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enjoy these 91 and 89 degree angles i'm sorry my brain just stopped working for a second at the pure reach of looking at these granted they're perfect angles perfect 81 degree and perfect 91 degree angles but my brain just wanted to throw my phone out of my booth hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy i'm cougar and today i'm being forced to read on through r slash mildly infuriating i can't wait for this fun so let's get to it oh i see we're starting off real good here it's like if a three-year-old designed a building it was like boom there you go lots of balconies lots of balconies you know i'm actually mildly happy about this post because they built the road around the tree you don't need to chop down a tree just to build a road that's all i'm saying man we need those trees to breathe so uh let's get to the next one uh yes nothing like trying to open your uh juicy box and having the lid be like over here yup that's gonna work perfectly covered state university now located in florida yeah we love our spring break we're all gonna die annulment meaning the act of annoying something oh thank you so much for that definition google that helped me so much now if only i could know what my wife meant by we're getting an annulment japan one japan two japan three japan four i'm the special brother yes you are japan four oh you had one job you had one job now is to line the road up correctly but no no now the two lines don't mix and it's forever there until taxpayers fix it again hey bud hey bud if you were driving a bmw or like a lamborghini i get to a moniker when those people double park but you're driving being a subaru impreza a subaru impreza yeah it's a one-space car my dude what man this is that special toilet paper that gets poop on your hands no matter what you do oh you've got to be kidding me i set up floor and then look now there's two paint spot greases whatever this is air bubbles on floor this will make me anger for life yeah this uh this isn't okay with me i would take that ball and just throw it in the trash hacky sack whatever that thing is huh it's called a leveler just use a leveler when you're building something man it's not that hard just use it how do you feel about the men liking your profile picture however old it is title is all that needs answered just curious question your submission has been removed we do not allow questions that needlessly exclude minority demographics what okay reddit r slash stupid it's more like it ah yeah there's some perfect finger holes nothing wrong there totally totally i love going to budget bowling alley fluttershy more like flutter i in the center of your head you get it no i hate this uh this is like just like getting a king cone and the bottom snapped off yeah it's the same level of like i just wanted my ice cream man whoever made this clock i will find you and i will hurt you i will hurt you so bad five steps to hand safety one wear gloves two be aware of where pinch points occur and avoid them three use padded grips to avoid vibration four grip equipment and tools lightly five always empty containers prior to sorting you never know what's at the bottom that you can't see oh really really really okay then okay then there bud okay yeah this just isn't realistic wawa never has slim jims in stock you're just making up a fib here totally photoshopped but also take that out of the damn slim jim container it's gonna ruin it bronze 50 seconds silver 40 seconds gold 30 seconds you were so close my friend you were so close yet so far oh this this exact thing happened at my public school and it drove me insane every time i'd walk over be like that one's not the same no thank you well hey there buddy if you could just like take one apple and finish that one instead of biting every single other apple that'd be great now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go punch a hole in a wall um yes that is uh that is not how chess is played my friend carefully cautiously planning my move you should be planning on deleting this post you idiot you know it's people's jobs to build houses and the interior of those houses and this was someone's job and they'd done this more than once probably and you should just be fired everything from your steam wish list is now on sale one game you've wished for is on sale wow thanks so much this could just be that he has one thing on his wish list when your friends from different frame groups meet for the first time it's basically a crossover episode irl when two of your friends meet from different circles it's like a crossover episode okay thanks thanks so much thanks so much thanks so much for stealing all his thunder oh okay cool at least you got soap during lockdown you're gonna stay healthy oh and you can't even use it yeah that's some great design right there totally great design if you love your mom pass this to 20 people a girl ignored this and her mother died 365 days later sorry i can't ignore this because i love my mom and facebook dictates my life i'm not forwarding this and