how much you love [Music] it's more than just pulpit platitude and niceties for me man my wife and I say all the time the passages in history so just say like a millennial hashtag goals for us because of the life that they live and who they are and it is my extreme honor to be here I bring you greetings from the great country of Texas I still haven't lived there in Dallas and my wife we have three kids now I think last time we were here we had two now we've got three under three amen pray for us and I think I put up their pictures last time so I won't be redundant and put my kids on the screen again because that would just be ridiculous I mean this about me preaching Jesus not you seeing my kids so you're about me doing that we could we could we go to the word and have a good time that's not true can y'all put my kids on every screen up in here across every campus hey come on free shop I've made that I've made that is my oldest right there Everly Adair I call her Eevee she's the reason that I pray more and I have a shotgun and then that's my son right there Robert Madhu the third my manchild and our newest addition he's two in our newest addition Remington Elaine I call her Remy Ma and she's just four months old and I put up their pictures everywhere I go there's nothing fatherhood is the best to it there's nothing like being a dad and so man I am blessed I'm ready for the word I hope you came to hear a word from heaven because if you feel like hearing it like I feel like preaching it something's gonna happen today shout out to all the campuses Buford and winnette and Spartanburg come on can we shout all them out and get them a good welcome hey would you mind standing with me today just to honor the reading of God's Word I want to look at mark chapter 2 verses 1 through 12 mark 2 1 through 12 you got a Bible launch a wave it in the air like it just do care also drew a bazooka law we charged up your Bible today thank you for the mark chapter 2 starting at verse number 1 and we'll land at verse number 12 when you're ready to read it say yeah you need some time to find it's a hold up okay I'll hold up it's a desperate hold tough mark chapter two you and ephesians you went a little bit too far if you're in revelation you went way too far if you in genesis you a bit of church and a long time in the prayer I'm playing a player no condemnation mark chapter 2 starting in verse number one and it says a few days later when Jesus again into Capernaum the people heard that he had come home people heard that he had come home and so many gathered that there was no room left not even outside the door and he preached the word to them some men came bringing to him a paralytic carried by four of them and since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and after digging through it lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven now some teachers of the law aka the haters were sitting there thinking to themselves why does this fellow talk like that he's blaspheming who can forgive sins but God alone immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts and he said to them why are you thinking these things which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or to say get up take your mat and walk but that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he said to the paralytic I tell you get up take your mat and go home and he got up took his mat and walked out in full view of them all this amazed everyone and they praised God saying we have never seen anything like this can you say Amen come on homie no that's good all by itself just all by itself this morning across every campus and those you're watching online I want to preach not long not long probably about six and a half hours excusing this as a title I got more than what I came for I got more than what I came for a look at your neighbor one last time and just say neighbor if you could get to Jesus you would get more than what you came for come on if you know it to be true would you give God a big hanklab a praise may be seated in the presence of the Lord Father thank you for your word today thank you for every single person watching online in this room across every campus thank you God that they're not listening today by accident they're listening by your divine providence speak to us so clearly and when we leave let us say it was so good to have been in the presence of the Lord and on this Super Bowl Sunday God Tom Brady has had enough Super Bowls let the Eagles defeat the Patriots and let your team the Cowboys be in the Super Bowl next year Jesus name everybody said you have not as you asked a quick little sermonic survey before we delve into this text today how many would say just by a showing of hands that you were raised in church I see your hand if you were raised in church oh wow that's almost everybody hold on keep it lifted raised in church I just need to see who needs the counseling I lift up my hand with you and let you know that I too was raised in church and if you lifted up your hand you are acutely aware of the fact that the life of a church kid is distinctly different than the life of a regular kid oh come on somebody there are trials and tribulations and situations that you go through as a church kid that other kids aren't even aware of I know this too well because growing up in our household we had to be in church had to be in church every day the doors were open had to be in church it was not a democracy it was a dictatorship okay it had to be in church fact my father's here and I'm glad he's here to corroborate this story because one time when I was about 13 I spent a little bold film a little brave little gangster and on Sunday I told my father I told my father I told my Nigerian father said I ain't going this Sunday I don't feel like it I told my Nigerian father that and do you know what my Nigerian father said to me he said let me tell you something boy no no no let me tell you something okay you have two options ah you can get out of that bed and go to church or I can cure you and we will come to church and have your funeral but either way you will be in church because as for me and my house we will serve the Lord that is a true story awesome y'all clapping at the abuse I endured as a kid different in our house dinners were different because you could