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thank you Jesus how many you can declare that all your life he's been faithful come on to that he's good would you just give him some praise come on whether you're in the sanctuary or whether you watch it online can you keep playing and just make it sound spiritual all my life he's been faithful he's a good good father even if what you're going through is not good you need to know he is good now I've been singing this song it's been helping me during this pandemic I can't sing it and I just we didn't plan this I don't even know if you know it I'm gonna put you on the spot almost started but you know the Lord will perfect that concerning me [Music] sooner or later it will work in my favor [Music] it's turning around for me [Music] that's what's been getting me through a night do you know that yeah that's respecting well it's concerning me sooner or later it will work in my favor it's turning around it's turning around for me Father thank you that you're turning things around even right now after your way today in Jesus name everybody loves I'm said hey man come on say a man again come on one more time give God some praise whether you're here watching online you know I sense God's presence when I start singing that is not my life but it's been in my heart hey I am I'm excited about the word God has put on my heart to share and I want to jump straight into it would you mind standing to honor the reading of God's Word today shout out social Dallas fam Trinity fam and wherever you are watching this online believing that the presence of God is in this place is gonna meet you right where you are I want to look at Luke chapter 10 today Luke chapter 10 I know we've been in acts as a church but guess who wrote the book of Acts dr. Luke and I want to look at verses 38 through 42 when you're ready to read it while you say yeah if you're not ready say hold up how many you thankful for our pastors come on did you know how much you love them how much you appreciate them I know I'm thankful for their love and for their leadership and I'm telling you when you're going through stuff it's amazing to have pastors there stand with you and that are beside you and Taylor and I love you guys so much and every time I have the microphone I always want to take a moment and let you guys know that and it's good to see Cindy Jacobs in the House today come on I love when the Prophet is in the house because if anything goes bad while I'm preaching I could just hand the mic to sending and she'll fix it Luke chapter 10 look at verse 38 and landed verse 42 and it says as Jesus and His disciples were on their way he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him she had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said but Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made she came to him and asked Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself tell her to help me Martha Martha Stewart the Lord answer you are worried and upset about many things but a few things aren't needed or indeed only one mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her I want to preach not long at all today but using this as a title a necessary interruption a necessary interruption don't touch anybody but would you just look at somebody who looks like they love Jesus come on with it your house from the sanctuary and just say hey you need a necessary interruption now look at somebody who maybe doesn't look like they love Jesus looks a little frustrated constipated like they've been sucking on lemons come on look at that person right in their face and say you need a necessary interruption you may be seated in the presence of the Lord father thank you for your word thank you for your presence speak to our hearts today in Jesus name everybody said a necessary interruption one of the many parenting predicaments that I often ponder is the phenomenon that on the day when I had absolutely nothing to do on a day of complete leisure I'm just relaxing my children whom I love will be cool calm collected actually prefer to play by themselves I'll even try to engage with my five-year-old who has told me daddy just give me some space but then on the moments where I have a vital phone call to make or I want to talk to my wife who was here before them that is when they are on a ten that is when it is a national emergency that's when they are all in my face daddy daddy daddy daddy that just kids know how to interrupt like nobody else in fact that's what kid stands for me keep interrupting dad they will just it is a national immersive interruptions interrupt some y'all don't have kids or toddlers so you don't appreciate that illustration okay how is it that on the rare occasion that you are actually early leaving the house on your way to work I mean come on this is actually the day that you have some time to waste on those days you will have a string of green lights green light after green light there won't be a single officer in sight but on the day that you for real can't be late on the day that you have to make that meeting come on that's the day where it is red light red light red light it is a 20-car pileup on the highway and officer wants to pull you over because you didn't put on your mass before you change lanes and then when you actually get to your job there is a whole line of endangered turtles that are walking across the street to stop you before you go in interruptions y'all don't like that but how do you know we all even know that