A Forgotten Epidemic, A Forgotten People

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hey you're watching sidestep Adventures we're out here checking out another cemetery this one's got a few mass graves in it from people that were killed by an epidemic we're about to show it to you right now Oh styrofoam [Music] [Music] infant son George yeah no George George I'll duck ga you in golf [Music] little brother well miss charlie golf he was three now 1881 1894 13 yeah she's more out there yeah Wow look at this [Music] yeah well this is amazing wow this is interesting the way this one is something down in the middle yeah I'm somewhere oh I see there's two [Music] tell me about this cemetery it's just my understanding Woodland was not established there wasn't a woodland there was no train tracks down there and I don't know it's a outbreak but Saxby stores and you said the outbreak it was a mosquito Politis here's the headphone so Robert pedal yeah bed L no 1872 to 1911 [Music] oh sure enough no records I'm sure maybe an old family yeah but you know just a rock mm-hmm I wonder if there's some more yeah there's more out there you see it there's an indention and more stones scattered all the way out there Wow so we saw earlier what Holly was telling me is those long graves down there are mass graves where people were being killed by this disease so quickly that they just had to put it in the ground in basically mass graves like that I've got some more indentions in the ground right here their stones stay out there and up there a lot of graves out here or at least it used to be Priscilla Miller December 25th 1852 to December 17th 1913 the cedar trees yeah there's one growing right in the middle of that grave they just stepped in the grave - yeah yeah she gave me a cedar tree lesson earlier and says this is a different video I'll tell you it's because they are evergreens so they represent everlasting life there's more graves right out through there oh yeah armadillo may be another snake you can see those another fieldstone there's more probably a great those place is amazing yeah very sad yeah yeah mosley you said you got touched out here this is the mass grave ready pacify at once back over here this is really amazing right here such a tragic time in America [Music] yeah I'm more dependent yeah I wonder how they were buried since you know if they were just thrown in there and rocked up yeah and don't you know these rocks were heavy yeah ever they came from there's another one yeah it is it is so sad all these Forgotten people out here we have not many from the late 1800s just a handful because I didn't start keeping records until you know 1920s yeah but what I like to do this find an old name just find out how they died yeah you know who they were how they died where they live yeah and this is 1857 this what I was talking about earlier on the other at the other graveyard is how some of the older grades have the names on what we consider the back of the headstone which in justice Appleton justice Appleton justice he was born June 18th 1801 and died June 25th 1857 one hundred sixty one years ago yeah and he was this a 1857 a37 [Music] his children's graves here Lula it's like most of my video is we trying to make out the name Lula Porter this was born October 3rd 1873 died November 3rd 1876 here's Walton Porter was born September 6 1875 died September 11th 1876 and it's interesting the headstone footstone is right there with the indention for the grave is right here as you can see this with all of those here's one more McKenney porter was born October 3rd 1871 died looks like January 18th 1874 heaven deep hole right there this must have been hard for this family I guess all these children is the same family and died those two died within months of each other and that one in about two years it's hard to be a kid back then here's some more sunken in areas the graves are there and there yeah the size of these stones I think you're probably right that it was a wall because they're not you know the smaller stones likes on the graves and these are gonna venture into the further out in the cemetery there's a lot more rocks out here hard to say what this was whether these were graves or just natural rocks out here rocks piled up from a field that was plowed it's pretty interesting again I think I said this earlier but it's very sad all these forgotten people out here most probably killed by an epidemic [Music] [Music] yeah probably a lot more than then we can see because you've got you've got indentions the March stuff I've been up and down this highway I've never seen it [Music] thirty well you know I guess it depends on how desperate they were to get rid of the bodies that they stacked them or just through a you know alright I hope you've enjoyed seeing the cemetery there's really cool really beautiful place a lot of history here a lot of Forgotten people don't forget to Like share and subscribe and we'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 116,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, history, haunted cemetery, historical, cemetery (quotation subject), epidemic, historic, cemetary, old gray cemetery (cemetery), rose hill cemetery (cemetery), victorian cemetery, knoxville historic cemeteries, spirits in cemetery, old city cemetery, nunhead cemetery, ancient cemetery, evanston cemetery, scary cemetery, pine grove cemetery, ghost hunting at darby lee cemetery, very old cemetery, ghost hunting at abandoned cemetery
Id: yw84zpwNhEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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