How To Live Your Best Life | Robert Madu - Waves

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waves how we feeling tonight oh come on it's a Friday night are you feeling good oh come on you could turn up a little bit more than that are you excited absolutely awesome and I it really is an honor to be here and I'm gonna jump straight into the Word of God I hope you feel like hearing it like I feel like preaching it how many you have never heard me preach before can I see your hand if you've never heard me preach come on quite a video okay quick disclaimer I'm a hollaback preacher so come on all that means is is if anything I say tonight if anything I say resonates with you are you feeling it you can say a man you can say preach that you could grunt you could say that was good you can literally stand up in the middle and go that was for me you could also stand up in logo in the middle and go yell that was for you for you needed that anyway those who work just be verbally responsive and uh it's kind of interesting I was gonna preach one message and really felt like the Holy Spirit said dude this message and I think I know why and certainly my prayers are with Luke and Jen and baby lion man and uh just amazing to see how they're walking through this and our prayers and our faith is with you guys but I want you to go with me to Matthew chapter 3 Matthew chapter 3 tonight I'm gonna look at verses 13 through 17 and also Matthew chapter 4 verses 1 through 11 Matthew 3 13 through 17 and Matthew 4 1 through 11 when you're ready to read it say yeah leave some time to find it's a hold up all right I'm a way for you Matthew Matthew I'm not even mad come on somebody I didn't find it either she just honest keep it real Matthew Matthew if you and luke you went too far you a revelation you are way too far if you're in the book of Genesis you ain't been to church in a long time and you need prayer don't play Matthew 3 look at verse 13 it says then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him and John tried to prevent him saying I need to be baptized by you you're coming to me but jesus answered and said to him permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness then he allowed him when he had been baptized Jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were open to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him and suddenly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son it's exactly how God sounded that day by the way just in case you're wondering um Matthew chapter 4 Matthew 4:1 through 11 and it says then Jesus was a letter by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights just let that scripture bless you real quick forty days and forty nights a long fasts long earlier this year I did like a 21-day Daniel fast a Daniel Fast and three days into the fast I was convinced that Daniel a chick-fil-a nobody judged me I struggle I struggle too fast for minutes but Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights y'all I love him the Bible is just blatantly obvious it says afterward he was hungry he was with no food verse 3 says now when the tempter came to him he said if you are the son of God command that these Stones become bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God then the devil took him up into the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of God throw yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone pause Tom out the job reaches rheya Satan is quoting scripture to Jesus this is for free that's it even part of the message tonight but I want you to understand that how you approach and how you apply the Word of God to your life is very critical because if you have the wrong approach or the wrong application of the Word of God you can actually manipulate scripture to say whatever you wanted to say it's exactly what the enemy is doing here in fact it is a trick of the enemy to get you to adjust the Word of God to fit your life instead of adjusting your life around God's Word come on I'm already preaching in here today but I love Jesus he interprets Scripture description he says to him it is written again you shall not tempt the Lord your God again the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain he's still trying showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory and he said to him all these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me then jesus said to him away with you Satan for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve then the devil left him and behold angels came and ministered to him can you say Amen come on quite a bit of Scripture but I needed all of it for you to get come out where we're going today but I want to preach this message and just title it the water and the wilderness the water in the wilderness would you look at your neighbor and getting their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor at ways this is a friendly Church come on look at it and say neighbor it's about the water and the wilderness just in case they never stuck out find another neighbor fine come on say other neighbor you're my second option but I want you to know it's about the water and the wilderness come on if you believe God's gonna speak would you give him some praise like you're expecting come on let's pray father thank you for your word thank you for your presence oh thank you that you are creating new things on the inside of us Holy Spirit help us to trust the process of how you do it well I pray that this would not be Church as usual tonight but you would speak to us with such clarity and when we leave here we would say it was so good to have been in the presence of Jesus and everybody who loves Jesus a man say a man again the water and the wilderness waves this year this year I will celebrate and commemorate 15 years of full-time ministry 15 years of full-time itinerant traveling ministry for the last 15 years I've had the incredible privilege and opportunity to travel around the world and preach the gospel the good news about Jesus for 15 years and it's hard for my mind to