person that person that whenever you're telling a story whenever you're telling a story they will find ammo is your story but they will find a moment to jump in the middle and put in their two cents to which at one time you just want to look at them and say oh I'm sorry that the middle of my sentence interrupts the beginning of yours interruptions oh they can be frustrating interruptions can be annoying and let's be honest no body in here likes interruptions nobody likes when god delays your plans and nobody in here likes when God puts a detour on your map we don't like interruptions come on the only difference between a stay-at-home order and you deciding to take a few days off or a few weeks off to spend time at home is really just control come on because if I'm gonna stay at home I want to pick the weeks that I'm gonna stay at home if there's gonna be a pandemic somebody tell me much before so I can properly prepare for where my plan is that I want to prepare for the plan Dimmick CDC ABC NBC hijk LMNOP somebody tell me before because I don't like interruptions and yet interruptions are part of life and yet interruptions is what God will often use to develop you God will often use interruptions to push you into your purpose and to push you into your destiny in fact the kingdom of God is about interruptions oh you don't believe me look at the life of Jesus Jesus was constantly being interrupted look at his ministry even though he had planned her from the foundation of the earth to come to earth to go to the cross and die every single day he was being interrupted he couldn't go anywhere without being interrupted in the church he was interrupted one time he was preaching and a male was demon-possessed and he had to cast out the demon in the middle of the sermon and then go right back to preaching another time he was preaching and they brought in a woman caught in adultery threw her right in front of the church and tried to stone her to death in the middle of the sermon he had to save her and then go right back to preach and he was always being interrupted everywhere he went one day he was in the house and they cut a hole in a roof and dropped a dude in the middle he was all he couldn't walk down the street without being interrupted without a dude blind Bartimaeus shouting out his name son of David have mercy on me always being in dirt one time he was on his way to heal a pastor named Jairus his daughter and on the way to heal her he gets interrupted by a woman with the issue but even his interruptions were interrupted Saul lays a life of interruption get Jesus throughout the Gospels never got mad never got frustrated never got annoying by any of the interruptions because he knew what we need to know and that is that interruptions are actually the prerequisite for the miraculous interruptions are the prerequisite for the miraculous come on think about every miracle that God has ever done in your life haven't you notice it started it was preceded by an interruption come on that thing that you weren't expecting was an opportunity for God to show up and do something powerful in your life interruptions are the prerequisite for the miraculous come on I want to encourage somebody who's in the middle of the biggest interruption in your life and the enemy has you convinced that this is the end then it's not gonna get better but how many are thankful that the interruption is just a sign that God is going to show up and do something powerful and miraculous in your life oh come on somebody give God some praise in this place today interruptions are often the prerequisite for the miraculous to happen in your life I want you to type in the chat and if you're in the room just look at somebody and say thank God for the interruption thank God for the interruption because often interruptions are the prerequisite for the miraculous thing to happen in your life and yet we hate being interrupted our Tech's today in Luke chapter 10 is really all about interruptions in fact it starts with an interruption Jesus's teaching gets interrupted by this law you're interrupted he starts asking him who he is who his neighbor is and Jesus tells this parable about a priest and a Levite who passed somebody because they don't want to be interrupted and then we get to the main text in verse 38 and it says Jesus was with his disciples and they were on their way they were on their way somewhere and all of a sudden on their way says I think I want to go see my friends Mary and Martha he stops the whole journey says I want to go see my friends Mary Martha come on you bible scholars you know Mary and Martha Mary Martha they're siblings they got a brother named oh come on this is the spurt for group they got a brother named Lazarus and these three siblings are actually in an elite category they're an elite category in the Bible as it relates to their relationship with Jesus because of Jesus much like everybody today he had some categories of people in his life he had some haters he had some fans and he had some friends he had haters he had fans and he had friends how many know you don't get to pick your haters and you don't get to pick your fans they just show up but you do get to pick your friends how many thankful that you get to pick the people that you actually want to be your friend and I love Mary Martha and Lazarus because they were Jesus friend they're the ones that he actually wanted to spend time with he loved going over the house he loved Martha's cooking he wanted to spend time with them