Rural Roadside Cemetery Explored! Georgia History

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everyone you're watching sidestep adventures it's Robert I'm out here with Cody and Billy back there and today we are at the Union Union Baptist Cemetery that's the name of it I keep wanting to say Union Church Cemetery and now we're gonna take a pretty quick look around here this cemetery seems to be a relatively well-kept which is always good to see and we also usually document the unkept ones and ones we find but there are a few graves I want to look at out here and show you guys I think that this was probably an old Church Cemetery Union Baptist Church that's what I would assume don't know that for a fact and I did some real quick research on the internet didn't really find much about it so make sure you check for comments down there because there's a great community that I'm very thankful for that watches this channel and you guys always find out great information about these places after seeing the videos and I really appreciate that so with that being said I'm gonna show you the graves we're gonna take a look at here and take a look at that old building back there too so like I was saying the cemetery looks pretty well-kept and I see some old flowers out there and back there so someone's been coming out here but a first grave we'll take a look at out here's Thomas Brady Preston Georgia corporal fifth company 157th Depot Brigade from World War one this is World War one veteran and that's that's pretty awesome he was born February 13th 1891 and died April 4th 1959 we've got another pressed and buried right there and another one I wanted to point out is this one because it's kind of getting covered over by this grass Eli II Melton looks like it's born eighteen hold on 1857 there we go 1857 and died March 18 1949 so we've got this great monument right here for the Ansley family William a Ansley and Nancy Ellen Ansley husband and wife and father father and mother it says there but this one I wanted to pay special attention to since it's broken it's Li a Helms born December 10th 1864 and died November 2nd 1894 and there's another broken one right here this WM Taggert born December 24th 1826 and died May 5th 1897 the bottom it says a man and whom there was no guile and the reason I'm paying closer attention to the broken grades is those are the ones that are in the most danger of getting lost and as time erodes them away so those are the ones I really focus on documenting while these out here look like they're in really good condition so that's the reason I may be skipping over some this one's probably a child's grave that's broken right there and this is a rock grave that's pretty interesting it's got this monument on here so this monuments probably much later than the rock grave but it's kind of interesting what this says is s roscoe Bartlett 1875 to 1876 and at the bottom it says by twin brother Oscar Bartlett so that's a that's a neat touch right there on that stone this w a Bartlett born June 16th 1818 died February 18th 1880 his toils are past his work is done he fought the fight the victory won all right so we've got this area over here which are there's some rock tombs and a brick tomb right there we'll read the ones we can read start over here and work our way into the woods a little bit or there's some more this is a civil war veteran James a short company H 46th Georgia infantry Confederate States of America and so we got some more I want to point out here there's some field stone markers there there's another one hiding right there and there you can see that Confederate grave we just looked at right there right there in those weeds and this one's kind of interesting this uh I guess well I guess it wouldn't have been a rock tomb just the way the rocks were placed around this grave that's unmarked and here's the child's grade in a brick tomb and another grave maybe this one might have been a tomb and the rocks have just been moved an old piece of glass on the tomb probably left over from a vase or something and take a look at this one this is another broken one as the top is right there this is Nancy there's something at the top we may see if we can't read the top piece Nancy Melton born October 24th 1800 August 10th 1868 see if see if we can't see what this says leave that spider on there it says sacred to the memory of all right and as we walked back over here these are some of the grades I really wanted to show you guys his one right here that's broken then we've got more fieldstone grades out here and these are just interesting to me because they're on the outside of the cemetery in an area that hasn't been mown like that has there's another one right there and we've got a bunch of field stones out here so there may be probably even more out here we can't see right away like that one right there and that one here's one I just saw this one here there's anything on it does miss em more that's all that one says the field stone another field study this is another another Confederate veteran it's marked with the field stone and a military stone that said I was that say kill be kill be more company d6 Georgia militia Confederate States of America we walked by this one without reading it there we go so I may have to kind of move this one so we can read it let's see what we can make out