Robert Madu | Upgrade My Heart

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come on stand with me to honor the reading of god's word shout out to all of you watching online i want you to go with me to the gospel according to mark mark chapter 2 i'm going to look at verses 23 through 28 and then we'll go all the way into mark chapter 3. the gospel according to mark do you like who you're standing next to because if you don't you can move in the name of social distancing be like hey six feet six feet let me go over here mark chapter two look at what it says it says one sabbath jesus was going through the grain fields and as his disciples walked along they began to pick some heads of grain the pharisees said to him look why are they doing what is unlawful on the sabbath he answered have you never read what david did when he and his companions were hungry and in need and in the days of abethar the high priest he entered the house of god and ate the consecrated bread which is lawful only for priests to eat and he also gave some to his companions and he said to them the sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath so the son of man is lord even of the sabbath another time jesus went into the synagogue and a man with a shriveled hand was there and some of them were looking for a reason to accuse jesus so they watched him closely to see if he would heal the man on the sabbath jesus said to the man with a shriveled hand stand up in front of everyone jesus asked them which is lawful on the sabbath to do good or to do evil to save a life or to kill but they remained silent he looked around at them in anger and deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts one version says hard hearts and said to the man stretch out your hand he stretched it out and his hand was completely restored the pharisees went out and began to plot with the herodians how they might kill jesus who remains standing we're going to pray but can we just pause and address the crazy in the text how is it that they're in the church service a man's hand is healed and restored everybody starts clapping and praising god including the man who by the way couldn't clap before and while everybody is clapping the pharisees are plotting on how they can kill jesus that's crazy that is crazy it's crazy how that man's healing is what initiated the plot to kill jesus i was playing around with titles so you know i play around with titles i almost titled this message when healing you is killing me that would have been a good one you know pastor started pastor started the series about his upgrade to vegas and i was like you know i could preach from the title how to win with a bad hand and i ain't gonna do that one either but the thing the thing that got jesus angry was their hard heart i want to preach today from this idea upgrade my heart upgrade my heart let's pray father upgrade our hearts and helped that person put their phone on silent in jesus name amen you may be seated in the prince i'm playing no condemnation upgrade my heart that's the series we're in upgrade and let's just talk about upgrade how many you love the screens in here come on brand new screens look at look at the clarity of those screens that is led i bet you can even you know i've had this zit on my forehead for like the last three weeks zoom in i bet you can see the zits on my forehead cause those screens look so good oh you know what that has to do with my sermon anyway um one of the things that i've been saying repeatedly repeatedly since services and churches have been reopening and re-gathering is how incredible it's been to worship together i'm telling how many know the church is essential this is essential it has been amazing to be able to worship together with you even though some of y'all sing off-key it's just awesome to worship with the saints and another thing i've loved is being able to see the faces of the people that i'm preaching to i'm telling i love to be able to see your face when i'm preaching now don't get me wrong it is lonely up here it is so lonely on this stage but it is not as lonely as it was pre uh you know during the pandemic when i was in rooms and sanctuaries alone preaching to cameras and looking at a lens hoping that what i was saying was resonating on the other side i'm just glad to have faces in the place it's actually interesting if you think about it i have a vantage point that many of you don't have in this room in fact none of you have in this room because i can see you if i look at this screen i can see me you can see me but you can't see yourself think about that just for a moment you have no idea what you look like right now you don't know what you i know some of you don't know what you look like in fact but part of the trick of communication and preaching is you really have to have your mind like still because some of y'all make some faces that make me think you don't like what i'm saying but i've learned not to project words onto your face that sometimes you're not mad you're not constipated you're just thinking about what i'm saying but i think that's interesting that you can't see yourself you can't see you right now in fact what's funny is when they were zooming in on my zit zooming in on my zit how many know a zit could have been forming on your forehead at the exact same moment and you wouldn't have known there was a zit on your forehead till you got home or until you looked in the bathroom mirror because it's interesting when you're zooming in on somebody else's zit you can't see your yourself when you're looking at somebody else you can't see yourself you can't see yourself and i think that's important because we're talking about upgrade upgrading our lives and i'm finding out that