An Old Ghost Town Cemetery? (Forgotten Cemetery Hidden Behind Newer Graves)

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hey everybody it's robert coming to you from sidestep adventures i got the other robert here with me and we are this is another thing that's kind of interesting that i found a lot is as you can see there's a relatively new cemetery right behind me new burial grounds but we're not here to take a look at those today we're actually here to take a look at a very old cemetery actually it's kind of a ghost town cemetery that's right over there we're about to take you to but it's pretty interesting how sometimes with a cemetery that's modern but has actually been built adjacent to a very very old cemetery so they're kind of hidden away and uh overgrown as it were and uh so we're about to take you in there right now so there was a city here an old town yeah there was before the railroad came yep so with the railroad do move everyone away from here well the town of cleola is what i have always heard about and it is back in the woods that way and where the railroad came through and it's kind of interesting to look at historic maps and see how much the town changed because there were different roads going through the town and then when they removed the railroad all those roads changed and the whole town changed but the town is actually still back there that dates to the railroad so this may predate the railroad town of cleola and it may have just moved over there or something like that i've actually got a history book um that's on this so if we ever come back here it's at home it's at home but i wasn't planning on coming here today so i think we need to come back to this one and uh we bring the history book and look at it no we wouldn't have to come back if you brought the book with you well that's true that's true but let's get in here and and start taking a look now robert since you were researching this place a little bit while we were driving up here you accept referring to milner's crossroads milner so there could be two two cemeteries here one could be the milner's family or milner's crossroad and then the other one could be the cleola cemetery and maybe the cleola cemetery is in a different place and this is the milner's crossroads which predated we'll look on the way out i see i know milner's crossroads and so that was a town or a place name here and the first name that i saw when we walked through here boy this is some there's some snake grass right here thankfully it's pretty cold here in georgia right now but uh the first name that i saw coming through here once we get through all the sticky briars is milner and uh look at the size of that stone that is a big one is that cast poured forward that's what that is what do you think i think it's rock i don't think it is just really carved stone i don't think it is i think they poured that i could be mistaken i could be mistaken it could be weather if there's anything on there yeah let's look and see oh yep look at it look at it unveiling itself i didn't bring my tools with me did i you did not see now that's the other reason we got to come back because you didn't bring your tools grandpa always said bring the tools with you when you go do a job hey we got to stop coming to these places that we weren't originally planning to do we just stopped riding down the road can you make that out robert jesse harrison milner born january 16 1855 died january 29 1929 died 13 days after his birthday robert i don't mean to immediately get off track but i'm just noticing how many other graves are in there lay out that way and look at the wall you can see the curb right there to this milner family plot it comes way over here look we're just fine oh wow yeah we're still telling what's up underneath here right here where my stick's at and when we come out this way look what i first thing i see right there yep the foot stone and look robert i don't mean to interrupt you but look at those over there you see the two mounds of pine straw over there i bet there's graves under that one i tell you what these blackberry vines sure are sure are getting a hold of me today this will stiff and i'll step over a footstool oh yeah right here there's fieldstone yep and look how thick this pine straw is on this this one right here i didn't bring my gloves or tools or nothing robert why are you so under-prepared because i thought we were going to get a steak sandwich right now that's what i thought we were going to get steak sandwich sounds good right here oh wow a stacked stone grave yep indeed smaller one though here's the only bee well that may be five six foot nope not that so look at put your stick right there robert is that just not okay that's just pine straw there right here is an indention that's what it is the indention yep you can see the pine straw mounded on there's got to be a stone somewhere right around here and then let's let's use your your walking stick there robert okay these are stacked stone as well look how much has grown over them i can't dig into them i don't want to just throw the stone but this is stacked stone yep that's a stack stone as well and that could be a headstone right there let me get over here that could be a headstone or something nope stackstone right there see it two of them prepare them one two and there is a either a field stone or a mark can you make it out from where you're at [Applause] field stone yep it's fieldstone but you know what caught my eye coming over here look at these two indentions yeah right there oh you've got more that fence is relatively relatively modern as always though i wonder what was what's outside of the fence if anything and this is right next to a church a modern modern day church so was there another church here one time that's a good question now the church that is there and currently has a cemetery cemeteries not associated with the cemetery they just happen to put their cemetery beside this cemetery so oh look at that one robert okay spanish-american war we have never seen a spanish american war group american war soldier's burial place wow this is interesting right here thomas a milner company b third u.s volunteer engineer spanish-american war and you can see the early federal headstone with the shield in it and oh it's a pea gravel sea gravel base i didn't bring a brush and i see no uh lettering or anything in here nope is the whole ground p gravel wait a minute brother yeah it's just a flap just a slab okay i don't see your writing yet like i said i didn't bring my tools with me we might cut we're coming back this one now right next door is mary elizabeth milner and she was buried here in 1953 mother look back here at this one lula m hardy born march 3rd 1885 and died may 9 1956 interesting i actually would have thought that stone would have been older look at the configuration of the cemetery how it's been not a it's not a uh square yeah i see that it's kind of cut into right there probably and this is this is making big assumptions right here oh wow go ahead with your something while i do this all right well my assumption says that uh maybe this cemetery was plotted out when the when the new church you know maybe they cut it out and fenced it then well i got another assumption my assumption is that it was plotted fenced out and plotted out when someone bought the land and you see a little sign right over there oh yeah the hunting club and timberland club or timber company bought the property fenced it off and only fenced off what they had to now here's roscoe roscoe