Shocking! Abandoned Cemetery in Middle of City!

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well in the little city and maybe just takes my beat you bad did you actually look for it I'm talking about all can't find any off for this uh abandoned cemetery we're about to go explore we're forgotten cemetery abandoned and forgotten so I'm about to show it to you right now and you can see that it's nothing but trees we've got a bushwhack through I didn't bring a machete either that's okay we're gonna fire Cody the official machete carrier and replace them before my next episode what you can read these so we are in the middle of the city today in fact we're right beside a pretty busy highway we're talking a little bit more about later but let's get to it oh and it's Robert I'm out here with Cody and Brian and you're watching sidestep adventures let's go explore this I gotta say this cemetery for being in town is more overgrown than some of the ones we've seen in the woods you know or in the country all right so see I guess we go this away remember to watch out for snakes also we've had a lot of rain here in Georgia this past weekend I didn't think I didn't think we were gonna be able to go out and do a video this weekend because it rained so much it went from a drought to flooding in a matter of a few hours here just rained and rained all day and it's supposed to keep raining so I see there's one headstone right over there and see it Brian over there look at that big indention in the ground right there that almost looks like a where a tree tree was a huge tree fell and left a hole where the roots were and we film some some abandoned or forgotten cemeteries before but this one's got to be definitely one of the most overgrown especially for in in town here yeah and being in the middle of being in the middle of the city it's always shocking to see stuff like this well we might have to come back out here and do look at that that's one right there I just felt the concrete under my boot see this is definitely one we might have to come back to another time a little bit more prepared with some stuff to find all of these it's a first one we've got here is Henry hunter Georgia sergeant US Army he falton are served in World War one and - he was born August 5th nineteen hundred and died July 16th 1964 all right let me try - there's another one there there's they're there they're there it's gonna take some time just locating all of these this is mrs. Henrietta Jones she was born December 24th 1888 and died November 31st 1927 it says at the bottom our mother there's another one right there I'm just moving kind of slow here trying to find a path through without walking on too many of these graves yep there's one there and one right there step over that one that's probably that's one right there so buddy of mine told me about this cemetery I had no idea it was in this kind of condition it's a worse than the the creepy and sad cemetery video I did last year a couple years ago here we have like first name favors Dawkins Georgia private first class 28th infantry World War 2 born June 13th 1915 died January looks like first 1950 on the bottom it has initials BSM yep you know walk over there I'm sure that's the one I just stepped on there it could be another one right here yeah that's another one right there see look at look at just how thick the dirt is on that try to get over here there's one right there you can see a little bit of the concrete and it's kind of sunk in this is Martha Billings she died pretty young she was born March 27th 1905 and died October 10th 1937 and so she originally had a different headstone that toppled I'm gonna look through to see if there's any more that way you see there's another business right over there and a two more on the other side of a cemeteries it's kind of unusual because it is slapped in the middle of a really busy part of town and I mentioned the highway earlier instead I was gonna touch base on that a little bit more I don't know if this is true or not but I did some research on this cemetery before I came out here and one of the things that I found someone said that this cemetery used to extend further across the highway over there and that when the highway came through they said they were gonna move the graves but never actually did and paved the highway over I don't know if that's true or not but uh it's kind of interesting because it definitely has happened probably sadly common yeah definitely definitely got to watch out for snakes too this is even though we're in the middle of town this prom snake territory here yeah it's like you've got you've got forgotten cemeteries and and then cemeteries with forgotten graves and then you've got just abandoned abandoned cemeteries you know yeah no one's been out here for a while both roads sighs I've been I've traveled these roads for literally decades never had a clue it shows you how long oh yeah same here I didn't know this was here until yep there's two there's two more we might be able to read this one this is Eddie Eddie Jones born February 3rd 1912 died June 20th 1973 which is uh not that long ago yeah for the condition of the cemetery there's this word that's like a flower vase yeah see if he can read that one yeah push over that tree March 17th 1913 and then Nancy f bori bori died 1992 wow that's really recent I've been through here for decades I've never known materials here yeah really yeah it is and for it to be in this condition and it's a lot like the the other one though the the creepy and sad cemetery he had a lot of recent graves in it and it was abandoned but it was forgotten it was overgrown I should say but nowhere near to State this cemetery is in yeah so they oh yeah well it definitely doesn't take a long time for stuff to overgrow in Georgia but this so this is probably you know 20 least 20 or 30 years of growth because the trees are relatively small and they're fast-growing pine trees of course you do have you've got a few big trees in here there's a cedar right there but a lot of these are just these quick growing pine trees and lots of vines this a couple others right here let's see if I can't get that out of the way this is another newer one this Marielle right rest in peace September 4th 1907 to February 28th 1989 yeah what is that that's just a flower vase there's a row of three more that's the first one we saw all the way the end of this this row of four there's