r/Murderedbywords "You Look Like A ******"

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welcome to our slash murdered by words which looks a lot like my comment section whenever I mispronounce a word on one of my wittiest I've never been more proud of my country teen Olympian overslept lost code said eff it on TV and won us his first gold of 2018 overslept that sums up the work ethic of that generation how many gold medals do you and your cat have go knit some cat mittens Deborah yeah nothing says lazy underachiever like being the single best person on planet earth at a sport we need a wall because our border agents say we need a wall enough said climatologists say we need to do something about climate change doctors say we need gun control and I say you and your followers need an education yeah we should always listen to experts unless they're experts on something I disagree with leviticus 20:13 states if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman they shall surely put him to death I brought the first stone mr. Webb in case your Bible talk isn't just a smokescreen for personal prejudices transwoman dares bible-quoting councilman to stone her to death that's effing hardcore yeah no kidding this is clearly the face of a guy who's thinking lady you just asked your enemy to stone you to death yeah you're a little bit too hardcore for me please I don't want to fight you you scared the bejesus out of me Juarez Mexico had 770 three murders in 2017 directly across the border El Paso Texas had 19 the only thing separating them is a wall because walls work Detroit had 267 murders in 2017 directly across the border Windsor Canada had three the only thing separating them as a river and gun control and a properly funded school system universal health care 12 months of paid parental leave etc because those things work high Facebook mommy said if I get 1 million like she will take me to Disney World in spring so hurry and like how about you stop being a jerk and take the kid because you love him and stop whoring him out for likes at the end of the day nobody gives a damn he is your kid not ours this stuff is getting old real quick PS go after yourself I know this mother is absolutely disgusting what type of person uses emotionally manipulative tactics to get likes that's just that's repulsive and if you haven't already be sure to smash that like button let's see if we can get this video to 10,000 likes just think how excited how awesome you will feel when you see that number get over 10,000 and you'll know that you were a part of it Muller is a crooked treasonous sob he's the worst of the worst why would anyone believe anything he says I can't comprehend it you mean the Purple Heart vet who went back to rescue his fallen comrades and took a bullet for his country and then went into 30 years of dedicated service to his country through legal work where he helped take down mobsters in Enron the man who held the FBI together after the devastating attacks on 9/11 and was reconfirmed unanimously by Congress yeah I can't imagine why anyone believes him over a talking orange [ __ ] all right now I have to ask who else here is actually imagining a talking orange [ __ ] you know sort of like Annoying Orange except instead of eyes in the mouth it's just an orange [ __ ] that talks oh my god I can't get this image out of my head I sent my twelve-year-old son to school and a dress to combat gender stereotypes and now he doesn't want to go to school anymore what should I do what should you do what should you do what you should do is get some help and I mean serious help your son is 12 and you forced this young boy to go to school during some of the most difficult years of his life as he combats bullies and creates a reputation for himself while wearing a dress a dress the sad thing is that there's exactly zero percent chance of Opie walking away from this post thinking wait am I the one who's wrong here I have no problem with wage increases but I don't really believe you should be able to make house payments flipping burgers and bagging groceries those jobs are meant to be teens first jobs to make some money and learn responsibilities not create careers I am also curious that a minimum-wage date get increased at $10 to $15 what would happen to those of us that are in position get paid $15 an hour would we see an equal raise doubt it this is what bothers me ahem five years before signing into law the first minimum wage in a 1933 statement regarding the National Industrial Recovery Act Franklin Delano Roosevelt said no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level I mean the wages of a decent living in a fireside chat before signing the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act Roosevelt said do not let any calamity howling executive with an income of 1,000 a day who has been turning his employees over to the government relief roles in order to preserve his company's undistributed reserves tell you using his stockholders money to pay the postage for his personal opinions tell you that a wage of $11 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry you're just wrong just flat-out 100 percent wrong and your view is completely a historical it was intended that someone flipping burgers and bagging groceries should be able to afford a home these jobs were never intended to be for teens also if teens are doing real work they deserve real wages Jib any idea how common burns are in the fast food industry how many back injuries there are from unloading trucks and stocking shelves at a grocery store how about the sheer unbridled psychological abuse heaped on retail workers by shitty customers why is someone risking third degree burns for a paycheck often to help their family because their parents aren't earning enough not deserving of an honest day's wage your view is shitty and it's factually just plain wrong you should feel bad for putting forth the effort to actually type out this self-centered nonsense what does he mean the sheer unbridled psychological abuse heaped on retail workers by shitty customers that can't be the case if there were there would certainly be a reddit all about it [Music] Oh autistic people how do you feel about those anti-vaxxers using your illness genetic disorder to promote their agenda I don't mind it being autistic isn't all that bad compared to being an idiot person with Asperger's here there are a few things that anti-vaxxers don't realize one people with autism aren't stupid we may be a little different see the world differently but we aren't stupid two vaccines don't cause autism three your child isn't an idiot because vaccines gave him autism your kid is a stupid little brat because he shares DNA with you Karen parents who vaccinate their children without their consent are terrible parents no exceptions parents who let their children die of completely preventable diseases because they think eight-year-olds are capable of making their own medical decisions are terrible parents no exceptions wait anti-vaxxers are doing that just because they want their kids to get their way does that mean anti-vaxxers are also entitled parents hey if we keep letting entitled parents let their kids not vacci and then maybe the entire parents problem will just solve itself receive ports of a number of transphobic comments being posted on social media we take all reports of hate related incidents seriously we will always investigate to determine if a hate crime or incident has been committed and will take proportionate action you didn't investigate my brother's flat in Hull when I told you I had concerns about his well-being you told me he didn't have the resources