Exploring 181 Year Old Cemetery Hidden By Newer Graveyard

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hey everyone its Robert and you're watching sidestep Adventures and Cody and I are out here and we are in the middle of this very well manicured very pretty church graveyard that still belongs to an active church and it's still being actively used but we're not gonna look at these graves out here today I've got something else to show you guys that I think is pretty fascinating so let's go check it out so you can see this is the reason why we're here today this little portion in the back of the cemetery seems less cared for not entirely lost but these are some really fascinating stones headstones out here they're much larger than the ones that I normally see and really interesting and I almost wonder because all the graves better right in that area out there our new 2010-2012 or some of the dates that I saw almost wonder if this wasn't a separate family plot that has nothing at all to do with this cemetery I've seen that happen before but this is the only section that seems to be not quite as cared for as the rest of the cemetery which is kind of interesting and not entirely unusual we do see it happen a lot in cemeteries there'll be some graves lost in the woods just on the edge of the cemetery look how much is written on that stone right there I can't actually read anything that it says at the moment not without my light and look at that interesting carving up there I don't know what that is I'm sure one of y'all will go just kind of come over to this one you see the weeping willow and the gravestones beneath it and again I can't read anything yet I'll get my light in just a minute we'll read them but I thought we'd take a look around first I mean someone's obviously bringing flowers out here or has in the past the flowers are pretty withered away now but uh or withered away I don't know if that's what you say for a for artificial flower anyway I wonder if that's a grave right there it probably is and that's that's a really really large headstone here I think that's the largest that I've seen and these old cemeteries but I'm about to grab the flashlight so we can we can read some of these before we start reading a feed we take a look at the old cast iron fence there's a section of it right there that actually belongs right there because there's the null is the old gate to go into it so I do wonder I do wonder if this wasn't a separate maybe even an earlier cemetery and it just happens to be beside the church graveyard so at the top of the stone says here lies buried William T Crawford we loved him for his heart and his generous nature we loved him for his great good for his great goodwill towards all for within his breast rested no malice but all our love all our tears all our efforts could not stay the hand of death for he was cut down in the springtime of life and at the early age of 32 he died 17th november 1850 that's definitely an older one throughout here I consider any graves at least in my area that are older than the Civil War era 1860s to be older graves because this area wasn't really populated until the 1830s [Applause] the subject of this epitaph misses man Arvid D Rutherford who was born December 25th 1823 died October 22nd 1845 aged 22 years a husband's fond affection has erected this stone to mark the last resting place of a devoted and lovely wife were I to attempt to praise words did I read that right we're I to attempt to praise words wood wood rail and the stranger would gaze in unbelief but her character demands and justice this one I can't read as the r-e oh and justice requires me to say she was amiable and affectional her love for her husband an infant son knew no limit in all the relations of life her conduct would bear this trick 'test the strictest [Music] okay the strictest scrutiny her sweetness of temper and lovely disposition could not stay the hand of death she was called from earth to heaven and this one has a maker where's mark at the bottom - you can kind of clean that off it's madam Madden ma dden and Adams from Columbus Georgia and of course today Columbus is right up that road up there maybe about five miles back then it would have been closer to 20 miles away because the city has grown out pretty far I wanted to see if there was a makers mark on that one but there's not these are some really really interesting epitaphs on these graves and really really personal so there's writing on this one it says beneath this tablet has been buried the body of pleasant H Crawford I'm gonna wipe it off a little bit just ripening into manhood every earthly pleasure was opening to his view every earthly pleasure was opening to his view [Applause] prospects of brightest order [Music] we're just Lee his movie 5:00 shadow it which I'm well there we go there we go let me let me start over on that I figured it out if my shadow it I can read it just ripening into manhood every earthly pleasure was opening to him to his view prosperity of brightest order were justly his but death regardless of the nearest human human ties has departed a widowed mother of her beloved child [Music] and called brothers and sisters to weep over the grave of a noble and generous relative he died on the 27th day of July 1841 Wow aged 20 years Wow that is that is definitely definitely a super super early grave here and so