god cannot upgrade what you are unaware of he cannot upgrade what you are unaware of what you don't know what you cannot see that's why awareness must precede the upgrade i gotta know what needs to be upgraded in my life and how can i know when i can't see myself how can i know what needs to be addressed because that's what we actually lost in the garden you know we lost self-awareness when sin entered the world that's what we lost we lost god consciousness we became self-conscious we didn't know where we were that's why when god encountered adam and eve his first question was not how are you it was where are you because we lost awareness you can't see yourself it's interesting i was talking to a leader not too long ago and i'll never forget the conversation because i was asking him all these questions about leadership and he was giving me all kinds of nuggets and he said something i'll never forget i was asking him questions and he was telling me about a question that he often asked of his wife of his kids of the people that he leads he said i ask this question all the time he said here's the question i always ask them bless you i always ask them what is it like to be on the other side of me what is it like to be on the other side of me he said because robert that is the only thing i don't have perspective on i don't know what it's like to be on the other side of me he said i gotta ask people that i love and that care about me and then when they tell me the truth i gotta have the humility to hear what they're saying because i don't know what it's like to be on the other side of me i can't see myself like some of you in here today you're like i don't need this serious i don't need an upgrade i'm a good husband how do you know you're not married to yourself i don't need this series i'm a good parent how do you know you've never parented yourself what is it like to be on the other side i'm a nice boss how do you know you ought to put an intercom in the break room you'll see what it's like to be on the other side of you you can't see yourself and how can god upgrade what i am unaware of so sometimes i've got to get into community and i've got to get into the presence of god and say god help me see the things that i cannot see because i don't know what it's like to be on the other side of me as a matter of fact don't let me live my life looking at everybody else's life seeing what they need to upgrade that i dismiss the things in my life come on somebody that i need to upgrade uh because it's easy to see what everybody else needs to upgrade and totally bypass what you need to upgrade let me say it like a preacher how many you know mirrors are way better than microscopes it's better that you look in the mirror at you than to start looking at the microscope and everybody else and what they need to fix and this is really the problem with the pharisees in my text today the pharisees issue is that they were real good with microscopes they could see with detail everybody else's problem but they didn't do well with mirrors they could never see themselves and so that's why they kept getting into conflict with jesus because jesus had a way of showing them who they really were i feel like i'm preaching better than y'all are talking to here today can you bring me some of that water dad he he he always had problems with the pharisees because they were real good at microscopes couldn't pull a michael jackson and look at the man the mirror man in the mirror what were the pharisees issue with jesus there was actually a lot of issues um but one was bigger than the other the the biggest issue is they were just jealous of jesus let's get to the root of they were jealous because how many know when you are effective at what you do people will get jealous have you noticed in fact what somebody once said that jealousy is the trophy that mediocrity gives to excellence that whenever you do what you do well please expect people to be jealous of you in fact stop crying about people that are jealous of you or critics of you that's a sign that you're effective that's a sign you're doing what god has called you to do if you don't want critics say nothing be nothing and do nothing but how many you know when you start doing what god has called you to do people will get jealous you will have critics they were jealous another issue they had was his claims the claims of jesus because jesus was claiming to be the son of god and they couldn't understand that they said if you were really the son of god first of all we know where you came from and nothing good comes out of nazareth come on don't act brand new ain't no way you're the son of god we know your hometown another reason they didn't believe his claim as the son of god is because of the people that he hung out with you know jesus had a reputation for hanging out with people that had a bad reputation you understand that they were attracted to jesus jesus would eat with messed up dysfunctional broken people that had records i'm talking about people that had long records he would eat with them and in that day to eat with somebody was to embrace them was to accept them that's why you got to be careful i'm always shocked about how some people will dismiss somebody's life and pull up their record as if their life didn't matter how you know jesus hung out with some people that had messed up broken records so be careful who you talk about just because you say did you see the facts do you know they record jesus hung out with people all the time that had jacked up records and the pharisees said if you were really holy you wouldn't hang out with them but don't those those weren't the big issues you know what the biggest issue that they had was that jesus kept doing stuff