two days later a neighbor found his body I wish I told you he'd liked a limerick on Facebook now you useless bastards as funny as this murdered by words post is the main thing I want you to take away from it is that the police will actively investigate internet hate that means I will absolutely call the FBI on each and every one of you who downvotes my videos don't think I won't this lawmaker compares the LGBTQ community to the Ku Klux Klan and implied he'd drown his own children if they were gay warning distressing themes warning horrifying picture oh yeah this dude's family tree is probably a wreath there's so much to be said about this photo I feel like this guy hasn't true been murdered enough please if you have a better burn put it down in the comments I would love to read it I have to laugh your focus is on your looks and how trashy you can portray yourself wait till you hit 45 your waist will thicken and those ridiculous heels will be killing your feet your looks will fade and all you'll have left is your personality and your heart if you have either go on and enjoy why you can the time bandit always gets his dues we don't age in dog years I'm 44 right now I'll be 45 November 17th so come again Becky Millennials want jobs in education not marriage and kids alternate headline you all [ __ ] up the economy so badly that we can't focus on marriage and kids because we're struggling to afford to live I don't know why so many people are complaining about the economy I've read all those choosing beggar posts and I have so much exposure with how big my channel has gotten I am filthy rich I can't wait to go on a shopping spree and convert all these likes into dollars how much cool stuff do you guys think I can buy with a hundred thousand likes friendly reminder that you don't get to celebrate Lunar New Year unless you're literally from a country that does or if you are invited by someone who is from a country that does can you explain why you celebrate Halloween saw one at Celtic Festival and you even have the gall to write several articles about how Taiwan does it the best unless you're from a Celtic nation or a Celt invites you you don't get to celebrate it Taiwan does Halloween the best don't at me a thread I'm a self-entitled hypocrite don't at me so this next one was a comment left on a video where a dude was making a hat for his cat Boris shaves his arms sews and cooks yeah that's pretty gay no matter what you justify it with a there's nothing wrong with being gay and if you're still using that as an insult 2007 called it once it's 12 year old back be none of those things have any correlation with someone's sexual orientation cooking is what people who enjoy staying alive and not living at their parents house forever do if you can't cook I consider you a child no matter how old you are also my father learned how to sew in the freaking army because it's a survive skill shaking my head boys these days we call themselves real men for being fundamentally bad at life real men ain't afraid of that stuff that's true masculinity we get it yours is fragile move along she's no the clown in this situation why are you pretending to be Scottish oh man you got me my deep cover of being born in Scotland married to a Scottish woman owning property in Scotland having two degrees from two separate Scottish universities and living in an Edinburgh my entire adult life wasn't enough to fool you mind posting your PayPal just so I can send you 25 pounds to buy a Colombo box set and Ram it right up your arse you stupid Milt so for this next one a dude sent a girl an unsolicited dick pic did you just send me a picture of a child penis WTF no what's wrong with you it looks like a child's penis I'm reporting this boxes are lupine not k9 completely different species the problem with putting more effort into sounding authoritative than being accurate is you reveal that you are an idiot k9 is a layman term for all animals in the family Canada which includes every animal in the list plus a few more like the Bush dog and the raccoon dog the problem with putting more effort into sounding smug than being accurate is that you reveal that you're not only an idiot but also a jerk oh and furthermore lupine means woof like not Fox like the term you were looking for is vulpine boxes are both vulpine and canine but they are distinctly not lupine can't stand that thick accent had to study everything by myself I actually hate tutorials made by Indians don't know if it's a joke but yeah my fellow Americans could it be now this is just a hypothesis so don't get so worked up that Indians are making tutorials primarily for their fellow 1.5 billion Indians and not only for the 350 million Americans of which only a few thousand are on this subreddit and that they can understand each other just fine could it be that you're self-centered to think every video on YouTube will be in perfect English with MIT level teachers and the best hardware and resources for you lazy American college students who couldn't figure stuff out on their own and you take it out on the guy who learned it just fine and is confident enough to teach it on YouTube but might not speak the best English you arrogant Western jerks actually I don't think it's unreasonable at all to expect that each and every video on YouTube isn't made explicitly for you in fact I made this video just for you James actually I don't even know any James but I figure a couple are watching this video and I kind of wanted to mess with their heads a little bit they're being probe axes like this I'm not going into that water because someone told me there are crocodiles in there that will eat me my friends and family have swam through and we're never bothered by a crocodile but I'm going to stay out of the water just in case and I'm going to stand here and harass anyone who dare goes into that water if you go into that water then I will get eaten by a crocodile even though I use the super safe bridge that I trust blindly being probe axe is actually like this we have a document in history of people dying from crocodiles in the water we've seen it we've treated their injuries and many have died we use that bridge because it's safer it's been built according to government regulations and safety standards and past quality control before it opened it was created using world-class technology and the world leaders in the field of engineering there are a third world countries that don't have bridges over the crocodile infested water and people die whenever people trying to build bridges in these areas they get harassed and bullied and called shields for big bridge by conspiracy theorists parents who have never worked in construction or even seen an engineering textbook who have done a five-minute google search on how bridges work anything that just because they've never seen a crocodile above the water means that there are none lurking below all right that is our slash murdered by words remember if you can come up with a better burn for this guy let me see it down in the comments and actually since YouTube hasn't approved my channel for monetization I'm actually not making any money off of this so I have to pay my bills entirely through exposure so I would appreciate if you could like this video because I've got to pay my rent with likes
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,798,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, murderedbywords, funny murderedbywords, r/murderedbywords, murderedbywords posts, murderedbywordsfails, murdered by words, murderedbywords wtf
Id: 7wqDx_ygSfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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