On Their Mark - Robert Madu

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come on can we give our God a big hand clap of praise this afternoon come on oh come on you can do better than that I said let's give our God some praise Wow how many are thankful and glad that you came to woman Conference 2016 come on hasn't has been awesome I told him yesterday I am NOT just excited to be here I am Red Bull excited Express so elated I am so glad just to have my chocolate face into place this is summation absolutely amazing to see what God is doing you know I just want to pause for a moment because a lot of times when you come to a conference of this caliber you don't realize what goes on behind the scenes this has been a 5-star conference that sometimes come to a conference is like going to your favorite restaurant you know you walk in it's nice music it's a chandelier you love the ambience but you don't realize in the kitchen people are losing their mind they're screaming their feet hurt while they smiling and it's a lot of ladies who sacrifice time and effort and tears and prayers for you to be here and all that comes under the leadership of two of the greatest pastors on the planet which is Pastor Rick and Michelle and I just want to take a moment come on can we show our heartfelt appreciation to them and volunteer come on ladies you can do better than that come on let's let them know how thankful we are amen we get honor to our honors do you guys have been amazing it is not easy to put two conferences on back-to-back this is incredible and now we're going to have fun and here today I'm glad I get to close it out this might not be the best sermon you've ever heard but this will be the best sermon you've heard this weekend from a male so I promise you you are going to be blessed I bring you greetings from the great country of Texas and and as it was said man my wife is from Arkansas I'm thankful for this state it produces the most finest baddest amazing woman on the planet she has proved to me that God gives you more than you deserve and that favor ain't fair and she said home with our two amazing beautiful kids we have two kids under two and we're rookie parents two working parents and I'm not going to do like some rookie dads do you know says they have a kid they think their kids are most beautiful kids on the planet and I always put up pictures of that kid because I think everybody wants to see their kids I am NOT that dad you're gonna worry about me doing that today this is about me preaching Jesus not you seeing my kids so you've got we're about it we're good that's not even true can y'all put my baby girl on this screen come on ladies I made that come on now that is that is my daughter my firstborn her name is Everly Adair Madhu we call her evey she turns to on Monday and she is the reason why I pray more and I have a shotgun a man and then just eight months ago God smiled upon us and gave us a son put my handsome son of Vance Robert Madhu the third that is my namesake my legacy and now I'll put their pictures up everywhere I go because how many know fatherhood is the best hood there is nothing like being a dad and a man I love it but here with me which is also because my wife is at home with the kids is my baby sister Amanda Madhu won't you stand up so glad she's here with me a man revival is breaking out when your sister will come here you preach so I'm honored that she's here hey I'm gonna jump straight to the word and I'm really believing God's going to put an exclamation point on everything that's been said this week if you have a Bible I want to look at Hebrews chapter 12 today verses 1 & 2 and then also first samuel 18 verses 5 through 9 Hebrews 12:1 and 2 and then first samuel 18 5 through 9 why are you looking for that how many have never heard me preached before can I see your hand if you've never heard preach Oh Lord that's Orbotix quick quick disclaimer there's so many different preaching styles in the body of Christ there are some preachers and speakers who are very calm and very quiet very stoic and sedate and they stand behind a pulpit to softly pontificate the processes of philosophy eschatology and soteriology and they would consider it uncanny and boisterous for you to say anything while they're showing what the Lord has deposited in the deep recesses of their heart soul mind and spirit I ain't one of those preachers ok I'm what you call a hollaback preacher ok I'm already nervous and not know brother once this spot right here to talk to all ladies I'm already nervous but you will make me more nervous if while I'm speaking you just look at me and go ok if anything I say today resonates with you you could say a man you can say preach that you can say mmm that was good you can literally stand up in the middle go that was for me you can even stand up good a middle go oh girl that was for you you'll even don't do that but we're gonna have fun today Hebrews chapter 12 starting at verse number one and it says therefore since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith let us strip off every weight that slows us down especially the sin that so easily trips us up and let us run with endurance the race God has set before us what an awesome thought to consider that God has set a race a story before each and every one of us and we're required to run that race how do we do it the writer of Hebrews tells us we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus the champion who initiates and perfects our faith can you say a man and then first samuel 18 verses 5 through 9 and I'm reading from Eugene Peterson's message translation and it declares whatever saw gave David to do he did it and did it well so well that's all put him in charge of his