on the sabbath oh that was it that that's what god jesus crucified is that they kept he kept doing miracles he kept doing work on the sabbath that was their sensitive issue because how do you know the sabbath was serious to the pharisees it was serious to the jews come on the sabbath was implemented in genesis chapter two it was god who after six days of creating the world and said all of his good but on that last that seventh day he ceased he rested they did not play with the sabbath it was serious to them how many know it's still serious to jews today oh they don't play with the sabbath i learned this the hard way i love this the hard way i never forget when i went to uh israel for the first time holy land and uh it was only one days on the sabbath and we did a whole day of sightseeing and it was hot in israel hot okay so i'm drinking a whole lot of water making sure i'm staying hydrated and i miss the bathroom stop and we're on the bus and i've got to get to the hotel real fast real fast cause i've been drinking water all day we get to the hotel i am i'm pushing people out the way i get all the way to the elevator i don't even look at the elevator i push the button the thing just opens up and i pushed my floor i think i was like on the eighth floor and didn't light up i said whatever but the door closed that elevator stopped on the first floor i got to use the bathroom real bad it stopped on the second floor i had a whole lot of water it stopped on the third floor i'm dying on the other bed it stopped on the fourth floor it stopped on the fifth floor of the sixth floor i blacked out on the seventh floor simply there's none of your business what happened on the seventh floor and then finally finally i get to the eighth floor i'm dying i get out of the elevator i go into my hotel room come back out catch the same elevator and that thing stopped on every floor all the way down i was so mad i said i need to speak to the manager this don't make no sense i pay a lot of money to walk where jesus walks and y'all can't fix this elevator it's stopping on every single floor somebody stopped me on the tour and they said what's the problem i said the problem is they need to fix that elevator and i'm going to talk to the manager and make sure something's done about it they said robert it's the sabbath i said i don't care what day it is i said how did it stop on everyone they said robert that's the shabbat elevator i said i don't care what they named the elevator i'm trying to figure out why did it stop on every floor they said robert that the sabbath at the sabbath you don't work and to push a button is work so that's why it stopped on every single floor you think that's crazy now you should see what happened back then they had all kinds of added rules because all god says was don't work on the sabbath but the pharisees said no we need to define what not working is and you should see the list that they had adding to what god never even said they said you can only take 1 99 steps they said if you threw something in the air you could not catch it with that same hand that's what you got to catch it with the other hand you couldn't carry a needle to sow on the sabbath you could light a candle on the sabbath you couldn't blow out a candle on the sabbath you couldn't wash your hair on the sabbath because the water might get on the ground and you'll have to clean up the water and that's work you couldn't write a letter on the sabbath they had all kinds of rules and ladies you couldn't look in the mirror on the sabbath because you might see a gray hair and if you picked out the gray hair that's worked i'm telling you what the bible said to all kinds of rules and you couldn't even heal on the sabbath couldn't heal on the sabbath all these rules all these regulations and here comes jesus here comes jesus in the middle of all their rules and all their traditions and that's why i don't understand people that say i feel like god is just looking at me waiting on me to break a rule that hit me upside the head no i came to tell you you serve a god that broke rules to redeem you that destroyed barriers to restore you that came through all kinds of rules and traditions to make sure your soul could be redeemed jesus said i don't care what that sabbath says let me tell you what how gangster i am luke chapter 13. there's a woman that's got an infirmity she's been bent over for 18 years can you imagine 18 years not just with a sickness but a spirit of infirmity for 18 years and she encounters jesus and he says daughter stand up and he lays his hands on her and all of a sudden her back is restored and everybody started praising god except for the pharisees because she got healed on the on the sabbath john chapter five there's a pool there's a pool at bethesda and all these jacked up people are all around the pool all kinds of issues because how many know people with the same dysfunctions find each other have you ever noticed that liars find each other you know cheaters find each other it's just like a magnet and they're all hanging out in one spot and there's a guy who's been there 38 years 38 years and they would stir the water every so often and whoever got him first would get healed and this guy for 38 years never got his healing i preached this text when i was like 18 years old and i remember i had an attitude with the dude i had attitude with the dude because you know jesus said to him do you want to get well but we don't know jesus vocal intonation of how he said it so i preached it like jesus said it with attitude do you want to get well that's how i preach jesus saying that because i'm going 38 years bro come on 38 years you could at least like roll your way by the pool and just been right there to