Roadside Orange Tree Cemetery Exploration

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no one's opened this gate in a while looks like the Morning Glory has grown all around it hey guys it's Robert I'm out here with Omar Cody and Brian and we're just out here driving around exploring and we stumbled upon this old cemetery on the side of the road so we're gonna get in here and check it out nobody's cutting the grass that's for sure all right so we'll look at this one first this is Fanny daughter of WT s no W T and Ginny Holmes born November 4th 1873 died October 20th 1903 she was approximately 30 29 to be exact his home's marker right here well this is neat right here this is as it's not embossed like that one would be this is a looks like Mary Holmes Tidwell born October 27th 1868 died January 22nd 1954 what's interesting about this one is it's not it's not integrate the letters are actually raised so that's unique I actually haven't seen that before on a flat stone this is William Thomas Holm's born April 26th 1845 died January 20th 1928 over here this grave is made the same way this is Ginny Evans Holmes born August 3rd 1847 died November 15th 1931 so this is the Holmes plot right here all of these last names are Holmes we're not gonna look at all of these at the moment I want to get out here and we're kind of running out of time today now that's a recent burial Robert E Holmes born may or died May 28 1973 is it another Holm's over there so this may be homes family cemetery I thought maybe that was just a family plot when did he die and he was born oh well yeah it was almost a hundred he saw a lot of stuff s SZ Webster says on the fence right there yeah sure is I don't think there's any riding on this it's just blank yeah just nothing was ever engraved on it this one has something engraved though I wonder if it's on the other side there's something on the other side of this one oh yeah I bet there's telling the other side there this is Sally em wife of SZ Webster born October 28 1814 died July 1st 1887 and then there's two more plots there is it SC Webster SZ Webster Samuel Z Webster yeah born February 8 1833 died September 2nd 1905 so this is something that I've seen only at one other Cemetery would that looks like a Confederate marker there and that also looks like a Confederate marker but it's for a wife probably it says mother top Elisabeth Brooks born November 11th 1835 died March 12 1888 and then over here we have Robert Brooks Company D 6th Georgia state troops Confederate States of America he was captain oh yeah let's take a look at that like what is that like an orange tree or something before we get over there we'll take a look at this mighty fine monument so James D Woodall born March 11th 1820 died February 8 1891 the bottom it says blessed are the peacemakers says our father and mother over here it's Francis Woodall born February 1st 1824 died June 2nd 1890 just here has James Woodall and Frances Willis wh e le SS married July 2nd 1840 that's name no more just grab my flashlight Cody grab my flashlight what do young did thank you guys now let's look at this fruit tree over here real quick it is the the Sun is hitting it just the right way so it's beautiful it feels good I know what kind of fruit that is I think orange some kind of look gigantic thorns so anybody recognize what these are let us know in the comments because I haven't got actually tell you what we can do though here come I got my light [Music] today's adventure Robert cuts himself it does look like a lemon eat it alright I'm I try I'm gonna squeeze a little bit the juice into my mouth tastes like an orange I had probably are edible I mean I don't know of anything Wow would you look at that and it just keeps going you know Omar said that a few minutes ago but we were driving down the day I wasn't really paying him any attention he said that he saw lemon trees on the side of the road this is amazing it does just go on forever all right well getting away from the little orange orchard and the top of this stone it says mother Lizzie would all wife of Emmett Miller born April 26 1867 died February 13th 1916 all right I got to get back to the orange trees real quick just because I can't stop thinking about it that's you know someone's orchard right there that has been long since not cared for cause it's just kind of over going and now they're just grown wild there I'm sure they're covered up by the leaves let's look at this one it says our sister Claudia M daughter of let's say Matthew F and Missouri L Miller born March 16th 1846 died September 14th 1887 and here's our father Mathew F Miller born June 18th 1796 died December 13th 1862 so having only seen a few of them I'm gonna say that this is probably older section back here or one of the older graves this is our mother Missouri L wife of matthew miller daughter of : see you llin and Mary Pope born March 17th 1808 died September 6 1887 look at the the obelisk right here oh I just stepped on one right here you guys see let me borrow that light real quick so I can read this one RA Brookes son of dr. JD and TM Brookes born September 26 1842 died at have to come back to that this has died it yeah December 23rd 1862 blessed be the Lord heard the voice of my supplications here hold this work let me see if I can get in without not up there I wonder if he was killed in the war yeah being 1862 this would probably confirmed that depending on what the he was only 20 yeah farmville Virginia so I wonder if that was killed in action yeah I think that's James H Brooks son of dr. J D and T M Brooks born September 27th 1844 died May 25th 1848 our little Henry if such is the kingdom of heaven over here is lieutenant Joseph W Brooks son of dr. J D and T M Brooks born April 23rd 1847 died at Andersonville Georgia September 5th 1864 hoping the lord for I shall yet praise Him now that's interesting Andersonville Georgia because that was a major Union prisoner of war camp during the Civil War so I wonder if he was a Confederate soldier a Union soldier if he was a Union soldier good night as a POWs that's true but I guess maybe he just died in the town the will of God is accomplished so I can't read that so M o OE it B so it's a Masonic symbol right here this is dr. JD Brooks born May 21st 1814 died December 25th 1868 says the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped [Applause] that might be the child yeah I can hear the comments right now telling me to buy a broom just a world war 2 in Korea Wow William G Patrick jr. says Georgia his US Navy World War 2 Korea honestly a broom will even help right here get a break up the oh wow that's crazy imagine the stories he can tell ya he died in 74 7121 yeah yep 71 March 20th No December 3rd 1922 March 23rd 1971 he served World War 2 Korean Vietnam that's crazy three wars she's not a military grade here World War one private US Army World War one he was born January 2nd 1891 died June 1st 1968 will G Patrick another symbol on the top of this one Alfred W Patrick born September 30th 1828 died December 24 1888 it says farewell my wife and children all from you we father Christ's death call more not for me it is me to call me to you your sight again [Music] yeah it's and loving remembrance of Maddy see wife of WS Brooks born March 7th 1855 married November 26 1873 died February 11th 1888 aged 30 to 32 years eleven months four days darling Maddy so it says darling maddie is sweetly resting in heaven look at the engraving there and we talked about on another video is how intricate this stuff is it was all done by hand [Music]
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 47,643
Rating: 4.9649892 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned cemetery, abandoned, cemetery, abandoned cemetery house, haunted cemetery, abandoned places, abandoned cemetary, abandoned cemeteries, abandoned oriole cemetery and ghost town, abandoned & overgrown cemetery in the florida woods, abandoned house, abandoned in the woods, abandon, abandoned cementery, abandoned cemetery near me, abandoned church, lost and abandoned cemetery, exploring abandoned cemetery
Id: J2HnK_tZCB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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