it's Trudel eeeh and more born April 20th 1834 and died 1910 no I guess I'm not gonna move that since it's kind of sitting there and I don't to put it in a place where it would be come fragile but uh yeah this is the these are the graves that I really wanted you guys to see out here kind of document the ones that are more lost more in danger guess you could say although this place does seem to be largely kept up like I said is always very nice to see and as always I can't help wondering the further history of the place like where the church building used to be and all of that history Mary elmina wife of RA mccurdy born February 22nd 27th sorry 1838 died July 16th 1872 as a star that is lost when the daylight is given she has faded away to shine to shine brightly in heaven and as always we're walking through the cemetery and remembering these people and saying their names remembering them if just for a moment but uh she always got to think about all of the stories the individual stories of these people's lives that are lost basically that you'll never know unless you do a lot of research sometimes you can find out but everyone out here is an individual story and an individual history and that's just something to think about she's kind of amazing really I'll show you guys this one this one's really pretty see if I can get the light on as you can see it right this is asleep Aaron wife of Al short May 22nd 1897 to April 15 to 1925 gone but not forgotten and as a child baby infant son of Al and Aaron short born and died September 1922 in heaven here's the one that has flowers placed on it read that one Susan wall September 18th 1833 to May 30th 1911 resting until the resurrection mourn it's nice to see someone brought her out flowers someone remembers her and Billy called me over here to point out this one over here it's a handmade stone you see this piece of concrete that someone hand wrote the lettering in the origin EULA Mae Rigsby borned sbor in edy September 6 1926 died April 8 1929 someone's child here let's look at this building over here there's kind of when I first pulled up here I thought this is an old church cuz I saw it from the front I didn't see the sides of it but uh it's kind of interesting I guess it may be a utility shed for the cemetery that's giving up the ghost itself that's probably what it was just kind of interesting to see out here there's one more thing I want to show you guys before we leave Peter a lot of times when I'm looking in the woods looking for cemeteries or old home sites the vegetation always sticks out the trees and stuff that would have been planted around cemeteries and home sites and in this case when I was walking around here I noticed this great tree right here and thought I'd point that out to y'all that's just a it's just a cool-looking tree there's some kind of shack over here it's fallen to the ground but take a quick look at it I don't think it's related to the cemetery it looks more like someone's maybe hunting cabin or something like that that siding on there looks new but uh some of it doesn't look so new like this this doorway right here look at the lot construction I mean that's not very old at all I'm gonna go with probably someone's hunting shed at one time or another a little bed frame right there let's see if we can see any of the interior of this building again I don't think it's related to the to the church just some kind of shack it's kind of interesting where it was built see let's look in here nothing really to see there some of it looks like old wood like this this part here looks kind of kind of old that pine this built out of those logs I don't think those are very old at all because that stuff rots really quickly huh kind of interesting alright guys I hope you enjoyed seeing this old cemetery with me today it's always nice to see one of these places that's relatively well-kept and people are still coming out here and remembering a few of the people that are out here because that is so often not the case and this is a pretty cool places it's quiet and very very peaceful so I hope you guys enjoyed the video don't forget to Like share and subscribe and I'll see y'all on the next adventure alright so we were walking along and Cody pointed this out to me and this old bottle buried in the ground right here and I looked up it says a lor I ll ard so Lillard company at the bottom and I googled it really quickly and it's appears to be a snuff bottle probably from the early 1900's but uh that's neat out here in this cemetery and that's kind of funny because the past couple of cemeteries I've been to I ran across some old snuff bottles well I'll show it to you guys
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 35,114
Rating: 4.9744973 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned cemetery, abandoned, cemetery, abandoned places, haunted cemetery, abandoned house, abandoned cemeteries, exploring abandoned places, abandoned oriole cemetery and ghost town, abandoned grave yard, exploring abandoned, abandned cemetery, abandoned cementery, abandoned maine cemetery, abandoned cemetery house, abandoned cemetary, oriole cemetery, abandoned 200 year old cemetery, abandoned graveyard, abandoned cemetery philadelphia
Id: 5CkTs3JTnJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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