military operations everybody both the people in general and Saul servants approved of and admired David's leadership as they returned home after David had killed the Philistine the women poured out of all the villages of Israel singing and dancing welcoming King saw with tambourines festive songs and lutes I'm not really sure what a lute is but I'm assuming it's like a flute without the F and profound I know and it says in playful frolic and playful frolic come on you know it's a party when ladies are frolicking okay play for frolic the women sang salt kills by the thousand David by the 10,000 oh and this made Saul angry very angry he took it as a personal insult he said huh they credited David with ten thousand but me with only thousands before you know it they'll be giving him the kingdom from that moment on Saul kept his eye on David oh I don't want to preach before I preach so don't count this as my preaching time but I would like for you to see these two passages of Scripture in parallel because the writer of Hebrews says there is a race a race that's been set before each and every one of us and you run the race by keeping your eyes on who on Jesus but here we have Saul because of a comparison that these ladies made between him and David no longer is he focused on his story or on his race but comparison caused him to shift his focus and his attention on today then I want to preach today not long about six and a half hours just from this title on their mark you're taking notes that's the title of my thoughts today on their mark I realize when you're running a race they say get on your mark but I'm finding many people cannot run the race God has set before them because they have their eyes on the people in the lanes beside them many people cannot focus on these story because they have their eyes on their stories this is gonna be a good servant I'm telling you you better get ready it's gonna be awesome would you bow your heads with me I want to pray before going to this and it's been a long day so it's gonna be a long prayer amen god you are awesome speak to us today amen quick a quick little survey before we jump into this today how many you ladies would just say about showing of hands that you like to work out you enjoy exercise can I see your hand okay come on quite a few awesome okay you can put it down how many ladies would say by showing of hands that you don't like to work out you don't enjoy itself how many to say that come home don't lie in church be honest okay those of you ladies who lifted up your hand the first time the first time saying that you like to work out that you actually enjoy exercise you are officially dismissed from this conference okay not for real you can leave as a matter of fact run home okay because I have now found some camaraderie and some commonality with the second group of ladies y'all oh my sisters come on I will lift up both the hands of both feet tell the truth and shame the devil okay I do not like to work out there is absolutely nothing in me that finds enjoyment or pleasure in going to the gym as a matter of fact I am theologically and physiologically persuaded that having to workout was as a result of the fall of humanity oh I'm very serious people there were no gyms in the book of Genesis okay there were no ellipticals in the Garden of Eden cuz you can't have Pilates and have paradise okay God in His infinite wisdom and his omnipotent power created us as perfectly perfect beings perfectly perfect that means Adam you had biceps he had triceps he didn't have a 1 pack he had a 6-pack ladies ladies Eve had 0% body fat 0% something like uh Robert what's your scripture for that I'll give you some scripture the Bible says the Bible says they were both naked and unashamed come on somebody to walk around naked if you got it going on I'm just it was not until they took a bet forbidden fruit that sin and calories entered into the world so I don't like to work out I don't like to work out but but I do work out I do work out and the reason I do what I hate is because what I love which is to eat okay I love to eat I'm a much better eater than I am a faster okay don't hate on me that's my spiritual gift so whenever I go to the gym I actually enjoy lifting weights I love to live there's something manly about putting on Old Spice and lifting iron okay I like to lift but how many no lifting does not burn the calories it doesn't you have to do cardio which means you have to engage in an evil three-letter word called run this is my issue okay I hate to run I despise running I cannot articulate to you how much I hate to run I hate that run rhymes with fun because there was nothing fun to me about running okay whenever I do run I convinced my mind I have asthma just so I can stop okay so for me to get on a treadmill is a big deal and I need a lot of motivation I need an IQ just do a t-shirt I gotta have motivational music I got the eye of a tiger I need all that just to get on the treadmill and once I get on the treadmill y'all started a good glacial pace and I'll be gone I'm like oh this is easy oh this is awesome I've been running for like there's like 30 minutes then I'll look at the screen and it's like three minutes I'm like my ass my I can't do this I'm gonna die today so so I've developed this mechanism for motivation to keep running on the treadmill true story as I'm running on the treadmill wanting to give up and just throw in the towel I will just slowly look to the right and then I'll look to the left and I will just peruse the aisle of other people who are running on their treadmills and what I'm doing is I'm looking for somebody anybody a much older than me body and once I found that random person I will lock my eye in on that