r/Niceguys VS r/Nicegirls "I've ONLY Killed 8 Women!"

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welcome to the r slash nice guys versus r slash nice girls showdown where we find out who is creepier and to kick things off let's start with r slash nice guys hi um hi who's this I got your number from a friend who you work with I hope that's okay that's a bit creepy I wanted to ask you on a date I have a boyfriend and we have a kid together sorry but no thank you just because you have a kid together doesn't mean we can't have a date no but the fact we're in a relationship does please let me take you on a date dude no fine then fu you don't even deserve to go on a date with me I'm so nice and your boyfriend's a douche I treat you better than he does doubt that but carry on you're a [ __ ] you have a kid and you're not even married if you dated me we'd get married and have as many kids as you once why aren't you answering me hello I'm sorry please let me take you on a date if I ever have a daughter when she turns like 10 or 11 I think I'm gonna sit her down and show her this sub listen sweetie pie these are the guys you have to watch out for these are the warning signs this next one is a quote from a serial killer Michael Bruce Ross he raped his victims including two fourteen-year-old girls then he smiled sheepishly before adding you know they call me a serial killer right well I've only killed eight women big deal there are a lot more guys you can meet and they've killed dozens more than me and in that context I'm a nice guy I'm such a nice guy really honest in their profile how many people have you killed well only eight people and just a couple of them were children no big deal I'm still a really nice guy so on this next a police officer used the cop database to find the Instagram account of a 20 year old woman nope why cuz I just figured out why I know you oh how well the last time we met I was in a police uniform it was some BS call at your dad's house I think it wasn't BS my dad got abused by his girlfriend and she broke into our house and the police officers claimed they couldn't do anything I remember the situation I just don't remember you specifically I'm sorry sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal I just remember your name because it was a unique spelling I think I was there for the first call not the one where she broke in is there a reason you followed me and messaged me officer nice guy liked your post officer nice guy liked your post officer nice guy liked your post and it goes on and on so just to give you an idea of how illegal and insane this is I went through the post to see if anyone in law enforcement chipped in foot in the crease says a friend of mine was a rookie and did the same thing except it was an address and phone number he was fired part of an internal affairs investigation because cops tracking people are monitored she got some sort of settlement and he says he was just trying to get her license plate to save in his contacts and then dongsu via says I had a supervisor at my old job tell me he looked up everyone at work on his friends database I told HR and they fired him Opie this sounds super illegal and at the very least Laura finally creepy please report this guy your effing gorgeous thank you no problem let me take you out one night I have a boyfriend I'm sorry I appreciate the offer though it wasn't an offer it was almost a demand not in a rude way but you really don't get a choice one date and I promise we'll have fun you won't even look back at your boyfriend that's DPS Frick and scummiest Frick please leave me alone you weren't thinking that when you gave me your insta though females really are wild I gave you my band's Instagram two years ago because you asked how to find out about future shows you never followed that account but you socked it to find my personal account and followed it we haven't spoken since please leave me alone you females are wild this is what I get for trying to be a good guy if you and your wimpy boyfriend probably no job wussy but with a little dick as you have no but I remember that so you really need to get off your high horse so a date where the girl doesn't have a choice to say no I think we have a word for that oh yeah kidnapping hey you good yeah sorry I don't have this number who is this blank I got your number off of blanks phone Oh her cousin yeah is she okay yeah she good I just wanted to ask you something you want to go for a drink sometime I see you like cocktails and I know a nice place thanks for the invite but I have a boyfriend I am surprised blank gave you my number she knows this ah it ain't her fault I got it from her contacts on her laptop I saw you at the party last week and just thought you looked fine so man's got a try you know okay that's kind of weird I'm gonna tell blank you were through her private information please delete my number ah Nana baby give me a chance I ain't weird I'm a good guy and I'll treat you right your man's got nothing on me I promise please don't call me baby I don't know you I'm not gonna leave my boyfriend of six years for a person who has basically stolen my number from a friend of mine a few you dumb jerk you literally don't know what you're missing stuck with your white boyfriend I don't know how he's put up with your tongue down tone cuz you think you're so effing smart and better than everyone else go F yourself you ugly ho the word you're looking for is condescending as in I don't know how he's put up with your condescending tone I sent a screenshot of this to blank and I'm going to block you now and go for a drink with my boyfriend's you do that you effing ugly skits I swear I only message you to be nice cuz I felt bad no other man was talking to you at the bar T but see where that gets the good guys like me you women are all the same take your mammal size self and your bougie attitude away from me what does mammal size self mean all humans are mammals sint Monday 1:35 p.m. hey can we be friends cent Monday 5:33 p.m. nevermind island friends you by shaking my effing head Oh took him three hours and 58 minutes couldn't even last 4 hours before going full in cell so all of that has been quite traumatic holy cow bless you that's awful can I help I'm thinking beer and passionate hugging huh huh I'm thinking not a chance I'm with blank and incredibly happy okay well a touch aggressive I think to simply tell me you're happy yeah I definitely should have been less aggressive when receiving unwanted propositions the only way the jumping into bed with this guy is gonna make her life better as if the passionate hugging is so bad that it makes her forget her real problems that was our slash nice guys now on to our slash nice girls so on this next post the girl dumped the guy and then she messaged him a few days later okay but you're also psychotic can you please just lose my contact oh my god no why can't you just listen I am so nice to you all the time I do absolutely everything for you I'm nice I don't get it I'm like the perfect girl so why do you act like this absolutely everything so what is cheating on me with other dudes everything I don't care what you say I'm sick and tired