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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're an entitled mother tries to kidnap a child also just a reminder I've started to patrie on page where I'm gonna publish videos that I couldn't publish to YouTube because YouTube to monetize them so if you want to see the videos that are too spicy for YouTube go to patreon.com/scishow our next reddit post is from Ali is dead my mom just reminded me of this I don't remember every detail because I was 5 or 6 when it went down but I do remember how bummed the kids were after so back in 1997 when I was 5 or 6 I rode the bus to and from school our bus driver was an older lady named Marge and she was a super nice lady she didn't have kids so I think she thought of kids on her route as her makeshift grandkids she got to know most of the kids that rode routinely and would give gifts on birthdays and special presents to some kids not all on Christmas or Hanukkah now we all knew about the special presence the older kids had told the younger kids and it seemed like a general rule that some kids got small wrapped gifts like the size of an iPhone box nothing big and the rest of us got candy canes I don't remember exactly what year this event happened I think I was maybe in the first grade because I was very aware of the special gifts and I know I had gotten a Barbie doll from her on my birthday which landed just before school let out for summer break anyway this happened just before Christmas break markt had already given special presents to the kids she always gave them too it was after school we were being dropped off at the bus stop it was raining really hard and I was already in a grumpy mood because the wind blew my umbrella inside out Marge pulled up to the sidewalk reminded us to put on our jackets and hoods which caused her to take a few seconds to open the door that's when this crazy entitled mother starts wrapping her knuckles on the door like really hard Marsh pulled the lever that opens the door and even before it could open all the way this entitled mother shoves the door open and stomps on in and according to my mom shouts why did you give presents to four kids and not my kids I honestly don't remember what this woman had said I remember her yelling and all of us are silent and watching my mom hears Marge say excuse me this entitled mother begins on a tirade of calling March up and accusing her of nepotism which made her look extremely uncomfortable as my mom said she looked like she was shocked in an odd way the entitled mother then says are you touching these kids is that it you're a molester she's a freaking molester that's when someone's father gets on and Yanks that crazy woman off I remember seeing her vanish like a magic trick and then looking at Marge who was crying my sweet old bus driver was openly weeping and sobbing it was sad and uncomfortable because at my age I didn't know what to do and I barely talked so I didn't know what to say or if I should say anything to Marge Marge allowed us to get off I kept my head down as I passed her feeling this icky icky feeling in my chest outside the entitled mother was yelling that it wasn't fair that only for families writers that Marge knew almost personally got gifts for Christmas and her two kids only got a stupid effing candy cane I do remember that part I remember thinking lady we all got candy canes so what my mom walked me home and just as we turned the corner a cop car came up the street his lights weren't on and he kind of like crept by if that makes sense my mom had shaken her head and said can you believe that crazy woman is she sick in the head the next week the last week of school we had a sub driver we had him until a february-march returned and she seemed to have lost her chip Ernest like she didn't come off as open and sweet like before she stopped giving gifts altogether and she didn't get involved or ask us about our home lives our families anymore either she was my bus driver until I moved three years later I wonder if she's still alive that untitled mom didn't show up after that one time I don't think I ever met her kids or knew who they even were but yeah that crazy woman kind of murdered my bus drivers spirit sorry it was so long you know this kind of reminds me of something that happened to me I remember one time I was just driving down this neighborhood and I was talking to someone in my car I look over to my right and I see this little kid maybe I don't know like 6 or 7 years old who's sitting on the street curb and just bawling his eyes out and there's no one around this kid at all no parents no other kids it's just a little kid by himself on the street crying so I immediately think to myself oh this kid might be lost or something so I pulled over to the side of the street turn on my hazard lights and get out of the car I come up to this kid and kneel down and I'm like hey kid what's your name and then like immediately this car that was behind me on the street like screeches to a halt and this woman leaps out of her car grabs the kid picks the kid up and physically turns her body so that her body is between me and the kid and then she starts asking the kid what his name is so I kind of identify with what that school bus driver was experiencing at that moment she was just trying to do a nice thing and then someone thinks she's some kind of sexual predator because of its I mean for my story when I look back on it I can't really progressed that woman too much because I mean I guess her heart was in the right place from her perspective she saw the exact same thing that I saw except that she saw a car pull over and a guy come out and talked to a kid but it's like come on lady am I really gonna kidnap a kid with my hazard lights on and in any event it turned out that the kids house was like five houses away and shortly after that maybe like 45 seconds after the mom came out and found the kid so I guess