Robert Madu "Fresh Prospective"

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[Music] come on would you stand with me to honor the reading of God's a word can I tell you to please be in prayer for pastor Hennessy is preaching in New Mexico today and I think it's gonna be back for lunch at night but then Monday he's leaving for Russia to preach to a group of pastors there all over Russia so let's keep our pastor and our prayers how many thankful that we can send him out and let other people experience what we experience in this house come on that is amazing and then if you don't like the sermon today if you don't like the sermon today please come back next week pastor Becky is preaching next Sunday come on so anything I mess up she will fix next week so it'll be good to be good will you go with me today to the Gospel of John chapter number four John chapter four and I want to look at verses four through 14 and then we'll also look at verse number 19 John chapter 4 when you're ready to read it say yep if you're waiting to find it in your Bible say hold up all right cool if you don't care you just gonna look at the screen anyway say read it Robert okay awesome that he is Jesus he had to go through Samaria so he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph Jacob's Well was there in Jesus tired as he was from the journey that blesses me that blesses me right there I like little weird phrases in the Bible that blesses me that Jesus got tired I don't bless you that blesses me in this season of my life with three kids three another I love that Jesus got tired cuz you understand that he is fully God fully man so that means that he is God enough to speak the rock into existence that created the well that he was sitting on but yet he is human and man enough to go oh we ain't got no cars these Birkenstocks are killing my feet I'm tired I'm just going to sit down for a minute and that's important imperative for you to know because you need to know that you serve a God who put on human skin he can feel what you feel he knows exactly what you're going through nobody else might know what you're facing but how many are thankful for a savior that came down and put on human skin to feel what we feel and know exactly what we go through so I just love that it got tired and he sat down by the well it was about noon when a Samaritan woman came to draw water jesus said to her will you give me a dream his disciples had gone into the town to buy food the Samaritan woman said to him you are a Jew and I'm a Samaritan woman how can you ask me for a drink for Jews do not associate with Samaritans jesus answered her crazy girl at least that's what I see in the Tash you know the gift of God and who it is that asked you for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water somebody say living water come on don't say like his day and say living water I'm saying like you had some expresso today say living water yes sir the woman said you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where can you get this living water are you greater than our Father Jacob who gave us the well and drank from it himself as did also his sons and livestock and jesus answered everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life we're gonna skip this and go to verse 19 but I love it because she kind of throws it to the side and she's like oh we'll give me that water all the time and Jesus like go get your husband she's like I don't have one he's like that's right you've had five and the one you with right now ain't yours no that's not the prophetic word you won't get from Jesus so he just put you on blast after Jesus calls her out she's the woman said uh sir I perceive you are a prophet I perceive I perceive you are a prophet she didn't know it at first later she would come to find out he was the Messiah we've been in a series it's gonna be the last installment of the series but we've been a series called fresh last week pastor talked about a fresh attitude today for about 6 hours 4 minutes and 23 seconds I want to preach to you from the subject fresh perspective fresh perspective look at your neighbor before you sit down get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor in church this is a friendly Church come on say neighbor you need a fresh perspective oh just in case that neighborhood stuck out find another neighbor find another neighbor come on say other neighbor you're my second option and I want you to know hope you need a fresh perspective come on if you believe God's gonna speak with you get some praise in here you can be seated and the presence of the Lord fresh perspective let's pray father thank you for your word thank you the grass withers the flower fades but your word will stand forever speak to us today let us leave different than the way that we came in and Jesus name everybody said say a man again Church family you all know who that I absolutely positively love my job of course I'm a little biased but I personally feel like I have the greatest job on planet Earth I get to travel around the world and preach the gospel just preach the good news about Jesus Christ I love what I do you're not the worry about me being frustrated today preaching in front of you I am created to do what I'm doing before you right now often said there's a difference between a career and a calling a career is what you get paid to do a calling is the thing