Robert Madu "Secret Of The Kingdom"

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[Music] the church anybody excited to be in the house of God this morning oh come on come on this is the day that the Lord has made don't rejoice and get mad come on somebody rejoice in people and in it are you glad today I'll tell you I am a man honored humbled and excited to share the Word of God with you before we get to the word let me just do one more unsolicited infomercial all the men in the room can you make some noise one more time if you're a man and get though come on man tonight at 6 o'clock would you please make sure your face is in the place it's not a competition it's not a competition but girlfriends has been killing us okay I'll tell you we are not boyfriends come on we are men and if you could show up tonight we're gonna have an awesome time glands fun we'll have foods gonna be catered to us can't tell me no men and women are different oh come on so bottom already preaching we are different and I've gonna be a long service tonight that's how we know men and women are different you know I'm saying let's just be honest come on after man up tonight if you go to a man a male and you ask him how was man up nobody's gonna tell you was good good awesome no matter what happened he got transformed look good go through a lady after the surface after how was girlfriends on Friday she will tell you you know before I even came to go friends I I'm really in a season of my life right now where you know I'm very happy I had some difficulty 2013 was a very we go have fun tonight is gonna be good would you stand with me today to honor the reading of God's Word we we've been in a series called a tale of the king tell of the king and we've been looking at the Gospel of Mark and how mark presents Jesus as king and then we're going to continue in that today if you don't like the message today please come back next week pastor Hennessy will be back to fix anything I mess up today so make sure you come back next week and we're going to have a good time I really believe God's giving me a word for you today are you ready to read it we're gonna look at mark chapter 4 verses 1 through 13 when you're ready to read it's a year now ready you need some more time say hold up hurry up come on this on the screen it says again Jesus began to teach by the lake the crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and set in it out on the lake by all the people were along the shore at the water's edge he taught them many things by parables and in his teaching said listen listen a farmer went out to sow his seed as he was scattering the seed some fell along the path and the birds came and ate it up some fell on rocky places where it did not have much soil it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow but when the Sun came up the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root other seeds fell among thorns which grew up and choked the plants so that they did not bear grain verse 8 says still other seed fell on good soil it came up grew and produced the crop some multiplying 30 some 60 some a hundred times then jesus said whoever has an ears to hear let them hear when he was alone when he was alone the twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables I want to pause right here and just kind of let you know how my biblical exegetical imagination works you got to see this in your head Jesus is preaching to the crowd the disciples are there with the crowd he tells them that story and disciples are listening in my mind I can almost see like John leaning over the loudmouth cousin Peter as Jesus is preaching and going Peter you understand any of the words that are coming out of Jesus mouth right and feels like man I don't know what the heck he's talking about I'm confused as you and gentle-like we just we just better pretend like we know what he's talking about because we're rolling with him so they're like yeah that's good Jesus they had no idea what he was talking about so when they got Jesus alone he said Jesus what in the world were you talking about in that story you told so verse 11 is his response to that you told them the secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you but to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that they may be ever seen but never perceiving and ever hearing but never understanding otherwise they might turn and be forgiven then jesus said to them don't you understand this parable how then will you understand any parables in other words if you don't get this story right here you will never understand the kingdom of God but a secret has been given unto you I feel like preaching this morning I'm telling y'all I want to preach today for the next six hours using this as a thought the secret of the kingdom the secret of the kingdom would you help me preach look at the person next to you get in their face get into personal space and just say neighbor come on don't be saved a boozy talk to your neighbor talk to your neighbor say neighbor there's a secret to the kingdom come on find another neighbor find another neighbor kids now one didn't really want to talk to you come on say other neighbors there's a secret to the kingdom then hold on say one more thing say one more thing ask the woman thing say neighbor can you keep a secret now go ahead tell us something you've never told anybody or your entire plan you can be seated secret