All That Is Left (Forgotten Cemetery)

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nice very nice mm-hmm very cool everyone you're watching sidestep adventures it's Robert Bryan and Cody are over there coming up today we're gonna explore an old cemetery and it is amazing that behind me there used to be a plantation and now all of that history you've never know it was there so come with me and let's take a look at the last remnants of that place all right I got my rattlesnake ground poke and stick with me I probably need another one find a good entrance into these woods here I know very little about this place other than it used to be a plantation and now all that's left is this Cemetery not that long ago there was some work done out here as you can see there were some wooden crosses fit-up marking graves that are otherwise unmarked and some kind of survey was done you can see from the orange flags there and there I'm gonna set my snake stick down now that I'm in an area I can see we'll use it later this is the second time I've been to this Cemetery amazingly enough one time these woods had been clear-cut and I was able to see the foundation from the road now you could not see it from the road because it's very quickly grown back up and it would be completely forgotten and lost so I'm assuming that this is a grave right here maybe more than one it's really hard to tell it's just a pile of field stone it could also be a pile of stone that was cleared out from a field when the field was being plowed and piled up here for later use it's hard to say I wish I could find out more information about this place so far all the information I know is what I've told you that a plantation stood here and this was a family cemetery very few of these graves are actually properly marked there's one right there [Applause] and I wish I knew more this is a beautiful place forgotten about almost entirely it seems as slowly being reclaimed by Nature have a rock tune here you can see two graves here that have been again recently marked with white crosses you can also see the indention in the ground for that grave where it sank in quite a bit and another one here there's a headstone and I'm assuming a foot stone and another one the same there before we go into the rock wall area of this cemetery where the graves are actually marked we're gonna take a look at some of these unmarked graves and I wonder in a place like this an old family cemetery if there actually is any record left of who's buried here because it's just amazing I count 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 unmarked graves just in these woods 13 there's probably another one right there I wonder if this is just dirt that was taken out of a grave or if that's another grave there you have more over here see an indention and an indention from the size of these two graves it almost looks like children's graves really quickly we're gonna walk to the edge of the cemetery and look out on this land where there used to be a plantation and I just want you to think for a minute or imagine how this place must've looked I have no pictures I have no knowledge of how it looked so my imagination is the only thing I have as well but it's just amazing to think that 150 years ago there was life out here life that's completely gone and forgotten about and all that remains is this little cemetery slowly fading away with time I wish I'd known who had cleaned the cemetery up to know if they have any more knowledge than I do about this place there's another grave right there this is also very reminiscent of the Samantha Street slave cemetery not so much that but just the unmarked graves and it almost makes me wonder if the cemetery wasn't shared by slaves and plantation owners with the amount of graves out here and the difference between the graves over here and the unmarked graves I don't know if that's the case or not but just a guess you can see another very large indention right here I don't know how well you can see it on camera but that's a good foot drop right there for the grave a sink in more rocks over there yeah that is unusually deep yeah that's what I was just saying I wonder if they know who's buried here or if they just were surveying off the graves this can give you a sort of age of the cemetery and I think I just may have either stepped in a grave maybe that's a hole right there I don't see any bricks or rocks I should say marking it but uh there's an indention right there I just stepped in but you can kind of get an idea of the age of the grave right here when you look at this bricked in area a rock den area I should say and you see the trees that are now quite large growing up through it and I wonder if this was just one person's grave or if this was a tomb similar to the grave of Silas Rainey good question the cemetery yeah the cemetery is extremely fascinating to me I've been wanting to get back out here and film it for a while stuff like this kind of worries me when I see a cemetery that obviously is there's another Rock use as a headstone and another grave right here but when I see a cemetery that's in this state of being forgotten it often worries me that it'll be completely lost that someone will come in and accidentally bulldoze it over that's an interesting term right there just a small box outside of this area then we've got another this is very interesting to me cemetery how you've got that wall and then another wall right here and as Brian was saying earlier about how there's more than one unusually deep right here all right so now we're gonna enter into the area of marked graves this is who I definitely want to be cautious of snakes last time I was in a cemetery like this I came across a big old rattlesnake [Music] [Applause] all right it says sacred to the memory of and this is where it's gonna be hard for me to read and as usual I don't have my paper it looks like almost looks like dr. right there unfortunately I can't make this one out exactly McHenry the date born April 30th 17 1790 1799 died February 5th 18 that's either 38 or 58 it says who in life and beloved of all end in death has reaped getting eaten up by fire ants right now right there let me back up a little bit I can't read the rest up come back out through these cemeteries one day properly prepared and do new videos this is a wife so this was missus I can read it a little bit better now from higher up it's missus I can't read the rest this is wife of Brandon is the last name and of course the first name is destroyed there again leaning down into this and using my hands to between these graves off makes me a little nervous and snakes says in memory of Emily P daughter of Calvin Jay and Catherine Brennan born 1835 died February 3rd February yeah 3rd 1853 so one thing you'll notice as we look at these grapes there's a lot of them died around the same time this is Frances Brannon here I'm gonna use my foot to rake off some of this off the stone and I know I'm gonna get a bunch of people yelling at me about it on YouTube comments and telling me how disrespectful I'm being but I don't see y'all out here in the cemetery so there's nothing else on this grave alright so we're