that you are made to do what's the thing that when you do it you say I was put on the earth to do this right here I was just a little kid and even as a kid I would be running around the house with my toddler diapers and my Easter Sunday suit and i'll be shouting at the top of my lungs i'ma be a preacher i'ma be a preacher I would preach to my stuffed animals today got saved sanctified filled with the Holy Spirit and repented of the stuff they were dealing with I know it's cheesy I'm just trying to keep you away but put a call in a mandate on my life to preach the infallible Word of God it's interesting that once you step into that calling to preach it becomes very clear to you life will show you that God does not need a preacher to speak to you come on when God wants to speak to you he can speak through everything oh please don't be naive to think that God can only speak to your favorite preacher or your favorite note and the worship leader singing a song but if you have an ear to hear what God is saying he will speak to you through everything he will speak to you through your circumstance he will speak to you through your situation he will speak to you through your spouse I know you don't like he'll speak to you through your kids he will speak to you through your job he will speak through absolutely everything God speaks in surround-sound when he wants to get a word to you he will get it to you I learned this very quickly that's why Taylor didn't like to go to the movies with me because he'll speak in the movie theater and I will stand up at the most awkward moment in the movie they're gonna put my popcorn popcorn to the side and just say it's a car sit down the Shakespeare said there are sermons in stones he speaks to you through he speaks in bathroom airports you don't believe me you don't believe me okay Friday I was in New York Tuesday went from New York to Tulsa Oklahoma speaking at oru and came back home hello are you in the house and before I came home to Dallas I got to the airport in Tulsa and I would have thought that the airport was closed because there were people inside but the doors were shut people inside but the doors were shut took a step forward door stayed shut take another step forward doors stayed shut about to miss my flight I took one more step forward you ain't gonna believe what happened the doors supernaturally automatically opened up I said oh god it's moving at the airport in Tulsa I know he's gonna show up when I preach on Sunday I went to the bathroom in the airport and there was no faucet to cut on the water in the bathroom kind of ghetto bathroom a reporter stood on the water but in desperation I just put my hands underneath the sink you ain't gonna believe what happened water started flowing automatically I said God is moving baby here must have prayed for this happen I went to the paper towel dispenser there were no paper towels and the paper towel dispenser I said it's gonna be awkward I'll be walking around the airport with wet hands but before I left that bathroom I started moving my hand and putting the paper towel dispenser y'all ain't gon believe what happened paper towels started flowing for free with blessing and abundance I said God can show up anywhere right about now you're looking at me like I lost my hat you're like please get past the Hennessy back here you're going Oh Robert that ain't no miracle everything you mentioned is motion-activated and you don't think it's a miracle but I do because I have remained still and I was stuck and stagnant I would still be in Tulsa and wouldn't be here with you today but as soon as I started taking a step doors started opening as soon as I started things started flowing come on can I tell you God is motion activated you are not waiting on God he is waiting on you to do something you've never done before so you can get something you've never got I'm telling you Bible says if you draw near to him he will draw near to you he is motion-activated on't believe me my dad is here and he's got a green thumb and he loves to plant so he's been helping me with my little landscaping in my house and he was over the house the other day and there were all these weeds in the garden I said okay I will you you put you eat I said okay that's not cheeriness so I pulled all the weeds from a little flower bed and a few weeks later he's back in my house and he says son I thought you put these weeds a few weeks ago why I just do weeds here so that I don't know but I pull all of the weeds from the garden he says son you did not put the weeds he said you pick the leaves of tea sweet you don't know how to garden boy he said get down here let me show you how you do it is if you just pick the leaves of these weeds they will keep coming back again and again but in order for them not to come back and get down here in order for them not to come back again you have to get down and pull it from the root pull it from the root so it won't come back again hope somebody sees where I'm going with this today because often there can be weeds in the garden of your soul to pull a situation up only to see it come back again and again come on God told me to tell you you need to let your heavenly Father reach down and pull that thing from the root get to the root of the issue so that healing can take place and you're like God will speak to you do everything sometimes I wonder especially as we encroach