not eat your food you could not touch your meal without my momma hitting you with this question what's your favorite scripture before you could eat your food you had to give a scripture before you could touch the plate you had to give a scripture free Chapel you don't know hunger - your mind is racing to the Bible just trying to find a scripture so you can eat your food I remember one dinner being so exasperated with my momma I looked at her and said jesus wept give me the chicken why are you playing with people's foods stupid but that is the environment that I grew up in and to be honest I'm thankful I'm thankful that's the environment that I grew up here because it produced something in me it produced this insatiable desire for the Word of God I am obsessed with the Word of God the Word of God is the hinge upon which my faith has its mobility the Word of God is the irreducible substantive essence of what it means to know who your God is to those of you who think that book you're holding is some boring antiquated book that doesn't really relate to your life you have lost your mind that is the only book that's still alive it is the only book that's still breathing it is the only book that really has power it is the only book that was written in antiquity but yet it can speak to the specificity of your life there is nothing like the Word of God you understand that other books you can read but the Bible is different because the Bible will read you it will show you who you are and who I love the Word of God it's steroids from my spirit in my faith although I love the entire book I got to be honest with you today I do have a favorite section have a favorite literary genre and that is the Gospels the Gospels are my favorite Matthew Mark Luke and John just give me those four and no more as a matter of fact I spent so much time studying the Gospels I feel like they're close personal friends of mine I call a Matt Marky Mark uncle Luke and Little John I love the Gospels because it's in the Gospels that we get to see the ministry of Jesus Christ himself I could to see how he walked how he talked how he moved how he handled situations one scholar said that the Gospels are Christology in narrative form that's just a fancy way to say that the Gospels are the closest thing that we have of a biography of the greatest man who ever walked the face of this earth and his name is Jesus I know here's what I love I love that these four Gospel writers are all talking about the same Jesus but they do it in totally different ways totally different ways almost like for film directors who've been given the same subject to film but if each been given their own cinematic license to film it each one of them give us a different HD view of who Jesus really is and that's why I'm glad Marky Mark is our director for today see if you like long boring documentaries you got to read the book of Matthew okay because Matthew he is writing primarily to a Jewish audience so he begins the long and laborious process of letting you know that Jesus is the fulfillment of over 300 Old Testament prophecies that were given in a 1500 year timespan come on anybody in here ever read Matthew chapter 1 get you something expresso when you read it okay excitement level is right up there with the Book of Leviticus okay for the whole first chapter we are just scripturally inundated with baby daddy after baby daddy after baby dad okay that's chapter one if if you like sci-fi movies sci-fi movies read The Book of Luke because Luke is a doctor so Luke goes into great detail to explain the miracles that Christ did and how his miracles could do what modern medicine could not do if you like those mushy gushy romantic chick flicks and TV show that some of us husbands are forced course to see this is us if you like path hence you like the movie Dear John read John okay John is all about love John is very existential John's disciple is always laying his head on the chest of Jesus he begins off saying listen in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God in the Word was God if you like that read that but if you are like me and you like some movies that have some action where things get blown up and people get beat up come with your boy to the book of Mark mark is Jesus Christ in action mark is so gangster you don't even have time for baby Jesus oh no no please read the book of Mark you will not find a manger in the book of Mark this dude skips Christmas and go straight to full-grown Jesus with hair on his chest smelling like old spice mark is not playing games with you mark wants to let you know with clarity and precision that before there was a Russell Crowe in Gladiator before there was a male Gibson and Braveheart before there was a Denzel my twin hello before there was any of them please believe there was a king Jesus and when he stepped in a situation and had to come under his divine authority because he wasn't just a good man he was a god man he was God in flesh and walking among us with all power in his hand I feel like preaching but I need to calm down mark chapter 2 in mark chapter 2 the Bible says that Jesus has been traveling he's been ministering and picking up on his frequent Walker miles and funny to me and he gets to a certain house a certain house historians believe it's Peter's house and the Bible says when Jesus gets to this house all he does is he sits down to rest in this house just sits down to chillax in this house I'm sure he was tired from the journey and within minutes of him sitting down to rest in the house all of a sudden throughout the entire region people start going here you know Jesus in town right you know Jesus just know I saw him today he just showed up before you know when people start getting on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and start putting the address on blast saying hurry up you better get to this house Jesus just got into town and within minutes the entire house is jam-packed with people simply because his presence sat down to rest in one house people from different walks of life people from different economic backgrounds all converged in one place simply because his presence sat down to rest in one house come on the Bible is clear it gives a picturesque language it says no one even room outside the door this is standing room only simply