and Martha Martha she's mentioned first because she is most likely the oldest of the group come on we're the older siblings that the older type a perfectionist people please in personality don't forget yes Martha's house is Martha's house that needs to be clear this is Martha's house and Martha she likes everything in order you know the Martha's in your life they have spreadsheets they have schedules they want everything on a system they really been freaking out these last few months because Martha's want everything in their control they want everything itemized Martha likes everything perfect and in order it's her house and don't imagine as Martha wants everything in order she gets this random call this day that call you don't want to get and she says hello oh hey Jesus what you doing oh yeah uh-huh yeah ain't nobody here like you uh-huh are you in town yeah yeah of course you can come over your your presence is welcome in this house yeah you can come over whenever you uh oh you five minutes away five minutes five five minutes okay Mary Mary Mary TV five minutes away okay yeah that's cool that's cool you want dinner you know I'll cook for you you got anybody coming with you oh all of them all of them okay so plus twelve okay don't worry they'll get us fine okay I'll talk to you like she gets off the headphone and just like you when you get a surprise visit from somebody she is losing everything in order girl get the linens get the table get pizza no not that table the other table the other table girl you know the table that's long the only has seats on one side you know that table you seen a picture I mean she's trying to get everything in order she's like oh no I gotta get I gotta get Peter Brant I wouldn't even have any more hummus she is freaking out going crazy just trying to make everything perfect for Jesus surprise visit and I want to stand up and say hold up wait a minute because for years we have castigated Martha and said that her busyness was frivolous that she shouldn't have been busy but I want to stand up for Martha today I want to stand up loud and proud for Martha today because don't think that her busyness was a waste you understand in that culture that how you hosted somebody was huge how you hosted somebody spoke to how much you honor them how much you care about them so let me ask you something how you gonna host when God is coming to your house what preparations have to be made when God Himself is coming to your house I think people need to get Martha a break Martha was just doing the things necessary to make sure his presence would be welcomed thank God for the Martha come on everybody can be a married don't forget whose house it was it was Martha's house so the responsibility rested on Martha shoulders oh yeah Martha's paying the mortgage shoutout to the Martha please don't understand Martha's you can't even get a monster mentality from a Mary I'm telling you I'm never getting my dad my dad when I was growing up and he always complained about me leaving the lights on even the lights like what is his obsession with the lights just a light so I cut the light off when you leave your room I'm like it's not even that big a deal like why is he tripping over a light until I've got my first light there see when I was a child I was Mary I couldn't understand them when I had to pay the light bill I've got a Marcel revelation real quick when I got that first light beer I didn't put up a Christmas tree yes I did I said forget the Christmas tree I like that's pagan I just you know Jesus is the life is easy to complain about Martha when you marry it's easy thank God for the Martha's that run this church thank God for the Martha's that show up and serve you don't want Mary cuttin on the lights on Sunday morning you want Martha because she's gonna be faithful come on Mary's gonna be in the car Tom I'm sorry I didn't get the lights on you know I was in the car just worshipping on my way make merry over promise Keith we need lights in the sanctuary Mary okay Martha's gonna show up and get the job done thank God for the Martha's just trying to get everything done she's trying to get everything prepared she's trying to get everything in order all of a sudden here comes Jesus in Rome and she's trying to get everything set up just like oh my goodness is here okay Mary you go greet him you go greet him and I'm gonna take care of this over here girl go out there and give him a disciples I want finish setting up the table and she's trying to get everything perfect that's what Martha's do Martha's are obsessed with performance and perfection Mary's are obsessed with sitting at his feet Martha's won a full schedule Mary's won a full heart Martha's our Type A and the Mary's are the type B Martha's are the people I want to make sure all the systems are in place and the Mary's adjust the people that just want to receive from his presence and who in this room and watching online we got some Mary's and some Martha's by the way if you're wondering am i Mary or Martha you're thinking about it you're a Mary yeah you're Mary because Martha knows she's okay cuz Martha's already know that's how they work that's how they operate they want everything in control and so when she tells Mary to go greet Jesus and the disciples and she's trying to get everything in order and she's trying to set the table this is 13 placemats she's trying to make sure that the forks are where everything is and she's checking the food at the same time and she's trying to make everything is