be close to get in 38 years so i preached it with attitude i just like do you want to get well but that was when i was like 19 or 18 now i'm close to 38 and i know what it's like to have some issues that you're gonna say lord i'm still working on some oh y'all gonna look at me with that religious faith don't act like you ain't got some stuff that you keep coming to god saying please i it's the same thing and i love it because i think jesus just said to him hey do you want to get well with a smile do you want to get well because today is your day and i don't care how long it's been that you've been dealing with this issue today is your day that you can get up and walk again how many are thankful it doesn't matter how long it's been an encounter with the real and living god change everything get up take your man and walk and he did it started walking any problem he was walking on it's heavy remember john chapter nine are you bored there's a guy who's born blind born blind from birth and the disciples are walking with jesus and asks the most asinine question of somebody who is suffering they said jesus why is he blind they don't pause to actually hear from god they assume that it has to be one of two reasons who sinned him or his parents and jesus goes uh neither i like the message translation he goes y'all are asking the wrong question he said you think that his suffering is connected to sin or his personal sin and that is not the case here now how many know there are some times that your suffering is directly connected to some sin and you blame the devil and the devil's looking at you like oh that wasn't me that was you there are some times that is the case but jesus said not in this scenario please do not connect his suffering to some type of sin he said this happened so that the glory of god so that the power of god may be revealed in his life come on i need to tell somebody in 2020 that's been going through some suffering please don't let the enemy come in your mind and make you think it's because something you did could it be possible that this year is a set up for god to reveal his glory in your life for god to show you that when you ain't got the money he is jehovah jireh your provider for god to show you that yes your job was your resource but i'm your source and i'm gonna make sure you got everything you need oh you're too quiet for me would you take 10 seconds and give god some praise like you know he's going to get the glory out of your life the glory out of this year the glory out of the church this is the church's finest hour hallelujah this happened so the glory of god could be revealed this happened so his power could be shown oh and that man got a mud sandwich from jesus in his eyes taught him to go wash it off the problem is he did the washington the walking on the sabbath and this time it happened the pharisees got more mad because that's what they are that the pharisees fear i see fear i see i see i see it's funny preaching about the pharisees in church because especially people who've been raised in church it's because when you've been raised in church and you're people preaching about pharisees who regularly attended church it's funny how the people who regularly attend church never think they're the pharisees in the text come on you know you ain't never typecast yourself as the pharisee in the text we always typecast ourselves as the person that's hurting or that's broken don't we or we typecast ourselves as jesus right and the pharisees just become a metaphor for our haters i.e the people that don't agree with us and whose philosophies don't line up with ours yeah jesus had haters you know i got haters too pharisees ever you'll never see yourself as the pharisee i don't ever see myself as the pharisee but perhaps another question besides what's it like to be on the other side of me maybe you should ask me to look at a text like this where's the pharisee in me where's the pharisee in me because they had an issue that jesus kept wrecking their tradition and he kept doing it on the sabbath one text he was like can't you do it on another day of the week quit doing it on the sabbath so they start watch this stalking jesus to see what he was gonna do on the sabbath literally stalking that's what happened in mark chapter two they're in grain fields in stocks of grain look how stupid the pharisees look stalking following jesus through a grain field they don't like him but they following them they can't stand them but they're following them i love how the bible's for today they don't like them but they still following them why in the world would you follow me come on robert if you don't like me why are you why are you on my page [Laughter] [Applause] saying if you don't like me hit unfollow but isn't it funny how all the way from the bible days people will follow you and don't like you preach robber you don't like me or follow me they stalking and they're watching what they gonna do and look i want you to see the disciples look at look at legalism verse versus discipleship with jesus they're quiet stalking be quiet look out look at that face let's see look at the disciples just hanging in the presence of jesus just having a good time jesus you were preaching today man that was good having a good time just having joy having the best time to like man you preach so good jesus we didn't even eat but whoa we're in the grain field let's get grab a little grain real quick ah stop like where did they come from they've been following us the whole time yeah we have and uh it's against the law for you to eat grain on the sabbath i love that the disciples don't say anything jesus steps in as their defense attorney sometimes the best thing you can do is just shut your mouth and