because his presence sat down to rest in one house what is it about the presence of God coming to rest in a place that causes people to be drawn from everywhere I'll tell you what it is people instinctively know if you can ever get God's presence just to rest in a place how many you know something life-changing something supernatural something miraculous will happen if his presence can just sit down and rest in one place why are you here this morning hello you could be asleep right now it was raining earlier here you could be watching TV right now you could be having brunch and Cracker Barrell right now why in the world would you get up on your only day off put on your good shirt your good pair of pants all that Mary Kay and Mac makeup just to come into the house of God you didn't come to hear the worship team as awesome as they are you didn't come to hear me preach you even know who I am I think I know why you came today you came because you knew his presence would be resting in this place and when God's presence shows up oh come on somebody something is going to happen we have free chapel and we take a praise way and just praise God like we want his presence to come sit down and rest in this place come on somebody that's the best place you got that's why I came today for his presence to show up and show out I didn't come to see you out then I didn't come to see your shoes I came because there's something I need God to do in my life show up and sit down in this place hallelujah that's when miracles happen when his presence shows up when his presence come on I love it because he hadn't even done anything yet but just his presence caused an atmosphere of expectation in the room for something to happen I'm telling I can use I can use my exegetical imagination I can see them in this house I can see them packed in the house I didn't see the sick in the house going if he touches me if I just touch his clothes I know I'm gonna be made whole I can see it I can see couldn't even see practical things cuz I'm a parent now I can see a mama what a little son is not even paying attention he just thought his eye patches why pay attention Jesus in the house just might get in trouble at school cuz you don't listen to nobody listen to Jesus you gonna change your life I can see it I I can even see some ladies in the house some ladies in the house Sam you know Jesus was single and in the ministry come on single people you gonna make it don't let Mary people make you think you messed up like you got a disease but because Jesus was single come on cuz he's some ladies in the house Tom bout girl yes she was fine girl you see that hair mm-hmm girl I heard last week at a wedding you turn one into why yes he did don't let him ask me out of date I'm ordering the water and they're waiting they're waiting with tiptoe anticipation they're waiting to see what he was going to do they should have been waiting to hear what he was gonna say because the Bible says they're all packed in his house all Jesus does is he stands up packed house clears his holy throne the Bible says that he preached the word to them he just preached the word that might not get you excited but that gets me excited cuz I love to hear people preach the Word of God oh you gotta understand I've been preaching since I was like four years old I would preach to my stuffed animals so they got saved sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit and repented of the stuff they were dealing with preacher jokes I mean I'm telling I love to hear poor people preach the Word of God you understand that something powerful happens whenever you come into the house of God and hear the word of God preached come on have you ever noticed and when you make a decision to say I'm gonna come in the house of God and hear the word preach that's when the enemy starts attacking you come on yo kid start acting crazy yo dog starts barking yo ex from 1973 starts text to you because the enemy when you come in this atmosphere and here's the word of God preached it's gonna speak to your heart and speak to your soul and push you out of your past into your destiny when the Word of God is preached something's going to happen that's why you ought to thank god you're part of a church that has a pastor that stands and preaches the uncompromising Word of God oh come on somebody that's so privileged today cuz please don't be naive to think that just because somebody's standing behind the pulpit that they're preaching the word because we live in a society where people are preaching their opinion with a preacher of pop psychology when they're preaching their political ideology and they wonder why there's no transformation and the people that their preacher - because the only thing that can transform your soul is the infallible incorruptible eternal unchanging so we got saw we got is his word Martin Luther said when the word is preached that's when God speaks oh I'm telling I love hear people preach the word I don't even care your style that's how mature I've got I'm gonna carry your style some people get caught up on style of preachers I don't even care your style as long as you're preaching the word I am with you I like calm preachers that preach the word and they kind of stay in one place and they say this is my Bible I am but it says I am I can do what it says I can do I love calm preachers their priests were I like preachers that get really excited when they preach in the word and got veins popping out they make it sound like they have an asthma attack between each word got a Hammond b3 organ behind UPS code you know that preacher that bridge is like this is my Bible what it says I am I can do what it says I can do if it's on the head I'm the head if those preachers - [Applause] oh man I preach like that at some churches about once car somebody y'all here in Gainesville love to hear people preach the word but how many you know in my text today this is no ordinary preacher this is the greatest preacher to ever preach do you know what I preached like I had six Red Bull this morning cuz I had six Red Bull this my now but you know what I preach with so much passion is so much exuberance is because I know when I get to heaven nobody wants to hear what I have to say oh come on somebody we don't want to hear any preachers when we get to heaven