person and I will say something to them not out loud but in my mind real loud I would say to them you don't wanna now let me explain what just happened when I said you know what none when I said that unbeknownst to that person we just entered into a race okay oh don't act like I'm the only one that does this okay like when I said that this workout just gotten real okay as soon as I made that declaration the entire gymnasium has now been transformed to the 2016 Olympics and the first person to step off is going home with the silver and the one that stays on the longest is going home with the gold and I'ma get the gold cuz I'm a child of God the head and not the tail all we do is win win win no matter what come on can I get a witness at woman conference today true story so true and it really helps me when the person is right next to me because then I can see their screen and see exactly how fast they're gone you know I'm saying so it's even so at their own level six I'm on level six point one and if uh they speed up I'm gonna speed up if they're gonna incline I'm going to incline if they stop and take a break I'm gonna stop and take a break I guess I'm not gonna keep running while they stop and take a break that's cheating you can't cheat in the Olympics this is a global event whatever they do I will do it then I'll wait for it and as soon as they press stop and get off their treadmill I will speed mine up to the fastest level cuz you got to sprint to the finish line then I'll press stop jump off grab my towel and walk around the gym talking about I got the gold and rejoice in my sweet victory I wish I was lying about being so real with health today it's a matter of fact I beat a guy a couple of weeks ago random guy beat him bad too and I saw him in the locker room afterwards and I said hey man how are you he said I'm good how are you said I'm great in fact I'm a golden loser it was awesome and you laugh because you know it's a it's funny it's it's comical when you talk about comparing yourself to other people in the gym comparing yourself to other people when you're doing exercise but how many know it's not so funny when you talk about comparing yourself to other people in life and ladies when I'm afraid this afternoon's message mandates is that you introspectively ask the critical question who are you racing who are you racing I'm just wondering who in your life have you set your eye on and you are running your race according to their pace it's doing the thing that God has called you to do instead of chasing after the purpose and the assignment and the story that God has written out for your life I just came to warn you today that the comparison game is a dangerous game to play I don't know whether you notices when you're running on a treadmill which is another reason why I hate running have you noticed on the treadmill you're doing a lot of movement a lot of breathing a lot of sweat but you ain't going anywhere you are in the exact same position the entire time what a beautiful metaphor for comparing yourself to other people because whenever you compare yourself to somebody else all you end up doing is exerting a lot of psychological emotional and spiritual energy trying to keep up and compete with somebody you are never called or created to be and at the end of all of it you realize I'm in the exact same position I was when I first started oh I'm preaching better they all are talking in here today as a matter of fact I'm afraid I have more message than I have minutes because I'm just exercising something a great mentor in my life told me that I'll never forget he said Robert whenever you preach just preach from your weakness because you'll never lack for material to preach that's good I am preaching from my weakness today because I have found in my own life as I've been running the race God has set before me I have an inner proclivity and tendency to look at the people in the lanes beside me I am convinced that comparison comparison is the number one destroyer of destiny I am convinced that the enemy's number one weapon of mass distraction and mass destruction is to get you to compare yourself to somebody else it's his number one weapon because after all that's what got him kicked out of heaven Satan Lucifer you know used to be on the praise and worship team of heaven it all started with comparison he was created to be a conduit to be a container of God's glory but he starts comparing himself to God and then said I will exalt my throne above the Most High and that's what got him fired and dismissed and now his job is to kill steal and destroy from you and I and that's exactly what comparison will do it will kill your joy it will steal your peace it will suffocate your sanity comparison is the thief of joy comparison is like cancer to contentment you know I love the Apostle Paul he wrote two-thirds of your New Testament no no the Apostle Paul the artist formerly known as Saul and that's funny to me and I love when he starts bringing order and structure to the church at Corinth because he warns them and lets them know that comparison is the opposite of wisdom look at what it says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 Paul says for we dare not we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves but they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise Paul says you are stupid you are cray-cray you are foolish if you are playing the comparison game if you know why comparison is not wise hear me ladies because comparison will consistently cloud the clarity of God's call on your life oh that was so nice I'm gonna say it twice comparison will consistently cloud the clarity of God's call on your life meaning if you ever want to be confused about