r/MildlyInfuriating · they're leaking!

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I see you bought a Lamborghini but can't afford the service fees hmm how about you go drive that into the opposite lane of traffic hello you beautiful people welcome back to easy peasy I'm Kouga and today we're diving into our / mildly infuriating you know kind of like my different colored eyes or my voice let's get right to it I changed the comments so you don't know why I got this many likes sucks to be you Oh dad like dad that's the green dot of evil right there you don't have an alarm set for 6:40 p.m. you do have these though mm yes yes yes you know it's even more infuriating Mikes is the fact that this guy couldn't come up with a name so we just kept changing it and ended up being aluminium aluminium whatever you want to call it is this a plant or an animal cell it is an animal cell correct answer animal I hate castle learning I see what you were going for making it readable from that one spot but you just pissed me off in the progress of it Sara wanted to draw a graph to show the number of people in four different towns which type of graph would be appropriate pie graph bar graph line graph histogram hmm I'm gonna pick bar graph no correct dances ah I see Castle learnin has struck again okay how did you just happen you telling me you didn't think about this before put it together oh the butterflies not sticking to the wall and the hearts inside and it picked me off ah yes the thing you buy to open these crabby packages only to have it be in a crappy package number of items blocked 1200 and 69 on this page 43 thousand seven and 84 in total yes good math blue black green pink are you giving me a stroke you know all the blind kids I know of oh he said man I sure wish I could read the Braille on the mirror yeah I'm not gonna lie this pimp to me often when it says sweat-resistant but they sweat on it actually it's condensation but whatever hmm that looks nice and delicious and not terrible you sir are like my roommate Robbie you're a [ __ ] and don't deserve butter hmm something's not quite right here one of these controllers are two with three don't match hmm looks fine to me ah yes I see the other type of [ __ ] the ruined brownies for everybody else yes this is good very good very very good oh no the poor PC managed bent on the top it's bent on the side all dude rip okay here's what happened they cut this panel out so like for the Attic probably a ventilation system and they just didn't turn it the right way and they probably glued it in and now it's stuck like that forever and you're terrible carpenter if I ever find you in real life mister I cut the square out of the center of the cake that's a pretty good square by the way I'm gonna take a fork and stab you in the neck with you why couldn't you just put it in the center dude like you obviously were paid a good amount of money for this and you're like that's fine no need to redo it yes the old chicken pot pie leaking over itself it really pisses me off hmm I can't be mad at this one because this is probably the architects design and I guess it makes sense kind of but also it puts me off that right there is a good circle good job buddy I definitely buying this shirt to barn it just to burn it I mean I'm not gonna say this one me off because I've never been to Rio and I don't know if a peso actually looks like this I could look it up but I'm lazy so I'm just gonna let this one fly bot on off mmm I think you need to switch those colors real quick yeah just turn it around there we go you were a monster sir you know what side to open but you chose this side because you're a kid you in your Honda Element Drive that thing off a cliff that's all I gotta say I'm gonna lie this one feels like it's targeted at me because I wear cargo shorts and I ripped my favorite pair just three days ago on a freaking kitchen cabinet like this to children in Dracula were attacked by a rabid Fox today hmm yes Dracula rabid Fox definitely looks like Fox to me it's a dice you telling me you couldn't have just printed the stickers on it when it was made or carved it into it like a normal die no no want to drive me insane okay yes discord notification doesn't tell you how many you have just let you know someone's messaged you okay please just pick up your dog crap it's not that hard the whole point of the bag is to make it carry without having to stick your hand in it just don't leave it in the woods my man oh oh that looks nasty oh no no no no no no no no ah that right there is a real nice parking spot you know what you can take your Chevy Tracker and drive it off a cliff yes nothing like going shopping breaking all the eggshells and not realizing it till you're home that's a lot of numbers that aren't in the right order and it really pisses me off like a lot mmm I see I see I'm gonna go play in traffic castle learning thank you you you're up mmm turn off the all-caps my friend and get rid of the American flag I used to do construction for a living this is not how you lay bricks there's a little tool that you use to smooth it out and basically scrape off the excess but no you're like yeah this is fine man imagine what's going through that piece of grass his head all my friends are decapitated why God why didn't you take me I want you to think about that every time you cut the grass now I FedEx getting on the same level as the United States postal system this right here is a real gamer setup you wouldn't get it you know what I do get is you're a slob and disgusting the two forms of assessment are informal and formal ah yes yes yes I hate this website fortnight preceded by specific day used to indicate that