put your little podcast to the side the only person we want to hear when we get to heaven is the king of kings and the Lord of lords that's the only person that we want to hear preach and speak and talk I gotta get all my preacher now now you understand that like when I preach or or when Pastor Jentezen preaches we just have a word Jesus he was the word he was the Word made flesh that means if Jesus really wanted to preach a good sermon this all he had to say and he still would have been preached because he was the Word made flesh there he is that day in that packed house preaching the word and what would it have been like to have been in that room to listen to the written word being preached about the Living Word sitting in that room and there trying to pay attention to Jesus sermon they really are but like all of us sometimes we could distract it the middle of the sermon they're like you know it's somebody on the roof trying to pay attention to a sermon but before you know it debris starts falling down in the middle of this house and before you know what a hole starts appearing and the roof and the hull gets bigger and bigger and a ray of sunlight comes to the room and all of a sudden a few hands and a few heads appear and the whole as it gets bigger and bigger and bigger understand historians believe this was Peters house Peter's house they put a hole in Peters roof okay let me explain to the Cypress for some of you if there's any disciple you don't want to put a hole in his roof it's Peter okay put a hole in John's roof the one that's always laying on the chest of Jesus because he'll just look up and say oh now I can see the stars that my creator has baked for me not Peter okay Peter's like some of y'all you love Jesus but don't let somebody cut you off on the highway okay he had a temper problem Peter would cuss you out Peter would cut you so I can see this hole getting bigger and bigger and Peter's like and Jesus like watch your mouth Peter watch your mouth bro come on we talked about this on the Son of God I'll make you a new roof it's called Peola they start lowering a man down down down down all the way at the feet of Jesus Bible doesn't tell us this man's name didn't even do us the courtesy of letting us know when his paralysis occurred all the Bible tells us is that he is a paralytic man why is that important it's important because if you study the Gospels one of the literary nuances you will find is that anytime Jesus interacts with a person rarely do we get their name well often than not we just get their gender in their condition have you ever noticed this there was a man with a withered hand there was a woman with an issue of blood we don't get her name there was a man who was deaf there was a man who was blind we just get their gender in their condition do you know what it speaks to I think it speaks to the human tendency to identify people by their issues oh yes people love to label you and identify you by your issue because it gives comfort to the human conscience to put people in categories people love to label you by your issue and you can hear when they talk about people they'll say oh you see her she had a baby out of wedlock oh you see him he's on his eighth wife oh you see her she's a drug addict or you see him he's an alcoholic in it funny how people will label you by your issue and think the sum total of your life is some mistake that you made humans are the only people that will call you something for 15 years that you did one time in your past in five minutes and think there's some total of your life it's some mistake that you made but I got some good news from heaven for somebody in this place today how many of you are thankful that if you are in Christ you're a brand new creature come on your past has been washed away there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus how many you are thankful that you are more than your mistake that your issue is not your identity come on don't define me by my dysfunction define me by the fact that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world oh somebody give God some praise right there I don't know who this is for but you need to shake off all of the word curses and things that people spoke over your life and they keep bringing up your mistakes and bringing up your issues and bringing up what you did in 1994 you need to look at him to say you know what you know a whole lot about my history but you don't know anything about my destiny God has greater in front of me than the mistakes of my past they just label this man and they call him a paralytic man and watch this here he is he's now in the presence of God he made it to God's presence but he's still got his paralysis he made it to God's presence but he still got his paralysis I know you can't say anything in here this morning because it's Sunday he got act real spiritual like you float in the room and had communion for breakfast man if we could be real today you be shocked you'd be shocked that the people in this room lifting up their hands watching online give it in the offering but if you're honest you got a paralysis I'm talking about the thing that affects your walk with the Lord some of the things that maybe you cry out to God in a secret place you say God if I didn't have this my walk with you would be a whole lot better and end it funny how we come to the house of God especially church people we love to act like we don't have a paralysis act like we don't have a shoe act like we don't have any problems act like we keep saying acting because I've often said that if Hollywood ever needed extra actors they should come to churches they don't even go to Broadway just come to churches because church people love to act like they don't have any issues love to act like they got it all together the church the church the one place we say come one come all a matter is you and then you come on with your issue and you feel this pressure to look like you got it all together come on some of you did it today you came in with your spouse and somebody said how are you you said we're blessed yes we are god is good all the time in the Cathy we're so glad to be here today but in the car it was a different conversation if you say one more word to me I'm gonna lap you in the next week we don't have a paralysis and no wonder