if my mom dies i'm going to kill your whole family and lock you up with their dead bodies in a room and won't even open foe like a year so the only way you'll survive is to eat them have a great day bye and i hope you enjoy the taste of your parents sorry no please sorry but it's gonna happen hopefully my uh parents don't die or at least my mom doesn't oh okay you're definitely lifting the manhole cover at some point and you couldn't just line it back up it's really not that hard yeah can i please have a personal one-on-one conversation with your city planner because i just want i ju i just want to say what i think you can do different no just ignore the giant x i'm holding no no no no no i feel like this says 240 pack but really it's a 239 i'd just be shaking that thing in prayer that it would fill up that one hole how to piss off your designer friends and give them a migraine you have done it to me and i'm not even a designer so i hate you oh you see that's uh dude they scammed you they scammed you and whatever kid they sold this to alex well i'm glad to know they're alex's cause i'll be seeing nothing but his name while i'm wearing them i guess that's a way to keep you from stealing your goggles though 10 out of 10 my dude my god you had one job line up the damn ceiling fixture what did you do you made it crooked out of line and i hate you so much dude this sucks i ripped my favorite tank top ever on a damn door because of this you can go to hell doorknobs okay okay i'm not going to get mad i'm not going to get mad i'm just going to slowly walk towards the bridge and be ready to jump off with that little little tiny chip right there cause of course there had to be one ship and ruined my perfection my favorite part about this one right here is there's gonna be arguments in the comments over which one is right i know which one is right but i'm just not going to say it because i'd rather see you people fight each other do not fold ups are proved flat thanks ups this was definitely my acceptance letter and now it's useless to me thank you choose five strongly agree three neither agree or disagree one strongly disagree four agree to disagree i strongly agree this is terrible website design so thank you one of these things is not like the other one of them makes me want to boot it through the dang railing and that would be the brown one right there see that right there right there yeah if we could just uh paint the rest brown or paint it all white that'd be good by me ps5 for free in the uk you can apply today 4.99 or zero dollars oh okay i will be applying right away buddhism is about finding inner peace and finding the light but knowing there's a photo like this that exists will keep me from ever achieving such bliss oh my god dude dude i've installed plenty of door locks and doorknobs it's not that hard just make it straight again there's a tool called the leveler oh oh that would make me so so so so so angry that's a really cool shirt until you see that little spot and it would just drive me insane come on guys come on i've been someone who had to collect the shopping carts just put them back inside it takes one minute and like 30 seconds out of your day christ oh this is even worse why do you got to fill up the damn parking spots with them just put them away there are cart sections in the parking lot put them there or if you're feeling generous bring them back inside i know how much a trolley person appreciates that create your security questions security question what is the name of your favorite pet max security answer must be between 4 and 200 characters whose dog my question is whose dog has 200 characters in its name you know i asked for ketchup not a whole slab of tomato god damn it what the hell wendy's salmon sucky fillet fresh wild caught farm raised in chile ah yes wild caught from the pond in the back of my salmon farm makes a lot of sense can you please balance this 25 25 25 wait a minute 24 what the hell am i yes green means stop slash clear red means go yes totally makes sense okay yeah that's a lot of christmas decorations you got there if you could just get rid of those that'd be really nice many players offer videos made for kids tap to play to resume okay real quick i know this is frustrating but there's a way around it if you have an iphone if you swipe down and hit play in the top right corner like you would a music or a podcast it'll start playing again suck it youtube i beat your system dude dude what is going on with the way you're supposed to take these pills i'm so confused yeah yeah that pizza is cut by a [ __ ] yup yup look at the little triangle one in the middle it's almost as if the illuminati cut it no no no no no no whatever the x-files theme is car c's simplifies to the expression x plus 12. correct answer capital x plus 12. i hate castle learning with all my soul soda of carbonated yogurt salta great deal six dollars yummy yummy salty yogurt delicious very comfortable and easy to breathe fits well and doesn't bother my ears lets me follow mask mandates without really being compliant shipped and