r/Maliciouscompliance "NO PUMPKINS!"

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where your wish is my command I used to work for a small fee for service nonprofit the average number of clients served was around 250 the average caseload is 12 but can range from 10 to 20 per person and may exceed 20 depending on circumstance non management staff hover around 18 to 20 people new staff aren't really able to effectively use client authorized hours until several months end so the organization is reliant on senior staff to keep projected income up this is relevant later keeping it as understandable as possible one of the perks of being a senior staff member was receiving a personalized facilitated plan for your goals once the plans were done individually everyone who received one from all regions of the organization came together as a group to discuss this was meant to be an opportunity to share support each other and figure out next steps since our plans were mostly done around our goals of the company we had an honest conversation about what we need to be successful it wasn't inappropriate in any way and many of the needs we brought up were already being met it was honestly just a facilitated discussion around how to keep focused on advancing our career there well one person from another region with more authority didn't like how the day went so they complained to their manager who is also a personal friend that manager worked herself up about it created a new story and went straight to the assistant director the assistant director is a very reactionary person and isn't very well liked most just a void or play cater everyone in my region at the group meeting gets an email from the assistant director saying we need to cancel all appointments and be in our office at a specified time the next day remember we're senior staff that means five of us cancelled our client based appointments to go into this mystery meeting losing the company money the meeting comes were sat down in front of all the managers in our region with the assistant director she launches into us with the following highlights how dare you use group time to provide feedback about the organization she's so ashamed and doesn't trust us to represent the company informs us that we wasted $7000 of the company's money and that her toddlers behaved better than us she ends this five minute rant by saying that every one of us is replaceable and they'd be happy if we left we five sit in stunned silence before the meeting is concluded and we all walk out turns out the assistant director never spoke to the facilitator didn't consult any of the attendees from other regions in fact didn't bother getting any additional information at all to add insult to injury my boss one of the managers in the room told me that the point of the meeting was to make us feel sucky when I asked what follow-up was needed from me I found a job within two weeks and left two other people in that meeting quit within a month a fourth is halfway out the door others found out about the meeting and so far for additional staff have left all seven of us who quit so far had been there three years or more and our departures were no more than two months apart our total caseloads numbered roughly a hundred and twenty clients meaning that almost half of the organization's clients are without staff to support them and there are now five new hires without mentors one of the new hires quit because of this making eight people gone in two months this turnover has never happened before I left behind three years of stellar client relationships and high performance and outcomes and took with me knowledge on everything from mandatory trainings to the billing protocol yep that's right I developed the billing protocol for the new database and no one had stepped up to Lerner prior sucks to be you I guess moral of the story if you tell staff they're replaceable their answer will be so are you then we had this contribution in the comments I feel this so hard our boss told us 13 night shift nurses at a meeting we could be replaced within a day so we better obey her really substandard new plan for how to do our job it involved less time with patients less of the patients having a say about their own care less of everything that actually works she wouldn't let us even have a discussion or opinion so half of us left spoiler we could not be replaced even in months whoops and we have an even better story from the mCP in the comments I joined a seven person company on the basis of my work they gained about a hundred and fifty employees they thought of themselves as a telemarketing company and that they made their money on the call center in truth they had contracts of over ten million dollars each with fortune 500 companies the only deliverable of which was some data which only I knew how to produce out of the databases generated by the telemarketers I warned them repeatedly that this made me overly vital to the company and they should let me train someone they didn't listen I warned them repeatedly that if I wasn't available to produce the data they couldn't fulfill the contracts they didn't listen the owner hired a new boss who didn't like me because I didn't tap dancin saying everything's coming up roses quickly enough for her so she got rid of me literally one morning she came in and I was in the lobby working with a Secretary's computer and I said good morning to her as she entered and this launched her into a 45-minute screaming fit about how dare I say good morning no I still don't understand they couldn't produce the data without me so they couldn't fulfill any of their contracts so all their clients stopped paying and they had to lay off most of the staff two months later they consisted only of the owner and one employee the idiot who fired me the boss deserved her opie it really sounds like you should start