Vandalized and Haunting | Civil War Plantation Cemetery

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[Music] everyone you're watching sidestep adventures it's Robert and today we're going on the on another adventure we're gonna check out a cemetery here and this one is not quite as far out in the middle of nowhere as the ones we usually go see this is actually on this hill up here which is known as binning hills housing area or torsional I think now it used to be known as Esquiline Hill and you can see on that sign right there's a squall line drive so up here on this hill where there's a lots of lots of houses and lots of people living here now way back before the Civil War this was a plantation and it was plantation by fellow owned by a fellow who was named Rafael Moses and now we're going to visit his cemetery today and his family cemetery the cemetery that's all that's left of Esquiline Hill as the plantation was known and check it out and it's a pretty cool place I've actually been here before I filmed it one other time but I wasn't happy with the video so we're gonna try to find it again and somebody get today and get a good video for you guys I think y'all will enjoy seeing it it seeing is that this was a slave plantation back then I often wonder where the slaves are buried worked on this plantation and if they did have a if they did have a burial area here and it may have been lost to time and development if that was the case because as we know from seeing other places that of the slave cemeteries were usually not marked very well like he can get a good idea of the hill going down that road gonna watch that car go down you can see what a high hill [Music] but I read an interesting quip about Rafael Moses I think that was his name will confirm that in the cemetery if you see that name you'll know that's that I was right with the name but he was he was a slave owner and he was one of the slave owners that believed that these slaves were grateful that they were being slaves they were grateful for being slaves and so he was quite shocked that when freedom came all but one or two of his former slaves left the plantation and I thought that was kind of interesting this is also a Jewish cemetery he was a prominent Jewish citizen of the early United States and he pioneered the commercial growing peaches and Georgia he was later a major in the Confederate States Army do long passes death he continued to go by that as major Rafael Moses Confederate States of America even after the war was ended like I said up until he died no no we're gonna try to get here and find the cemetery it's down a little dead-end Road so Ana this is probably right here so we'll see you back there [Music] alright guys so we're making our way back here to this cemetery which as you can see there's a there's houses right back there fish Cody and there's Walter back there but oh you can see behind them houses back there all through here and more on the other side of the cemetery so it's kind of an amazing piece of history hidden away in this neighborhood and the cemetery has been largely vandalized over the years so we'll see a lot of that and I believe I've read a lot of history on this place I tried to remember as much as I could which doesn't always work very well but up on the hill that's behind this cemetery I believe is where the plantation house actually used to stand of course there's nothing nothing left of that at all the only signs that there were ever that there was ever a plantation here is this cemetery there's another street up there and some more houses but I think this is a really fascinating place into such an early part of this area history and I don't know that I'd say it's largely been forgotten but it's not really well known yeah I guess the family remembers and there's like a new marker there and it looks like the growth this kept pretty clean but there's a lot of like so there's a lot of vandalism this happened out here as we can see right here this old monument but unless look at this real quick so this is listing I guess various different people in this family that's buried in different locations we'll start here this is sacred to the memory of David M Moses age 62 years no birth date our death date of that one got two children's graves right here little Aggie daughter oh let's get our little let's get our hand out and wipe that off says II W and II l mo ISE Moyes and there's D mm lot to scratches that stone as well here we have Alice place wife of Edward B levy born New Orleans Louisiana July 10th 1847 and died eskalene Hill Georgia July 5th 1885 even back then in 1885 this was not part of Columbus and it was still known as Esquiline Hill says devoted wife and mother gentle pure and true he giveth his beloved sleep over here we have William Aubrey son of Edward B and Alice place levy borne Waco Texas February 17th 1884 died Cincinnati Ohio March 21st 1906 aged 22 years that's a long way to come back home back in those days is we're a long way away from Ohio now here we've got actually some newer graves out here there's Gerald B Amon Tech for US Army World War two born August 18th to 1910 died October 3rd 1985 and here's Frances levy beloved wife of Gerald B Amon daughter of Arthur C and Margie Sisk levy she was born November 13th 1912 and died August 26 1990 here's Margie Sisk wife of Arthur Arthur C levy born June 14th 1884 died March 18th 1929 here death our beloved mother rests she lived for us and gave us her best there's Arthur crawl core levy born December 27th 1880 and died September 16th 1942 and so here's a stone that's really really worn me get a you get some light on it see if we can read anything I don't see a name up on the top so it could be on the backside he's using my phone for a light right now I left my my regular light in the car all right I'll get my light from the car and we might come back to that but uh-oh what Walter's got a light batteries no his doesn't have batteries so we've come back to that maybe with a flashlight and see if we can't read anything but it looks like just in this inscription right there I don't see any name up there this is little Charlie son of LM and AM Nunez died April 8 1862 aged 2 years all right little cut there and back with the flashlight the o light here too look at this one and so this is just an inscription on the back but you might actually be able to read now go to spell whose standeth I wipe it off wipe it off and start over wouldest thou who standeth on the brink of the of the what does that say can't quite read that right there it says soil spiritual soil on the brink of the spiritual soil it could be wrong do okay see that I'm not gonna be able to read that have escaped to God rather than lower these to be let faith call that mind and death God in faith God's delegation to see who will who will be served bind I probably messed that all up but uh this headstone here I'm sure the name is actually on the back of the stone I don't want to move it and roll it