set as she does she notices that Mary has not come back in the kitchen to help her don't worry the table and she gets to I think about placemat number 13 and she send it on and she realizes that Mary still hasn't come in the kitchen to help her and she loses it I think she had a fork in a hand when she lost it and she said yes and she runs into the room and interrupts and says Jesus don't you care that she's not helping me Jesus don't you can you see her fork in her hand don't you care that she's not helping meet the first words out of Martha's mouth where don't you care Jesus that's what Martha's really want to know they want to know God don't you care about what I'm going through and the reason Martha wants to know doesn't care is because things are out of her control and whenever things are out of your control when you are Martha type you will question the care of God because you can't control the situation anymore come on in that where we are right now in it funny that whenever there's a calamity whenever there's a pandemics people who don't ever even open up their mouth to talk about God now all of a sudden there's something that is out of our control and they start saying ah if God is so good how could something like this happen because whenever things are out of our control it causes us to question the care of God but don't confuse your lack of control with the lack of God's care just because you can't control it doesn't mean that God doesn't care about you might just mean you need to let go of that thing and say God I'm gonna put it in your hands because I can't fix it and I don't know what to do in the situation some stuff you can't control oh but the enemy wants you to doubt God's care and concern because you can control it look at how messed up her control is she says Lord don't you care that my sister's not helping me then she says Jesus tell her to help me look what a control freak most is she goes Jesus tell her to help me okay don't miss it Martha is in the presence of Jesus she needs some help and she goes to Jesus and says Jesus tell her to help me you missed it Martha is in the presence of Jesus she needs some help and so she goes to Jesus as Jesus tell her to help me or matam somebody watchin Alana's gonna sure Martha is in the presence of Jesus she needs some help so she says Jesus tell her to help me girl don't you know whose presence you're in if you're in this process you're gonna tell him to tell somebody else to help you just go to him and say I need some help I need help right now you just took two fish and five loaves and multiplied it snap your fingers and make that table be sad when things are out of your control not only will you doubt his care but you also missed the moment you'll miss the moment that's in front of you she missed a moment she's so mad steam coming off our forehead holding the fort she didn't even see that Mary was that his feet Mary was at his feet no other place in the Bible will you ever see a woman afforded the privilege and opportunity to sit at the feet of a rabbi in no other place in scripture just sit at the feet of somebody with me that you were their disciple that you could freely receive from them and look at what Jesus has done he's showing what grace is he says that grace breaks every social construct every societal norm that if you come to me it don't matter who you are or what you've done everybody can come and sit at my feet this is a monumental moment because women and that culture were never allowed to sit under the feet of any rabbi but look at this Jesus who says I have a space I have a place right here for anybody who wants to be my disciple there is room for you at my feet that's good news for us today then no matter who you are you can come and sit at the feet of Jesus I'm telling you Martha you trippin put down the fort you should have just said Mary scoot over because if you got a place you're my sister that means I have a place and I should sit down and receive from you whenever you're in a moment where you want a control situation you will miss out and think that your lack of control is a lack of God's care and you will miss the moment the opportunity that is before you to sit at his feet all of a sudden we've been looking at this passage for years I think we've been looking at it least I have there's two different personalities Martha Martha personalities and Mary personalities but I think is actually a matter of priorities priority of posture that as a disciple of Jesus I have a responsibility to not only be serving but also to be sitting but my sitting can never come after my serving I got to sit first and receive from him because as I said that he actually gives me the strength that I need to go and serve look at this he's not saying this either/or it's a both and that as a disciple you got to be sitting and serve a city and serving but the moment you've so busy serving that you don't have time to sit that's when you won't have the strength to do what he's called you to do let me say it the way I want to say it don't lose Martha's hustle but you need Mary's heart you want you want Martha's hands but you gotta stab Mary's habitation where you will just sit and rest and his feet and I think we live in a Martha world everybody's busy everybody's doing everybody's gone we even deem ourselves important about how busy we are some of you right now you can't wait to get back to normal which is back to busy but thank God for a mandated merry moment that some of us had to go through over