r/Murderedbywords "I HATE CHEATERS!" "But you cheated"

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

time code?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StoreSusan 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome to our sloshed murdered by words where people get put in their place my brother-in-law would sit at Thanksgiving dinner and smugly spout off these inane anti-vaxxers were on their way out anyways as the vaccinations were developed his dad started speaking to him in sign language and my ex-brother-in-law started talking back in sign language and my ex-father-in-law finally said so you know how I talk to you sign language when you were small and why I learned a sign I use sign language because your uncle lost his hearing from polio and subsequently died at 17 you are less than one generation removed from polio and you had the audacity to sit at a table and claim vaccines are a hoax your unentitled turd and your ego is going to cause many people pain and suffering just because you have to think you're the smartest person in the room maybe before you start talking out of your bud you should do a quick survey to see if anyone else in the room has actually had someone die because of a lack of vaccines why do I need an ar-15 because someday the government may tell me I'm not allowed to put my sick son on a plane and fly him to Italy for treatment and believe me when I tell you I will be putting him on that plane I need an ar-15 in case I need to hijack a plane and fly my son to a country with socialized health care is currently my favorite take on gun ownership I'd love to see this guy walk into an airport with an ar-15 and be like no sir you misunderstand the Second Amendment means I can carry this gun on this plane so step off welcome new black and brown followers to my new white followers who are self-described anti-racists please note there are no medals here for you that you as a white person will be implicated as part of the problem I suspect many of you will unfollow like those before you practicing racism while fighting racism welcome to 2019 a lull so in case you don't know who this is she ran for Congress in Denver a city with a 77% high population considering she said things like this all the time is it any wonder why she lost the election think of every d-brane to purchase as a bribe remember when your skin's effed-up are switches you mean the ones we shipped exactly zero of because we caught the issue within the pre-order window then published a PSA on reddit about the problem that got over 30,000 up votes and hit number one on our /all following which we provided 100% refunds to every switch skin preorder spin the next year working with 3m to come up with a material and adhesive solution then eventually launched the version you see here the ones which are unanimously recognized as the number-one selling Nintendo switch skins on the planet yes you [ __ ] we remember sheesh you effing killed him dude I don't care about switch skins but I'm gonna go buy one just because of how savage that post is this sign was posted on a notice board in a doctor's office not vaccinating your kids leaves them vulnerable to disease their whole lives when your daughter gets rubella when pregnant how are you going to explain that you chose to leave her at risk what will you say when she calls you and tells you she has cervical cancer because you decided that she wouldn't need the HPV vaccine what do you tell your son when he breaks the news to you that he cannot have kids thanks to the mumps he got as a teenager and what do you say when he gives influenza to his grandma how do you explain that she won't be coming home from the hospital not ever do you tell them that you didn't think these diseases were that serious that you thought that your organic home-cooked food was enough to protect them do you say sorry honestly I think the game plan for Auntie Baxter's is that they won't have to say sorry because their kids will be dead by the age of five stop feeding him so much pizza Lowell it's cheap and delicious yes but vegetables and fruits are also delicious I appreciate your concern I know that since you work pre-k you think you're qualified to tell me what's good for my son you're not he eats plenty of fruits and vegetables just because I share a few pics of him eating pizza doesn't mean he eats it every day that's like me assuming all you do is wear shirts with your tits hanging out every day perspective right don't effing tell me what's good for my son again that escalated real quickly when girls go out wearing tiny tight skimpy outfits I mean they have the choice to wear something else something less provocative so really girls are asking for it if you're out in public and I see you're not wearing any protective headgear does that give me the right to smash in your skull with a hammer I mean you asked for it since you're not wearing something to protect your head I would bet my entire youtube channel that the guy in this post makes post else we're talking about how much of a nice guy he is I mean he doesn't rape girls despite the fact that they're clearly asking for it so that must make him a nice guy right women get mostly infertile at 40 but live to be 80 without a family what are you going to do with those 40 long years see the world experience Beauty create art support their mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers fall in love find joy ascendant business achieve recognition and dance on Your Grave when you die alone unnoticed and unknown you a hateful misogynistic but clown they freakin used Getty image photos of a shark and cropped it onto their poster LMFAO the DC extended universe is a freakin joke that's what stock photos are for did you think they actually photographed a dude chilling with sharks the human rights foundation plans to airdrop 100,000 copies of the interview into North Korea using balloons have you ever read anything stupider in your entire life this isn't a joke this is a real thing that is going to happen 100,000 North Korean citizens are going to potentially get executed over a group of liberal Americans that want a pat on the back hey bling maybe you want to do three seconds worth of research before opening your fat mouth next time it's being dropped by a liberation group in South Korea led by a man who escaped North Korea and this man was broken free of Kim's indoctrination and ultimately motivated to escape that heck hole that is named North Korea because of wait for it airdrop copies of the movie Titanic and DVD players that was literally the first bit of information of the outside world he had ever received the notion of dying for anything other than the regime had never even crossed his mind before watching Jack die for a woman he loved and having been living in North Korea for most his life he knows there is an extreme demand for this kind of thing citizens risk life and limb just to get a small reminder that there is a world outside their prison of a country and their leader Kim Jong hoon isn't some all-powerful godlike figure giving them hope for a better life someday but you morons will try to deny them this all because some dickweeds on tumblr won a reason to bash Americans even if you have literally no indication that what you're mocking them for was even their doing so props to the tumblr community for