even believe that has been 15 years because I first started come to the church I'm part of right in Cedar Hill Texas when I was just three years old I preached my first sermon my first sermon when I was 16 single scrawny still living at home of my parents now I am happily married thirty four three kids one dog no cats one mortgage six chess tears I'm a grown man now people I'm a grown man oh there it is that's my family y'all look at that diversity you see I'm white my wife is black our kids a Puerto Rican that's just amazing I don't know how it happened but that's the fam that's the family awesome so I'm a grown man now I'm a girl man now and in my 15 years of traveling there is a question a question I've often been asked and it's a question based on an assumption you know Julie happened when I'm traveling to wit my father if he's in service with me somebody will inevitably come up to me and say hey Robert how long has your father been preaching or Robert how long has your dad been passed through and some people shock I let them know that my father has never been a preacher my father is a firefighter in fact he just retired this year after 32 years of serving the city of Dallas as a fireman 32 years come on shout out to all our first responders 32 years so my father Robin we do senior we have the exact same name totally different callings the same name distinctly different vocations I think that's imperative for you to know tonight because in the unlikely event that your house should catch on fire and you were to be trapped inside of that house that caught on fire and for whatever reason you could only call a Robert Madhu to get you out make sure you call the right Robert okay before you call to my Robert now don't get me wrong both of us will do our best to make sure you get saved Church jokes I'm just trying to keep you away like like neither one of us would want you to experience the flames how we accomplish that objective will be distinctly different totally different my father Robert do you see who's the fireman he's going to jump on a fire truck go inside the house and rescue you from the flames my approach don't be a little bit different okay I'm just gonna grab a microphone microphone and I stand outside a considerable distance away from you that's trapped in the fire and I'm just gonna encourage you I'm encourage you and I'm gonna say something like consider it pure joy and my brother whenever you face various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance and perseverance patience coming out your gold because of no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper key change you're not the only one trapped in a fire y'all remember Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they were in a fire I said he not me but he get you out - all I'm saying is I'm a preacher not a firefighter that was fun scary for some of you anyway not on a more serious note some of my greatest memories as a kid was when I would visit my dad at the fire station okay you got understand when you're a little boy and your dad's a fireman you get to visit him at the fire station people the fire station - a little boy is like Disney without the ticket prices okay I'll give idli remember running around the fire station I'm trying on the uniform I am a climb the ladder I'm pretend driving the fire truck I remember kids at school be like here a Blee I got a new fire truck for Christmas like that's cute @drive one hashtag dream bigger I mean it was awesome buckle it's awesome moments that I'll never forget but Henry waves I will never forget the day I'm a kid I'm visiting my dad at the fire station I'm pretend driving the fire truck and all of a sudden without warning I hear on the intercom engine 26 five alarm house fire engine 26 five alarm house fire and all of a sudden my father went from laughing and smiling at me pretend driving a fire truck - all of a sudden and his Nigerian boy saying son get up Knight and now he picks me up throws me out of the seat to my mom immediately firemen started coming out of the crevices and the corridors of the fire station like ants escaping an ant bed that had just been stepped on I saw two firemen who were playing ping pong they threw the paddles in the air and started putting on their gear one time it was eating a turkey sandwich he stopped mid bite of the turkey sandwich and jumped on the fire truck and in no less than three minutes the same fire truck I was pretend riving was now peeling out of the parking lot and the same siren I was pushing for my entertainment was now being pushed for an emergency because time was of the essence and destinies were on the line I will never forget the look on my father's face and the immediacy of the moment as he had to quickly transition from a moment of fellowship with his son to now racing to put out a fire that he didn't even start I sure I shared that childhood memory with you tonight in a feeble attempt to accurately articulate the tone and the tension of what is happening in Matthew chapter 3 with Jesus baptism and in Matthew chapter 4 with Jesus temptation and I need you to feel the whiplash of our Savior tonight because in Chapter three with his baptism he is in perfect fellowship with the father but in Chapter four with this temptation he is racing to put out a fire that he did not start but was started in the book of Genesis when Adam and Eve were disobedient and took up the forbidden fruit and brought sin into the world and brought the chaos that we see today and the tension is in his transition from Matthew chapter 3 to matthew chapter 4 okay I hope you brought your scuba gear two ways cuz we going deep if you could stay with me okay one of the things one of the things I want you to understand at the onset at the onset is that the chapter numbers in the verse numbers that are printed in your Bible although sometimes they can be helpful sometimes they can actually be a hindrance and stop you from getting the context of the text that you're reading so if you're not careful you do it I've done for years which is to read about