Finding Moss Man | Old Cemetery Adventure

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everyone its Robert and you're watching sidestep adventures I'm out here with Walt and Cody and today we just came across the cemetery that actually while you've been to before so we're gonna have a look at it don't know much about it it was probably a church or something here I would imagine unless it's just a little family cemetery but I see different last names definitely the church was here on the other side oh really because there's a road that cuts through the woods like a hundred years old and just completely overgrown now yeah it goes as far as he I can see that well there's a house there which wasn't there last time we were here which was how long ago 25 years 20 years anyway as you can see we're out in the middle of the country here in Georgia and it's definitely is definitely growing up all around out here there's definitely people moving out to churches over here actually there was evidence here of one church and then across the way on that old road was completely overgrown on the embankment over there seems to me there was another church I have all this on the Kin tape was it uh was there just foundation or any building oh yeah it was no building definitely a foundation along foundation like over Church that's cool let's take a look at some of these graves over here it looks like someone's keeping this cemetery at least cut which is good love these old wrought iron fences there's no gate to access this one I'll step over some leaves off and says in memory of this is gonna be one of those times I can't read it looks like Arthur and then ICC it's unfortunate I can't read this this is uh I think that's Arthur I could be wrong about that then that looks like I'm gonna fail you guys on reading that one today but it's obviously a child's grave these are some civil war graves Confederate soldiers here this looks like this should be a gate right here so you can get inside but I don't see one yes so uh yes we're not gonna step over this one there's a little bit taller you have to really climb on it I can't read it from here let me step over somewhere see if there's a place where I can make it over this it's weird there wouldn't be a gate oh there's a gate there is a gate guys I didn't see it this is the Phillips here and it's definitely an old gate pull that out make sure we put that back where it was so this is Confederate grave First Lieutenant James T P H I ll Phillips James T Phillips Company K ninth Georgia militia Confederate States of America then over here we've got Rachel Calhoun wife of jast Phillips what was his first name James yeah James T Phillips March 29th 1828 to January 5th 1908 that's interesting is that a look like a Confederate tombstone see look at him in the same kind of tombstone but that was just a civilian headstone and then over here we've got a bunch of unmarked graves it looks like may have been that roadbed right there behind that new house that Walter was telling us about a minute ago all right this is pretty interesting double headstones here this is Ella Calhoun born August 18th 1860 died September 11th 1861 well so that was a child's grave both of these are children's graves here's a Hattie Calhoun born September 6 the 1866 died November 11th 1867 and foot stones for both of the burials who have often said it was hard to be a child back then children graves are very sad all right I'm gonna turn the camera off I crawl back over this [Music] it's a waltz filming over there where we're here in the larger part of the cemetery so I've got a row of children's graves right here we will take a look at this is John M son of RM and mhm Patterson September 23rd 18 oh wow this is very old grave 1841 to May 26th 1853 these are actually some of the oldest graves I found in a while this is Duncan Duncan see son of RM & MA Patterson May 2nd 1854 1854 October 4th 1855 and over here this one says infant daughter of Robert let me clear that off a little bit more robert m & m AR Margaret a Patterson so they lost three children it's always sad to see and here's Robert M Patterson Robert Mossman Patterson born in Jefferson County Georgia October 4th 1820 in Talbot County Georgia December 5th 1866 there's his grave right there it says our father and mother look at this big old grasshopper we've got Margaret a Patterson nay CE o ly u h o UN Calhoun different spelling maybe born near Wilmington North Carolina February 26 1823 died in Talbot County Georgia December 22nd 1905 it's over here we've got more Patterson's and a younger generation of Patterson so it's kind of interesting to see that the families kept a burying in this plot here it's an e/m Patterson born December 10th 1892 died March 26 1975 and John William born in 1896 died 1978 and Lena Hagerman born 1891 died 1964 there's another Robert Patterson that died in 1968 so these are mother and father Patterson and I wonder if they are they're probably the kids the the living children or the children that survived infant hood I should say of Margaret and Robert that's what I would imagine don't know that for sure as William Calvin September 10th 1862 to November 29th 1947 and over here is SSA Jenny Bassett September 29th 1865 to November 11th to 1942 down there it says mother so that was a William Calvin Patterson heard and got some more graves out here take a look at real quick here's Robert Ashley Randall infant may 16th to 1926 this is sacred to the memory of Sarah wife of Duncan Calhoun unfortunately I can't read the rest of that one I'm pretty sure that's a born in or maybe not I see May but I'm not gonna be able to make out the rest of that when I would guess to make probably 1800s from the shape