what God's called you to do then just are comparing yourself to what other people have been called to do come on first of all let's just establish today that there has been a call that has been placed on your life come on I hope you know that that there is a call on your life I hope we have some called ladies at woman conference you do know there is a call on your life come on Jesus did not come to earth get on the cross and get up from the grain just so we can have Q church services and conferences and just sit on your blessed assurance but there is a call on your life there is a purpose on your life come on you can't sneak into the earth you are not here by accident you are here but good because God's divine providence saw you here before the foundation of the earth there is a call on your life somebody who knows their call would you just give God some praise and here today I feel I preached an app there's a call on your life a call you do know there's a difference between a career and a calling a career is what you get paid to do a calling is the thing you were made to do it's the thing that when you do you say whoa girl I was born to do this right here there is a call on your life here's what I love about God he has actually given you everything you need to accomplish your call oh that shouted stuff right there to know that everything I need to do what God has called me to do it's already in me everything you need to do what God has called you to do it is already in you you don't have to look outside of yourself you don't have to be jealous of anybody he has given you everything you need to accomplish that call if you don't have it that means you didn't need it to accomplish what God put you on this earth to do that means if you were supposed to be taller guess what he woulda made you taller if you were supposed to sing he would have given you a voice if you were supposed to dance he would have given you a little bit more rhythm come on somebody if you were supposed to be black he would have made you black if you're supposed to be wide you would have made you why if you were supposed to be Latino buenos dias he would've made you Latino you've got everything you need on the inside of you stop complaining to the master about the pieces you didn't get and just start praising him that you're a masterpiece a masterpiece created by the greatest artist who is God come on can we just take a praise break and you just give God some praise and thank him for making you the way he made you come on ladies this the last session I think you got a better praise than that come on just thank God just making you the way he may be okay I got to interrupt this regular scheduled service so that you can engage in a verbal exercise would you just say this say I am a masterpiece I'll say it like you believe it say I am a masterpiece come on say it like you have faith and power say I am a masterpiece I'm telling you if that got not just in your head but in your heart it would change the way you leave this conference it would change the way you feel about yourself it would change the way you walk into a room to know that you are a masterpiece created by an artist who is God as a matter of fact on Monday when you go back to work or wherever you're going I dare you to take you some velvet rope and just put it around you and when people say why you got that velvet rope say oh you didn't know I'm a masterpiece there was a God that created me Picasso can't touch-up Leonardo da Vinci has nothing on the car there for me I am a masterpiece I'm telling y'all recording this message i'ma watch it later it's blessing me piece.you I be happy to be who God created and called you to be celebrate your story you are a masterpiece you're my heart today that is not just feel-good phraseology that is not just preacher height or great self-help talk that is actually the Word of God features chapter 2 verse 10 says for we are God's masterpiece he created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago that God is a strategic God and he's already marked out a path and a lane for all of us to run in and all we have to do all we have to do is stay in our lane and keep our eyes on Jesus all you have to do is stay in your lane and keep your eyes on Jesus that is my entire message for the day everything I saw say today is just fluff I came all the way from Dallas Texas to Little Rock Arkansas to tell you two things stay in your lane and keep your eyes on Jesus that's all I got all I got literally all I gotta think I'm done god bless you it's been so good being with you you know it sounds so simple it sounds so Elementary but I'm finding that is the most difficult thing for people to do just to stay in their Lane and keep their eyes on him come on let's just think practically today how many you've ever been stuck in traffic have you been stuck in traffic before and then it funny when you're stuck in traffic you always feel like the lanes beside you are the ones that are moving faster and what do you do you almost ripped your car trying to get is somebody else's Lane and you would have been better off just staying in your lane God told me to tell you don't wreck your life trying to get in somebody else's Lane just stay in your keep your eyes on Jesus you're lame you're lame just slap your sister next to you and say stay in your lane girl no slapper tell us stay in your lane you're laying your lane wait a minute you're lame like that God would take the time to give you a lane if you understand you understand the lane is comprised of two lines right two lines make a lane one line here and one line here sound effects always make preaching better okay one line here and one line here two lines make a lane and you have