of the kingdom of God since you're sitting down I think I'm gonna sit down today too I had to bring out this beautiful bistro table and this chair today to change up my sermonic slow but also because I thought it would be befitting inappropriate to begin this message the same way then mark begins chapter four of his gospel mark says that one day a crowd has gathered crowd has gathered to encounter the presence of Jesus this is not by any means a small crowd this is a large crowd this is a massive crowd this is a crowd so large that apparently there's not even enough landmass for Jesus to stand on the ground he is literally in the water inside of a boat that he's now using as his pulpit and people have crowded and gathered that day some are right at the edge of the shore and I imagine the whole crowd was on the edge of expectation waiting to hear the words that were going to emanate from the mouths of the master from the mouth of Jesus the commanding communicator the most profound and prolific preacher to ever preach the greatest orator in the entire world can you imagine what it would have been like to be there that day to hear Jesus preach do you know when I preached why when I preached I preached with so much passion and so much exuberance I'm already out of my seat that I said I was gonna sit down here as I preach like I had six Red Bull this morning cuz I had six Red Bull this morning but you know why I preach with so much passion and exuberance is because I know when I get to heaven nobody wants to hear what I have to say come on somebody preaching is an earthly vocation when we get to heaven we don't want to hear any preachers put your little podcast to the side the only person we want to hear when we get to heaven is Jesus the King of Kings and the Lord of the Lord that's the only one we want to hear speak well I got to get all my preaching out now imagine that day as he stood up in the boat a hush ensued over the crowd as he began to preach and teach I love this passage I love this passes not just as a believer but especially as a communicator because this is one of the only passages in the new that gives us insight not just on how Jesus preached but on what Jesus preached this lets us know his message in Jesus assignment it's not different from my assignment before this crowd today and that is to use the metaphors to use illustration to use the vocabulary to syntax whatever have to get you to understand the kingdom of God the God's kingdom his reign his rule you know that's the only thing that Jesus preached the only message he publicly preached was the kingdom of God that is the only thing Jesus publicly preached when the kingdom of God he never preached a message on deliverance he just delivered people he never preached the message on miracles he just did miracles he never preached a message on six steps out of cast out a demon now one step come out now he never preached anything about being born again in fact he only mentioned born again once and that was in a private conversation at nighttime with a dude named Nicodemus he never even preached about the cross he just went to the cross he never preached about resurrection he just resurrected and got up from the grave with all power in his hand and took the sting out of death and had all authority walk out the grave and looked at the grave is there - now how about that I had to I had to Jesus Jesus was powerful he knew how to do it this is one of the messages in the Gospel of Mark mark is shorter than any other Gospels that the Gospels that you'll read because mark is focusing on the actions of Christ he wants you to know that you serve a god that did stuff that he moved he didn't just talk about it he did it my grandmother used to say I'd rather hear and see a sermon excuse me did hear a sermon any day Jesus was a man who moved he was a man of action he didn't just talk about it he did it that's a word for somebody in this place today this is your year when talking about it just do it we're talking about going back to school just do it we're talking about your dream just do it without losses away just do it we're talking about changing your environment just do it how many know the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk it is a matter of power and that's why you saw the God that showed up and he did stuff cause he was a man of action it didn't just know how to do it he also knew how to say it the Bible says every time every time he spoke to the crowd he always spoke to them in parables Jesus was a storyteller Jesus knew how to tell a story he only spoke to the crowd in parables what is a parable a parable is an earthly story it is meant to convey a heavenly reality the purpose of a parable is to articulate things that you can't understand in hopes that you will unearth something that you cannot understand and every parable every story in that time period was predicated upon one principle and that principle is this nothing is yours until you discover it nothing is yours until you discover it you have to get the truth for yourself because truth is appeal that everybody wants to pass out but nobody wants to swallow so Jesus somebody I'll get that tomorrow but Jesus had to sneak his truth in the stories so that it wouldn't listen a response from the listeners so they would dig out the truth and find it out and this was the problem with Jesus stories the poem of Jesus stories were they made sense