a business doing what your former employer did and become a multi-millionaire our next reddit post is from duck you if you duck with me this happened some years ago when I had just gotten hired for a part-time position in a retail store all was good until summer got closed and my boss offered me full-time for the summer and which I gladly took less than two weeks into the summer he changed my hours back to part-time I hadn't thought about getting the temporary full-time thing in writing as he seemed like a trustworthy guy it made no sense as I did a good job and helped out with things my contract didn't mention when I had the time as got bored quickly I found out that even though he had years of experience in the field he had massively overspent on the wage bill and had to cut down to avoid getting fired by the head office when I voiced my concern over this his only response I'm only obliged to give you twenty hours a week as the contract states I wouldn't achoo him out verbally but I kept my cool and decided that if he wanted to play that game I would too when I got home that night I read my entire contract and noted the clauses that I could use one Clause stated that my responsibilities was unloading the trucks taking care of the stockroom and keeping the Shelf stocked another mention that I shouldn't do other tasks as their insurance only covered me for the specific areas I was meant to work next day my boss told me to help out the cashiers as the lines were long sorry can't do as the contract states that isn't part of my job here and I should refrain from doing that you can find it in my contract as Clause 9a and 9b he was fuming face totally read and he just walked away without saying anything another thing I noticed in my contract is that besides my 30-minute lunch break I had a ten-minute break I could take when I wanted so I gave him five minutes walked into his office and told him I was taking my 10-minute break what are you talking about you only have one break and that's for lunch my contract says otherwise it's in clause 10 when I got back from the break he asked me to clean something up out in the store I couldn't believe that he couldn't take a hint sorry can't do clauses 9a and 9b prevent me from doing it next day a customer asked me for help with something sorry can do it's not my job find someone else my boss heard about this and yelled at me but I managed to stay calm and answered with the clauses that prevented me from helping the customer legally I was in the right and he couldn't do anything but I could see the hatred in his eyes I was still on a trial period which meant he could fired me with only 24 hours notice but I could also resign with only 24 hours notice I knew that once summer ended and everyone was back from their vacations he would fire me right away I had started looking for other jobs and it was going alright so I decided to quit at the worst time impossible when it showed itself at the last week of summer he had to fire one person and suspend another person for stealing from the store it was the perfect time to quit and leave him badly undermanned for the week 24 hours and 1 minutes before my next shift I sent to my resignation before I sent a message to my co-workers about how they should remember to take all their breaks and not violate their contract by doing stuff they aren't allowed to do I heard it gave him a little chaos when people followed my advice our next post is from Jim Kelly writer I work nights at a hotel back then the manager would place ads with coupons advertising rooms at a discount in general these coupons were a real pain in the butt they clearly said not valid on weekends or holidays and had expiration dates I would regularly have to argue with guests because they were trying to use them in violation of the terms anyway one day this guy comes in and slaps a magazine with one of our coupons down on the desk and stares me down I sigh internally and look at the coupon it's a couple of months out of date our rate for the night is I know the rate it says it right here he jabs his finger into the magazine just about punching a hole in our marble counter now you're going to honor this coupon or I'm going to call my friend who owns the company I really want to tell him to go ahead because if he really knew the owner he'd know the company is a franchise and each hotel is privately owned instead what I say is absolutely sir you see what I was going to tell him before he cut me off was that this coupon was out of date and from the height of tourist season since the season was over and we'd already gotten snow our regular nightly rate was almost half of what his coupon said since he was insistent that I honor it I saw no reason not to charge him almost double what everyone else was paying unsurprisingly this post was originally posted on our slash butthole tax our next reddit post is from kimchi Kati this happened about three years ago while going through an air in the US I walked through a metal detector something must have beeped and they needed me pat-down after a thorough pat-down I put my shoes on and started to walk over to grab my bag a TSA agent stops me and says you've been randomly selected please step into the body scanner I was polite but said that I really didn't want to get into the body scanner and asked if there was another way the agent said that I could get a pat-down I said well I just got a pat-down so they angrily told me to pick an option so I took two steps backwards to the woman who had patted me down 30 seconds ago and spread him again well she was patting me down I asked her if she found anything new she stared daggers at me but let me go and then this reply in the comments every time I go through I get selected for a pat-down as they get near my private area they always say I'm going to use the back of my hands to which I always reply doesn't