upon our text for today what would it be like to have God speak to you not through a bathroom airport or through gardening but what would it be like to have God speak to you face to face can you imagine what it would have been like to have a conversation with Jesus I mean the physical Jesus not just to hear him preach but to sit down and talk to him come on you know Isaiah calls him mighty God Prince of Peace everlasting father and a wonderful counselor he's a wonderful counselor come on dr. Phil and Oprah can't touch Jesus one conversation with Jesus can change your life forever that's exactly what's happening in this text we see Jesus conversing with the disciples and they're walking and all of a sudden he stops he pulls out his iPhone laughs and jeez well he used Apple products and it goes to his calendar and he says guys hold on wait hold on pause guys hold up Peter stop wait James hold on guys hold up wait Judas hater stop real quick huh he said I just looked at my calendar I realized I have an appointment he says I need to go to Samaria I need to go to Samira I'm telling the disciples probably lost their mind when they heard Jesus say I need to go to Samaria because you understand during that time period Jews had no association with Samaritans if they hated Samaritans they had years of rage and prejudice and violence toward each other for years they had been fighting they hated Samara too so much so if they were going from Jerusalem or it's from Galilee to Jerusalem and Google Maps said go through Samaria they would take the long route and skip Samaria they could not stand they hate it so much if they even barbecue and they found out that a Samaritan was cook the ribs they would spit the ribs out come on and that's crazy that's some real hey they could not stand Samaritans and they tried to avoid Samaria and Samaritans so I find it intriguing that the place and the people nobody wanted to go to was actually the place and the people that Jesus said I need to go there that's why I have an appointment come on I'm trying to show you a heavenly perspective the places that nobody wants to go God says that's where I want to be the people that nobody wants to deal with Jesus says that's who I want to talk to how many are thankful for a savior that goes to the one that society has written off everybody else has ostracized you and alienated you and said I don't want to fool with you but thank God for Jesus because he runs to the places that nobody wants to go with it gets to samarium when he gets there he's just sits on a whale and he waits he waits not to talk to like 5,000 people waits to talk to this one dysfunctional woman this warrants our attention because I personally believe Jesus had to be the busiest man that ever walked the face of this earth think about this in just three years of a ministry 33 years of living he preached the gospel in such a powerful way that the gospel he preached back then is still being declared around the world today come on how many know Jesus was a man on a mission he did not have time to waste he was busy but in spite of his busy schedule he sits on a well he waits he waits to talk to one woman you know how to believe in here today church is before we ever walked in this sanctuary before we ever sang one song in worship I truly believe that the purpose of God was waiting in this place say it's almost time I got something that's gonna change forever just waiting for her to get there sitting there waiting see some people just praise God for his power I praise God for his patience come on somebody you are the praising for his patience - you know sometimes it takes you a while to get the clue that your ways not going to work that that person is not for you hello and I'm so glad that Jesus will just take the time to sit and wait see people tell you to seek after God but they don't tell you how God will seek after you God will chase after you when you're not even thinking about him he's got enough patience to wait for you to get the clue he just sat there just waiting wait wait tell my girl hurry up I gotta go to the cross you're tripping come on and he waits and this woman she comes to the world this day and she sees Jesus at the well see Jesus and proceeds to take her water pot and fill it with water when Jesus is sitting at the Jesus is sitting a push press her way through a crowd like a woman with the issue of blood she's not getting loud like blind Bartimaeus she sees Jesus takes a water pot let me go get some water we're sitting on that well I don't know how you read your Bible here's how I read the Bible when I read the Bible I jump in the page of the Bible okay I imagine what it would be like to be that particular individual so if that's me church if that's me and I roll up on the wheel and Jesus by himself no crowd Jesus is sitting at that well let me show you my reaction to seeing Jesus when you took the book would you sign this for me don't be my reactions let you know it's Jesus Jesus not this woman this woman see Jesus goes hmm get my water do what I have to do and you laugh you laugh a man I see it happen in churches all the time people in the presence of Jesus I think we just gathered to have another church service people in the presence of G and totally oblivious to the fact that he can change your life in the presence of Jesus tomorrow how many songs are they goes in the presence of Jesus how