You Had One Job

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hello friends it's me i don't know if you notice anything different today anything today we're gonna be checking out some questionable content ordered a cheeseburger no pickle add mac sauce cheeseburger right uh at least there's no pickles in it they said cheeseburger there is no burger there is only cheese you all forgot the burger y'all ever pulled on this before because right now i'm so tempted like i just wanna yank them out [Music] girl you are in a hospital you can't just be yanking random wires out the walls that could be somebody's life support she activated the code blue and she worked there too do they really gotta start writing on the job description like don't pull out anybody's life support i don't care how low your battery percentage is please don't so i found a lid in my actual crunchwrap oh my god and i you can see my teeth marks like i wish i was lying i really wish i was lying okay thank you that's okay taco bell i have some questions i want to know how a whole entire lid went into the crunchwrap and the person continues to cook it i don't think she gonna notice they do call it a crunchwrap for a reason everyone knows plastic the ultimate crunch i'm glad they weren't karen's about it this could have been like a lawsuit but they they were just like bro i just wanted the crunchwrap someone get it fired at this location today y'all have one job play the national anthem open up safe no no no that's not our national anthem yeah that's the one hold on let me switch it from my spotify real quick here we have a news headline president's spokesman says he can't speak for the president so what was your job title again say it again slowly president spokesman you know you have literally one job but you can't speak for the president guys i think you'd rather be like flipping burgers out of red robins or something do a job you actually want to do what's better than one straw in your capri sun 25 wait wait wait if this one has that many straws that means there are 24 other pouches of capri sun that are strawless spawned without a straw this will harden all of them it's supposed to be one straw per pouch that pouch is going to die of stab wounds on the news we got a dentist assault suspect we got a picture first name last name that's a funny name he's still out there somewhere also what y'all mean dentist assault ayo can opener what happened what went wrong can opener versus the can the can opener should always win but somehow failed deconstructed itself in shame that it cannot open a mere can of pumpkin absolutely useless these dudes are out of game how the posters that say don't show us on camera our wives think we are at work didn't they just say don't show me on camera cameraman like oh this is the good stuff guess whose wives found out yeah i got you i got you on camera you want candy camera now if you are in a wheelchair this is the area of refuge i wait a minute no no if by refuge you mean stairs where you can roll to your death i guess that might be correct you know what costco we're selling xbox cards and playstation cards but you know we're going to do the little switcharoonie make it real aesthetic what was the reason to trick middle-aged mothers should go see the xbox sign grab the playstation card little billy gonna be like we don't even have a playstation bro you get a fortune cookie but the fortune is on the outside the job is well done this is the funny fortune cookie it even did a smiley face like everybody thought it did something like it did a good job and the fortune is supposed to be inside so no the job is not well done the job is actually very badly done all right i'll take this and then can i get a uh can i get a backward as well perfect all right taco bell card yeah it's not even going through the hole it ain't even got to change just remove it stop it taco bell you're serious you can't use it oh one card card try this one try this one yeah okay are you taking out another card no you put it the wrong way this one's kind of neat for everyone like like that no no sorry it doesn't even have a chip how is it flip it like that oh no kid wipe it like this oh oh my bad like this like this you have issues right it's not working oh you know that button under the counter that calls the cops it's been pressed how many ways can you incorrectly swipe a card this dude did them all in this parking garage there was a sign that says please pay your parking fee before existing did i read that right before existing so like we talked about when i'm still in the womb or before that when i was a clump of molecules are we talking about way back like before i was even conceived because technically that's before i existed i'm trying to figure out how you want me to pay for this parking like i'm pretty sure that would have been my parents responsibility y'all see the difference a spelling error can make they meant before exiting but i don't think i can pay you before existing sorry guess i'm going to jail something is wrong here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait something right who is that is that gary like without a shell oh that's that's not right that's not the right shape that's patrick's head gary gary's in squidward's head and then they got all of them wrong then another squidward why so many squid words so i don't like this at all me when i go to target do not enter enter only which will it be y'all can't be playing mind games with me like this we going to walmart oh they got a siamese mask connected at birth okay guess we're wearing it like this yeah we're tying the little mask ropes a little too fast did a little oopsie so in the school library we have this little poster it says mistakes are proof you are huh no no there's a rainbow it has to be happy stakes are proof you are mistakes are proof you are trash no matter how i read it it's hurting my self-esteem why are we still here just to suffer you know those juice cartons where you just like lift it and then wait wait it doesn't have the little foil where you like stab what do you do now what was the point of even attaching a drink hole but there's no hole this is what knives are for this is what you call michael myers you know we have to put up this new ad you know this piece goes first and then this piece and then we let go and then it rolls down y'all didn't take one look at this and was like wait wait wait no no it's supposed to be flipped her thigh doesn't connect to her elbow no there's a problem so he opened up a bag of takis season tacky stuff and this is what i get on my bag what what is this a whole thing of tacky seasoning i don't know what you're complaining about crush it up put it in like a salt and pepper shaker they gave you a chunk of free seasoning i don't know what you're complaining about y'all took out a couple of my chips for this super rare tacky seasoning not sold in stores i don't know about you guys but do you feel your food before you buy it this popsicle is empty how does a popsicle factory forget to put the popsicle in the wrapper for the price of a popsicle they saw an air in a bag but was the air fruity though this guy decided to surprise his girlfriend with some posters asking to marry him and his two friends decided to pull the switcheroo so when she walked out she saw you will marry me he didn't pop a question not will you marry me you will marry me plot twist the wrong person walks out like me all right i guess i got one of those fancy recycling trash cans it makes you feel good putting it in the right hole plastic metal and paper holes wait plastic paper metal metal and paper plastic which one is it which label is correct who's throwing away metal they assembled the chairs in this gym why are these chairs looking funny they put every single chair upside down the butt go where the back is then the back go where the butt is that ain't right first day on the job as a janitor can you put soap in the soap dispensers i got you easy take a whole entire bar soap in the soap dispenser i did exactly what you wanted someone actually did this someone actually put a bar soap like the solid was gonna break off and dispense who's on a motorcycle wearing a shirt that says where helmet helmet saves life uh hold on i have failed to see the existence of a helmet on this guy's head but you literally said no no my shirt said i however have different feelings i'm so confused you know when you pull up to the stop sign you got a stephio stephio you calling me stupido we gonna fight you know we took all this time and budget to build a wheelchair ramp but but but you have to be able to go up two stairs and wheel yourself a pill what was the reason are handicapped people a joke to you because this bridge sure is uh can i get a taco with the lettuce and the cheese on the side okay first of all why not taco so skinny i'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings but technically that is on the side it is on the side of the taco they weren't wrong there's a proof the customer ain't always right if you park here illegally parked cars will be fine even though it's private parking oh so it's okay to park here illegally you're saying my car will be fine not fined with a d i don't have to pay anything no it's literally fine all right i guess i will be parking in this private parking but i'll give you the d later you filling out an online survey first name alan acceptable name no must be a number um excuse me what who got a number in their name plot twist only elon musk's son can fill this out for only 90 cents you can get yourself a coochie a one now a chocolate chip coochie nah it's a k it's a k not a c but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,240,313
Rating: 4.9560676 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, you had one job, you had one job and failed
Id: zPfvActHhTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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