once again demonstrating that you never do any effing research and that you don't actually give a flip about helping oppress people my stepmom told me I'd be a janitor nothing wrong with that and live in the basement of the school and play guitar for the rats I wrote a song about her it's called Little Miss can't be wrong it's been played on the radio three million times yo imagine turning on the radio and hearing a song about how much of a Karen you are I would never meet with someone from India they got birth defects running heavy as heck in their blood no I'm sure the people of India are greatly relieved I don't think we have to worry about this guy mating with Indians guys like this are too busy mating with their sisters my tweet about mass shooting is occurring more than once per day this year in the US has spawned many downplaying the seriousness based on definition I'm sorry but having four or more people injured or killed in a shooting everyday is not a normality for any Western country lmao let me know which Western nation you'd rather live in and I'll buy you a plane ticket there imagine being so single-mindedly focused on America that you challenge a Canadian to name a country that's nicer to live in than America there's no point in arguing with a Canadian because if you hurt their feelings they can just go to the doctor and get their feelings checked for free girls will pound themselves silly with a piece of plastic while leaving a good man that will love them till the end of time in the friendzone Tony if someone leaves you for a piece of plastic it's not the piece of plastic you can choose only one one soul mate 270 million dollars three time machine which door will you open Time Machine go back and prevent the time I followed your sucky content besides this is the dumbest question I've ever heard with the time machine you could easily get more than 70 million by winning every single lottery ever made I absolutely shut down my conservative Christian uncle and I don't think things will be the same so my conservative Christian uncle was ranting about something to do with climate change when I walked into the room and he ended the rant with all I know is it was cold last winter and the winner before so I reckon all that global warmin talk it's just liberal BS to try and scare us he then looked at me knowing I was not of the same opinion and said so what do you think mister the world's on fire I should go ahead and mention right now that he is a lymphoma survivor I replied no you're right and I ate today so world hunger must not be an issue either hey we both slept inside last night so homelessness must not be real and while we're at it I have never had cancer personally so it must be a lie you made to scare me right he looked at me with the most empty dead look I have ever seen there were four people in the room and they couldn't believe what I just said to my uncle a cancer survivor I left went home and drink a beer fm worship Him who made the heavens the earth the sea in the springs of water first Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man she must be quiet imagine trying to showcase how much of a Christian you are and an atheist knows more about your book than you do if you're Irish and you complain about Britain erasing culture but can't even speak the language or don't know anything about Ireland before 1910 then just shut your cakehole nobody cares then being Irish and not being able to speak the language and not knowing anything about Ireland before 1910 is a direct result of Britain erasing culture you goddang vitamin D deficient circus clown oh so sorry for truck drivers they make their living sitting on their butt too lazy to have a real job the next time you go to the store to buy all the stuff you need I think you need to remember how all that stuff got there for you truckers are away from friends and families with children for weeks sometimes months at a time just so you can buy that cucumber your wife is gonna pleasure herself with later while thinking of your neighbour that guy needs some aloe vera for that burn but unfortunately no truckers will deliver it to him atheists if God isn't Rio how do you explain walking on water can you walk on water like Jesus yes show me a video of you walking on water I don't need to you just need to have faith that I did [ __ ] people without children be banned from Disney World tell you what Karen I'll stop going to Disney World when you stop bringing your tiny screaming booger factories to the movies restaurants or anywhere beside your house or a playground frankly eat garbage on that note I want to go see the live-action Lion King movie the other day and literally the entire time some family with their two kids we're just talking and non-stop the kids were just going on and on mommy look it's a lion ya [ __ ] its Lion King back on the dating scene watch out boys this mama is on hashtag ChristianMingle hashtag single mom hashtag dating hashtag love wow didn't you shave me for doing this same thing low good luck girlie don't do anything too sinful like getting a divorce law I'm just kidding xoxo there's a difference between being cheated on and having an open-door policy between our legs lo Oh so you forgot your for abortion appointments I took you to during our high school years I did the same thing you did I just decided to take care of mine Lowell how do I delete someone else's tweet one day maybe in ten years twenty years or even tomorrow you'll find yourself eating a sumptuous dessert whether it be a muffin souffle or whatever only to find that all the powdered sugar has been replaced with raw unprocessed flour oh it's fine you'll think to yourself but three days later you'll wake up at 9:17 p.m. and feel your stomach cramping and aching the next day you'll see a doctor only for them to diagnose you with fatal ecoli poisoning so when you're on your deathbed after saying all your sweet farewells to your family friends and childhood sweetheart I will materialize at your bedside holding a pre grated cheddar cheese grilled sandwich I will hold this sandwich half a foot in front of your face stunned you'll just stare thinking why the f is this guy holding a pre grated cheddar grilled cheese sandwich exactly half a foot from my face but then you remember this comments this Neanderthal troglodytic comment and you'll realize why as soon as the revelation hits you the last slither of your worthless life will leave your body and the last thing you'll ever see is my sucky pregrated cheddar grilled cheese sandwich half a foot in front of your face and you'll think maybe I shouldn't have insulted that guy's sandwich on reddit before dropping dead your face will be at a 37 degree angle to the bed staring up at my sandwich I will then place the sandwich on your face watch yourself mother-effer that was our slash murder by words and if you like my content please hit the like button and definitely subscribe to my channel for more daily reddit content
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,480,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, murderedbywords, funny murderedbywords, r/murderedbywords, murderedbywords posts, murderedbywordsfails, murdered by words, murderedbywords wtf
Id: fZOW4-p3M70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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