many no when you get in this presence they time for you to worry about what your neighbor thinks about you and what they got on when you get in the presence of God come on that's time for you to open up your mouth and lift up your hands and say God I know you got something that can change my life I need you oh she just ignored Jesus and thank God that he would not be ignored he engages her in conversation Jesus had to initiate the conversation the great initiator and he says excuse me will you give me a drink now real quick I need everybody in here whether you wear glasses or not just kind of go like this which just because I need you to take off any presupposition or lens to which you would see this passage of Scripture because I know some of y'all I mean come on you're super saved you've been walking with the Lord since the third trimester of your mother's pregnancy and you followed it in here you had communion for breakfast so very spiritual and surely you've heard somebody preach or pontificate on John chapter four but I'm talking about fresh perspective and I want you to see this passage perhaps from a totally different perspective today okay I'm gonna take this passage to a whole nother level I'm gonna make my Bobby's Bible college professors pass out with what I'm gonna do with this passage but I need you to see it from a totally different perspective in order to do that we have to put our feet in the psychological shoes of this woman because the Bible says the Bible says that she has had not one not two not three not four five husbands oh come on something I'll try to get one father husband's and she is currently living with somebody who is not her husband and the Bible tells us this information see I think sometimes we think that because this book comes from antiquity that these were not real people that God chose to put all the information on blast he just lets us know this woman had five husbands living with somebody who's not her husband just puts it out there have you noticed how the Bible reads like TMZ sometimes I mean like the National Enquirer these are real people and God just put the information on the land that's why I get shocked when people say man I got a lot of issues I don't know if God could use me have you read the Bible especially the Old Testament Oh trust me all the crazy stuff in there please believe God can use you and I'm so glad that God puts the real story in the Bible because people today Oh church people do they act like they in the witness protection program come on just act like your life is so pictures perfect never never even really tell their real testimony but thank God for Jesus that the Holy Spirit edited the Bible to let you know that God used messed up dysfunctional crazy people so he can still use you come on in spite of your flaws and spite of your mistakes you are still a candidate for God to use you they just say she's got five of us must put it out there little with somebody who's not her husband and just puts it on blast so here's my thinking oh if you got five husbands you ain't ugly I'm thinking since the girls got it going on hair dye nails no she fancy hot and uh-huh perhaps perhaps she is used to men being attracted to her she's used to men being attracted to her and please then I actually laughed too soon because you understand during that time period she would not have been able to leave her husband they would have left her so that is five rejections five rejections five people saying ah I'm through with you I'm leaving wonder how that affected her perspective because sometimes when you've been through so much your perspective can get jaded and you can think what you've been through is the world five rejections and she comes to the well this day and the Bible says she comes at noon now understand during that time period men did not come to the well the women came to the well it was the social gathering place for the lady it was together conference that's where the ladies just throw that plug in there it was this for the ladies gather but this woman said forget the ladies come together she came in the middle of the day in the heat of the Baker's she didn't want to fool with anybody and certainly they want to fool with no man and she comes to the well and the afternoon here is this man sitting at the whale what is this man doing at a whale and he's supposed to be here why does he keep staring at me staring hard to look I don't know what are you looking at but look I don't know we have five husbands the one I wear right now yeah I just want to get my water and why does he keep looking at me and if you put your feet in the psychological shoes of this woman you see it is possible and plausible that she thought that Jesus the King of Kings the Lord of lords he's looking for opportunity perhaps to holla at her remember man did not come to the well you didn't see guys at the well and Jesus makes it worse because his opening line to her is excuse me will you give me a drink I've been saying too long you're a Jew I'm a Samaritan you know we don't have any dealings with each other and Jesus makes it worse he says girl if you knew who I was if you knew who I was I gave you some living water you know I live here water please what you greater than our Father Jacob you ain't even got a rope or bucket talk to the hand talk to her there's gonna be a different perspective woman just illustrate something