many of these people died young that's so incredible really now this stone which is the biggest of them all by the partner of his joy and sorrow and life this monument has been erected to the memory of looks like major Hardy Crawford he lived respected and died lamented by all who we knew that tree out of the way by all who knew him an honest kind human benevolent [Applause] can't make that one out he greatly added to the happiness of a large circle of friends and a devoted family departed this life June 10th 1839 aged 46 years 1839 that's definitely I think one of the earliest graves that I filmed out here was 1836 and so 1839 that's a definitely definitely an early grave all right this one says here lies our mother she was born on the 27th of May 1799 and died in Columbus Georgia on the 17th of March 1857 let me see if I can shadow it again of her virtues it is unnecessary to speak to her family they were known to to strangers it is a mother of no import a matter of no import and I can make out the very last word dear mother farewell may we meet in heaven look for a makers mark there's not one well these are incredible these are some of the earliest graves out here sorry I stumbled all over those epitaphs they were kind of hard to read maybe I should bring some chalk or something I think you guys always tell me that that probably would have really helped out here but uh this is really interesting and so as we look back at this cemetery over here I'm gonna go ahead and walk in that gate over there where you can see some older grades I just want to see the dates to see how close they are to these graves out here but as far as I can tell these are the oldest and I really don't believe that these graves are connected to this cemetery I just think the evidence kind of separates it although I could be wrong also if we step just here there's a there's a rather large indention right there that looks like it could be a grave I wanted to see if they were anymore but I don't see anything else that really jumps out at me [Applause] okay that's just a a big trash pile in the woods right there a bunch of tires and stuff I thought it might be another grave so look at this on the end of this fence here is a an official geocache let's take a look at it doesn't look like there's anything but black widows in there now so just to give you an idea of the stark contrast in dates this is from 1964 that's 179 and 77 right there alright so I'm walking over towards those older grades that are in this cemetery this 2014 in 2015 there so it seems like the the newer graves are actually closer to the older graves over there which is kind of why I'm thinking that that cemetery may not be connected to this one or may not have originally been that may have been just like a small family plot and then at a later date they started burying out here because of course we don't know what's in the green grass and there but it looks like just empty land and the older graves are within this wrought iron fence here and on the other side of it it's all Confederate grave over there I didn't see the date on it but of course we know that all of the graves we saw over there were pre Confederacy so this stone is pretty interesting because I would have thought it was older but it's 2013 you see this is 1899 this 1957 in 1969 and this is 1905 so still a big time difference from the graves over there in the woods alright guys I hope you enjoyed seeing this great old cemetery behind us today and it's just kind of hidden in the middle of this other well manicured Cemetery and I think that's pretty interesting actually I think this is a graveyard it's a church cemetery should be graveyard anyway hope you guys enjoyed seeing it and I'm really interested to see what kind of information can be found out about these graves over here to see if it's truly disconnected from the other cemetery which I believe it is because none of the dates add up and even the way the cemetery is laid out you've got these really old family here and then 2000's and graves that aren't even five years old right in front of it and even back over there the graves I didn't see any past the late 1880s which is still 40 years newer than these so I'm really fascinated to buy this I've run into this before finding a old graveyard or cemetery right next to a newer cemetery and they actually weren't connected they just kind of got put there by help happenstance of time maybe because there was a cemetery there already they decided to put another one there but I still think it's super interesting I hope you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to Like share and subscribe and I will see you on the next adventure [Applause] you you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 45,972
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Keywords: forgotten graves, graves, forgotten, the forgotten graves, forgotten cemetery, graves - forgotten, forgotten graves - brian jonestown massacre, brian jonestown massacre - forgotten graves, kranes - forgotten, krane graves forgotten, krane & graves - forgotten, forgotten krane, lost burials.forgotten graves, lost graves, krane & graves, old graves, abandoned graves, grave, graven, japanese grave, abandoned grave, old graves. old headstones
Id: dl-Ls6S2LRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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