let god fight your battles he's like jesus like come peter calm i got it it goes to him says uh have you not read have you not read all the teachers of law have you not read when david first samuel chapter 21 was hungry and his companions were hungry and they needed food but there was no food available except for the consecrated bread that was only reserved for the priest don't you remember that you didn't read that i love that because he's calling him out on one or two things either he's saying y'all the jesus of the law and you don't read the word he's like oh you don't want to study the word and you don't read it or they read it and he's challenging their interpretation because how many you know it's not enough just to read the bible or quote the bible if you got the wrong interpretation because you know you can make the bible say anything oh you can make the bible say whatever you wanted to say don't just read it i'll never get intimidated by people like quotes chapter and verse satan quoted scripture it's not it's not a question can you read this have you interpreted it properly you can make the bible say anything come on you've got a lot you could have got long and quarantined and you're living with somebody and you're not married and you'll be like well you know you know ecclesiastes 4 11 says you know if one is warm how can you be warm except you lay with somebody else so you know what i'm saying i want you tripping for you can make the bible say well out here what you're gonna make it say whatever you want be struggling be like man i just really had a bad day pastor energy talked about hennessy man you know you know paul told timothy get a little wine for your stomach uh my stomach don't feel too good make the bible say whatever you wanted to say not just reading it is this the right interpretation because misreading and misinterpreting can mess you up oh we can mess you up are y'all bored yet i remember hearing this story i have to share the story because you know social dallas we meet at the grenada theater and we got it's like a rock venue there's a story that's popular about some of y'all super saiyan you listen to you know hillsong all the time so excuse this illustration but uh the rock group van halen there's a story that went out about van halen talking about the power of reading and interpretation there's a story that circled around about the rock group van halen for years and the story is that the lead singer of van halen one day walks into his dressing room and sees m m's in the dressing room and he sees brown m m's in the package in the bowl and he flips and he kicks the door and the newspaper article that talked about it said he did a hundred thousand dollars worth of damage because he saw brown eminem's in his dressing room and something like oh my goodness i can't believe it well here's the story behind the story he had in his writer van halen had in his right their writer that no brown m m's were allowed absolutely no brown m m's so much so that if they saw brown m m's they could not pay the promoter no brown m ms and the problem with that is that they didn't know that the reason that they put no brown m ms is because van halen did all kinds of stuff with their concert tour they had all kinds of lights they had eight semi trucks come in to set up the stage the stage had to be a certain amount of weight one socket had to have the right voltage and because they kept going to places and they weren't getting the right voltage right because they weren't reading the entirety of their writer they said okay we're going to put in between each one of the details there must not be any brown m ms so that way if we walk into the green room and we see brown eminem's we know this is going to be a messed up night because they didn't take time to read the writer that had the technical stuff so one night they go to a concert venue and they didn't have time to check the green room and they're on stage and all of a sudden the stage starts to cave in in the middle of their set put their life in jeopardy did 80 000 worth of damage he walks off of the stage goes into the green room and sure enough sees that there were brown eminem's and turned all the way up and kicked the door and did 12 000 worth of dollars worth of damage but the newspaper article just said that he did a thousand twelve thousand dollars worth of damage because he saw brown eminem's and that wasn't the case and what's crazy is he was willing to go for years and let people think that he was psycho just for seeing brown eminem's and recently reviewed the story and that's the power of not reading or having the wrong interpretation and here's what i love about jesus jesus i'm willing to risk my reputation to show you pharisees that people are worth more than your programs that human need always transcends tradition that it is not about all of your conduct it's about compassion and i'm willing to let you think whatever you want about me because you are so caught up in your tradition that your tradition is trampling over people they go from the grain field all the way into the synagogue and guess what day it is on the synagogue the sabbath he's in the church and i can see the setup there in a new series called upgrade jesus is teaching in the synagogue here come the pharisees and they're watching because they know it's the sabbath and it's a showdown and i can almost see the pharisees looking to see if there's broken people in the room because they know that jesus has this affinity to broken people he's got to do something no matter what the day is that's his weakness he's got to he can't help himself if somebody's broken he's going to bring restoration if somebody's hurting he's going to give healing he doesn't