for us that will always impede you from receiving what God has for you and that is this this woman has allowed her perspective to be polluted by her past experiences has become polluted by her past experiences she thought that Jesus the seventh man she was meeting was exactly like the sixth man she'd encountered before but how many know Jesus was not like any other man that she had encountered before but she thought he was just like the six before but he was actually the said the seventh man come on anybody that knows biblical numerology you know that he had five liver with some on there wasn't that six he was the seventh come on seven is the number of completion it is the number of perfection so just by sitting on that whale in his presence he's saying guess what I know the six before me depleted you but I'm right here to complete you I'm here to give you the thing that your soul has really [Music] but she was gonna miss a god moment cuz her perspective had become polluted by her past experiences hear me if you were ever gonna step into the fresh and the new you cannot allow your perspective to become polluted by your past experiences and this is really the challenge of life isn't it to not drag in the pain and the experiences of your past into your presence come on it's easy to shout about that is harder to do come on cuz the reality is just being a human makes me prejudiced because I have past experiences and we all prejudge situations based off our past experiences don't we so when you look at people especially with people like I know what you about I know what this is about some people come to church you know I know what the church is about and whenever you do that in the spirit of God it will limit what God can do in your life because God is bigger than your past experiences in fact he wants to do something new in your life he wants to do something fresh I'm telling you you make the fresh a mess if you pollute your perspective with the experiences of your past I feel like I'm preaching better than y'all are talking in here today perspective is so powerful that's why sometimes sometimes what I'm gonna play I don't want to tell people I'm a preacher I don't like to starting off the conversation like that I know that doesn't sound spiritual but this is truth I'd rather tell people like I'm in the oil business anointing or I'm just just whatever going because sometimes if we begin the conversation by saying I'm a preacher if they're a Christian well praise God we can have church on the plane but sometimes if I tell them it's like two extremities they either go to this extreme and the person I'm talking to has been cussing the whole time prior to the conversation now gets plastic as well praise the Lord brother you're a preacher god is good I was just reading the book of poems the other day watching seventh heaven on repeat it's one extreme but the other extreme maybe even worse is they're like oh you're a preacher let me tell you about the child and they head starts spinning around like The Exorcist they're gonna go off on every church that ever hurt them any preacher that was in the news you know what I'm thinking the whole time they going off on the plane I'm going ah ah this person will never know who I truly am because their perspective has been polluted by their past experience how much more about a God who is so multi-dimensional who is so multifaceted that for eternity we'll spend getting to know him could it be possible there's something God can't do in your life cuz your perspective has been polluted by your past experiences some of you want a new circumstance you don't need a new circumstance you need a new perspective so God can do what he wants to do in your life okay let me stay right here see you can actually limit God with your perspective say that again you can limit God with your perspective give us some scripture for that Robert I'll give you some scripture mark chapter 6 this one the craziest verses description of me I'll never forget when I read it mark chapter 6 it says the Jesus comes to a town a certain town and it says something crazy it says he can do no mighty work no Jesus can do no mighty work except heal a few sick people come on y'all that verse didn't even make sense how can Jesus do no mighty work come on all he does is mighty works that's why we praise Him we don't praise Him because he's 9 out of 10 come on all he does is mighty works come on we don't sing songs like our God is okay God is all right he can do some stuff though some days he's average that would be the dumbest praise and worship song ever Oh come on what do we sing our God is greater our God is stronger God you are okay people a second service I don't know if you don't finish it that's what we sing how then can Jesus do no mighty work oh it tells us what town he was in his hometown so he went to reveal himself as the Son of God Here I am and they went son of God please son of Mary and Joseph remember you have been those dumb bird houses and your dad comprar cheese shop you ain't no son of God because they couldn't see it they couldn't receive I'm telling you you can limit God with your perspective what do you see I love when I found this out because it took so much pressure off of me as a preacher because I used to think that the effectiveness of my preaching was contingent upon the OP was contingent upon my ability rather to preach