Jesus baptism in Matthew chapter 3 pause for commercial break and then read about his temptation in Matthew chapter 4 and you'll be tempted to look at these two events as isolated events that should be viewed independently but I submit to you tonight that these two events were never supposed to be viewed independently but rather interdependently because God has given us us biblical Blue's Clues as to what you're gonna face as a believer God is just letting you know if you're gonna live a life of faith how many know there is a pathway there's a trajectory that your life has to go through all I can tell you tonight is that there is a connection between the water and the wilderness the water and the wilderness are deeply concerned I hope I don't bore you tonight but I want you to look with me at mark chapter 1 verses 9 to 13 because I love Marky Mark's account it says start at verse 9 it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan and immediately coming up from the water he saw the heavens parting and the spirit descending upon him like a dove then a voice came from heaven you are my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased look at verse 12 immediately immediately no pause no break immediately the spirit drove him into the wilderness and he was there in the wilderness forty days tempted by Satan and was with the wild beast did you hear that immediately Jesus went from the water into the wilderness and it is that immediately that irritated me because I'm trying to figure out how in the world one moment he's being baptized the next moment he's in a battle one moment he is in total comfort the next moment he is in total conflict one moment he is in cohesive community the next moment he is in complete isolation one moment he's hearing a voice from heaven the next moment he's hearing a voice from hell one moment he's in the water getting a word from heaven the next moment he's in the wilderness facing real warfare come on don't sit there act like you ain't never been there before the world is it Oh Sunday on a Friday like tonight you can experience God's power and its presence but on Monday morning it's like the enemy puts a laser beams from Hell on your forehead one moment you step it out in great faith the next moment fear has gripped your heart one moment you want to pray for your enemies and bless all your haters the next moment you want to look at them and let them know you ain't always been saved and you can't speak in a tongue they don't need no interpretation like can we be real at waves does anybody know what it's like to make the transition from the water to the wilderness the tension is always in the transition why is it why is it on the pathway to your purpose that in route to your destiny that the GPS system God's positioning system will always tell you I always tell you start on water Road then make a sharp right turn into the wilderness you always go from the water to the wilderness before I talk about what happened in the wilderness I'd love to discuss what happened in the water once you understand that Jesus baptism was a big deal a huge deal Jesus baptism is like that scene at the beginning of the movie that if you missed it because you're putting extra butter on your popcorn may as well just go home and wait for the movie to come out on Netflix you're gonna become few who's the entire movie Jesus baptism was a big deal in fact if you're here tonight we've been watching online and you've put your faith in Jesus but you haven't gotten baptized yet what's wrong with you get baptized if Jesus got baptized you know yo Craig race ya gotta get baptized okay Jesus baptism was a big deal I know it was a big deal because the Bible says that when Jesus got baptized immediately the heavens opened up the heavens opened up immediately the atmosphere shifted come on you know when the heavens open up your life will never be the same again when the heavens open up you're gonna get a word from God that is going to change your life forever when the heavens open up God is gonna speak something to you that's gonna alter and change the course of your destiny I hope that's why you came tonight so that the heavens could open up in this place and we could experience God's power and his presence when the heavens open up something is going to happen oh I know his baptism was a big deal simply because of who showed up at the baptism because for the first and only time in the New Testament the entire Godhead the whole Trinity Father Son and spirit made a cameo appearance at the exact same time come on you don't believe me you got God the Father making a declaration from heaven you got the son being baptized in the water and you got the Holy Spirit descending like a dog come on when the whole Trinity shows up this is a big moment I know I know his baptism was a big deal simply because of what the father was declaring over Jesus see the father was not declaring random words the father was declaring a truth a truth there's got to be that anchor in your soul whenever life hits you in the face the father was declaring something that you got to know that you know that you know no matter what you're facing in here tonight and that truth is this I am loved I'm a child of God and he is pleased with me I am loved I'm a child of God and he is pleased with me I am loved I'm a child of God and he is pleased with me how many know that truth right there will change your life forever you're like four of you the rest of you gonna find out in a minute I'm telling you the day that truth that truth gets cemented in your soul that is a game-changer I'm telling you that will change the way you walk into a room that will change the way you hold up your head the day that you get confident in the fact that you are loved you're a child of God and he is pleased with you I want to give you a dare I want to give you a dare waves I'm gonna give you there tonight free country but I wanna give you a dare every morning you wake up every morning you wake up before you brush your teeth just go to the mirror and declare over yourself