of listening to your BS I can't take it anymore I am always there for you and I never hurt you but you keep doing this alrights have fun in life okay bye waving goodbye emoji okay look I'm sorry I don't want this to end you means so much to me so just let's put it aside okay what do you not understand about no I just don't get why you I just don't get why you've been acting like this lately it's not like I did anything I'm nice understanding compassionate but you still go for the other girls because we have already broken up you're the one who cheated and broke it off for F sake I don't care to talk to you anymore we're done here I only cheated because you were talking to other girls I figured you don't even like me anymore right yeah I was to my coworker about her taking over my shift because I was trying to spend time with you but we're done I've said this already you're just full of excuses whatever okay whatever you don't know how could you have it have fun with your jerks I'm actually single right now and quite happy about it you're just like the other guys you don't know how could you have it until it's gone hope you learned your lesson nowadays a girl gets more attention showing off her body and being a [ __ ] than actually being a decent human being if that's what you like to think for the last time goodbye you hate me don't you what kind of act of logic is this it's not like did anything wrong I only cheated on you cuz you were trying to spend more time with me you need to burn your phone and move out of state this lady is nuts and on this next post it's gonna seem like I'm trying to fat shame this woman and - trust me I'm not the funny thing about this pose isn't that this woman is overweight it's the last line buckle up because urine for twist ending if I had to summarize myself in one word I think it would have to be selfless because that's exactly how I've been for as long as I can remember I never put myself before others and it's not because I don't think I'm important or something I'm just a very giving and loyal person and it shows in my relationships the thing is most of the guys I'm attracted to don't ever give me a chance to show them what an awesome girl I am because of my weight straight woman single 5/9 full-figured PS I do realize that it's going to take a very special and incredible man to love me and I'm okay with that I know that the items with the most buyers usually had the cheap prices so it's all good I spend a lot of time thinking about what makes some guys so shallow and heartless did their mother not hug them when they were little you should message me if you're okay with joining me on this journey of learning how to love myself and embracing my beauty haha and then would you date someone who is obese No do superficial people who place a high emphasis on physical appearance annoy you yes if one of your potential matches were overweight would that be a deal breaker yes lady has it occurred to you that maybe it's not your weight that's turning away guys but you're disgusting hypocrisy hey who are you I wouldn't be friends with you can we make that happen like not in a weird way just as a friendship why do you want to be friends with me because I'm a napping lonely go whoo effing need you you piece of garbage what's the F I was just asking don't need to go all our slash nice girls on me this lady went from zero to a hundred percent psycho real fast okay I'm sorry then I would be happy to go out with you most guys don't necessarily mean a date they mean Netflix and chill or maybe a cup of coffee I mean a cup of coffee can be a date first dates are just getting to know each other right doesn't have to be over the top or anything well a cup of coffee just doesn't make it seem like you care much about making a first impression in my opinion I mean I like to judge people based on how they act as opposed to where they take me what qualifies as caring to you hello okay if you're gonna play that and can't even go bowling or go to dinner and you're going to make me feel materialistic and guilty about it I guess I'm not interested that's fine dating to me is not about impressing you it's about getting to know you I hope you find what you're looking for yeah but if you value the person you're going out with maybe you'd want to try and make a decent impression or do something they want to do but clearly you're either broke or just cheap and want to make me feel guilty about it your responses here have shown me exactly how much I should value you because you clearly only value me for money that's not true again thanks for trying to make me feel bad because you can't afford a normal date I guess you think dinner or bowling is too far out of budget I'd hardly think a dinner at Longhorn or a night at a bowling alley is just wanting you for money sorry I'm not pretty enough or worth a regular date honestly you actually are really pretty I just am not comfortable locking myself in to two plus hours with someone I've never met guess you looked at me and thought well I'll meet her but nothing that'll cost me more than five dollars she's not skinny enough for that oh so you just don't want to spend I'm with me I'm not worth the time Wow okay the head hurts even worse Thanks it had literally nothing to do with their looks coffee or drinks at a bar are my go-to first dates because either person can leave anytime they're ready haha Wow so you were just gonna dip in and dip out sounds like I'm really valuable like okay she's ugly so I don't want to be seen with her for too long 15 minutes and I'm out you really know how to hurt a girl's feelings just like your brother you might have better luck with women if you try to show them that there's some kind of importance or worth an hour of your time but unfortunately you have decided I'm too fat slash ugly and completely worthless luckily I'm also suicidal so it all works out make things much better by honestly I totally get why blink dipped out now so this lady talks about how important a first impression is and then spins her entire first conversation with this guy fighting with them and on this next pose I usually don't read the timestamps but I feel like the time is critical to understand the progression of crazy 11:40 p.m. think about me naked on your bed 11:41 touching myself 11:42 why don't you answer me 11:44 I guess you won't answer goodnight 11:48 I guess you don't respond because I don't send you the pictures but it's cool 11:54 you don't answer me 11:57 oh so it's like that 11:58 don't text me no more delete my pictures you could call this how to get dumped in 18 minutes by our / nice girls that was our / nice guys vs. our / nice girls let me know down in the comments who you think is creepier and I realized I have a quote from an actual serial killer in here but try not to judge the entire video just from that one nutjob
Channel: rSlash
Views: 868,839
Rating: 4.9436464 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, nicegirls, niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/niceguys, niceguys vs nicegirls, versus, vs
Id: QqBAfU1naxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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