to stay within the parameters of the two lines two lines make a lane interestingly enough every single one of us we have two destinies there is a duality to your destiny one destiny is universal there's universal destiny for every believer and that destiny is this to become more and more like Jesus every single day that is a universal destiny of every believer to be conformed to the image of Jesus everyday if we could just love like Jesus think like Jesus forgive like Jesus show grace like Jesus that is the universal destiny of every believer if you're sitting in this room today go on what am I supposed to do with my life I just told you become more and more like Jesus every single day but you do have another destiny and it is not universal it is unique and that is you were to become unlike anybody God has ever created because when God made you he broke the mold everybody else has already taken you may as well just be you do you boo boo just do you so every morning every morning you wake up you ought to run your race trying to be more and more like Jesus and unlike anybody God has ever created more and more like Jesus and unlike anybody God has ever created and when your eyes are on him he gives you the strength to run that race come on as this helping anybody in here today this is why this is why once you put your faith in Jesus you can never say you're just anything but whatever you do becomes your lane and your worship to him you can't make comments like well I'm just a school teacher no you're not just a school teacher you are God's representative in the classroom so the classroom can see what does Jesus look like when Jesus teaches a class that is your leg you can't just say well Robert I'm just a nurse you are not just a nurse you are God's representative in the medical field so the medical field can see what does Jesus look like when Jesus gives you a checkup that is your lamb I'm just a business woman no you're not just a business woman you are God's representative in the business world so the business world can see what does Jesus look like when Jesus does business and some good-looking heels come on somebody whatever you are that is your lane that's your life Robert I'm just a stay-at-home mom you are not just to stay at home on you're God's representative in that home so that home can see what does Jesus look like when he makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and takes the crust off of the edges that's your way come on be happy to be where you are and you're calling don't say I'm just a mom that is the greatest calling what an awesome calling one of the greatest miracles in the New Testament where Jesus spent a whole lot of people when he took a little boy's lunch I think it was fixed by a mama who was saying I am so sick of putting this to fish and Pablo's in this plush box every day is this even doing anything oh it did a whole lot no your Lane no your calling I want to make sure I hit everybody getting in today somebody said well Robby you ain't talking to me because I'm just a hairstylist girl you are not just a hairstylist you are God's representative in the hair salon so the hair salon can see what does Jesus looked like when he puts weave and extensions and somebody's hair wherever you are that's your lane the challenge the challenges you leave the conference today is to stay in your lane keep your eyes on him because the day you start running your race like this ooh the day you start running your race like this let me just prophesy to you there is a crash in your future no wonder SAW has such a huge crash because comparison caused him to shift his focus and his attention onto Dathan make no doubt about it there was a season in Saul's life where he was running his race and he was in his Lane you understand saw was the first king of Israel he was anointed and appointed by God to be king I love when the Bible starts talking about Saul because the Bible used very picturesque language it says it's all looked like a king that he stood a head and shoulders above any other person in fact the Bible says that he was good-looking come on so buddy when the Bible says you good-looking nobody can tell you you ugly okay nobody you'll just tell him read the word you already know this selfie is for you so Saul looked like a king and he talked like a king and God just blessed him to be king god blessed him but I found out you got to be real careful with the blessing of God because if the brightness of the blessing ever blinds you to the blesser it is no longer a blessing it has become a curse and the brightness of the blessing blinded Saul to the blesser so much so he was more concerned with being the king than it was with a worshipping the king of kings he was more concerned with keeping his position he was with chasing after God's presence so God had to remove the kingship away from him but there was another young boy out on the outskirts of Jerusalem and all he cared about was being in the presence of his God he didn't care about a title he didn't care about recognition he didn't care who got the credit he wasn't worried about retweets or likes on Facebook all he cared about was being in the presence of God even after his family alienated him and ostracized him I said boy just go watch those Thank You sheep he is out there with the stanky sheep and his heart just smiling singing love songs to his God until one day as that says I'm a text message it says hey can you go to the battlefield and bring her brothers a ham and cheese sandwich and when he gets to the battlefield with the ham and cheese sandwich he sees a giant who is big enough to eat hey and dumb enough to enjoy it and he says wait minute who is this uncircumcised philistine who I love