with your stinky breath and just say yes say yes I am loved I'm a child of God and he is pleased with me how many know that'd be a great way to start your day okay you don't like that one okay if you're thinking about getting a face tattoo a face tattoo I wouldn't but if you want to anyway I have a suggestion of what you should put on your forehead you should put I am loved I'm a child of God and he is pleased with me y'all don't like that either okay if you go to Starbucks and the barista says what name should I put on the drink you ought to tell her girl I got three I am love I'm a child of God and he is pleased but you don't like that okay if you own Instagram on Facebook and you ain't getting the likes or the comments you thought you were gonna get on that particular post I dare you to cut off your smart device that's making you stupid and just declare over your life I'm not living for other peoples and likes because I'm already loved how much out of God and he is pleased with me I'm telling I'm getting excited off my own sermon Oh y'all recording this i'ma watch it later because that will change your life what if what if you filtered hear me every circumstance every negative comment from other people through that transcendent truth if you're loved you're a child of God and he is pleased with you man you wouldn't lose your joy so easily if you were confident in that you wouldn't be so insecure if you were confident in that somebody would walk into church looking constipated like you've been sucking on lemons all day if you were you're a child of God and that he is pleased with you that truth change your life forever let you get that laugh out unfortunately that's what most believers stop we always stop at the water experience the water is significant the water is paramount because the water is the place where your identity gets confirmed the water is the place where you find out who you are and who's you are notice when the father makes this declaration over Jesus this is before Jesus has done a miracle he's not walked on water yet hadn't healed anybody yet hadn't taken us to fish five loaves multiplied to me the first Red Lobster yet hadn't walked on the water yet hadn't been to the cross yet hadn't even gotten up from the grave but yet the father still says you're loved you're my child I'm pleased with you wow I'm hope but this has nothing to do a performance everything to do with proximity and relationship to me you are still loved your mom child I'm please before you ever perform that's a good news for somebody in here today that's what most believers stop don't we we always stop at the water experience so you leave a night like tonight I mean come on this is ways you'll even might like just not you like whoo you feeling real good you're like man did you hear the preacher that night I'm loved I'm a child of God he's pleased me and you feel real good in the water you going to the food truck and you just skipping through the parking lot you feel good oh but I felt the need to warn you there right after the water you walk straight into the wilderness right after you hear the voice from heaven please believe me you will hear the voice from hell this one messes you up as a believer because it's like as we've almost been programmed and conditioned to think that once I have the approval of heaven that must mean I won't have an attack from the enemy oh yeah some songs this ideology is even pushed from the pulpit to the point that we have relegated God's approval to a better car a bigger house oh I got a raise on my job Oh killing it God must be pleased with me and we've relegated God's approval just to his blessing and don't get me wrong I'm from blessing upper blessings on blessings on blessings on blessings I believe God was to get a blessing to you so he can get a blessing through you but the life of Jesus is proof positive that the approval of heaven does not absolve you from an attack from the enemy as a matter of fact I'll go further to say that the reason some of you are facing what you're facing right now watch this it's simply because God is pleased with you I know it's crazy you didn't do something wrong you did something right that's why he'll is coming against you [Applause] conversely the reason why some of you life just might be perfect right now and it's a romantic comedy and you just dip throw until the tulips might be because your life is stagnant and you ain't done anything to upset the kingdom of darkness but can I testify and tell you when you start taking a stand for God when you say we'll be light in the midst of darkness when you say I'm gonna speak truth I'm gonna be pure in a culture that's perverted I'm telling you he'll get so nervous somebody knows what I'm talking about [Music] [Applause] he wouldn't be valuable he knows there's something in me see I said I was gonna talking just be calm denied and got me all worked up see it's it's the it's it's the smile of heaven that attracts the scowl from hell who would adults we said it it's the smile of heaven that attracts the scowl from Hell Allah came to encourage you with tonight has received a smile of heaven receive it relish in it but don't get shocked when you get the scalp from Hell now studying this text and full sermon disclosure I did not like the sermon at all at all I told God hold on I want to go from the water to the wilderness so I'm gonna pause if I can pick it give me my water in the wilderness oh yes Fiji if I can pick the brand okay my water in the world I don't want to go from the water to the wilderness okay I got too much imagination but I'll feel like this text would have read a whole lot better a whole lot better if it started off in the wilderness can you see it if you start off in the wilderness and as soon as Satan rolls up on Jesus and says if you are the son of God then let a loud voice come from heaven and let God the Father interrupts Satan in the middle of his speech and go what you mean yeah yes yes there's something I cuz I already said he was the son of God said I'm gonna tell you right now bro you gonna