care what the day is so i can see them looking at jesus but also scope in the room to see where the broken people are see this is what i think the church should look like we need some jacked up people in the church it's something wrong if everybody in church looked like they floated in here and had communion for breakfast i want some people smell like they got a little weed on them before the service if that's you you are welcome in this place you can smell something on their breath you can tell you know they can get say a little something man they might say cyprus was big and good today i like those type of people because this ain't a sanctuary for perfect people this is a hospital for hurting people and if you want to come in there's a savior that says you can come in hallelujah crazy how people get it messed up and think what this is about you know how many people walk in the granada theater tears on their face said i don't want to step into a church but i came to the granada theater won't step into church because they dealt with pharisees [Applause] and they're watching oh he's good he's good he's good he's good and i think he came in late and they go hey we got somebody got somebody come come here come here you see him like who's that he's like that's willie you know willie with a withered hand yeah that's willy with the withered ham it's like wait a minute he's covering up he does that but that's a willie okay you can't see it under his robe but i promise you that's willy with a withered hand y'all laughing but isn't that what we do ain't it funny how people will define you by your defect that's willy with the withered hand that's that's sarah with the alcoholism problem that's that's john on his eighth marriage that's him that's people will define you by your defect really with the withered head he still had another good hand it's not the dude with the good hand it's not the good dude with the good eyes or the good legs no really with the withered hand i think willie walked in late because you know how you do when you got a withered hand you got an issue and you come into a spiritual place you feel like you got to hide it you don't want anybody to see it it's interesting the word withered is a perfect past tense which means he was not born with a withered hand he was not born with this this was an accident that happened in his past that still carries residue in the present anybody know what it's like to have something so painful in your past i'm talking about years ago but you're still dealing with the residue of it and he walks in and he probably hides it luke says dr luke says it's his right hand his hand of strength it was a right hand that you would shake hands with it was the right hand you would pronounce a blessing it was disrespectful to reach out your hand with your left because of hand sanitization issues you didn't reach with you you did other things with your left hand this man has never shook anybody shaking anybody's hand he would just come in like this and it's interesting i went to school pastor tim was somebody that had a withered hand had a withered hand went to school with him and what's funny is the first day i met him i saw the withered hand but i'm telling that hand did not slow him down he was the star player on our football team after a while i didn't even notice it because it's not like a blind eye it's not like a bad leg how many you know you can get around with the withered hand your withered hand is the thing that you've learned to live with it's the dysfunction that you have come to the conclusion this will never change this is who i am and you don't think god can upgrade that i know this man didn't have faith for it because he didn't even open up his mouth when he came into the synagogue he's not like the woman with the issue of blood who pressed her way through he's not like blind bartimaeus who said lord son of david have mercy on me how many you know jesus had supernatural power anybody that had a need they did not hesitate to open up their mouth and let god know what they needed come on nobody ever healed like jesus every single person that came to him experienced his powerful healing so if he wanted to be healed he would have said hey jesus his will in here my hand no he didn't expect it he said let me just come into the synagogue and hear a sermon you'd be shocked at the people who said i just came to hear a cute message i'm just watching online because god can't upgrade this but god told me to preach this message and tell you he wants to upgrade the very thing that you don't think he can upgrade he wants to upgrade the thing that you have learned to live with the dysfunction you've gotten comfortable with god says i want to bring my power to that didn't want to be sane and the pharisees are watching can you see them they're watching and jesus is watching them watch him and it's a it's a battle of the eyes they're looking like you're going to heal them jesus looking like you don't think i will willie stand in front of everybody puts him in the center of the room once he puts him on display then he addresses the pharisees i'm going to ask the worship team to join me you understand that every miracle of jesus is a parable when you have supernatural power to heal anybody you can heal all kinds of ways the way you do it is teaching something every miracle is a parable and i think jesus was trying to get these pharisees to see that what's wrong with this man's hand is what's wrong with your heart he's got a withered hand that you can see you've got a withered heart that is dead and you think you're spiritual but nobody can see it you do know even in technology every upgrade there's hardware upgrades that you can see and there's software