but his in kitchen and telling them was not for them to make sense but to reveal spirit so the people that understood the stories that Jesus told were the ones whose spirit sensed this story just don't make sense did that make sense are you confused I hope so I was trying to confuse you actually here's here's what I want to do I want to do something today there's gonna be a little bit different I want to take this text out of the pages of biblical antiquity and really bring it in to the 21st century and I want you to feel like today as a crowd what it would be like to hear a story from Jesus okay this is what story time with Jesus was like this will be like to be in the service with Jesus preaching okay are you ready okay one day a bird was flying south for winter and got caught in a snowstorm as the snow began to fall on the bird's wings it melted slightly it quickly froze causing the bird to plummet from the sky down on the ground in the middle of an open field as a bird is laying on the field helpless shivering encased in ice it thought to itself this is begin my life is over but in that moment to make matters worse a cow wandered towards the freezing bird stood over the bird and made a deposit on the birds life very stinking pungent pile of manure the bird was horrified at Pat except when on the meadow Godfrey's endowment endowment no army but slowly the warmth of the manure began to fall out the bird's wings to the point he began to flutter his little wings and he was so excited he got his joy back he started to picture as Matt affecting the birds I won't disturb your lawful Tweety between at that moment a cat drawn by the chirping and the tweeting ran over to the bird dug it out and ate it he who has an ear let him hear God bless you has been so good being with you today that's what it was like to hear a story from Jesus that's what it was like to sit in the crowd now imagine imagine if that was my sermon for today imagine what would be your reaction okay most of you in the world you'd be like all right how is that really sure where Robert was going with that one but guys Cracker Barrel for lunch okay let's go um but let's just say perchance hypothetically that one of you just one of you said I cannot rest until I find out the revelation of that story what is what have you said you know the words in that story they are weighing on my mind and in my heart I gotta know what Robert men talking about that by one just one of you Jordan come help me real quick what you're just Jordan said I've got to know the meaning of this story he says I'm not satisfied until I found out what Robert was talking about about their little bird and what does that bird have to do with my life so all of a sudden Jordan sitting there he's thinking about the story he's a couple call mother we can't buy my number so he's calling people so I said you have robbed us no but I gotta find out the meaning of the story he called people call him nobody has my number but you finally get to one person and they say I don't got his lover but I have his address you're like giving an address so he takes the address now what would be now he's gonna do a surprise visit at my house is like I'm gonna find out what he's talking about only problem is as you're driving to my house your car breaks down now you're frustrated and mad but you get a revelation my car's broken but my phone is not uber it is so you call uber you gotta wait on the uber driver to get there the mover drop it takes you to my house you get to my front door you knock on the door but I'm not home but you said I've come too far to not find out the meaning of that story so now your brother housing you get a little indignant you're like I'm not leaving I'm not leaving till I find out what he was talking about of you in front of my house come I'm not leaving I'm not leaving the only problem we showed up to somebody's house unannounced and running in front of the tub are you not leaving that's loitering so the Popo comes because my neighbors call the Popo and they arrest Jordan because he's in front of my house as the Popo is pulling out I'll pull it in Jordan said Wow I know him I'm this away officer comes out to sir you know this man being the man of God I am Allah say I never seen him before in my life I don't know who he is why did something happen oh I'm just playing I know I'm a mouse come on Jordan George go cover the house go sit down I'll offer him a cup of coffee and spent a long day Charles don't say Robert the reason I came over I got to know the meaning of that story what was that about the bird getting stuck in the snowstorm Paul on the ground he's frozen the cab the manure it's awesome out but beauty's chirping and tweeting and the cat homes dig them out and eat some of what is that about I'll say Jordan the principle of that story is simple threefold number one not everybody who drops manure on you is your enemy number two not everybody who digs you out of manure is your friend Nullah phrase when you're in manure keep your mouth shut and you cannot even think about wheat that is the revelation in that story you can have a seat Jordan that is the power in that time do you know why Jordan got that Revelation John got a revelation that none of you got because Jordan wanted more joinha was not satisfied we're just coming to church having a truth service and growing home Jordan I got a dig deeper I gotta find the revelation of what