gonna look at this marker which is most interesting out here excuse me then we'll take a look at these other two graves here so this marker really fascinates me because it seems to be put up by one person in memory of all of these people that are around so this says in memory of our sisters Emily Brannon September 1st 1834 to February 3rd 1853 and then Frances Brannon June 16th 1841 August 27th 1864 we hope to meet again there's nothing on this side this is in memory of our grandfather and mother John Brennan January 3rd 1775 Wow - January 27th 1858 and Nancy Brannon November 7th 1786 - October 29th 1863 this is in memory of our father and mother Calvin Calvin J Brannon November 9 1804 to May 11th 1863 I'm a little bit more trouble making this one out so I see a KA Katie the mother Katie Brennan April 30th 1799 - February 5th 1858 so we have here as whoever put this marker up lost you have to think about the people that they lost in such a short amount of time they lost their sisters in 1853 1864 they lost their grandparents in 1858 and 1862 and they lost their mother and father 1863 and 1858 so it's it's really interesting and amazing to think about the pain that this person must have felt losing so many loved ones in such a short amount of time and that just that's really fascinating to me yeah this is Nancy Brannon here it's John Brannon here this one I can't Calvin this is Calvin Brannon here and as for the other graves they remain a mystery right now you know for when these graves were fresh for a while people probably brought out flowers came and visited the graves and probably pretty steadily for a while and then at some point the the flower started getting fewer and fewer and then one day there were no more flowers on the graves and from that point on it just fell into the back pages of history the fate of all cemeteries they served their purpose when they're filled up people visit them for a while and then people move on new generations come along and they grow over and are lost or forgotten all right so the beginning of the video I've may have said some information that wasn't entirely true but luckily my good friend Dan came to set the record straight my daddy's older brother Luis was married to Mary cook they both passed away now and Mary cooks great grandparents are buried here great and great-great grandparents and I learned a lot of the history from her she loved to talk family history and I love to listen and I was over a lot of what she had to say well John Brennan is the first Brennan that settled here and he and his son John Calvin Brannan both buried here now John Calvin Brennan he had a house full of children and among them was judge Cephas Brannan the first Brannan house was almost to the count tallit County line it's gonna be on the right-hand side of the road it's still standing that was the first house they built after they built a log cabin here because my understanding that the log cabin here after they moved and built a new house the log cabin here became a Methodist Church so this was the first location of Prospect Methodist Church and that's why there's so many graves in this surrounding area it's because these are of early other early settlers that lived here and they were all members of Prospect Methodist Church well the church was moved sometime in the late eighteen sixties early 1870s it was moved about a mile south where a prospect's cemetery is now they rebuilt the church there and then the tornado destroyed it of course it was rebuilt again and the church was torn down I think in the 1920s and the lumber was used to build a little house anyway this is where the church was just over this hill there's a branch - down at the foot of the hill there I don't know if I can find it now because it's been so long since I was back in there but there's a branch back there with the family used they dammed it up with rocks and they used it as a spring I mean you know to wash and bathe and so forth and then later I was told that it was used for church purposes baptized Methodists don't baptize now they did back then Hey the original John Brennan house after the family settled here into a log cabin he built the house that's still standing on the topic county line it was later owned by the I think some of the parks family some of the senior family I think live there after they built that house he well John Brennan live there his son John Calvin Brannan when he got grown built a big plantation house just across the highway here and it stood back off the road just a little ways there is a little hill there and when I was growing up there were fig trees on that hill and it was the fig trees were just out there amongst large trees and Julia Hollis an old lady in Waverly Hall an african-american lady told me that she was born in that house her grandmother rented it from the Brannon family and she was raised there and house she said later burned but she described it as a big two-story house and that way to access the upstairs you had to go through the hallway and out on the back porch and go upstairs to the second floor high school he said there were four big rooms downstairs and three big rooms upstairs that's it there it's sitting vacant now and that's judge Brennan that lived in the house this side of there these are ones buried down here in Prospect simcha this is his parents and grandparents buried on Wow you see this tells about this little cemetery here bearing Brandon Brandon's not far from the plantation house the burying ground of the Brandon's is not far from the plantation house Brandon graves are marked but there are seven built up rock tombs of pioneers with no markers some of the graves are marked only by rocket head and foot these are probably graves of early members of the Methodist community some slaves and their descendants are buried outside the walls this was a general custom for slave burials no lack of respect oh yeah sure I'll own the man so many pictures that he gave me a set of these bullets yeah and this is meals Brannon mr. Miss Marianne Bulls Brannon everybody I hope you enjoyed seeing this Cemetery I certainly did want to give it very big thank you to my friend Dan for coming out here and straightening us out on some history out here don't forget to Like share and subscribe and we'll see you on the next adventure someone asked me the other day in a comment about poison ivy and I believe that's what this is right here I've actually never been allergic to it hopefully I'm still not
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 79,546
Rating: 4.9639096 out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, forgotten, forgotten cemetery, haunted cemetery, abandoned cemetery, a forgotten cemetery, old cemetery, sweden's forgotten car cemetery, african american cemetery, ghost cemetery, forgotten history, lost cemetery, deserted cemetery, exploring cemetery, creepy cemetery, pet cemetery, forgotten graves, abandon cemetery, asmr cemetery, forgotten weapons, historic cemetery, scary cemetery, abandoned, forgotten places in florida
Id: 3f4RivnYGKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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