these last seven weeks well God says I just want you to sit just want you to sit that's what he's been speaking to me I want you to sit because you've been so busy serving that you had been said something about just sitting let the busyness go away Corey Tim Boone said that if the enemy can't get you to sin and they'll just make you busy because a busy does the same thing busy breaks my connection with people no wonder she's snapping with a fork that been you over these last few weeks snap it had the people that you love breaks my connection with him busyness helps me of my opportunity to sin I got a sit so that I cannot effectively serve it's interesting that I wish I had some more deeper more profound for you this is just what God's been speaking of man never say that Martha was demonic just says she was distracted she was just distracted and then it funny that most drivers most car wrecks that you'll see on the highway are from drunk drivers you would think it would be some like truck no just distracted drivers because if the enemy can get you distracted he can just distract you from sitting you'll be so busy serving distraction and stop you I love what John Ortberg says he says for many of us the great danger is not that will renounce our faith it is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it we would just skim our lives instead of actually living them no wonder Jesus shows up with the necessary interruption to speak to the martha's who've been so distracted to say come on and sin you can actually have the strength to go and serve he says mary has chosen the good portion not the only portion but the good portion in other words is both an but I just need you to sit before you serve this was a necessary interruption for Martha mess gaming the team to come it's been so interesting over these few weeks trying to write sermons at home I usually have my system I want to go to a coffee shop get my cappuccino I have a seat that I always sit in if somebody's in my seat I will walk around and wait for them to get up and then I'll sit there and I'll type and I'll people watching I'll type it but man when you're writing at home it's different screaming one day I was open the door and my son had been outside licking and knocking his head up against the door when de Remy let out a blood-curdling scream I thought she fell down the stairs I come out I was about to type a good point too and I come out and there's my tag and my shirt I cut the tag out sort of thing I cut out all the tags out of her shirt it's been hard on the right trying to get the perfect words and put stuff together but you know what's been happen to me over this pandemic sometimes it a bit of just typing I'll close the laptop saying come on y'all let's go play let's go run in the yard come on bring me to shirt I'll cut the tag out of the shirt they don't care about what message I'm preparing they just want to be with me I just felt like God wanted to share that to some Martha individual in here today I was fighting those merry moments say that all he really wants is for you just to sit so he can give you the strength that you need to do what he's called you to do would you bow your heads father thank you for necessary interruptions all right thank you that all you how you won all you've ever wanted is just us or don't let us be so preoccupied doing so we don't realize what we're becoming holy spirit as things are reopening don't let us rush back into the Martha system of the world help us to have merry moments give us the strength and the energy that we need to do what you've called us to do or let us find the comfort and the rest in just sitting receiving from you thank you that your presence is enough thank you that you are not Jesus every single thing that we need just want to sit at your feet Jason's receive from you just gotta ask if you're on this thanks for her if you stand to your feet as you're watching online I just you know this message is for you not speaking of your heart you've been so caught up being the Martha trying to get everything in order and God's just call you to that Mary place and you say this is for me and you know that this season has been a necessary interruption but you say I don't want to go back to that old system of just serving and doing FSU you know that's what you I just want you to respond and what a way that you can especially if you're watching online just say that's me that's me you've never taken that first step which to say Jesus my life is yours and you just need to surrender your life to Him I want to give you that opportunity say God I'm coming home to you I'm tired of doing life on my own come on this year watch it all now - even here in this sanctuary heads about how they're closing we just lift up your hand and say that's me I'm giving up my life today I asked you to sing this song which I love it says I just I just want you to zhis and nothing else it's weird I don't know how we insert this in this moment I don't know if pastor has anything else he wants to say but I just felt like and it's Gabe saying this song if you needed to just get back to that Merriam posture you could just come find a place at this altar and just then just sit at his feet and receive from your father who doesn't love you based on your performance or what you do for him he just wants you
Channel: Robert Madu
Views: 18,129
Rating: 4.9511342 out of 5
Id: 7cXmUNNL9vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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