Old Cemeteries, Bottle Digging, River Exploring and More! (Incomplete Videos of 2018)

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so come over across the road now not to show you these big AT&T boxes there's actually another cemetery on the other side of the road we'll walk through here real quick and then we'll take a look at the older ones over there this is miss ma shippi born 1833 died 1913 Martha Isha P wife of Thomas Cummings 1831 to 1860s these graves actually are older with his Thomas Cummings 1819 to 1891 Kait Cummings 1883 218 1958 and Thomas Cummings for in 1898 died March 31st 1960 private US Army World War two back here there's a few children's graves 1857 to 1862 Jimmy Cummings son of JT and Martha Cummings so take a look over there it's funny first one I see is actually newer than the ones over there the ones that I felt were gonna be the older graves or the newer graves turned out to be the older graves this one is can't read Martha Tyler wife of John H Jones December 21st 1846 to March 9th 1942 there's another one with the last name shippi same as the ones over there 1835 to 1923 and that one this sunken in pretty badly this one is J no AJ Floyd senior born in Madison Georgia August 5th 1824 died February 5th 1892 these are children's graves right here that are in really bad shape see if I can turn that I can't read it out here you might be able to make it out on the video though 1860 I can read the date on this one another child and two more here's one that's in really bad shape see if we can clean it off and it doesn't appear to be a name on it but it's opened up as you can see someone has busted the stones away from it it's just pretty creepy as well I don't know if that just happened or if someone actually actively broke it I have seen people do that with these above-ground graves before it's interesting on this wrought iron does the name Carrie I guess a family name this gate isn't gonna open over here see if there's name on this one over here it does not appear to be everybody you're watching sidestep adventures I'm out here with Cody and let me tell you it is one of the most miserable days in Georgia today it's lightly sprinkling and I think the temperature is like 39 degrees just cold wet but today I'm wanting to try out my new GoPro I got a GoPro Hero 7 and so I want an excuse to shoot some video so I came out here to a spot that I metal detected before and what a metal detect again I don't think I've ever filmed myself metal detecting out here but I think it was an old home site and so I figure we'll go walk through it a little bit today test out some video and I'll show it to you guys so stay tuned can't tell what that is that the older soda bottle or not see if I can't see some of the mud off of it see any markings on it I don't see anything on it it's probably a painted label bottle it's still cool but I'll leave it here my hands are all achy now it's got something on the bottom rock rock green ginger ale company that's pretty cool see Washington DC Richmond Virginia that's cool never heard of that company but that's pretty neat maybe a little bottle dump over here we'll leave that one here too and I'll turn the camera back on if we find anything else looks like we've got beavers it's kind of recently virtue there's another one right there well the little wood chips he left behind don't worry that wonder where his Dam is in here everybody you're watching sidestep Adventures I'm out here with Brian and Cody Brian shooting his own thing right now well check out this old cemetery behind you here at Fort Mitchell Alabama so let's go let's check that out brigadier general can ECS a horse melting stone exactly what that means but what a horse mounting stone is here's James H Woolfolk born October 10th 1860 died November 1861 and someone else Woolfolk March 15th 1856 November 1858 I guess the children's graves and someone someone out here was killed in a duel there was a duel over of some land here it is right here Thomas E Burnside killed in a duel by George Washington Crawford January 5th 1828 so that's pretty cool not so cool for Thomas Burnside but yeah yeah it's cool to see that so this guy that was killed in the duel if you remember a video that I probably put up or maybe not put up yet where I was at and I was talking about the used to be a plantation out here I was kind of looking for a home site we found a couple bottles that was actually the area where this guy was killed in the duel as I understand there was some kind of property dispute I don't know all the history of it but that's what I understand so it's pretty neat to find his grave on the other side of the river from where we were and boosting information from another shoes that's pretty cool here once stood the grand cedar tree which shaded the resting place of Thomas Burnside and John crow well in memory of Ames Whitaker died February 5th 1860 aged 48 years so all of these graves are pretty Civil War a lot of them are free Civil War in memory of Henry Whittaker died February 23rd 1860 19 years old [Applause] so we talked about is East we a wrought iron fence around here I guess is yeah brick fences newer and I don't think there was all of this so Rick tell me your story about this cemetery I want to hear your story about four years ago we came into this cemetery same cemetery and we cleaned it up that used to have wrought iron instead of these brick it was nothing but dirt roads and you know corfu kids dad was the commander of fifty 180 the VFW Club and he said let's go clean up the cemetery so I could remember these graves just like they said we always had to work I don't know what that was all about dad would volunteers but there was a general I don't know who is it general somebody in here general right here yeah man this place has changed a lot yeah I bet it's crazy I mean you know yeah how long this is only the four Mitchell's been like official for like what 30 40 years yeah why because I was about Cody howhow do you know 15 I was about 15 years old and I'm 55 now so dang captain are H Bellamy by James Kenny chapter number 548 CSA James Hunter Benton died her bore in 1837 died 1842 and Sara William Benton January 25th 18 so here's a side note on that Benton and Benton attorneys years ago my brother donated a wagon an old farm wagon and I bet that's the same Benton and Benton attorneys from Phoenix City I bet yeah yeah cuz uh he was had something to do with a bunch of this and then Brian had this wagon he was gonna give me and I just didn't leave it outside so he I think he took it down here donated so I'd be I'd be care see if it's on the carriage house up there yeah they'd be cool then so were these graves just like this when you were there oh yeah this is this is original this is something else yeah I'd say everything let me mix let me double check my you know I can remember the loose I don't remember any of being like caved in or anything like that you know this looks like it had been worse where yeah it's pretty cool when you