we stay bound and no wonder we never get set free cuz God can never transform who you pretend to be he can only change the real you maybe you're here and you feel like this man and you feel stuck you feel like throwing in the towel but God says this shout and sweat and chocolate brother from Dallas Texas to tell you you can't give up because God has a way of putting you at the right place at the right table to hear the right word at the right moment so you can't get up and walk and tell all that he has for you come on so Bobby thank God thank God for these four friends oh thank God for these four friends those type of people I want in my favorites list and my phone thank God for these four free I want tear the roof off friends in my life this man would have never got a breakthrough if not for these four friends that's why you gotta be careful who you connect yourself with this year if you're gonna step into all that God has to you thank God for these four friend I won't tear the roof off friends I don't afraid that see me on the ground and say you know what the ground is not that bad in fact target has some more match you want me to go get you another know give me some tear the roof off friends who say I might not know what to do about the situation but I'll do whatever it takes to get you into the presence of the one that can no you cannot stay here all the call that's on your life on somebody get his arse I'm gonna get his leg Jesus gonna meet with you today I'll tear the roof off I'm crazy come on let's get a pickup oh you've been eating carbs you heavy come on Jesus gonna meet with you and no wonder Jesus responded to their faith don't miss that in the text their faith collective not just the faith of the man but the faith of the four friends who said I'll do whatever it takes for him to get a breakthrough they tore the roof off and helm you know when somebody comes through a roof in the middle of your sermon that's time to shut that sermon down okay this is a huge interruption and the crowd is taken aback but the crowd was also excited they're excited come on this is what they paid their ticket to see it's already been rumored throughout the region that Jesus has supernatural power so as soon as the dude hits the floor I could see the crowd going oh it's about to go down all of you gonna take mud and rub it on his legs I'll know what he can't do but this is gonna be good you better get your camera put this on YouTube and the man the man who had to be embarrassed to be lowered into the presence of all these people but all of a sudden his embarrassment is eradicated with the feeling of elation because he knows for the first time in his life he's gonna be able to stand on his own two feet for the first time in his life he's gonna be able to go for a run for the first time in his life when he's at a wedding and they do two cha-cha slide and they say one hop this time he's gonna be able to do it while the crowd is waiting to clap at a miracle and the man is waiting to dance Jesus who has the power to heal him the first thing he says the first thing he says his son your sins are forgiven what okay all the spiritual people in the room you identified yourself cuz when I read that you in Oh hallelujah glory to God sin that isn't the problem I don't know how you read the Bible here's how I read the Bible when I read the Bible I jump in the page of the Bible I imagine what it would be like to be that particular individual and that lets me know I would have gotten kicked out of the Bible okay right around Genesis chapter 2 because whenever I am frustrated whenever I'm frustrated I have the tendency to be a little bit sarcastic just a little bit sardonic pray for me so if that's me if that's me and I've just been carried through a crowd up the side of a house a hole has been cut in a roof construction has happened for me to get in the presence of a man everybody's saying is gonna heal me and everybody is saying is gonna make me walk again and the first thing the first thing he says is son your sins are forgiven I'm going Oh appreciated Jesus you know that's why we came all the way down here to get my sins forgiven yeah that's the real obvious apparent issue to get my sins forgiven yeah I don't need these lids hook I don't want to walk I came all the way down here to get my sins forgiven hey guys since we're giving mission accomplished let's go home like what is Jesus talking about people you gotta read your Bible it is funny stuff in your Bible Jesus seems to be the only ignoramus in the room who does not realize this man didn't come to get his sins forgiven hello he wants to do the moonwalk oh but hear me today any time Jesus appears to be acting ignorant in Scripture you got to pay close attention play close attention he's about to give you incredible insight let me say it more eloquently there is a pro funder team in the alleged stupidity of Christ hmm that's good because this man this man just like us didn't even realize that he was in the exact place posture and position that God often reveals himself to you please don't miss this free chapel there's a place that is annoying that is frustrating but it's often the place God reveals himself to you and that place is this whenever your experience doesn't line up with your expectation God is trying to give you a revelation of who he really is hear me whenever your experience doesn't line up with your expectation God is trying to give you a revelation of who he is because rarely as Jesus recognized he is more often revealed and he reveals himself at the place where our experiences don't line up with what we expected come on have you have you ever been there before where you're experienced in align up with the expectation but you look back in hindsight and say you know what it was good that that door never got open it was awesome that they never called me back for that job I wouldn't have my business today I'm so thankful that they did not say yes when I asked him out on a date I saw them on Facebook God thank you for shutting that door I'm telling you when you're experienced don't line up with your expectation God has given you a revelation of who he is and what he can be in your life is this helping anybody get here today and tell you I'm almost done but I could take you throughout the Bible and show