David cuz he's gangster that's Christian cussing right there okay that is class Christian cousin he said who is this uncircumcised philistine is it no I'm not gonna be quiet I'm gonna let him talk about my god if I may everybody no no no not today where's my slingshot mama said knock you out you gonna get knocked out today the funny part for me in that moment was watching some of your faces because some of you were literally looking at me like I haven't never read this version before let me help you today let me help you that is the NIV okay Negro International Version okay that's a different it's a different translation Davis said no you are not gonna talk about my god he said what do you get for knocking this giant out I said Dave you want to know what you're gonna get for knocking him out you're gonna get the king's daughter in marriage and you will never have to pay taxes again in your life David said what somebody hold my heart he said you come at me with sword and spear but I command you in the name of the Lord the god of these armies who would you have to this day I will cut off your head and feed your flesh to the wild beasts of the field and the birds of the air and today the world will know there is a God in Israel I love it love it come on you know the story if you've been around church he releases that rock from a slingshot Hits Goliath in the forehead he comes crashing down and the day Goliath hit that ground David rose up it was a destiny moment you do know ladies that all moments in your life are not created equal there are some destiny moments there are some destiny moments where everything shifts in a moment where everything changes as a matter of fact I pray that this weekend would be a destiny moment for somebody where the trajectory of your life would shift and change forever this was a destiny moment for David in a moment he was catapulted from obscurity into notoriety in a moment everybody knew his name he's trending on the internet now they're going David David he's on man if he can't do it nobody can kids are rewatching the fight on YouTube he's on the cover of every Wheaties box here's or tell my mom I gotta get those David sneakers they come out next week you know they're gonna be sold out this is a big moment for David he is finally arrived he's doing interviews on ABC NBC CNN TBN hijk LMNOP the whole alphabet wants to talk to David now everybody wants a selfie with him let me come over and he defeated Goliath he became a rock star literally alright I'm just trying to wake y'all up I know this is after lust this is a big moment for David he's probably I've he's the feet of the giant he's cut off his head the wicked witch is dead the game is over the Buzzard is sounded and the Fat Lady's finally sung well the problem is solved it like with the fat lady was singing when the fat lady just a group of ladies and here's what they saying Saul has killed his thousands David his tens of thousands and when Saul heard that he went from running his race like this to fixing his eyes on to David therefore Saul becomes a case studying of the downward spiral of what comparison will always do to your life because comparison is always the beginning of the end okay all of that was my introduction just in a few more moments I want to show you how Saul speech teaches us how comparison always starts look at what Saul says after the ladies sing their song he goes huh y'all credit David with tens of thousands but me with only thousands wait a minute hold on holla holla holla holla y'all are gonna credit David little Oh David with his nap here with tens of thousands but me with only thousands did you hear it your comparison starts comparison always starts with but me he but me he but me see Saul can't separate David's life from his life he can't separate David's success from his success he immediately connects what's going on with David right back to him he but me have you ever met a but me person these are people that connect every event in every situation in life right back to them I call them but me people have you ever met a button me person they are always thinking about themselves I call them but me people come on you English majors are acutely aware of the fact that but is a conjunction conjunction junction somebody wants Schoolhouse Rock what's your function hooking up phrases and clauses and making them sound right that's what some people do in life they connect every event in life back to them let's go back for you what about me what about me did you think about me did you consider me what about me what about me maybe they are always thinking about me okay you need a visual so let me give you a visual here um have you ever met a but me person I mean but me blinds them because all they think about is me now if I fall off the stage please don't laugh today because I cannot see anything right now because I am completely blinded by but me and can I tell you nothing will blind you to your story and to running your race like a but me attitude come on ladies help me know the focus of your life is not supposed to be on you you're supposed to fix your eyes on Jesus so you can run the race that is set before you get your eyes off of you and you can accomplish what he's called you to do oh there's a horrible way to live but me what about me have you thought about me this is a terrible way to live there's nothing like a bud me attitude that will rob you of your joy it'll take away your peace you won't be able to celebrate other people I'm telling you abut me attitude will take the joy out of the most celebratory moment well nothing worse then abut me bridesmaid I mean come on this is a wedding everybody's happy Celine Dion is playing in the background white doves have