something will take place two weeks after that day stop looking up fortnight kids stop it stop it's not stealing if it's already yours ah thanks TaxACT I see you're advertising with fortune cookies now and I appreciate that which fraction is equivalent to twenty one over thirty six seven over twelve 42 over seventy two what I mean they're not wrong they're not wrong if I ever see you eating a pizza like this I'm gonna take it away from you and ban you from eating pizza forever oh dude that really sucks guess your day really went to the crapper get it cuz it's near the crapper this looks like a porno wait wait hear me out small green petite grape ravaged by five strapping huge purple grapes now you have to think about that ah Universal gun cleaning kit rifles okay muzzle loaders okay pistols that's an interesting-looking pistol but I'm gonna flush shotgun oh okay yep mmm yep yep okay oh dude that sucks those are the good buns too and oh that makes me so hungry this is either because you boiled the egg wrong or are just stupid oh dude that sucks I've had that exact thing half of my interface when I dropped it all rip oh those headphones are kind of useless now I guess you gotta upgrade to air pods I told you if you were gonna swap me I was taking your sweater with me I kind of can't be mad at this guy because I did the exact same thing just to see what would happen orange I know that tattoo that's on you forever ah nothing like well first the ice will be off but not just that you're also gonna be sucking a phallic symbol through your water bottle all right this right here is why waffles are both the greatest thing and the worst thing ever I'm going back to a guys my brother leaves the ketchup container like this all the time and every time I get a little bit of ketchup on my thumb open it I just want to punch him we're the bad ah yes the having a stroke keyboard for your phone what is going on with these lights man like look at the design and not just that the colors differ what were you thinking what were you smoking when you put the lights in your house this right here is why the laundry hamper was taken out of my bathroom because my brother can't put it in the hamper neither can my roommate Robbie drives me crazy dude you know what this is not infuriating this is just really really cool thing up in this on the other hand makes me want to take the mayonnaise and whip it out window ah that's a real nice light bulb why do you try screwing that in just to see what happens I'm sure it will be quite a shocking revelation okay normally I'm always on the person side when it comes to cast learning but they might actually be wrong because with certain math functions you have to list smallest to largest so are we given the benefit of the doubt this time for all you kids out there this is called minesweeper and hmm let me tell you so many people punch their monitor screen over it ah I see that's a good way to save the planet good job Jeff Bezos good job that sucks and I've liked how to touch stuff like mold oh god just burn it burn oh dude your mug broke that really sucks good thing I know a good mug dealer you can pick a new one up from okay boys we've rehearsed this nine all right it's my time to shine nine okay your turn Jimmy okay nein this stuff does not work because it basically tastes like lime and some dogs like that cuz my dog continued to lick it off everything I spray it on ah mmm I see please go jump off a bridge with your parking job no swimming waiting or walking in the stream that looks more like a cesspool so they're good to go yeah I don't see a problem with the towel one I do this and I don't really care knowing security is currently performing background tasks while your computer is idle my computer's not idle I'm trying to play fallout over here my friend this is a time being colorblind would be a plus even though you could probably still tell that the Grays wouldn't match winner of that's not my job award goes to yeah it'll be fine I'm the roof guy I'm not the lad a guy that's his problem I just put the roof down and leave it how it is that TV is offset - please just move it a few inches to the right and before you say anything in the comments I'm talking about right if you were behind the TV moving it not if you're looking at it boom roasted one-a-day men's fully chew - gummies nokey dokey that's some thin toilet paper you're definitely getting some poopoo on your hand why on God's earth would you put this on this surface I just move on move on now hold on a second I actually respect the guy in the little silver Scion because let me tell you probably the Jaguar is the one that parked like a kid and he's just like I'm gonna block you in my and then there's probably another car behind him and I hope he's stuck there what do you mean it's invalid it was 15 passwords ago let it just be one two three four four come on hand please limit to items on any variety of pasta for four five mmm I see you're playing mind games with me I made a pavlova I can't decided to use the topping I really want to be mad but the cat looks so sad and it probably was just warm and he's like I just wanna warm up man oh that pisses me off just move the wand to the right but fix the time please this is why I started using mechanical pencils that doesn't happen with mechanical pencils lot listen all I'm saying is wouldn't it happen if it was a coke cup I'm just saying I'm just saying why why why and the pills are see-through that bothers me and they're facing opposite directions make up your mind if you don't eat pizza like this you're doing it wrong Yuma modulus two beats time to add AI mm I see bad design bad design hurt our system oh man what