you different scenarios of situations where people's experience didn't line up with their expectation and it was just a setup for God to reveal himself to them can I give you my favorite one you remember John chapter 11 John chapter 11 we're introduced to a family how many remember Mary and Martha remember their brother Lazarus got sick just out of the blue he starts coughing I think I got the black lung he just starts coughing and they don't show up at first cuz it's not that bad but all of a sudden gets worse and worse and worse to the point Lazarus can't even get out of the bed and in my mind Martha she's kind of keeping it together she's poised but Mary is having a panic attack [Music] like girls stop that crying okay stop that crying let me ask yourself when Jesus comes into town whose house does he stay yet Gretta means this whole house is covered in the presence of the Lord it's gonna be okay it's gonna be all right don't stress as a matter of fact give my cellphone give my cellphone come on y'all this Bible story takes her cell phone sends a text message to Jesus says hey Jesus the one you love didn't even say his name he knows what I'm talking about the one you love is sick you Jesus do what you do send Jesus is on the other side of town preaching the gospel as he's preaching cell phone text message noise goes off bTW he's like what I'll tell you about cell phones while I'm preaching the disciples are like Jesus that's your phone she's like oh my bad pulls out his cell phone sees the text message from Martha the one you love is sick you Jesus what'd you do he immediately responds he says do not worry this cyclone this sickness predictive text will mess you up this sickness will not end in death since about to Martha Martha gets the text look who just text me Jesus look at what he said he said this sickness will not end in death I told you he's an old-time god yes he yes I mean they start that was so selfish as a communicator because that the entire moment wasn't even for you it was for me because it was so funny to watch some of your faces go I never read this version before my entire life let me help you today let me help you that is the NIV okay Negro International Version it's a different translation not a family Christian book stuff but don't miss the tension in the text right after they finished shouting Lazarus dies and Jesus has the nerve the audacity the unmitigated gall to not show up to the funeral he didn't come to the graveside service he didn't come to the house when I eaten chicken he shows up four days late cool calm and collected how about how y'all doing y'all good y'all good y'all good Mary Mother like no he didn't Jesus I will cut you I'll read it John chapter 11 there was so many that her brother wouldn't have died their experience didn't line up with her expectation and right when they're experienced and line up with her expectation he walked right past them went right to the place where they buried him preached a three-point sermon and said Lazarus come forth and a dead man came out of the grave and thank God it was a three-point sermon that day cuz y'all do know his word is so powerful if he would have just gone to the grave and said come forth every dead person in there would have been I hold on he's talking about me and it would have been a Thriller video but I want to thank God that he could get the right word to the right person at the right time so that situation that the devil told you was dead the devil that he is the resurrection [Applause] Oh somebody kicked off some plays over that situation that the enemy's trying to tell you is that it is not dance when he's the resurrection fill this thing in my spirit I feel this thing in my spirit I don't know who I'm talking to but that's for you it is not a period you better put a comma God is not through with that situation yet Lazarus comes out of the grave and can you see Mary and Martha taking the grave clothes off of their brother who was a dead girl what you thinking Jesus hurries off the chain see I thought you only had power to heal people when they were sick I didn't know he had power to raise people from the bed and I would have never known resurrection power was in him until my experience didn't line up with my expectation all I'm telling you what you've been complaining about you can start praising about it is a setup for God to reveal himself to you come on somebody with a sickness you about to get a revelation he is a healer somebody that's going through financial troubles you about to get a revelation he is to hold the Jireh your provider revealing with a boyish fear just keep playing I'm almost done what what is he revealing to this man what does he revealing look at what he says to him he says son your sins are forgiven only a savior can say that only a savior can say your sins are forgiven in that moment that man had to be thinking Jesus come on legs come to you you don't even know what my problem is just say no you don't know what your problem is see you think your legs are the issue your legs are just the fruit of the issue but sin is the root of the issue I cannot deal with the fruit of an issue till I go deep and deal with the root of an issue because if I deal with the fruit and not the root what good is it for you to be up walking if you're walking in your sin I must first get to the root of the issue so that healing can take place in your life no we got a lot of church people you told me early you've been raised in church so if I you know what I've learned about church people we love to invite Jesus to come in our life and deal with the fruit of his shoes fix my wife fix my husband fix these kids fix them fix her fix my boss man so many times God will shine the light on your own heart say let me fix what's broken in you so that you can get up and walk and all that I have for you cuz your wholeness is not contingent upon another person it's when you come into the Roth feel God's presence when you come into his presence and say God fix me he says your sins are forgiven to get to the root of the issue I'm almost I love because as soon as he gets the really issue the Pharisees the religious people they're always in the room you know how religious people look that way looks like they smell something in the room never make that face people think