Forgotten and Sad: The Old Church Cemetery | A Dirt Road Adventure

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[Music] everyone you're watching sidestep adventures and today this is going to kind of be a dirt road adventure but as you saw we did it we crossed the creek today so no more Jeep failures there since you last saw the Jeep I actually lifted it two inches and fixed some stuff that was going on in the front end that was why I was super careful when I was doing this last time but I also cheated and came down the other way so I didn't have to get up that hill but let's get to adventure we're gonna check out a pretty cool cemetery today that I saw last week and didn't get to check out all the way because my battery died but we're gonna check that out today and whatever else is down these old dirt roads so let's get started all right so this is the danger of leaning out of the window and shooting video when you're driving through mud like I'm doing right now you get mud all over your hands so it's range pretty much incessantly for the past a couple days here in Georgia and I was actually hoping it to be a little bit drier to explore some of these dirt roads today but oh that's alright the mud makes it plenty fun sure is some pretty landscape out here in Georgia and I wouldn't get to see a lot of it if I didn't have this Jeep because a lot of the roads I drive down or not suitable to the other passenger cars that I own so I thought I'd take just a minute out of this video before we reach our destination and tell you just a little bit about my Jeep and why I like this year model of Jeep so much so this is a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee it is 4-wheel Drive but it's the base model all-wheel drive Jeep Grand Cherokee so it doesn't have a real transfer case in it that allows you to have four-wheel low and all of that good stuff but that's ok it takes me where I need to go so actually just put a 2 inch lift on this Jeep and these wheels that are on it came off of a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon so they're just I like the design of the wheel and the tires that came with it are super beefy so they take me down these roads pretty well and it's trail rated not really I took that off of an Jeep in a junkyard and glued it onto this one but uh as to why I like this Jeep so much so this isn't the beefiest off-road vehicle I've ever owned if you watched earlier episodes of sidestep adventures you've seen my previous vehicle was a 1982 Jeep Wagoneer which was a solid front axle super tough for going off-road in or down really messed up county roads that aren't well maintained well the engine blew up in that Jeep and during that period of time I came across this Jeep which also had some problems but we fixed that up and I was absolutely sold in wanted this Jeep I had wanted one for a very long time but I'd never been able to afford to buy one but why is it that I wanted specifically this year model well the reason is back in 2005 and 2006 my uncle Walter used to work for a local TV station and he had one of these jeeps that was assigned to him as a news truck and on the weekends when it was kind of like a vehicle on the weekends he and I used to basically do sidestep adventures long before there was a sidestep adventures we would travel down dirt roads and go to small towns and explore stuff in a jeep like this and so it's largely sentimental why I wanted a jeep like this I really miss those days of exploring with him and so getting a jeep like we used to explore and it's super awesome and that's why I love this Jeep so much and it also takes me to really cool places and lets me film really cool stuff for you guys to see all right well let's get back in go down the road and check out some stuff alright guys so we've reached our destination today as you can see Billy and Cody over there they're looking at a cemetery and so what we're going to be looking at today but not this cemetery there's actually two cemeteries out here that aren't don't appear to be connected this is the Saint let me make sure I get the name right yes this is the st. Philip's eme Church the cemetery that we're going to take a look to at today does not belong to this church but I belong to the Marvin Methodist Church that used to be here and was relocated around the year 1900 so these graves over here belong to this church this eme church and as we walk back here we'll take a look at the old graves that used to belong to the Marvin Methodist Church now these graves that are back here seem to be largely forgotten I've already seen this place once and I started to do a video but I wasted all my battery on that a that Hill Climb video with the Jeep and my battery died before I was able to film it so as you can see right behind this church is a this little cemetery that again seems to be largely forgotten and we're gonna take a look at it so here's a toppled headstone we go ahead look at this one this come ye blessed at the top and there's this great inscription there of heaven's gates opening see who this is this is a JM Renfro born January 23rd 1848 died May 17 1916 says that trials ended thy rest is one here we have little Marvin son of JM and O's Ella Renfro aged six months and 15 days and over here is little Joseph M son of JM and O's Ella Renfro aged one month here's this one this is darling at the top and this is Georgia II wife of JM Renfro born September 5th 18-49 died January 4th 1887 as a wife devoted as a mother affectionate as an a friend ever kind and true and I just have to point out somebody mentioned this on another video that I did that this the winter Sun just beautifully is illuminating this grave right here here's another Renfro monument right here the headstone is obviously gone and I don't see it around here there's a foot stone it has initials on it so we'll look at that because it's a s SC R foot stone those are the initials again for whoever's buried there this is Pearlie daughter of JM & GE Renfro born January 3rd died March 4th 1874 I'm just kind of scanning the the trees here for any intentions or the graves that I've missed the old ones that belong to this cemetery seem to be all contained right here this is in memory of Robert s Barton born April 3rd 1855 died January 15th 1870 aged 14 years 9 months and 12 days there's Billy uncovering some over here you can see these two these are false crypts a lot of people ask me about these on videos the people are actually buried under the ground in most cases and this was a fault script it was placed on top of their burial these have both been pushed over let's see if we can make this one off this one just got cleaned off set the light there and use my hand and Elizabeth Ward born gonna do a little bit more wiping of course I'm using the Oh light today to illuminate these thanks again to Olight for supporting my channel she