put some respect on Jesus that you better put some respect if you don't respect his name all three of us Father Son and spirit about two minutes you as a matter of fact let there be water and then water shows up in the wilderness and the whole Godhead takes Satan by the throat and just such drowned in him in the water I wish you would say if one more time drowned him to death and I have to say this lifeless body is floating in the water that's when you call John the Baptist and go we ready for the baptism now bro just feel like you could read better like that but it's not gonna happen I'm sorry it's not gonna happen you will not get the privilege of getting your water experience in the wilderness because God has this uncanny ability to always take you from the water to the wilderness from the water to the wilderness from the water to the foot it is God's system to take you from the water to the wilderness from the water to the wilderness from the water to the wilderness from the water to the AMA state illinois's you from the water to the wilderness from the water to I want you to hear my voice in your head tomorrow morning head north to the wilderness and the water it is gone sister to take you from the water to the wilderness you're bored yet you do know in our text tonight that John John baptized people in the water but when they asked John who he was he said I'm a voice crying out in the crying out prepare the way of the Lord what is the way of the Lord he'll take you from the water to the wilderness from the water to the wilderness from the water to the wheel today oh now I see while the children of Israel had to go through the Red Sea because the Red Sea was water and remember the water is the place where your identity gets confirmed and Pharaoh thought they were just slaves but they were not just slaves they were loved there were children of God and he was pleased with them and come on when you are God's child there was no stronghold there was no bondage there was no addiction that can ever hold you down because wherever the Sun sets free is free indeed that's what Moses had to lift up his staff and split the didn't go straight to the promised land they went from the water to the they were in the wilderness of 40 years Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days and God always has this system of taking you from the water to the wilderness I want to sound like a broken record tonight and I hope I'm not bringing my own presupposition to this biblical passage why for now we have a four year old a three-year-old and a one-year-old pray for us and because our children are so young birth is not too distant of a memory to me so I would even like to pose and and postulate tonight that even the way we into the world the earth is just a picture just a microcosm of this transcendent truth that God will always take you the water to the wilderness well you do remember how you were conceived right you do remember how you were conceived come on you were conceived in your mother's womb your identity confirmed in the wall we having a boy having a girl and then it funny in your mother's womb you were surrounded by so much so that when your head got too big and your birth was imminent your mama looked up over the dining room table as hell oh ma just broke and rushed to the hospital and do you remember your first birthday do you remember how you entered the earth did you come to the earth and laughing no did you come to the earth to singing no did you come to the earth to dancing no just come to her at the wrappings that started from the belly now I'm here no no it's not it's not it's not every single baby every single baby watch this around the world came into the earth just like this at the top of your lungs and no silly parents got the nerve to be smiling looking at a newborn that screaming about [Music] doesn't go yo-ho I am convinced here me I am convinced if you could translate and transcribe the cry of every newborn baby the caption across the screen with her heed to me welcome to the world don't you mean welcome to them he's been all your life wrestling with the weight the complexities and the frustrations of the wilderness that you were born into it's well the church has got to be quick to love people not quick to judge them because you don't know the wilderness that some people were born into oh come on somebody the wilderness is a real place it's the heat of your wilderness that will seek to evaporate your experience in the water and it can leave you with big questions like Who am I where am i and how am I gonna deal with what's been placed in front of me the question that has to be answered before we leave wave tonight is how are you gonna handle the temptations that will face you in your wilderness oh because the wilderness is coming the question is not will it come the question is when will it come and how are you gonna handle the temptations that will face you in your wilderness some of you are shocked that I even asked that question like a roar but how dad if you ask it's such a child of the Most High God I've been walking with the Lord for years now I have been coming to waves why for the longest time I polluted in the room I had communion for breakfast what is this distant ation that you speak of why I'm in church on a Friday night I know I'm glad you came but this is the water Oh Monday you gotta go back to work that is the and the tension is always in transition I'm a hurry but watch this I want you to see this I want you to see and please don't miss this that the same spirit the same spirit that descended upon Jesus in the water is the same spirit that led Jesus into the wilderness how did you read what we read the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness oh so the Spirit is leading me there that means the wilderness is not my problem the Spirit led Jesus and you sure you want to be spirit land the spirit let Jesus into the Jesus bring new wine out of me you sure cuz the spirit the problem the problem is who is in the wilderness post it up waiting for you to get there you