that man Jordan just illustrated the difference between a casual church attender and so much that is passionately pursuing the king and who Jesus is Jordan he just illustrated the difference between religion and relationships Jordan just show the difference between someone that's in the crown and somebody that is a disciple and seeking the presence of Jesus Christ you do know there's a difference between the crowd and the disciples see the crowd was just satisfied with the story the crowd was satisfied with the story but the disciples said I want to see this same here the cloud without us I would just get in a miracle but the disciple says I gotta see who this miracle maker is the cloud will satisfy which is being entertained the disciples said no I am interested and I want intimate information this might be worth writing down God will always give you information to the level of your interest ooh God will give you information to the level of your interest you shall have whatever you want they that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled if you could just come to church have the queue service going home and doing the rest of your day that's cool but God gives interests just give information faster to the level of your interest and no wonder the disciples got the explanation of the parable they were the only ones that were still around Jesus to get the explanation everybody else left the crowd was cool say I'm gonna get my miracle I'm gonna get the story I'll believe but these disciples said no Jesus I'm not satisfied I am not satisfied we're living a lethargic laksa days ago Christian life at a stuck on cruise control because I perceive that you are a king you have a kingdom that cannot be shaken so I have to get everything you have for me that's why the disciples have left everything all they needed was one word from God and that was come and follow me and they left their jobs they let their businesses they listened families to pursue Jesus he said that's why to you not to the crowd to you the secret of the kingdom shall be revealed disciples his secrets the crowd gets stories disciples got secrets is what he said to you the secret of the kingdom of Ghazni revealed is almost like Jesus was retweeting Psalms 25 14 it says something I love it says the secret of the Lord is with those who fear him and he will show them he will show them his covenant even show them his covenant see you can't get a secret without seeking but I found in my own life I want the secrets I don't want to do the seeking I my lord just give me the secrets how can I have a better life how can I have better marriages just give me the secrets but I don't want to seek him but God says the secret is in the seeking and most of us don't want to do seeking because seeking takes too much time oh come on can we be honest he can take too much time remind me when I was a kid my brother he's here somewhere we used to play hide-and-go-seek me and my brother as a kid and he would go here gonna do the hide and I'll do the seeking it really a funeral exercise because my brother he's like a little spider monkey you just like rush off as soon as I saw his counting he go find some obscure place he'd be in a closet somewhere just be somewhere that I could never find and I would go search for him about three minutes but then I thought I was like anybody got time for that so I'll just say forget it I was gonna find him I'll just go start playing video games he'd come back like two hours later I was like yeah you did also cuz I have tough to go running around the neighborhood trying to find him and that is like many of us oh we want the secrets we don't want to see seeking takes so much time and we live in such an instant culture don't we oh come on everything is instant in a facebook ah social media Instagram of lives you want to move it don't wait for the showtimes download it right now go to Netflix you ain't gotta wait for the episode of come out next week you can stay up all night and this one's we want everything now we want it right now so the question is how do you reconcile an instant culture with the kingdom culture because you do know that our culture is completely opposite and antithetical to the culture of the kingdom of God in other words with Jesus he is always playing hashtag opposite day I mean come on he says you want to you want to find your life you want to find your life okay lose your life you want to be the greatest things be the facet to the top will you be the least get down to the bottom you want to go off on people that hurt you and offend you look at the place forget you now don't do that look at him say I forgive you who you want change in your life and you want that change happen now in a snap there's no I can't have been due snaps my kingdom does change what's this with the seed said the way I bring about change in your life is not what a snap it's not instant I bring about change the same way you take a seed and you plant that seed in the ground he says this is the way my kingdom works I don't in a snap I'm going to do it in a seed and when I plant the seed you will see it produce but here's the problem I have never seen a plant tree or shrub that was planted one day and producing the next it takes some time it just takes some time to learn I don't know where that came from but I baby me when I reach the top and tectonic does not happen in a moment there are no snacks and