r/Facepalm · EGG SAMWIDGE??

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solar eclipse party most kids go back to school that day can it be done on the weekend did this lady just ask to reschedule the Sun how's it goin everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash facepalm fellas is it gay to get food it's gay if for two men to go grocery shopping together I'd go grocery shopping with two men that's three in total that's like super gay somebody born in 2020 we'll see the year 3000 when they're 80 that's wild it was amazing to go to Belfast which does not yet have 5g and feel the Earth's sky air human experience feel the way did in the 1970s calm still peaceful restful natural well if you just keep going down the road you should get to your destination no time but uh to go here backwards down this road and take a loop and go back up that's ten minutes slower in case you were curious and couldn't put that together my 15 year old son plays basketball and he told me his coach gave him 15 push-ups for fooling around how can I stop his coach from abusing him like this in the future no I think you mean dollar sign 500 UK pounds is 646 dollars USD they're happy no it's just $646 nothing else also why does UK measure and wait message failed to send one thousand three hundred and sixty two days ago can anthem be played offline yes anthem is online only as April Fool's Day ever been on Friday the 13th think about it but just just really really use your brain yes Superman was my favorite character in infinity war not in the UK like actual sane people 24:12 2019 smallest to largest low you mean 24:12 2019 it's backwards there's only 12 months not 24 another virus has been detected in the US and this one is bad news for chickens can't tell which is worse the tattoo or the comment question I'm guessing the 19 is meant to stand for the year but it's 2020 so why the 19 we made a statement in the sand today yes I wanted to be picking all the trash up instead but would anyone have noticed what what is the biggest planet what is the biggest planet on earth I want to go biking today like at what time bruh biking that was in 2018 I'm having some people over for my birthday tonight at my place with my roommate in Dinkytown you should stop by for a bit if you want bring as many people as you want we got all the necessities low so you've got masks and hand sanitizer and gloves and perhaps even a vaccine blind I mean can your app be alright so I'm curious a little bit how did this bow get here I don't like geographic names like Brooklyn or London your child is called India that's because it's not related to a location oh my god business hours Monday 9:00 to 5:00 Tuesday 9:00 to 5:00 Wednesday 9:00 to 5:00 Thursday 9:00 to 5:00 Friday 9:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 5:00 Sunday 12:00 to 4:00 why the golden fax did you know the Roman Emperor Caligula once declared war on Neptune the god of the Seas his men ran into the ocean and stabbed at the water did you get him never drink alone again because now there's wine for cats that's um I don't know about that one if the government is taking their stimulus money for back child support and won't let me work what am I supposed to do stop having kids you can't afford no woman will know his fingers on the trigger in the magazine take your finger off the trigger till you get the clip in the building is closed to the public to further notices huh boy eleven hinton down and had bleach poured in his eyes by other schoolchildren and there's uh there's a Clorox bleach ad on the side very good just found out that twitter automatically censors your credit card number lo for real credit card number it didn't work bro crosshair extreme very it's crazy the game lets your crosshair be that big it's like a free kill because the bullets are so big lolled everyone knows the size of the crosshair changes the size of the bullet Woody is stupid move the deer crossing to where there's less traffic a lot of deer get hit by cars west of Crown Point on u.s. 231 there are too many cars to have the deer crossing here the deer crossing sign needs to be moved to a road with less traffic right because moving a sign and we'll move the deer obviously Cthulhu has risen we all know this is fake come on you can do better than this that's a great Photoshop you're stupid for thinking it's supposed to be real see TV beam internet service provider nice people courteous service and good food we are thankful for your 4 star review however we believe you may have reviewed us by mistake as we do not serve food Warner Music claimed my video for defending their copyright in a lawsuit they lost the copyright for yeah at this point re are we surprised anymore British politician wants death penalty for suicide bombers hmm we're both a mix of Slytherin and Hufflepuff well that must be the reason we disagree all the time no we don't disturbance Godfather's Pizza colored an item when one says female became upset because the manager would not shake her hand due to the ongoing health concern the female was applying for a job message from a landlord don't cook meals in the kitchen please do not cook a big meal in the kitchen because of steam alarm went on too many times kitchen just to eat and worm the food it does not have the capacity to cook for everyone just try to use it on a smart way basically this is a dining area do not for a cooking real big meal as you can use it at your home thanks I brain hurt I mean it still opens the side of the car I guess dvla your outstanding vehicle tax refund from an overpayment is pending please visit our secure link to process I don't have a car I'm not old enough to drive this hat Oh buddy buddy just do you maze one I even wear a mask maybe all games should have a very easy mode and easy mode is never ruin a game Final Fantasy 7 remake easy mode is way too easy never change Kotaku never change I'm sorry miss Etta is that a boiled egg in an inside of a one piece of bread even Batman listens to his mom Batman's mom is dead classic a piece of paper that says click here nice can you catch coronavirus from farts if you claim to be a feminist and you're not vegan and you're absolutely confused on what the meaning of feminist is I think you're confused one was floor invented 5000 BC to be exact people in 4999 BC a group of strangers called me asking help to buy fresh from the farm potatoes so I referred them to a farmer a friend in boogie Bugis banquet they called again today because they were complaining the potatoes have some soil around it never heard of the sink why do fuller ends make it good at catalysts yes why would you cut the bag when there is a clear opening at the top this is on you this is your fault first guy to reply is guy o gay wait congratulation you played yourself so they're asking for you to reply with a favorite memory of playing capetto Nintendo switch for a game code to play cuphead on Nintendo switch right give me liberty or give me death ma'am this is a Baskin Robbins what is the glue you make out of clay a slip wrong correct answer slip main character so nothing goes wrong something goes wrong main character ooh how do you google something tell a joke here we go how does a train eat I don't know okay let me know if I can help Oh Google will my laptop get heavier if