you're religious they took cause with him saying your sins are forgiven and they thought they'd dissent aloud cuz that's how haters do they thought they said huh he's blaspheming who but God alone can forgive sins who but God that's who he was he was God so much God he responded not to their words but to their thoughts as soon as they thought if he goes why are you thinking these things which is easier to say to this man your sins are forgiven or to say get up take your mat and walk he said so that you may know that the Son of man has authority who can we pause right there and thank God that we serve a God that has all authority oh come on somebody's you can stop stressing about whatever you were thinking about when you came into service God's not stressing about it he doesn't have an inferiority complex He is God and beside him there is no other heaven is his throne the earth is his footstool he has all power in his he says so you may know son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he looks at the man and says I'll tell you get up somebody say get up oh come on say like you got some power shake it up come on that Buford somebody shout get up come on sound like you got some authorities take it up I love the way Jesus did this miracle he just told him to get up he does say I'm going to a six-week series on how you can get out he said no no Crisco oil no prayer team for this he said for this miracle you gonna have to respond to the word that you heard and take some action and activate your faith and get up somebody shake it up somebody came all the way to service to get two words kids up there's a new place God is taking you to get come on get up get up [Music] get up and see this man getting up you can see him walking I could see the entire place erupting and praise but I love Jesus it's not just powerful how many thankful he's practical right after he said get out you were thought later were just told to church up and start a shouting with Jesus says another commandment have to get up then when I first read it made me laugh out loud he says get out and he goes oh and take your man that man had to be thinking uh no Jesus I'm good you know how long I've been laying on that man he says no no you're not good take your man be thinking why in the world I gotta carry this man around cuz I don't want you to ever forget that you used to be down on the ground come on somebody sometimes when you've been walking with God for a while don't you get arrogant don't you get anointed amnesia and forget what you should have been where you could have been if it had not been for God on your side come on every now and again you don't look at you're mad you're mad is your testimony to say I know where I should be this morning I know what God brought me from somebody thank God for a man you used to be blind now you can see you gotta give you a map that is a testimony of God's goodness in your life and every now and again you got a look at your bat and go I should be in an insane asylum this Sunday but look at me lifting up the name of Jesus look at me of my wife honey you memory used to be on the couch every night look at our marriage now just take your mat I got a hurry Oh Oh last thing he tells him is go home know something I'm thinking can we go home about to let you go home watch this tell them go home I think it's possible and plausible if he told this man to go home I think it's possible that he could have had a kid maybe a couple of kids maybe a wife and I can see this man walking to his house for the very first time carrying his man I thought you walk well you just got your legs see him knocking on the door of his house see maybe his kids coming to the front door going dad dad I can't believe it dad you you're standing you're walking mama come see your mama she's in the kitchen and she's cooking it boy I couldn't make it up those stories you always making up stories your daddy is not out there walking we haven't seen him in a while no mama please come see stops cooking comes to the front door sees her husband standing there for the first time I imagine tears begin to flow down her face just maybe just maybe in that moment he looks at her and says sweetheart you can't even see the real miracle real miracle isn't just that my legs have been healed real miracle is that my sins have been washed away I'm telling you the real miracle is on the inside I thought I was just coming for my legs oh but I got so much more than what I came for He healed me from the inside out he washed me clean by the blood of all my sins are forgiven my legs on the outside are just proof positive that healing has taken place on the inside because whatever God heals you he will heal you from the inside out because when you come to him you get so much more than what you came form somebody that believes it the same God that did it for that man is willing and able to do it for you today come on would you just lift up your hands and give God glory and honor and praise come on just begin to open up your mouth and thank God that he can pick you up put you in the place that he has for you I want every head bowed every eye closed today father would thank you for your word mother thank you we come to you we get so much more than what we came for father I pray for my brother I pray for my sister today who perhaps has been complaining about the fruit of an issue god I pray today you would get to the root of the issue so that healing can take place and we can get up and walk in the hall that you have for us it's about Aza clothes across every campus getting here today and you be so bold and so honest to say you know what there's something that's at the root of the issue I've not surrendered to Jesus I don't know what it is today but I truly believe that as I was preaching the Holy Spirit was speaking to your heart speaking to you right now oh what's that the room somebody it could be unforgiveness could be bitterness that you've been harboring toward somebody saying I'll never forgive them for what they did it's not keeping them down it's keeping you down I believe the Holy Spirit is here today and wants to do a deep surgery so you can't get up and walk and all that he has for you it's about Isaac loves been here today and you'd be so bold and so honest to say you know what I know what