good and make you laugh and make you shower but it has everything to do with what you came in here to get and what you see come on how can two people be in the same service one person walking out tears going this way it's not going to other way Cracker Barrell the way I want to go after perspective perspective perspective what do you say when you come in here come on if you came here today and this is all you see [Music] I'll plant larger oh just another service go here servant you know here's something you know just hear the word and go home in church and there's a little work if you came in here and that's what you see that's what you go yet you cannot receive what you cannot perceive if you came in here today this is your perspective if you came over here this your perspective you say this is gonna be the Sunday with God speaks as soon as I woke up this morning I knew I was gonna get my brick I've know guys don't change me I'm gonna go get a word too if that's what you see that's what you'll get Oh God open up our eyes to see you open up my eyes and wonder to see that you can do exceedingly I'm telling you what are you putting into it you can't receive what you cannot perceive I didn't get much from the sermon today I bet you didn't you didn't come in here seeing if you would you didn't come in here expecting to get anything you will get what you expect this ain't even in my notes I'm no God speaking to me come on expectancy expectancy expectancy expect antsy expect antsy itch but see this woman it's allowed her perspective to be polluted by her past experiences because hear me if she had the right perspective she should have been shocked that Jesus the Jew was talking to her Samaritan woman she knew who he was she should have been shocked that he would initiate the conversation and ask her for water or even ask her for anything don't forget who's sitting on that well this is Jesus fully God fully help me know Jesus did not need this woman to give him water this is the son of the Living God this is the same God who spoke the world into existence and said let there be water come on that means if Jesus really wanted some water he got a shot on that whale and said let there be water and Fiji and Aquafina bottles would have started coming out of the crowd crazy woman to give him water his disciples went to the town to give food he could have sent them a text message said hey why are you out there bring me back some water why Jesus asking for water why does Jesus asked a question anyway she want to stand up Jesus ask you a question the answer is never for him it's always for you he asked her a question because he knows that he can speak do anything he's using the water the natural water is the illustration to show this woman that your soul has become so dry you've been going from relationship to relationship perhaps some person a person trying to find something that they cannot give you you are trying to quench a spiritual thirst with something in the natural and how do you know it will never work you cannot quench a spiritual thirst with something in the natural so here's what I love about the text it speaks to us and lets us know that thirst is not optional if you're breathing you're thirsty in that good news just elbow your neighbor say I knew you were thirsty we're all thirsty the question is not do you thirst the question is how will you quench your thirst CS Lewis says if I find in my self desires that nothing in this present world can satisfy there was only one probable explanation I was made for another world so many things we run to trying to quench a spiritual thirst with things in natural and in for work so thank God for Jesus who steps in and does an intervention as the Sabbath man has said boo-boo let me help you before you get to man number 77 [Music] realize they can't give you the thing you've been looking for and realize something has crept into your heart it is actually crept into this generation like I've never seen before and it's a spirit of discontentment have you noticed now more than ever that people are discontent more than ever social media has put steroids to this because everybody is so busy looking at everybody else then nobody can find where the living water is that can satisfy your soul and this contentment is actually the offspring of a bad perception of a bad perspective you don't believe me somebody is in your same situation but because they have this bright perspective they're not discontent well there's a single person here they got myself every moment that I hold myself you don't know what it's like to just walk into the house and I have anybody there but you can just watch it Netflix by yourself I wish I could just somebody to hold me it's another single person there got the right perspective say whoa hallelujah when I walk in the house I ain't got nobody to worry now I just take care of myself whoo and I want to go to dinner who do I ask me yeah let's go hallelujah ain't got no relationship drama oh god is good perspective perspective all three of our kids act like demons have jumped into their body I'm walking up the stairs for the 50th time to change another diaper and I want to go just remember some friends of mine who would you any thing to walk up some stairs and change a baby's diaper perspective you try to change your circumstance you need to change your perspective you need a fresh perspective to