I put more files on it stop using technology can't stop thinking about this heterochromia is when the eyes have different colors I don't have it are / not interesting we ask people if they care about Homo Sapien extinction if they're going extinct it's very sad but at the end of the day I don't care hot surface do not touch this is Braille they're for sale but an error I live at 45 move the floor to the left of the 5 should look like this 45 nah too much messing around I'd rather buy the exact ones I need fair enough don't push yourself Hulk original movie prop fabrics watch Bruce banners purple shorts wasn't Hulk CG though a Boeing 767 from Iceland air has drawn a big heart over ray and forgive me Reykjavik in Iceland on arrival from China with medical supplies I know it's not intentional but it's cute it was should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes that's not real I refuse to believe this is real this has to be a joke please can you update and in the update make a feature that allows us to look inside people's houses I really wanted to look inside of my beach house and in my garden but there's no street view available but i phone leaked inventions coming soon you won't believe her real that is android OS not iOS and also that projector phone is fake and a scam irish a drinking age 35 years Irish boxer Boris Johnson should be awarded the Iron Cross for bravery the guy died for us unlike communist scum Corbin sorry but the iron crosses German not the UK Isis flag spotted at gay pride parade CNN mistaking some butt plugs for a raping script is arguably the most appropriate metaphor for political discourse in America good luck girls or as they say in Japan speaks Japanese Johnny Depp's son looks exactly like him and it's almost as if they are related it's almost as if huh is it just me or is Walmart closing at 8:30 some stupid BS that has nothing to do with Coppa 19 it's just you kicking in the head should be a crime it's unnecessary especially when the person is already down Maher tells cops to crackdown on large gatherings they found his wife at a party do we do a lesson per lesson yes one lesson per lesson thanks Thomas I just realized why they call it Long Island because it's a Long Island I don't get it if the lottery in America's 900 million dollars and 300 million people lived there why don't they just give everybody three million dollars did you ever go to math class what you can only give everyone three dollars not three million low um no there's 300 million people in 900 million dollars that's three times as many as there are people that's three million dollars each this is why you didn't get into uni another reason to distrust China we bought my kids a ps4 then got a second controller from Amazon the control was made in China of course and it doesn't work it never worked it's junk it's not an official piece for control of my men complete your meal with a mega jug for only $3 and KFC will donate $1 to JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation woman who marries herself then cheats on herself and then blames it on men the ship's so fun you may never have to leave it I smell like men's colon Oh No remember microwaved his money so the germs would die before he gave it to me Oh No why is Mike Wazowski sitting on what appears to be a cake that used to be Sully I don't like it put that thing back where it came from or so help me Milky Way scene from Norman Ville Australia now that's funny I don't think anyone knows it's fake how the Frick can we see the Milky Way if we are in it should I get this an MLK shirt oh my god best before Monday which freaking Monday you may not rest now there are monsters nearby I do not want any engraving just leave the metal plate blank no engraving notice the patio is currently not open because it is closed oh no oh no backwards as oh no wrong flat-earthers fear social distancing could push some people over the edge hold up please do not leave packages here packages go in the planter or side yard Wow Joker 2019 book hi we would like seven tickets to book please parents only zero one two three great password oh my god picture ception I love it if this place has crazy cheap pizza oh man that is disgusting I don't see how people can stay in one place for the rest of their life and not explore the world poverty good to see people have a basic understanding of how railroads work let me know when you stop laughing send a let's see baby okay here use this free car you just learned that I slept through an ordeal where a guy gave a sandwich to a homeless man realizing you know to pick for Twitter after the guy already took a bite then deleted his account when people made fun of nice TL DR scientific consensus shows videogames are the prime cause of school shootings linked your source I don't have enough Internet bandwidth remaining for the month to look it up but rest assured leading scholars agree this one vegetable scrubs the gut clean my favorite vegetable banana should I self-driving car kill the baby or the grandmom depends on where you're from what oh dude sick setup Sun was in my eyes Lowell but my new favorite picture if the Sun was in your eyes then why is your shadow in front of you space gems stock photo okay School Superintendent faces charges for using own insurance to help sick kid yeah how dare you help that kid hey tech osed we had an idea about how to explain how for goes from his beer belly bought an Avengers end game to his fit physique in the upcoming Thor for solution make him a real protector for the earth animals and health vegan no team crap while in car Springfield I'm sorry in 2013 two men tried to rob a restaurant but we're told by the owner to come back after an hour when the men returned back after an hour they were arrested think safety first this I don't think he was thinking safety first my fingers touched toilet water what do I do now wash them oh I've seen this image why would you put a fake tunnel there I get it it's cool looking but come on your profile is missing required information please enter a valid first and last name I'm sorry but anyone named Henry Elliot you're not valid soon virgin no more god I hope so police department reminds residents to wear pants while checking mailbox please remember to put on pants before leaving the house to check your mailbox you know who you are this is your final warning yeah we're getting sick and tired of seeing you on your boxers check in the mail wee woo wee woo it's the no emojis allowed police you have become the very thing you swore to destroy nature is beautiful yeah it is X's 4 bucks I don't think so five hundred thousand-plus zoom accounts compromised and what appears to be an instance of credential stuffing over half a million zoom accounts were recently around for sale on the dark web of great and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash facepalm thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bells you can order whatever that means appease the uploads and until the next one I'll see you around you
Channel: EzPz
Views: 218,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, face palm, r/facepalm ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: opqvf1Ui70g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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