matter it's still the front of my balls our next reddit post is from classy pyro I work at a hotel as a night Auditor and this malicious compliance begins with a small bit of information I was told when I was initially hired for this position when I interviewed for the position and this is very important later on I was told by the HR lady that the hotel paid $100 bonus for each foreign language I spoke well enough to serve our guests management cleared my hundred bucks for speaking English after I passed through their evaluation period my main language is Portuguese and for clarity that $100 bonus isn't a one-time bonus it's every month so those really add up at first I was glad to be working in the night shift mostly because my colleague then mr. Castillo was from Guatemala so whenever any guest that spoke Spanish showed up he handled it and in turn I handled it any english-speaking foreigners naturally he did a lot more work since the amount of spanish-speaking guests we receive is significantly larger than our english-speaking ones meanwhile mr. Castillo was in the process of learning English and I taken an interest in Spanish so we helped each other out not long after mr. Castillo got himself a job paying several times over with a hotel did and sadly left me my new colleague a new leaf a bellboy didn't speak English though he could understand some and didn't speak Spanish at all in fact he didn't even try to improve any of his language skills while I slowly kept improving my Spanish trying to use more and more of it every day to serve our dear guests at the start of this month I spoke to our front desk manager and asked him in plain Spanish what did I have to do exactly to receive the hundred dollar bonus for speaking Spanish he was surprised but said nothing more since the front desk got busy with checkouts and my shift was up but a few days later he mentioned he spoke to HR and informed them I was speaking Spanish well enough to receive my bonus and now he was just waiting back to hear from them a few days later the HR lady asked me what size shirt I wore since they were going to be ordering new uniforms in the coming weeks and I took the opportunity to ask her about my bonus for Spanish and she mentioned they were talking with our director about it a day later she informed me they wouldn't be paying me the bonus for a foreign language since it was on file that I was already receiving it I replied I was receiving a bonus for English not Spanish and she said she would speak to the director again and within a few days all will be made well now I'm not really in a hurry to get my bonus but it would be nice if they cleared it already as it would show up in my next paycheck but guess what they didn't our director talked to HR again at my boss and told them that even though I'm serving our dear spanish-speaking guests in Spanish I don't in fact speak Spanish I'm far from fluent but I can explain how the hotel works direct guests to where they need to be and assist them with what they need be it finding a pharmacy at 3 a.m. getting a cab to go out and get drinks or even hire an escort yep but apparently it isn't good enough for our dear director and my manager said he can't really afford to fight him on it okay no biggie I guess maybe we'll try again next year when I can speak a little better I thoughts however the cruel and unforgiving gods of the hotel industry gave me the perfect opportunity to strike back earlier last week we received a large group of 30 plus spanish-speaking tourists which in addition to normal occupancy meant we were effectively sold out for the week big groups are usually a minor inconvenience when you're checking them in but an even bigger problem when checking them out especially if they're one person per room which means you basically have a huge load of rooms to check out one by one while an endless line forms in front of the front desk 80-plus checkouts aren't unusual for our hotel on friday mornings but a hundred and ten plus is a problem normally when the morning shift has a workload this big our front desk manager comes in early to help but he couldn't this time since he took a personal day since his mother fell ill that left our director with only one choice to ask the night audit to stay late and help until our reservations people clocked in and could then replace us at the front desk see my colleague doesn't like staying late especially since he works at a second job with his father in the afternoon meaning he only has the mornings and early afternoon to sleep I don't like staying late on Fridays because of the amount of check outs which means it'll be forever before you can take a breath and even more so before you can leave however this time our director didn't even ask my colleague and instead told me to stay late because we would have a size of a workload and about a third of it would require someone that spoke Spanish or it would slow down everything to a crawl I told him I wouldn't be staying late that morning and before I could get another word in he started yammering about how I'm wrong and I should be more of a team player and that he would be very grateful for it wanting to get back to my sleep I told him to ask my colleague and he said he couldn't that they needed me and when I asked him why he clearly stated we need two Spanish speakers that morning to make sure everything goes okay with the check outs not one for missing an opportunity to get payback I replied sorry boss I don't speak Spanish turned off my phone and went back to sleep that was our sloshed malicious compliance and if you want to maliciously comply hit and that like button and subscribe to this channel for more daily Reddit content
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: s73I_Tteoug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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