upgrades that you can't see at all it's like you need your heart upgraded puts him on display and asked him a critical question is it lawful to do good on the sabbath or to do evil to save a life or to kill a life that's what he asked them i love it because they came to trap jesus and put him on trial jesus reverses the situation puts them on trial and calls willie as his witness is it lawful to do good on the sabbath or evil to save a life or to kill a life look at the simplicity of the question he said is that simple i want you to answer that simple question i love it because the pharisees were obsessed with rules they were obsessed with how far can we go can we take this many steps they had made everything so complex they had added their traditions to the law of god they made everything complex jesus said let's make the complex simple is it lawful to do good under sabbath or evil to save a life or to kill let's just make the complicated simple i'm thankful for a savior who makes the complicated simple that when the law came in and there was all kinds of regulations jesus said let's make the complicated simple i'm going to take it from 613 to 2. here's what i'm calling you to do love the lord your god with all your heart soul mind and strength number two love your neighbor as yourself work on that we'll fix everything else later we'll work on the right outfit later we'll work on the alcoholism later but can we work on what this is oh my goodness i cannot clean a fish until i catch it so can we work on that the simplicity a love the lord your god with all your heart soul mind and strength love your neighbor as yourself he simplifies it he says it is it right to do good or evil speaking to the man he says is it right to save a life or to kill speaking to himself knowing in their hearts they were in the synagogue plotting on how to kill god and the bible says when you ask the question they remained silent they didn't say anything hold on fair says you don't got nothing to say now you were real loud about the grain popping up out of grain fields you're real loud about the grain but you don't got nothing to say about a man with a withered hand you are so loud about them plucking the grains with their hand but you don't have anything to say about somebody that is hurting see this is a problem with pharisees they will pick what they want to be loud about but can i declare god has called this church and you and i to be loud about everything we're going to be loud about abortion we're going to be loud about brown bodies that are being killed we're going to be loud about police brutality we're going to be loud about people that injure and don't respect the police we're going to be loud about every single thing that is the call on our life to be loud about all of it i'm gonna be loud about sex trafficking i'm gonna be loud about homies [Music] you can't pick and choose what you wanna be loud about ain't got nothing to say they remained silent and jesus was angry at their hard hearts he's got a hard heart you've got a hard heart he's got a hard hand you all are connected because what you do with your hand started with your heart the two are connected and what he was trying to get them to do which is what he ultimately made the man do watch this i'm done is he tells a man with a withered hand to stretch your hand stretch it why would you ask me to stretch it jesus that's ridiculous if i could stretch it i would have stretched it before no it's different now because i'm commanding you to stretch your hand and how many know whenever god commands you to do something within the commandment is his empowerment to do it oh he wouldn't be commanding you to do it if it wasn't possible he wouldn't have commanded us to love our neighbors if it wasn't possible yes it might stretch you yes it might make you feel uncomfortable but how many know sometimes your healing is in your stretching and if he asks you to do it that means he's giving you the power to do it oh somebody help me preach if he commanded you to stretch forth your hand the red sea will split if he commanded you to walk on water that means you can do it if he's commanding you somebody get up on your feet and give our god some praise in this place today if he commanded you to do it [Music] within the commandment comes the empowerment to do it he stretched out his hand and was restored he was trying to get the pharisees to stretch their hearts stretch it past the customs and traditions and see that compassion comes before your conduct code relief comes before your rituals people take precedence over your tradition here's my prayer in this day and age lord upgrade my heart [Music] not my neighbors not them up grade my heart don't let me look at a microscope i'm looking at the man in the mirror upgrade my heart because if you upgrade my heart strength will come to my hand and i'll do what you've called me to do but it starts in my heart come on is there anybody in here that says i want god to upgrade my heart come on that's what he's calling us to that's that's the revival come on let's be in birth if that's what you want would you just lift up your hands as the worship team joins us come on just begin to open up your mouth and cry out to god and say god upgrade my heart upgrade my mind god give me a heart for the things that break your heart god give me compassion come on open up your mouth in this place today [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 56,996
Rating: 4.9337015 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu, Taylor Madu
Id: -fqOi6HviXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 18sec (2718 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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