that thing is that's at the root today I'm just gonna surrender it to Jesus Yeshua would you lift up your hand all over this place that they say I know what it is and today god I give it to you I'll give it to you yeah hands are going up all over this sanctuary thank you God anybody else father thank you for your freedom you could put it down heads still bowed ah still close if you're here today and maybe you've never taken that first step which is say Jesus my life is yours you didn't say you know what today I'm getting up and I'm surrendering my life to Him su you've never made that decision to surrender your life to Jesus I want you to lift up your hand right where you are saying this is for you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus father thank you for your healing mother thank you for your freedom today over your daughter today God even as she took a bold step and walked out of her seat god I thank you she's walking into a new place thank you for your freedom over her today in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus here's what I want to do here I want to do if you lifted up your hand for either one of those today either one of those saying I know we'll set the route of saying I just need to give him my life I'm just gonna count to three and I'm gonna ask you to do what she so boldly did get out of your seat and come to this altar don't worry about what somebody's gonna think about you come on that man might have thought what somebody's thought about him when he got low it in there he didn't care what they thought what he was walking out so come on one if this is for you today come on two if you know God speaking to your heart three I want you to come I want you to come come on come on from the balcony to the side the healer is in the house today let him get to the root let him get to the root come on as the worship team leads us if you need to come I want you to come I want you to come your hands mr. Kato hallelujah anybody else anybody else I'm telling you I sense God's presence here today allow him to get to the root of that issue just want to wait a few more moments so know the enemy loves to come in moments like this and say no you can't go down there what are people gonna think who cares what anybody thinks this is about you being whole this is about you stepping into all that God has for you come on if you need to come I want you to come I want you to come say God get to the root today hallelujah hallelujah go yeah yeah yeah they're still coming they're still covered thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you God father thank you that you heal us from the inside out thank you God hallelujah anybody else anybody else say today I'm walking into a new place you come to him you get more you get more than what you came for I don't anybody here standing by themself we'd get some prayer team answer pastors I want everybody have somebody standing behind them they can cuz you can't do this by yourself you need somebody to tear the roof off come along with you in the journey hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus can we lift up our hands just all over this place today just as a sign of surrender I don't want us to pray this prayer corporately but especially those you who responded in somebody behind you they'll give personal prayer but I just want us to seal the deal with this prayer I'm gonna give you the words but you say it from your heart say dear Jesus thank you so much for loving me that you died you paid the price for my sin Jesus I know that your body was nailed to that cross so that my life could have freedom Jesus today give you permission get to the root of the issue heal me from the inside out no longer will I complain about the fruit of an issue today with my hands lifted I say fix me heal me restore me make me brand new from this moment forward I will walk into everything that you have for me carrying my mat my testimony that shows the world when I came to you I got more than what I came for in Jesus name a man a man a man come on can we give Jesus the biggest hand clap of praise today oh come on you can do better than that can we give Jesus just the biggest hand that will praise today hallelujah [Music] man how many work blessed by the Word of God today were you blessed those are at the altar I think there's some friends standing behind you if you still want some personal prayer please don't leave without getting everything you need from God but it was such an honor to preach the Word of God to you god bless you free chapel church hey man come on brother Amen can we let pastor Robert Manu know how much we loved him what a powerful on time word that was for everybody in here this morning but can we also give God praise one more time for all the decisions that were made this morning amen well I do want to let you know that Pastor will be back with us next Sunday so please make sure you come out tell somebody to come with you next Sunday be a bringer I'm also on let anybody know who's in high school or middle school age we are doing a Super Bowl party today go Eagles from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock we'll have free food pizza wings come on out I also remind everybody that pastors new book love like you've never been hurt is also still available for pre-order I promise you this if you are breathing and you are living this book will relate to your life so make sure you pick up a copy get one from somebody else it will change and transform how you walk your everyday life but I want to make sure everybody has a great day today thank you so much for coming out we're gonna have an incredible time I'll see you next Sunday also everybody who joined us on our online campus we're so excited that you are here with us today and we can't wait to see you back with us in next Sunday love you all very much have a great rest of the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 12,315
Rating: 4.9449539 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, Live Worship, Christian Music, Jesus, Free Chapel Live, Jentezen Franklin Online, Jentezen Franklin Live, Live church, online church, love like you've never been hurt, robert madu
Id: 5yQAJOhxJ5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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