quincy milner born june 26 1887 and died august 3rd 1954. now that's interesting robert because you know a lot of the graves that we see are not that old or not that new i should say that are covered over like this yeah so this is 54. so his family whatever relatives he has i guess are all gone or they've moved on that's why there's no no one coming around to care for his william miller now that's 1945 is 1926. dalton miller all right well i hope this is recording now i'm having some major technical difficulties with gopro it's gone uh what's wrong the other camera other well the other camera will remember we weren't prepared to come out here today you didn't bring the other camera i've got the other camera just the batteries dead in it bring a battery well no i actually i've got a battery i've got a battery for it but you know we drove the new truck up here today right and i've got that uh that hand grip on the bottom of the camera uses an allen wrench to unscrew it so i can actually change the battery i don't have the allen wrench i give up i may not be able to do it well hold on let me get in there no no no no i don't want you to strain yourself all right let's bring the saw back we'll just cut that up yeah see what's right here kicked something when i was walking over there and it looks like yeah so this is another milner two of them let me see if i can clean this one off all right i'm gonna look at this funeral home marker oh you do that will willie ruth brown 1893 to 1990 cox funeral home wow so how old is that how many years that's uh 30 years only 30 years willie ruth brown march 9 1893 june 4th 1990 so uh here's your here's your walking stick back 97 years old yeah yeah chester watch out chester this is chester chester milner june 18th 1889 to may 9th 1977. cox funeral here's some home right there behind me right there oh yeah irene goodwin milner august 28 1876 to april 5th 1947 we've got another one right here herschel h milner september 26 1875 to september 20th 1921 reynolds well gotta r right there sarah e reynolds december 23rd 18 oops i got mud on my hands 1868 to december 24th 1902 john c reynolds october 12 1862. robert come and look at this this is interesting right here so i'm assuming he's he's actually buried here but look how they left this blank right here see that smooth so this stone was put up probably when she died sarah reynolds died and he was put his name was on the stone as well but he hadn't died yet so they were supposed to come back and carve his death date in here but nobody ever did all right and here's her footstone sc r that's her footstone right there so i wonder if he's got a foot stone if they didn't come back and carve his day to death in here maybe no one purchased him a foot stone either or i wonder if it's possible he got buried somewhere else that's a possibility could've got married somewhere else and there's a couple of uh a couple of more facts right here rabbit oh yeah i saw him getting out of here let's just hope the big old joe no shoulders is hunting him ain't running about too cool for him can you make that out or do i need to try to make it out roxanna milner born in green county georgia 1834 died august 15 1869. and could that be no that's not another headstone that's just well it's a rock but it's almost like the type that we saw where someone had carved into it but there's nothing carved into it [Applause] so how many years of of neglect would you say this is it's hard to say you know we've been to places where we knew for a fact they cleaned it up and then 10 years later it was worse than this remember that yep can't remember the name of that cemetery is this one all pea gravel that's gravel yep that's gravel so they took pretty good care of this so which one is this let's take a look right here oh yeah an epitaph down there [Music] she was a tender mother she was a tender mother something right there and in her life the lord did serve mrs betty that betty mrs betty moon born 1849 died march 10 1907. and here's over here is jc moon born 1844 and died march 18 1896 when we were our pilgrims path have trod when we our pilgrim's prath have trod oh may we find him with our god look at this interesting stone here you think there's something missing yep there's a hole up there yeah on this one remember that one that we saw that actually did still have that those are so commonly gone sarah j milner let me borrow your flashlight robert [Applause] here i'll let you stand in the shade there wife of l.b milner born september 22nd 18 1826 died november 10th 1905. right here something written right there i don't know if you can make it out i'll make it out without the flashlight that we got out oh yeah our father of love of love thou art gone to thy rest forever to bask forever to bask in the joy of the blessed his toils are passed his work is done he fought the fight the victory one that's him right here this is him barry milner born in and let's hit that with the light born in jasper county georgia august 22 1820 died harris county georgia august 12 1894 blessed are the pure in heart for they for they shall see god he shall gather the lamb [Music] with his you can't read that and carry them in his bosom this side is blank we're stepping out of that family's plot into another family now right yeah ac jordan born april 23 1846 died june 7th 1920. may he let me borrow your life thank you sir may he find joy in the life everlasting elevated grip because it is elevated just a little bit yeah it is okay all right guys i hope you have enjoyed seeing this video today this cemetery very fascinating history here and always interesting to see an old cemetery out here where a new cemetery has been put right beside it and the old cemetery's just kind of forgotten over robert look over there right behind right behind those new graves there's one in the woods there and then look out here there's a bunch of fieldstone markers out here we gotta we gotta look at those too we're gonna get a steak sandwich right now i mean you can look at them well i'm gonna get a steak sandwich one of my keys i leave my keys in the truck i did you definitely want to do it all right guys i hope you enjoyed seeing this we will be back here because there's still more to uncover i think something that robert suggested right if this is the cemetery that i'm thinking about the old creola the old ghost town cemetery then that may be the milner family over there and then all of these residents out here which i see a lot of field stone markers and there's a road cut through almost looks like a road cut through here but i see a headstone in the middle of it and even more out there but we will be back here we're going to come out here and this gives us something else to give us a reason come back with the history book that's right i hope you've enjoyed don't forget to like share and subscribe and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 33,003
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Keywords: abandoned cemetery, cemetery, abandoned, haunted cemetery, abandoned places, abandoned cemetery house, abandoned cemetery philadelphia, abandoned cemetary, abandoned cemetery in wales, abandoned cemetery in the woods, exploring abandoned places, abandoned house, #abandoned cemetery, abandned cemetery, abandoned cementery, abandoned graveyard, slave cemetery, abandoned mausoleum, abandoned cemetery 5ngames, cemetery tour, abandoned cemetery explored
Id: eseZi5i3pPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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