was born Elizabeth Ward was born July 10th 1821 and departed this life December was sa 26 1875 doesn't appear to be any further inscription so carefully we'll walk over here this is WD ward born May 13th 18 it looks like 16 18 16 died September 21st 1881 and again there's no further inscription isn't that in May that just stuck out to me the way Mays inscribed and this stone just really pretty alright so here's one that's fallen over um might see if we can't stand that one up these are generally heavier than they look see for a minute if whoa hopefully there's no snakes hiding under here all right so we got that off off the ground hopefully it'll settle in there stand there pretty well you see there's a I can already see another engraving heaven's gates opening right there let's that say at the top that's just more scrollwork it's w w broach born June 18th 1868 died October 6th 1895 his memory is blessed and on the bottom it says broach I wonder how long that's been face down like that there's a foot Stone says wjr I'm assuming it's for this headstone billy's cleaning off for us WJ brooch born May 20th 1839 died October 12th 1866 it used to have writing on the bottom here but as you can see the stone is just completely eroded away right here making it we can't read that that's a shame to see so we're not gonna even try that at the moment and the wjb I think I said WJ are so these are children right here there's one right there that's just bricks that have all been tossed around doesn't seem like they've got any names on them just a last name otally maybe that's not a last name maybe it is first names on there yeah only Epps EF an infant of J our bond so that's a for children's graves in a row right there again with this unmarked one being counted in that there's more children through here the infant of junior bond you know the moss on that one I think it says the same thing in front of jr. bond and that one that's a foot stone so the headstone should be over here somewhere but uh I don't immediately see it right there at Cody's feet there's a large field stone that could be marking a grade but I don't know says eller read free Danar I probably really messed that up last name woods born August 6th 1855 died September 26 1857 so lots and lots and lots of children here and as we just saw over there lots of children lost by the same family the bond family who's right here MF bond this interesting the it's got a birth date on it but a looks like a death date was never carved into the end of the grave here is jr. bond December 16th 1833 died May 8 1899 I wonder if M F bond was ever buried here or if they just never came back and inscribed a death date this foot stone we were looking at earlier looking for a headstone for it is actually Junior bonds foot stone that's Cody pointed out to me I'm so it belongs out when there's not a foot stone however 4mf bond so it's interesting I wonder if she ever actually got buried here or if this was bought in advance and that's why there was no death date carved in that's kind of interesting yep is a broken headstone and it's a me W is the foot stone so we'll see all right so this is a Martha II would all born December 8 1856 died September 13 1859 just a child so since this one is not standing up in the ground just go ahead and turn it over on its face and lay it back down here in line with that foot stone all right so we've got a few more to go before we get to the graves that are in the wrought iron fence over there these look like again more children over here that one the headstone is missing I don't see it poking out of the ground anywhere initials are MH on the foot stone this is Ola Maria Carter born August 1857 and died August 1866 he turned that light down just a little bit there we go here's a just a monument for a grave probably that one right there that's fallen I'm gonna take a look at this one this is mrs. mrs. Maddy Carter born August 18th 1836 died hmm 1866 but a have to peel that Moss off to be able to read that so here's this monument right here that uh let's see if we can't roll it over and find what's written on it unfortunately just blank I think we found I think we found the headstone right here let me turn the camera off and uncover that one a little bit all right so this is just a this is part of that the monuments toppled over there doesn't appear to be a name on it this is in the midst in the midst of life we are in death in the midst of life we are in death that's all that's on that one we'd be interested to know who's buried here no doesn't seem like that's gonna be possible from what we've got looking around to see if there's another stone over here you've got another one you can see that one used to go right there but has fallen out and I have to wonder how much of this is vandalism it looks like looks like there's quite a bit of and ilysm out here this one is broken you can see the break right there and I'm gonna go ahead and put it back up here just close to this and gently lay it down right there but there is no top so we don't know who that is the initials for this person were GC who's buried there with the broken headstone alright so the last graves we're gonna be able to look at here are these in this wrought iron fence which I'm gonna kind of step over here without impaling myself the light out leave the daddy-longlegs hanging out right there William D Hines born October 18th 1843 died August 14th 1862 aged 18 years 9 months and 26 days I wonder if that was a casualty of the war mrs. Gray's Ella K Hines born October 18th 1811 died March 12th 1866 aged 54 years four months and 24 days none knew her but to love her nun named her but to praise this is Dee DeWitt Hines born February 8 1850 died November 7th 1876 aged 26 years 8 months and 29 days all right last we have Thomas Jefferson Hines born May 12th 1814 died May 14th 1886 two days after his birthday his toils are past his work is done he felt the fight the victory won all right guys I hope you enjoyed seeing the cemetery with us today it's really cool place and this would be a really pretty Cemetery if if it wasn't in such disrepair so I hope you enjoyed seeing this today don't forget to Like share and subscribe and we will see you on the next adventure
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 59,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, church, old cemetery, old church, haunted cemetery, old, old saint paul's church and cemetery, abandoned cemetery, old bluff church cemetery at the edge of dark, coleman church cemetery, historic cemetery, creepy cemetery, church cemetary, pioneer cemetery, slave cemetery, the old cemetery, old ruined cemetery, hidden cemetery, cemetery gate, knock old cemetery, cemetery fence, cemetery video, halkyn old cemetery
Id: yCVtn9-MIEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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