over to see because I don't to damage it any more than it already is but uh that's that's the case there I saw another one knowing right there or Wolters that um has some writing on the back so I'm sure that's the case there so we'll get on over here this is sacred to the memory of Elijah and Moses born Charleston South Carolina February 17th 1812 died June 4th 1892 a little way a little way to walk with you my own only a little way then one of us must weep and walk alone until God's Day a little way it is so sweet to live together that I know life would not have one withered rose to give if one of us should go and hear is sacred to the memory of Rafael J Moses Confederate States of America husband of Eliza M Moses born in Charleston South Carolina died in Brussels Belgium October 13 1893 what a way he went to come back here to Georgia and if these lips should ever learn to smile with your heart far from mine 12b for joy that in a little while they would be kissed by thine a little while and now the day dawns sweet on high midst calms of bliss safe in the sunlight of God's love we meet with the celestial kiss that's amazing those are some amazing inscriptions on those two stones this is sacred to the memory of Deborah Moses who died at st. Joseph's Florida 20th August 1848 aged 72 years here's one we're not gonna attempt to read today you can see it's fallen apparently at some time they try to fix it by putting this here but it's still fallen and broken these look like children's graves right here this is Edward II third son of you get down here should we read that Mon Monte 4a j and rose J Moses born February 24th 1873 died July 18th 1873 and Walter Jonas second son of Monty fior I am sure I'm mispronouncing that terribly and Rose Moses born March 23rd 1869 died August 2nd 1869 aged four months and ten days this is Mary Stanford second daughter of MJ and Rose J Moses born June 29th 1865 died January 21st 1866 aged six months and 23 days we've often talked about how hard it was to be a child back then and how hard it must have been for the parents to losing their children I think that my husband says at the top and this is Montefiore I'm just I feel so bad because I'm probably terribly mispronouncing that name let me know in the comments how you're supposed to say that J Moses surgeon Confederate States of America now the son of jacob jacob eller I probably Jacob I and Ryan I Moses born July 20th 1841 died April 11th 1878 and here's rose J Moses born November 8th 1841 died January 12 1817 so there's another one right here that I almost missed right beside Rose here kind of my pops see if there's anything on top it doesn't appear to be any marking on this grave unless that was a no wondered if that was another stone that should have been upright but it doesn't look like it we've seen this design of stone quite frequently look at that that's kind of pretty with the ivy growing up it so Rebecca Hannah Moses April 20th 1857 died August 15th 19 think I can make it out without disturbing that too much 1938 1938 right there this is lieutenant commander William Jacob Moses United States Navy Naval Academy class of 1902 flight class 44 son of jacob isaac and rebecca hannah moses Tennille Georgia August 25th 1881 Naval Air Station Pensacola Florida October 27th 1930 right me is one who loves his fellow men and over here is Anna green daughter of Isaac I and Mary Alice Moses wife of w of William Moultrie Moses born September 17th 1875 died May 1st 1914 and at the bottom it says William Moultrie son of William Moultrie and walk up and see what that says and Nina Nina s Moses born January 20th 1870 died September 26 1914 and death they were not divided and death they were not divided and so here's a military grave that's another newer one it's Edward Sebring Moses Georgia which was it C lieutenant commander US Navy World War one August 27th 1887 - October 6 1956 over here I wanted to point these out before I forget to come over here this is seems to be a row of infants our children's graves these are very these are not marked very well we'll look at him this is doc Casey died November 18th November 19th sorry 1916 and this one just says little Frank there's nothing on that one there's I don't think there's anything on this one unless it's on the other side and this looks like a flip foot stone or something that's broken there it just says uh RJM and GSM on it but uh this little plot over here is kind of interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] right so here's Hanna Maria wife of Isaac Moses and daughter of RJ Andy M Moses foreign March 24th 1840 and died July 3rd 1860 and this is kind of an interesting headstone what it kind of pulls it back a little bit it's got Hebrew back there on the stone and on the bottom it says our sister and I was actually riding on the back of the stone it says pure bright and amiable worshiping with a deep humility fervent can't read that and patriotic devotion at the altar of the God of Jacob thy people bless thy name as a mother and Israel and had more on the back that goes down that we can't read unfortunately and here's a child's grave right here that's pretty interesting to look at I'm glad that wasn't vandalized like the other monument was over the years that's pretty cool all right guys so we're about to leave the cemetery but I wanted to show you this there's a we're outside of the cemetery gate now and up this hill or if you were caught earlier I told you the plantation house used to be up there on that hill and there's a couple these look like they probably came from the cemetery maybe broken headstones and there's some bricks and stuff down here too that could have come from the cemetery but I almost wonder if it didn't come from up there where the home site was there's lots of Ivy and other home site plants up on that hill as well but I just kind of interesting to think how different this must have looked almost 200 years ago it's kind of incredible really and like I said earlier all that's left is that little cemetery back there I hope you guys enjoyed today's adventure I think this was just an absolutely incredible cemetery to see lots of fascinating tombstones with some interesting stuff written on them so don't forget to Like share and subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next adventure
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 262,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, abandoned, vandalized, abandoned house, abandoned cemetery, haunted cemetery, abandoned cemetery house, abandoned places, vandalism, cemetery vandalism, oakwood cemetery vandalized, maple hill cemetery (cemetery), traverse city cemetery vandalized, davis-bennet cemetery, vandalism at morristown cemetery, anclote cemetery, traverse city cemetery vandalized causing $60, haunted bass cemetery, haunted cemetary 'bass cemetary', eddie cemetery
Id: TM_bisO0ZUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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