prompted this to happen that really sucks probably some kid fell down there mom's like dad the playground I hate Karen's I hate I hate Karen's I'm mostly mad because I can't find the missing piece I might just be in ah it's right in the center I guess I'm just a [ __ ] two different colored eyes me and I had bad vision just let's go with it let's go with it moving on once again you went to some type of school to be a city planner and you did this no you know it's worse is when you're raking gravel and the rake just starts to slowly bend flat and the more you use it the worse it gets but you keep bending it back and it keeps getting worse worse worse and the job takes forever ah yes that that is good that is good one is dark one is light you just kind of got a switch the words around real quick there you go bud ah you see what you did wrong here buddy buddy bud bud bud you messed up the baby food slash peanut butter and you deserve to play in traffic for it I have a throw pillow just like this and it is me off but I'm also like a it was $1 excellence in education just select your school hmm I choose Harvard cuz maybe then I'd be able to get a real job my brother also does this and this is why hey living with him right here he shaves his neck beard and it's like sideburns it just wash your hand down the sink though or throw it in the shower gross this is as simple as picking the sink up and turning it around but you're hu quit your job you know what's really infuriating I just had to walk away from recording this cuz the cop was at my door cuz the neighbors said I was being too loud it's 4:00 in the afternoon I'm allowed to be as loud as I want in my house I don't call the cops on you when you're fighting with each other okay moving on you know what this reminds me of when you go to pull that little tiny cubicle back and you just rip it all the way up y'all and you want to die snack packs ruined for so many reasons the design is ugly there's not match a bathroom it's not centered over the sink and you cut her at it later corner to put the outlet in ah Jesus might just quit building houses Oh hire a professional oh nice the exact day of light just snapped right in half okay then they shine in the sky at night stars ah the correct answer was stars or stars with a capital S the real correct answer is all your dreams don't let them be reality make it happen and so begins my death by starvation it was nice knowing you my crew if oh you know what sucks even more that's the built into the wall one Jesus I deleted my son's Steam account because of his grades and now he won't speak to me I feel really bad and wants to make it right how do I get the account back sorry yeah you're not gonna get that back mine never gonna get it back and your son's never gonna speak to you again please don't watch the YouTube tutorial hire a professional I'm broke as heck but I still always hire a professional when it comes to a gas stove are you stressed I am after looking at this wall of [ __ ] over here makes me want to light on fire um I want to be mad but this couch reminds me of Beetlejuice it might secretly be him mmm not gonna sit down there Wow such empty just like my soul and my dreams and my hopes yeah my I think the recipe said a pinch of salt not the entire container what is going on here that's some interesting-looking outlet you got there I don't like tacos but this still infuriates me that's not how you eat a taco select all the squares with taxis okay all four of them all right if this is trash it's gonna me off but I feel like this is just like a GrubHub order and you've got to leave it at the door nowadays because of social distancing so suck at night oh nice nice just just there's two little black dots right in the center right there yep right there looking back at me like yeah that's right we're setting off your OCD 715 716 you're doing great there philips television thank you i wouldn't be mad about this it means you get the 75 back for a cheaper price heck yep oh that that's infuriating cuz you can't fix that easily hmm yes brain mm-hmm yes going to die now come on Mike just just take their roll off and put the new one on you're already pulled it out you did the hot pot now just hang it up mmm you nasty you real nasty 100% flake freed up to a hundred percent okay that's too confusing but let's go on utilities photos settings calendar clock care no no no no no no no new anti-vaxxers are now refusing to vaccinate their dogs that's it you've just lost your brain privileges mmm yes because 19 definitely doesn't fall in between 18 to 95 you're a monster you're a monster you're a monster it's that simple stack the plates correctly and eat the waffle from the outside in I don't know what picked me off more the fact that the photographer didn't tell him to move over or the fact that he didn't notice to move over I can't read chords but okay I'm gonna take your word for it what's the worst way to hold your drink all of the above all of the above my friend oh my favorite I love when mommy my a guitar get a nice piece of tinfoil in it delicious my well if you made it this far I probably didn't interfere you enough and I promise I will try harder next time feel free to let us know what you'd like to see more of in the comments down below hit that like button hit subscribe it's easy-peasy yeah that joke infuriated me but fits with the video have a great day everybody
Channel: EzPz
Views: 153,113
Rating: 4.9144597 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/MildlyInfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, ezpz, emkay, ez pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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