say 40 years ago pretty old for the tree it was the Trading Post with Indians and in Native Americans in and then I think everything started moving you know like everything else in life it's moved to another place I think somewhere in south of Florence I think there was a big mound kind of thing going on I can't remember that guy that worked out there's a lot of people a they said the Trail of Tears actually started through your game here so that's that's about you'll see the racetrack horse racetrack I'm not sure but I knew it was further away from the road than this thing is so I think based on the way it was written out there's some big oval like like the Kentucky Derby trace and they had real horses that were really expensive horses right there were no nags when I was a kid while we were cleaning this stuff up you know cleaning all the wrought iron like said they had I remember trees were right here that wrought iron were like dead in the middle of the you know so the tree grew up around the wrought iron but if you go back out and then you take a right where that road is I would say somewhere probably about the way we walk in I can remember as a kid just playing in the sand and I found an old pocket watch had been run over probable Atkins how many ever times you know somebody flipped off their their side and I found a couple of 50 caliber Civil War era bullets you know the just how we found it it was no metal detectors back it was all bunch of just playing and scratching I was right in the middle of the road yeah that's awesome I did find and I've got it in the house and the dog house we call it I've got a made by Remington it's a saxophone but it looks like a clarinet I don't know what that is yeah but I found it on the property I just told you about which is less than 300 yards away we found it out in the woods so some band person was up there you know and that's kind of neat that's cool now in Fort Mitchell the train station used to be if you go by the bridge look to the left there was a Depot down below and that's where all the for venting soldiers came from this side to go to Fort Benning Wow so there was a lot of that and the building that my family owns which is a bar now it used to be the liver livery stable horses right livery stay there and what else was there I can't remember when we first bought the property there was a big oak tree that you couldn't wrap around the trunk and it was only about 15 feet tall and it died and you know broke over and died so it was just this big trunk right out in the middle of our parking lot I remember that when we first bought that place and uh God that thing's been paved over years I mean it was huge it had to be in a tree that was active when all the Fort Mitchell was happening yeah yeah so I can imagine horses and people sitting underneath that big shady oak tree right there at the livery you know it's just part of that history yeah and that was four years ago there's a marker over there that says that a cedar tree used to stand there and shade over these two graves so that cedar tree was probably there when you were out here you know 40 years ago sidestep adventures on the beach what's up y'all now the school so here's the old city mill dam the other side of it the Alabama side of course we're just spending a lazy day on the Chattahoochee River where we wandered up here this dam was actually recently destroyed or deconstructed to create the longest urban whitewater course here on the Chattahoochee and you can see where it crossed the river over there and some of the remaining footprint of it and here's the intact structure there Brian and Cody are climbing on right now let's catch up Brian is attempting to climb on let's keep watching for comedic effect I think you can make it do it Brian get it all right it's not that tall okay we're definitely gonna film this and he made it that wasn't exciting someone banging on something up there I'm probably digging a grave for us pretty cool old damn it was constructed in the mid-1800s I believe although this mill has been around since the late 1800s her I'm sorry the early 1800s that has rebuilt several times and I believe this damn construction was the late 1800s you can see the footprint stretching out into the water there just barely onto the water and right here you can see where recently they drilled into the top of the dam to put dynamite in there to blow it to blow it up and if you look we're right across the way from our first episode which of course that episode is actually no longer on YouTube but there is an exploration where we explore that mill the old city mills [Music] oh hey that little guy right there see if we can flop him up out of the ground and he's in fact sold medicine bottle it's turn of the century nineteen hundreds that's pretty cool stamped on them yeah I can't read what it says it's a newer bottle but it's still cool yeah it's amazing you never know what you're gonna find just in a pile of dirt it's not a rock everyone its rival everyone its Robert with sidestep Adventures me and Cody are out today as this beautiful little pond here I usually come out here and do some fly fishing catch a little bream and other pan fish out here but today Cody and I decided to do different kind of fishing out here spend a little bit of magnet fishing and I've had this magnet for a while so this is only like the second or third time I've taken it out and this is a little rural area and it's kind of in the bad side of town so I felt we might come down here and find some guns and stuff underwater but let me show you what we found so far as you can see this place is very littered and these are the first two finds we've pulled out of this river first one was this little spoon right here I said River I meant like but uh pulled that spoon out and then I just pulled this out right before I grabbed my GoPro start recording looks like a looks almost like a gas meter or maybe water meter cuz it's got that it's got shut off like a gas meter right there and then we actually pulled it out of this lake there's this little magnet so that's kind of interesting we're gonna see what else we can find that's such a good idea hi I hope you've enjoyed another sidestep adventure I hope you've enjoyed strolling with us along the Riverside today and don't forget to Like share and subscribe and we'll see you next time
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 69,381
Rating: 4.9195685 out of 5
Keywords: treasure, treasure hunting, river treasure, buried treasure, river treasure hunting, treasure hunter, old coins, silver, old ancient treasure, metal detecting river treasure, metal detecting, found treasure, old cemetery, searching for river treasure, cemetery, river treasure videos, river treasure aquachigger, adventure, treasure river, silver coins, river, treasure of the river, treasure found in river, terry carter treasure hunter
Id: eyolEYX3tTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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