I'm be honest I just think out loud with family sometimes I wonder especially as a preacher of the gospel if we have done a disservice to the audience that we preached to because preachers are so passionate about letting you know that God will do it in a snap don't we were like oh that's the message we preach like all tonight is your night this is your service of God not gonna do it tomorrow he's not gonna do it five hours from now I don't do it three hours from now oh he's gonna do it all right now fix your moment this is your breakthrough and I said tomorrow I feel right now oh did it and don't get me wrong she will he will it is your moment he is your tongue but the principle of the seed shows me that when I planted that feet just a few minutes ago everything didn't change in that moment but because of that moment everything can change I wish I could preach it here today everything did not change in that moment when I planted because of that moment every single thing can change and watch this it will take some cultivation it will take some caring it will take some watering it will take some time to make sure watch this that the feed I planted will produce if the seed I planted does not produce don't miss this how many know the problem is not with the see the problem is with the soil see this is what Jesus said if you don't get this parable you won't get anything else here and this parable that my word is the see my work is the seed the only thing that changed in the story was the soil the only thing that remained constant in that parable was the seed it was the water no God that was the only thing that was positive no wonder his word is to see how many know that is the one thing that will never change that will never move come on somebody there's no loopholes in it he is the same yesterday today and forever the word does not change whoo but the feed where it lands productivity of the feed had everything to do with the soil it landed on so not only is that supernatural but it's also scary because if you in this room today you said this or maybe you just started and nobody knows you thought it you said you know what Robert I've been coming to church every Sunday I've been reading my Bible all the time but nothing is changing in my life ever said that can I tell you I agree with you I believe you I don't think you're lying I agree you might be doing the stuff but nothing is changing here's where I will not agree that there's a problem with the seed because the parable teaches there's nothing wrong with the seed there's something wrong with the soil today I just want to do a soil test and see is there good soil in the ground today when I was studying this text I was like Lord you were speaking to farmers something we got a lot of farmers in here today so I don't think soil is as powerful as a picture so I literally rolled out soil put that old Scranton out soil by God how can we bring this into the 21st century said Oh Robert it's easy take away 2i and put you she said so that's what it is he said the soil is your soul and that explains everything because how many know all of your jack up in this right now is in your soul I don't want to tell nobody I know you put filters on it well I'm telling you right now everything that is wrong with you right now how do you know it is in your soul the day you were born the day you were born your body came alive your spirit was there and your soul was damaged the day you came alive your body was alive your spirit was dead and your soul would damage the damage gets in the soul when tears with the soul first of all because Adam Estes all were all part of Adams family he messed up all of creation so we already came in this stuff messed up in our soul because of the sins we commit because of the sins that were committed against us all this creates damage in our soul but one day one day hopefully it happened to you you had an encounter with Jesus Christ and the seed of the word was planted into your life and all of a sudden your dead spirit came alive and the challenge is to allow that seed to grow infiltrate your soul and then affect your body in your life because your body will do whatever your soul says appreciate better y'all are talking it here y'all still with me so no wonder some of us have been saved all the seeds been planted but your life is still filthy because you never did anything with the soul with the soil to make sure the seed could grow and affect your soul in your body James chapter one I'm almost done I read this week this blew my mind it says so get rid of all the films and evil in your lives and humbly accept the word God has planted what is in your heart he's talking to believers here these are Christians for it has the power to save your your souls wait a minute James is talking to Christians these are people who are already saved so my spirit it says it so what you talking about phase my soul oh my soul is being saved my spirit was saved into a process of taking care of the soul all of a sudden I could become who God has created to bait me to be you don't have change in your life today it's nothing wrong with God's seed or his word something wrong we can solve so the question I came to ask you today it's not how are you let me know that is a greeting in our culture not a real question how are you up good good great great good diet all the inside that how's your bank account now how are the kids I want another day