know that he's delivering water discontentment I love what Paul said worship team join me discontentment is interesting because Paul says something in Philippians he says I've learned whatever stayed on man therewith to be content I've learned Oh Paul you had to learn it that means disk that means contentment does not come easily Paul says I had to learn no matter where I'm at to be discontent wait a minute Paul where are you writing this from a jail cell Paul isn't a jail cell in Chains having Church timber wool I've learned whatever state I'm in therewith to be content Paul how can you do that when everything in your life and around you says you got the right to be discontent you've got the right you preaching the gospel you didn't get a love offering you got whipped and Beadle you got the right be shocked at the person in here who feels like I got the right to be discontent look at my husband look look at these kids all but of God change your perspective no wonder you keep having someone struggle in that marriage you've already concluded they're wrong they're messed up they can't do anything and once you've already got the perspective you're gonna see the outcome God wants to do what he said in that song open up my eyes men wonder change my perspective let me have a source of living water they can help me in an environment this is you should be discontent since I first started preaching how many know how I proceed this is living water by the way living water we shifted in from Israel earlier I don't know how I perceived this water will determine how much I can receive from it this sound some people relate to the living water some people doubt the living water even exist but there is a God that can satisfy yourself some people doubt is existence it like right they think you have lost your mind to be in church today when you could be sleeping in or playing golf because they think it's crazy as phony and how many you know you're entitled to your own perspective but I can shout from this stage in this microphone still a glass over there some people doubt the waters existence some people when it comes to living water they have so many questions about how did they want to get there is that really water in there that just have question for me those people that could never step into what God has for them because they're stopped by their questions I don't know if I can believe everything the Bible says and how many know God can handle your questions he can handle your questions but sooner or later you got to move past your questions and step out on faith and say God I just believe that you are who you say you are and you can do what you say you can do and even if I don't get all my questions answer just go and trust some people question the living water some people they know all about the living water oh no about it come on you've been to water Sunday school you know all the songs about water you know all the scriptures about water you're very astute in the concept of water you know it's primarily a substance composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen you know all about the water how many know there's a difference between knowing about the water and actually receiving the living water oh come on this is the best day of your life that day you actually make a decision to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior come on is anybody in here that's actually receive the living water and you got relationship with the water oh come on this is the joy of being believer that when you're thirsty you can receive it how many know you can't stop here you don't stop it just receiving the living water there's a lot of people that have received the law just like I've received this water but I can still die of thirst even though I've received it no wonder we have some believers who are saved but not satisfied Christians but not content because you haven't kept going to the source you don't just stop here how many you know if you really want to get all that God has for you you can't just know about the water you can't just sing songs about the water you can't just come in this atmosphere and watch other people receive the living water sooner or later in your life you gotta say god I'm just gonna make a decision for myself to actually excuse me [Music] come on somebody you got a drink the living water I'm telling you he's got it for you he said out of your bellies will flow rivers of living water but you gotta say God I'm changing my perspective neither one I'm going through what I'm the source that is you that is the living water and how many you know what you do it wants you don't just stop there cuz some of you like right but I don't like this message because I'm saved and I still feel like I'm in the dry season that's fine you can still be in a dry season but don't stop right there cuz here's what I love about God when he said that you'll never thirst again you don't mean that you won't have any leads you don't mean that you'll never reach out for something what he is saying is that I got something for you God says I got secret supply that you didn't even know how come on don't act like you knew that was back there you have no idea what God has in store for you [Music] go to the source and have a drink and keep her safe come on somebody give God some praise today if you're right he's got a sword ha you mean God says I got it for