one right here you will never know right there I just stepped on it see these people where do you see it okay yeah that's the one I read after I forgot my my location there's one right here there's one right there that's aw that's a super me see if I can get the garret off I'm doing that real gently by the way folks just trying to brush the leaves and loosen the dirt I'm not scratching up the headstone this is uh actually this is an old one older one 1937 he was born 1860 this is Randall Powell it's just a well preserved stone our beloved father could have been there's another one right there this is all poison ivy here so I guess it's time to test out that hole I've never been allergic to it thing that I always say I'll update you guys if I'm itching tonight there's John Frank Howard this is a military stone private first class US Army can't read what that's this don't want to stick my hands down there and get be a good snake bit see if I can get that off of this brave little bit it looks like world war two he was born 1910 died September 7th 1975 oh yeah sure enough more than poison ivy take such a risk with it it's another military grave whoa stick fell on my head the Richard Howard Georgia private first class US Army in Korea he was born April 10th 1934 died December 24th 1955 there's more more out that way curious to see how far it goes out that way to see if there's any see if it leads any credence to it having used to gone across the highway and some graves being destroyed look at this there's a quite large hole in the ground right there no that's not a sewer pipe that's just uh it's just an indention there's nothing in there maybe been where a tree fell or something something similar so these are always interesting to see these homemade tombstones which is surprisingly new again miss many be more born September 29th 1905 died July 24th 1982 beloved mother you can see that's handmade it's another one right there you see if I can step over this one hopefully not onto any snakes there's Horus more born November 17th 1925 died September 7th 1985 it says beloved brother did I hear you say Yellowjackets yeah and there's a toad right there I saw something moving he ran away he was camera shy let's see here it's another it's Ted more beloved brother born that is a September 30th 1935 died February 20th 1989 something interesting the handmade stones and the roll of them right here they also died all close together in the 80s and so we're getting near the fence where the highway is and this was rice curious to see if there were graves all the way up to the fence but I don't see any right on the fence Bank although it would be hard to see them if they're there and Brian saw another one over here yep sure enough as a she's just stoned right there you see it's covered up by a falling tree out can't make it up but it's not a headstone it's a square you know over the grave and he's got a fallen tree on there's a right of way marker right there and don't see any graves out here outside of the fence and the highway is a pretty pretty good distance away of course it's cut right there so the odds are that probably was not graves going all the way out there this looks like an old roadway right here probably predating the highway could be looks like the cemetery goes all the way back there I'm gonna mean jump the fence right here and walk down the fence a little ways don't feel any asphalt under there and this really just goes to show you you never know what's in the woods right off of right off of a highway you're driving down now you can see the road over there so it looks like this is just this is just woods I don't see any more graves out there I thought at first maybe this fence was just for behind this business but you can see there's this side and then another side of it right there so I guess this is all property of the cemetery as well I don't see any graves right off but as we both know that doesn't mean anything with the condition of this cemetery alright folks we're gonna call it quits at the cemetery today simply for the fact that we are way under prepared for exploring the cemetery and the condition that it's in think that the well right there so we can see if that's a well before we go no if it's a well what is it see very well or an old outhouse so something that I've learned since since doing sidestep adventures is that a lot of old cemeteries you should actually have wells and outhouses in them and let's fry an old outhouse me see the where's my light don't know if any of you could see anything down there but it looks like it's just a hole the hole is larger and wider than the than this concrete thing so it opens up down in there but it looks like it just is a big bowl down there it looks like it doesn't go anywhere it's cuz it's an outhouse I guarantee that's what it is because it the creepy and sad cemetery there was a very very similar hole in the ground and I didn't know what it was and a lot of people commented on it and said that's an old outhouse that a lot of cemeteries had out I didn't know that before so that's uh that's what that is I'm pretty sure cuz it's definitely not deep enough to have been a well so as I was saying we're gonna call it a day today the cemetery we were super under prepared for this one I really didn't know patter shape when I came out here so we're definitely going to come back we're gonna bring some tools and machete and maybe a rate to get down and see how many of these graves we can find and uncover but we're underprepared today so I hope you enjoyed seeing it make sure you check back with us we're gonna come back here don't know how soon but to be over the next couple of weeks don't forget to Like share and subscribe and we will see you on the next adventure
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 99,331
Rating: 4.9210191 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned cemetery, cemetery, abandoned places, abandoned cemetary, abandoned graveyard, haunted cemetery, abandoned house, abandoned cemeteries, abandoned cementery, abandon, abandoned cemetery house, abandoned church, abandoned in the woods, abandoned virginia, haunted, abandoned oriole cemetery and ghost town, abandoned & overgrown cemetery in the florida woods, creepy, cemetery abandoned graves, abandoned crypte, old cemetery
Id: WUYHYM5f2nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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