arrived within a normal slash quick time frame appreciate it was made in the us of a i'm going to appreciate the day you get the cough cough sniffle sniffle and you die if you aren't racist like all my posts i want to punch you in the face for posting that i don't know why i just really want to common questions what is the coronavirus is coronavirus a bacteria or virus believe it's a virus it's in the name there bud well hey okey-dokey there i hope you didn't want your ramen and cup noodles to be tasty and easy to cook nope not gonna happen there why do cause have all these shiny bits to blind you whilst driving dude i know right my freak well my honda does it but i rented a car once it was like the damn sun was shooting into my eyeballs when i'm going down the freeway grandma gave me my cousin chocolates tuffy tuffy wait wait what one is twelve and one is fifty i guess grandma likes one of you more than the other this packaging that a rug came in hmm well at least it's not a bent door like the last dude i'd appreciate at least you got a big box in your house for no reason a youtuber can't say frick but there are ads like this sugar moms looking for love yeah i love working on the youtube platform thanks guys thanks susan wojcicki he was fined for speeding when the car was on a tow truck how how no ah couldn't have added one more piece really on an average you pay between one dollar and two dollars a pack of gum it only cost the company about a one fourth of a penny to make a piece of gum they make plenty of money from the chewing gum community and they couldn't just add one more piece no no this is so you can pull it out by the tab it's it's better for the consumer i would prefer to be consuming another piece of gum there bud online school started and i can't learn now oh bananas too many people are online right now try again i hope you didn't need an education by the way you're missing your final right now i made banana bread my gf took the first slice your gf deserves to be dumped and thrown off a cliff for this travesty the day my friend stores his toothbrush ew all the water from his mouth and like washing up too but it's gonna be building up at the bottom it's gonna be sitting in it no i took a picture of skyline and didn't look at it immediately saw this when i came home i thought he meant like a skyline not a mitsubishi skyline but that's great the kids just walking like these boots were meant for walking and that's just what they'll do and they'll ruin your folder of this stupid cartoon i bought a dr pepper for two dollars at freddy's and two thirds of the cup was just ice that my friend is why you always ask for no ice because then you get all the soda you pay for even though it's twice as expensive it's september ah oh the weather outside is frightful have some christmas cheer it's delightful this textbook is a hundred and fifty dollars and is about fifteen hundred pages i had to use it only three times in the entire school year fun fact most of the textbooks your professors make you buy they wrote or get some money back when they sell so there's your college scam system going for you i'm so glad i pay for education in this country thanos perfectly balanced as all things should be oh thanos you poor little boy you're going to destroy us all for this meme okay which one of you motherfreakers put an fn key as the most bottom left key on a keyboard instead of control i don't know but my my computer has the same thing and it drives me insane my fake pocket also comes with a fake mini pocket for added pointlessness oh that is so nice look at the cute little fake pocket on top of your fake pocket i don't know maybe buy pants with real pockets stupid my bag of gummy worms dude i don't see what the problem is now you just got one big gummy mass just bite into that sucker what this what happens when you leave it in the back window in florida it's delicious my item is back but the buy it now button brings me out of stock ah yes yes yes home depot has a terrible website i got swatted and ordered a new door what the frick ups i understand how receiving a package in that condition can be upsetting we can report it in our end to have feedback provided message us the ups tracking number ea nah tell me how you bend a frickin door how could you mismanage a package so poorly that you gave me a bent door it's made of wood it doesn't ban dude carpet your hole for only 99 cents well i would love to carpet my back hole thank you for the offer anyways if you made it this far you're probably just as angry as i am and it's time for another fun fact about cougar yeah boy just landed a role in a new movie filming in canada so i'm gonna be living where it's cold for a while at least two months hooray no but seriously i'm excited anyways 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Channel: EzPz
Views: 60,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfurating, extremely infuriating, r/extremelyinfurating, reddit memes
Id: ox-qddSvYWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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