got to see it I want you to see that Satan was already in the wilderness he was already there posted up waiting for Jesus to get there and he didn't open his mouth or clear his throat until after he watched him fast 40 days and 40 night but please believe he was there the whole time watching him just just watching him that's what the enemy does he waits he watches then he attacks we let you know the tak hit the enemy he waits he watches he's the original creeper and then he attacks he doesn't even get new tricks this is what he's always done since the beginning of time as a serpent as a snake what does he do he slid it up in the Garden of Eden the original whole food market he slither up in there and what does he do he waited as a snake he waited he watched and then he attacked he did that as a snake he's gonna mess you up I never forget watching the Discovery Channel they're just special snakes and almost changed the channel because I don't do snakes but I'm glad I kept watching I'm glad I kept watching because they said something that blew my mind they said the snakes are one of the only species don't miss this that never blink snakes do not blink waves this is a snake just watching and creeping and waiting for moments of weakness and vulnerability what's another special they did on stage and this is about a lady a lady and where's TV to join me this is about a lady that had a pet snake she had a pet snake a plant so that's a different kind of crazy okay and she ran to a problem because her pet snake stopped eating snake refused to eat for several months for a few seats used to feed of rats on the road as this leg stops eating and of causing concern she takes her pet snake to the veterinarian sufficiently have a problem he says my pet snake refuses to eat hasn't eaten for the last several months veterinarian looked at the snake looked at the woman looked at the snake looked at the woman looked at the snake woman then began asking her a litany of questions the veterinarian said ma'am by any chance have you been sleeping with your snake the lady goes yes I have I have I gotta be honest he's a Python and he's not poisonous and this cage is right next to my bed and there are some nights then I let my snakes slither out of his cage and sleep in the bed with a man I like I everybody shocked like there aren't humans today who have slept with snakes married the snake but that's that's another sermon for another night I digress but let's get back to like we're shot Wow she did a walk she says yeah I have slept with my snake veterinarian goes ma'am while sleeping with your snake have you ever woken up to your snake right next to you and stretched out beside you the lady goes yes as a matter of fact the other morning I woke up and my snake was right next to me and it was stretched out beside me a veterinarian said hmm say ma'am I have some good news and I got some bad news said the good news is your snake is not sick she'll say thank you Jesus said the bad news is the reason your snake refuses to eat is because your snake has been preparing to eat you she said the reason your snake has not eaten for several months is because your snake has strategically orchestrated its digestive system to have enough room for you she said the reason you wake up to your stay right next to you and stretched out beside you is because your snake is sizing you up and it's trying to see how big it has to get to swallow you home and you laugh but I think that's how a lot of believers and Christians today act as it relates to the enemy and his calculated attack on your life do you think the enemy likes that you in church on a Friday night and you used to be in the club do you think the enemy likes that you're still lifting up your hands and worship in spite of all that's come against you do you think the enemy lies in the Word of God and applying it to your life no he is watching he's trying to keep watch him I'm gonna be who God has called me to be keep on watching I'm gonna do what God has called me to do everybody stand that cam and I didn't come here tonight to scare you with snake stories but I feel like on this night changed my message I was gonna do something else somebody needs to own that the reason the enemy is attacking you in the wilderness because he's trying to get you to give up in the wilderness cuz remember after the wilderness Jesus steps into the fullness of his purpose Faunus of his destiny the wilderness was the final test you got to is how you worship and how you trust him in the wilderness that will dictate the rest of your life so you in here too like you're in a wilderness the enemy has turned up the volume of his lies of his attacks I came to tell you do not let do not let the wilderness dictate your trust of your worship you let your trust in God and your worship speak to the wilderness say God in spite of this wilderness I'm still gonna worship in spite of this wilderness I'm still gonna trust you I don't see how the enemy's allowed there's all kinds of temptations but I will not let this wilderness to find me the spirit led him there God I'm just gonna trust you wherever you lead father thank you tonight for your world I pray tonight that uh in spite of the enemy being loud in our ear with all consultations all kinds of lies well I thank you that we can face the live from Hell if we hold on to the truth from heaven though we hold on to that truth tonight we stand on your promise that we are loved we're your children you please with us we really hope to enjoy this message and then a challenge and inspired you to hear other messages just like this and to stay up to date with everything we have going on at waves follow us on facebook and instagram at nd waves or visit us on the website at
Channel: New Beginnings
Views: 30,988
Rating: 4.8425198 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Madu, how to live, your best life, how to live your best life, jesus wilderness, jesus, walking through the wilderness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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