you but as long as your perspective is on what you don't have and what hasn't happened and what he hasn't done yet you'll never see the source of living water but asks every single person to stand to your feet all over this place today I sense God's presence today since today that he's shifting perspective God can and he will change your circumstance sometimes he just needs to change your perspective how you see your circumstance you don't need a fresh experience you need a fresh perspective can we just sing this course of this song itself fits with the message what are you gonna build your life upon today I just want us to sing it and they were gonna pray can we declare that today [Music] can you lift up your hands today of this place today come on this is this is the place you trusted to you Jesus [Music] to Terry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jessica's mama with heads bowed and eyes closed today oh you're here today and you just be so honest to say you know what this is this is for me I need a fresh perspective maybe you've been complaining about the circumstance I'm telling you sometimes God will change your perspective before he changes your circumstance know what this situation is but if you're here today you say Robert that's me I I need a fresh perspective I need the Holy Spirit to give me a fresh perspective I know it looks bad but I need you to open up my eyes with wonder to see what could be not what I've been through that's you you know what that is and you say I need ajust a fresh perspective but you lift up your head that I say ask me I don't know what it is yeah just lift it up and put it right back down thank you God so many hands lifting so many hands thank you Jesus anybody else say that's me I need a fresh perspective heads are still ballad ah sister clothes if you're here today and you've never taken their first step which is to say Jesus my life is yours you've never received the living water today's your day to say you know Robert I'm tired of doing life of my own I'm tired affronted to other things to satisfy today I'm gonna come to the living water not just received but to drink in everyday more of his presence all this spirit this you I don't care for just one person you've never surrendered your life to Jesus would you lift up your head today say man and clothe me this closing prayer just lift it up thank you Jesus yeah see those hands this is never to embarrass anybody I really feel like these moments actually empower you as there's things that we do in the natural I think it's just a picture of what God is doing in the supernatural that he's moving us from where we were to where he's taking us to so if you're here today and you lifted up your hand for either one of those and you should have Sam either I need a fresh perspective or say I need to give him my life I'm gonna ask you to be so bold so brave when I count to three I just want you to get out of your seat and come to this altar and I'm believing the fountain of living water who is Jesus is gonna meet you here today don't worry about what anybody else is gonna think this is between you and Jesus and I count to three I want you to count one this is your moment to this between you and God three would you come if you lifted up your hand and you should have all the way from the balcony I want you to come all the way down come on this is your day this is your father [Music] thank you Jesus fresh perspective first perspective first perspective thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] anybody else thank you Jesus [Music] anybody else does here at this altar can you just lift up your hands and just fix your attention on Jesus come on he's our source thank you God thank you fresh touch fresh perspective first perspective fresh perspective fresh perspective fresh perspective Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus question perspective fresh wave of the Holy Spirit fresh wind of the Holy Spirit thank you God fresh perspective fresh perspective today thank you God help us to see things the way you see things God help us to see the beauty even when it looks broke I'm gonna have some friends come stand behind you but even before we do can put your hands left in fact let's just join those here those are your sins would you lift up your hands and want to pray this closing prayer before you just get some personal prayer but can we just make this declaration today and say it from your heart say dear Jesus thank you so much for being the fountain of living water you're not a fountain you are the fountain Jesus thank you that even on the cross you shouted I thirst so that I don't have to so I come to you I believe you're the Son of God I believe that you can satisfy the longing of my heart and my soul I know you can change my circumstance but today I'm asking you change my perspective help me to see you you know what I'm going through let my soul be content to know that if I have you I have everything I need in Jesus name come on a few men what you pray would you give God some praise all over this place oh come on you to be better than that widget with Jesus plays [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 50,282
Rating: 4.8960137 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu, Fresh
Id: aEbUV7o6tSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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