how is your soul how's your soul because God cannot transform anything in your life until the seed of the word that came your spirit comes into the soul I'm almost done but I love this text because this text puts people in categories I kind of love it especially for this reason because it lets us know that there are four types of souls four types of souls are listening to me right now there are four different souls soils in this room I want look at them real quick and then we'll be done I got bored yet number one first soul I would look at is what we call a calloused soul calloused callous so callous I'm making this face because this is what a callous old face looks like Oh some of you see some of you to see when when you preach or something you can't see your face while I'm preaching but ever I hate preaching the callus soldiers you can always tell the callus oh because they look frustrated like they've been sucking on lemons and they constipated Oh a callus so bees are the worst people to preach to is a callus so it is so frustrating to pre-select castle cuz they don't want to be here anyway they'll in the end if you are here you ain't really here anyway you're thinking about a golf match you can be a you're thinking about what you can watch tomorrow you think about such all I catalyst so is the worst person of praise Joe let's look at what how the Bible describes the callus overs 14 it says to see if it fell on the footpath put that you've had a callus on your foot it just annoyed you on the footpath those who hear the message only now have Satan come and take it away the footpath was the place where people walked upon walked upon and this is where that see fellow this is how I know Jesus is the one that sold the seed because if it was me I would have never sold the seed on the footpath anyway because they don't want to hear you they didn't come from all that I would have never done it but thank God and His grace and His mercy he so loves you people cares about you even with Joe crunched-up face and your soul that's been so callous that I'll do whatever it takes to get the word to you cuz I love you that much and I want you to receive the power of the team giving the word to a Salas Calot Salas callosum is like putting seed on your sidewalk your don't put seed on your sidewalk today and water it and see when you come up with a tree and it's funny that the sidewalk can be right next to the grass but if you put the seed on the sidewalk nothing will happen it's gonna get trampled on the enemy will take it but you put that same seed in the grass something will grow up this explains how you can be in a church service and two people can be in the same service and have two totally different experiences one person is walking out tears going this way not the other way they look like they got hit by a hurricane the other person Samba his eyes while Robert preached a long challenge song somebody doesn't want to understand the word doesn't want to receive it so they maybe takes him number two is a shallow song shallow song I like preaching to the shallow soul that's because you know I like to have fun in church because listen what it says about the shallow so it says the seat on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message they hear the message and immediately receive it with joy so little people they're not this is not they say these people they're smiling and the whole sermon these people you say Haleh they say lujah these people you say praise they say the Lord I mean they got the joy they're not the joy oh they are so happy to receive the word they'll jump up they go shout shallow people don't say a man you're gonna worry about them giving you help as a preacher oh is shallow but we're like it it says since they don't have deep roots they don't last long they fall away as soon as they have problems or persecuted for believing God's words shallow soles oh god I love you I got more Instagram followers god I love you I love you I got a check in the mail god I love you I love you well my kids out straight anything to do good god I love you I love you my car is running I love you I love you but let the Instagram followers drop let your kids start acting like Chuckie or Freddy Krueger let life happen Thank You Melissa for sharing that let God not perform the way you think he should perform all of a sudden say I ain't going this Sunday forget it God ain't nothin anyway know you had shallow soil they says it was rocky places I thought the rocks fall on top but actually the rock is on the bottom with dirt on top so it's not that the seat didn't go through it hit rock it calls it to spring up for a little bit when life hit it withered down this is the shallow soil our song number three or significant joy because it may be sound or spiritual where's the softens explain behind me number three this is the worried soil the worried so let's look at what it says about worried so it says the seed that fell among the thorns represents others who hear God's Word but all too quickly the message is crowded crowded out by the worries of this life the lure of wealth and the desire for other things so no fruit is produced this is worried soul this is a soul loves God hears the Word of God comes and receives the word the cares of this life the thing that kept coming up in your mind as you were trying to worship what you're worried about what's what it does it chokes it chokes the