been released from a cage and there's the button me bridesmaid in the back going Lord how you don't get a her man but you're still a given me you know how long I've been by myself every night having to hold myself every Valentine's Day sending roses to my stand you know how many nights I had to watch the notebook on Netflix by myself oh but me and when the focus of your life is on you that'll rob you of your joy to rob you of your peace there's nothing worse than a but me attitude now I want to give you something else I didn't even give it to the ladies in the other conference but I really empathize what saw when I first read this text I gotta be honest I empathize we saw because you have to ask yourself who started the comparison who started it the one like Saul came in and started the comparison and one even like David came in and was bragging I said hahaha Saul you're King now but guess what started from the bottom I'm coming right there I'm taking your position no this was an external voice that placed the comparison on him if I didn't have to already fight the inner voice that wants to compare myself to other people what do you do when somebody else has placed the comparison on you come on you've been there sometimes parents are the worst culprits why can't you be more like your sister then you walk by your sister's room and she sit on her bed that's been perfectly made you're like I hate you come on it's frustrating when people compare you to somebody else come on can we be real today come on some of you ladies you've been there you spent all day all day cooking in that kitchen slaving in that kitchen for your man to come back eat the macaroni and cheese and have the nerve and audacity to say oh you know my momma don't make macaroni and cheese like this call your momma to come make you some macaroni and cheese come on it's crushed when people compare you tomorrow so let's give Seoul a moment to be human there's nothing frustrating can somebody comparing you to somebody else but it's worse when you're always thinking about you and the focus of your life is on you so I begin to land the plane and somebody comes to play softly behind me because when soft music plays behind a preacher he sounds more spiritual what are what are some signs that you have on the butt me glasses I think there's some signs some blues clues that will let you know you've got on the but me glasses if you can't celebrate the successes of other people you have on the but me glasses if you are stingy with your compliments and you think to compliment or commend somebody else somehow takes something from you you have on the but me glasses if there is anybody in your life anybody in your life that's secretly you would find joy or happiness in their failure that's the person you're racing and you got on the bun me glasses oh it's quiet in here can we be honest today in it's so easy to put them on come on I'm preaching his message to you but I first preached it to me it is so easy to put on the bumpy glasses especially in our culture today this culture of social media social me yeah it's changed the game because you have so many devices where you can see what everybody has what everybody's doing and it makes you hate your life come on have you ever been there we have Instagram Facebook Twitter in it funny how our awareness accelerates our discontentment our awareness does can you imagine who can you imagine how happy your life would be if you just didn't know but you got notifications on your smart device that makes you stupid and you're constantly inundated with everybody else's life with everybody else's vacation come on you was so happy weren't you you were so happy with your vacation to Bentonville weren't you like were kids it's gonna be a good vacation we're going to Bentonville Arkansas come on kids it's a Walmart world get in the car this is gonna be great so happy content until you got on Facebook and saw one of your good friends went to the Bahamas for their vacation like not me I don't want to be in big deal I want to be on the beach in the Bahamas I hate my life I'm telling you it's so easy especially with social media to put on the but me glasses please don't miss the message I am not hating on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter I'm not saying it's sin I think it's also I'll be on it after the service sometimes I wonder hear me today I do wonder if the screens on our phones our computers and our iPads have now become mirrors by which we constantly check for a reflection just to see if we measure up to somebody else and like a seen stolen from Snow White we all Seidel II echo the words of the Wicked Witch who by the way check the mirror every day just to see mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all only today it's Mirror Mirror on Facebook tell me how my life should look Mirror Mirror on Instagram tell me who I really am we keep checking every minute every day eating lunch in charge preach Robert does a good message right here just wonder what I lice would look like ladies focused on the Word of God which by the way Jane's cause a mirror maybe then we'd be so obsessed with our savior so obsessed with our story that we could get on our mark and not theirs come on how many think is time for you to leave this conference in your lane with your eyes on Jesus come on give God some praise today I promise I'm done but just kind of share with you how this whole message got started because I can't preach out stuff that God hasn't hit me upside the head with the not too distant past I have this incredible opportunity to preach at a conference in Sydney Australia and at the time it was my assignment to just preach to the youth and the young adults of this conference