of it and the wording is sacred to the memory of Duncan Calhoun born December 18th 1796 died November 17th 1851 aged 51 years three months it looks like then it's got some writing on the bottom that I'm not going to try to make out here's Archibald Calhoun senior departed this life September 15th 1839 wow these are some of the oldest graves that I've come across in a while out here usually the graves I come across her post Civil War is Richard Calhoun May 31st 1841 to June 29th 1862 there's another kind of interesting burial right here that we'll take a look up it's more and it's lastname more and both of these are newer burials and you can see the stone has been damaged there I wouldn't even try to fix that and probably just fall over but there's William larell more for in May 29th 1902 died April 13th 1971 and here's another Patterson his wife more than likely Julia Patterson born November 21st 1904 died January 24th 1984 I don't want to go too far out of the cemetery since there's a new house back there but I just wanted to kind of show you guys this looks like the old roadbed that Walter was telling us about a minute ago if I don't know if you'll be able to see it on camera but there's the edge right there an edge right there on the cemetery maybe you can see it a little bit better going up that way you can see both sides and then down in there you can kind of see the impression where they used to be a road all right so you were saying after we stopped filming a minute ago that you do think that yeah that's the road exactly that's the road deck is actually standing right here I can see it clear going right up through the woods there it dips down from this embankment though we're standing on the land here's a little higher and it dips right down and there's clearly the road bed and this is what we saw years ago when we were here the one thing I don't see anymore is the other side of the road and the embankment because it doesn't like maybe the land has been leveled since we were here and then grown up again because there was an embankment on that side a rise of the land and we saw evidence back then of what we believe was a church the church for this place one of the churches for this place that's cool where was the other one at I think that it was right here I mean the evidence of it is no longer clearly visible but when we were here before we could walk around here say oh yeah this is where the apparent Church had stood right obviously a cemetery with a church but I no longer see that clear evidence but again it's been more more than 20 years young it's amazing how much history can be lost you know from that long ago to now especially with new development like that house yeah was the cemetery in the kind of condition it is now back then like cleaned up old fencing around an old cemetery and this is how it was then that's cool yeah I saw that if you notice that the bottoms leaning in so maybe it was about the fall and someone stood it back down yeah that's what I thought because at first I thought it had been tampered with too I saw some bottles over here I wanted to look at they're probably just new beer bottles but thought we'd take a look at them just in case yeah that's that's all they are just old Schlitz models look at that rock laid up against the tree either the the tree grew up and pushed it up which I don't think that's the case I think someone laid that there long ago it's really interesting you can see that Road I don't know if we can see it on video but you can see it again right there and that's just so cool I love old roads and it just speaks to how a place has come and gone and changed throughout the years so I actually heard about this cemetery quite a bit growing up and Walt's gonna tell you a story that I heard quite a bit as a kid growing up out here but this is actually my first time out here I think it's pretty cool let me turn the camera over to Walt and let him tell the story well there's my uncle Ken who came from another planet apparently and we were out here and just traipsing around we came across the cemetery and Ken we were in Ken's truck or van depending on what he had that week and we're out here roaming around little George Brian and I and Denis my younger sister was here as well and we came across the obelisk tombstone over here this says somebody must Mossman I don't remember the full name I haven't read it today but can read it and all can read was Moss man the moss man is gonna give us and then for the rest of the afternoon there was the moss man roaming through the woods after everybody and so that was a that was a monster in Ken's mind as you as humor he didn't actually believe that he just he was just latched on to that name Mossman he was the moss man and that's so funny because growing up that's that's what I heard was this is the moss man cemetery you know not as someone's name that's where the moss man was right I hope you guys enjoyed seeing the cemetery with us today and hearing that story where you didn't go find somewhere else to explore but we will see you on the next adventure
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 96,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, old cemetery, adventure, haunted cemetery, abandoned cemetery, abandoned cemetary, adventures, old covington cemetery, old, cemetery statues, motorcycle adventures, cemetery video, graveyard, another random adventure, cemetery statue photos, lost cemetery, hillside cemetery, haunted cemetery in the woods, lost cemetery of infants, illinois adventure, cliff cemetery, most haunted cemetery in the us, abandoned cemetery house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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