seed so it can't produce I'm telling you worry will choke the product of God in your life like nothing else what are you worried about I'm telling you that thing you're not careful it will choke the seed of the word of God you'll never grow because God has called you to be what writer said that worry is like paying interest or the day that you might never own what are you worried about see when your word so you don't realize that this earth is not your home eternity is your home to fit your home last night I was in Rochester New York I was preaching in New York and Rochester in the house and I got to the hotel I'll do something I've done for the last 14 years on the road when I get to a hotel I don't use the drawers in the hotel on these doors that's why I've noticed because my dad but he tells with a he tries to use the drawers but I get why you use it the drawers the reason I don't use the drawers we can I keep all my stuff in my suitcase it's because I don't live there I'll listen that is not my home now I can enjoy it I enjoy it I ought to be some room service hello somebody I use the towel he's about six levels amen I enjoy the amenities at the end of day I know it's not my home I'm not stressing about the life feel at the Hilton Hotel in Rochester New York somehow there's no be something don't happen it's gonna make away what will be will be in so many of us so stressed out about the cares of this life and that worry chokes the Word of God we forget this is not a home heaven is our home the last soul thank you for that clap I felt like I was preaching better than I was talking about less hole here this is this is a healthy song this is a soul here's the Word of God embraces it the fact let's just read it real quick eat your Bible read in for this week and the seed that fell on good soil represents those who hear and accept that means towards price the word accept God's Word and produce a harvest of 30 60 or even a hundred times as much as had been planted now that would have hurt the ears of the listeners that day because in that culture the most the mostess seed would have given you maybe seven fold but jesus said no not this see this must be a different see this is a supernatural see guess what produces thirty sixty or hundred times what was planted this is a healthy song once this who understands that you cannot grow the seed just by coming to church if this is the only time you encounter his presence no wonder there's always problems in your life and in your soul because this is not for some total we're not preaching all I'm giving you is just the seed of the word this is just a corn I'm throwing out this isn't the whole tree if you want the whole tree you got to take what happened to this service and bring it into the house bring it into your life allows to get down on the inside of you and then you'll see tokens to work what it was when it was planted in every single case of the seed watch this the word didn't get deep enough it was a debt problem palace people the word doesn't even hit you the enemy takes it shallow people get them but it doesn't go deep people who are worried it gets in but it gets into the level of the worries and it chosen but healthy people allow that thing to get all the way in you and it transforms your life we're going to extend the kingdom come on somebody we gotta have some healthy souls so that people can look at your life and not just see dirt but see some fruit come on somebody give God some praise in this place you'll see healthy soul allows the word to get in that just come to church that's the clown allows it to get all the way on the other side just in this moment can i I don't know what you gotta say gay but I want you to get ready to say something I think worship changes the atmosphere of your song how many how to get Valentine's Day we can able to get a Valentine's Day week okay maybe not so much all right thinking about this text and how it's about the word getting at us and church is not the end-all if it meant someone's got to happen when you leave here the rocks reminded me about from the church if you're honest is like going to your favorite restaurant my wife and I we got some favorite restaurants in the city and we had a little Valentine's Day date not on Valentine's Day a van we stayed in the house did Taco Bell and stay with my crazy kids but on another session and I noticed when you go to a restaurant because that's what this is this is like a restaurant this is like a restaurant this isn't all of you we walk into a restaurant have you noticed a restaurant will give you a recorded menu if you amend you at the restaurant the menu is the recorded record of what that restaurant offers how many know if you're reading the menu sometimes you can just salivate reading the menu have you ever been there before if I made it so bad illustration before we leave so we all are hungry but never just read a menu and all of a sudden you just tell that you you oh they got that all they got that to see there's a salivate read in the menu but you don't stop there help you know you're no more fool just by reading the menu you know another restaurant - good restaurant they got music players and the best restaurant is real tall great and biasa then they have somebody come to your table watch this who is the proclaimer of the menu now you're not just reading that somebody gets proclaiming the video they are telling you all we got this