it was like some six or seven thousand young people that had gathered for this conference in Australia I remember being so excited it's like oh this is awesome going to Australia gonna preach Jesus and see some kangaroos it's going to be a great week and in conjunction with the young people having their conference there was also the mainstage part of the conference and for the mainstage part some 30,000 people gather in an arena in Sydney Australia for the main stage and the people they have preaching main stage or people who are really struggling to get their ministries off of the ground people like Bishop TD jakes Joel Olsteen in Joyce Meyer so this is gonna be awesome I'm gonna preach the young people and listen to these great men and women of God preached but as I'm sitting at arena and my wife was there with me a wife and I knew something that the other 30,000 didn't know yet and that was just before and arrived to Sydney to just preach to the youth and the young adults I'd received an invitation to preach main stage for the conference the following year so I'm sitting in that arena and I'm looking around and kind of taking everything in and all of a sudden they showed the promotional video for the upcoming conference and it's all these big names huge net big thank you Abraham Lincoln was one of the speakers think about him then my name comes up on the screen in the past of the leader of the conference he almost had to qualify after the video he goes there's one name you probably didn't recognize on the list he said it's Robert madhu he said I'll be one of the youngest speakers we've ever had to preach main stage then he pauses and goes and you know what I think I might let you all get a preview of his preaching on this stage in this arena this week now that would have been cool if I wasn't finding out in that moment with the other 30,000 people in the arena immediately my heart went down into my shoe I started sweating I see the pastor after the conference he goes mate did you hear my announcement I go yes I did he goes true story I can't make this up he goes I'm thinking tomorrow after TD jakes preaches you can get up and preach for like 10 minutes as a preview for next year's conference he goes what do you think about that oh yeah went to the hotel room that night true story fell on the ground in the fetal position tears coming down my face I can't do this I can't Wahpeton so because now you got a deputies 20 years ago what's wrong air the ball have you ever just had one of those moments where you feel overwhelmed and intimidated I love my wife she is my CEO she is my chief encouragement officers she said babe it's okay you can do it you can do it which by the way ladies never underestimate the power of encouraging your man I'm telling you it is powerful she said baby you can do it you can do it I don't know I don't know it's a lot of people call my dad ups of support you know my daddies he's from Nigeria he came to America like Eddie Murphy in the movie he met my mom who is American so you know where your father's African in your mother's American that makes you african-american which is when I am and call my African dad up for some support and my dad said it's only he can say son you can do this before the foundation of the earth God knew your detail you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you boy you can do this so intimidated so nervous before I got on stage in that arena had a conversation that I often have with myself I paused for a moment I said wait a minute wait a minute who opened this door who opened the store God did who did they asked to speak me I can only be me I got it there for 10 minutes I was made when I got off the stage and I was studying this passage of scripture I felt like the Holy Spirit asked me a critical question Holy Spirit said Robert would you like to know the real reason why you fell on the ground of the fetal position with tears coming down your face to myself real read up no I know the real reason there was 30,000 people in the arena Holy Spirit said no Robert that's not the real reason so the real reason you felt that weight of intimidation it's because when you were listening to all those other names preached you were listening to the Word of God you were comparing how they run their race to the way I've called you to run young race and that's why you felt that weight of intimidation so God spoke something I'll never forget he said let that be the last time tears come down your face because you are playing the comparison game and just rest in the fact that I have given you a grace to run your race there is a grace to run your race I said there is a grace to run your race that's for some lady here today there is a grace to run your race hey grace to run your race come on I've got an announcement I'm glad to make it woman conference can I tell y'all I am a horrible TD jakes I have the worst Joel Osteen you have ever seen I'm not a good Billy Graham I'm a terrible Rick wall I'm not a good Reaper Zac don't know I'm not a good Charlotte Campbell or Joyce Meyer but there's one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and the best Robert you have you gotta be you come on ladies let's give our God some praise if you're ready to get into Lane fix your eyes on Jesus your race this is your moment this is your season God brought you the woman conference so you can leave this place in your leg with your eyes on him in awe and ready to see what he's gonna do in your story not theirs in yours be God called you to me hallelujah
Channel: New Life Church
Views: 45,372
Rating: 4.940239 out of 5
Id: XXeDZeH8Dvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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