we got this we got this special and I like waiters that know how to break that thing down they could give it to you good I like waiters that know how to testify come on they'll tell you all if you ever have that right there that is good I tried it for myself and I know I mean they can testify so you got to proclaim or a waiter proclaims the menu but just because the way to proclaim it doesn't mean it gets in you did they bring that then they bring the food to you and there it is and the foods in front of you can smell it oh it smell it on this office is amazing it's amazing but you're smelling it doesn't do anything either you got to get your fort is I start cutting that steak or whatever you eat it did not stop breaking that thing apart to where you can get it and you can understand it being out of what prettier your Naviance are chewing on it and meditating on it and thinking about that thing at the wall I'm telling you this isn't some good steak right here and meditate on it but still it's not done nobody just meditation this gets it out now to get to the final step of adjusting that word let me get on the inside you receiving and invest the only way that it can satisfy your soul come on y'all you can't just read God's Word which is a menu your pages coming here and then me the waiter or Papa Hennessy the waiter just articulate the word if they just see it in somebody else's life somebody's gonna leave this place as they god I'm gonna give it your word allow it to mess with my fastball finally an injustice we can produce a harvest in your life heads about eyes are closed all over this place today father thank you for your word thank you that there is nothing wrong with your word something wrong with our souls but what you still care about our souls will just allow the seed of that word to grow in us change will happen in our lives it's heads about eyes are closed all over this place today we'll ask you again how is your soul in here today and you be so on to say Robert and the condition of my soul maybe is calloused maybe it's shallow and you're in the service but you're kind of mad at God because he didn't perform the way you thought he would maybe you're just so worried if God wants you to have a healthy soul but it starts with honesty since god I'm going to admit the condition of my soul getting today and you say there's a condition of my soul has got to change I believe you can do it in this place right now doesn't mean everything's gonna happen to change in this moment but because of this moment everything can change in here today with heads bowed eyes closed you say Robert I need to do some soul inspection as I do it the condition of my soul has got to change a pension would you just lift up your hand right when you are say that's me that's me I know which one I am I know where it is Honolulu just lift it up put it right back down thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it's just about eyes are still closed get here today and you've never taken the first step which is to receive the implanted word of God and give your life to Him something you've never taken that first step what to say Jesus all that I am is yours and even as I was preaching there was something on the inside of you that said this is for me business for me today and he's never surrendered your life to Jesus if you lift up your hand today I want to pray you need to rededicate only commit your life to him right where you are just lift up your hand right when you I want to pray with you lift it up lift it up that's enough thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah come on I want us to sing this song before we pray and these also is going to be open after the service but can we say that your warranty of it all and I want you to work sure is a bit of what's going on in your soul as we sing this - would you just fix your teacher your God your Savior - let's sing this out how to do you for from your world - you know I love things you deserve the glory of our church can you open up your mouth aristocrats you are the of it oh you already are you [Music] from URL things do you think you deserve the glory [Music] [Applause] you already to prom you up you deserve [Music] in this place with your hands lifted he just repeat this prayer after me these altars going to be open after this service but I really believe especially the best is like this the real altering is going to happen when you leave this service today what hands lifted all over this place today especially if you respond it would you just repeat this prayer after me we're going to say it as one big family to say dear Jesus thank you so much for being everything I need I know that my soul my spirit is lost dead without you I need you I give you permission to inspect the condition of my soul I don't want to have a callous soul I don't want a shallow soul I don't want to have a worried soul Jesus I want to healthy soul that has received your word and it allowed the word to change my life make me bear fruit so that other people can experience you and your kingdom in jesus name amen amen - well can you give God the thinking things I can tell you today Jesus reporting [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 41,763
Rating: 4.9352427 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu
Id: 8XFrttlePc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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