he must have just ran out to this to read got turned around and started crying I don't know our next reddit post is from a keyShot backstory a buddy of Mines family runs a small convenience store and bait and tackle shop in the US and I help out every now and then since I work at a gas station like 98 percent of stores the shop is currently operating on a one toilet paper item per family policy my friend's dad the owner told me in person that no one is allowed to buy more than one per family no ifs ands or buts Q the same I'm waiting out the last half-hour of when I said I'd help run the store on my own when entitled dad an entitled kid walk in decked out in fishing gear in dad grabs a packet of warm some sodas ice and snacks as he passes by the toiletry section he grabs four packages of toilet paper I'm sorry sir I say but store policy is currently only one per family I call out across the store but entitled dad ignores me he and entitled kids select a few more things and walk up to the counter entitled kid is trying hard not to be seen so I can tell he knows what's coming sir unfortunately I'm only able to sell you one toilet paper package right now well why not due to the pandemic and shortage our store is only allowing one toilet paper item per family well there's no sign back there yes there is sir there's a sign every six feet around the store and at the register at listing what items are being limited well I know the owner and he says it's okay for me to buy as many as I want from here entitled kid has not retreated to the door clearly wanting to leave and not be here you spoke to the owner yes I did now are you going to ring me up or what the owner specifically said that you can buy however much you wanted yes can you please hurry it up I want to be on the lake soon sir I know the manager didn't say anything to you because I'd have known about it are you calling me a liar I'm reporting you to the owner the next time I talk to him I pull out my phone how about now what I called the owner and put him on speakerphone let's call him up right now if he says it's okay I'll ring you up and apologize before entitled dad can say anything the store owner picks up hey o P what's up nothing much I have an entitled dad here and he says you told him he could ignore the store policy on toilet paper entitled dad can I have your name so I Know Who I told entitled dad's face breaks out in hope thinking he's bluffed his way through this and gives his name entitled dad I don't know who the hell you are or what the f you're talking about I haven't told anyone that they could ignore store policy by purchasing more than one you're possibly depriving others that may desperately need the toilet paper and if you're taking so many dumps that you need more than one package I would seriously suggest you consult a doctor not just buy more toilet paper if you can't follow store policy like every other customer that's come in and then you can leave store owner hangs up entitled dad has his mouth open in shock while entitled kid is looking like all major holidays and his birthday are happening today entitled dad shut his mouth stands in front the register for a few seconds shouts a final fu and storms out of this store leaving all his items on the counter that entitled dad's gonna have a really hard time catching [ __ ] without any worms on his fishing trip but I wouldn't say the trip was a total waste it looks like the kid definitely enjoyed himself our next reddit post is from mental illness I'm at the beach with a couple of my friends before Corona and I'm wearing a new bikini I just bought so there I am just lying down in the Sun when this lady comes and stands over me obviously I'm confused so I ask if there's a problem and she tells me I need to cover up my chest I will admit I am very well-endowed in that area because I'm distracting her son who looks to be about roughly my age I tell her that I am NOT going to cover up as it's my body and I'll wear what I want to wear and that if I'm distracting her son well that seems to be like a her problem and maybe she should teach her son to respect girls and not stare at them she did not seem to like this at all and she starts to scream at me in the middle of the beach telling me that I'm a bad influence on young girls and that she hopes I never have children because they'll turn out to be like me and that I'm disrespecting mothers all around the world because apparently I'm just trying to seduce their sons I'm literally 17 like WTF eventually her son comes over and drags her away but I was just lapping it off but it made me think why didn't her son come over any sooner to drag her away the funny thing about this story is that it took place on a beach lady if you don't like the people near you just walk like 50 feet in any direction our next reddit post is from socially declined I'm a 20 year old female with a three-month-old son we took our son to the park for the first time they had swings that are good for little babies so we had him in there he absolutely loved by the way there was an older lady there with three kids I am assuming her grandchildren because they were pretty young and she seen my grandma's age she was eyeing us up since the moment we got there my fiancee is a smoker and he's not allowed anywhere near the baby while smoking so he went to the baseball fields to sit in smoke this is a decent ways away even though this is a very very small town I didn't know the woman as we didn't live in the town that we were currently at but I was very familiar with this town as I lived here for many years when I was younger so he was fine with leaving us alone just not familiar enough to know the people anymore my step grandparents also lived here so I felt comfortable after my fiancee went over to the ballpark this lady approached me and began talking to me she asked me how I liked babysitting I laughed and told her I wasn't babysitting that this was my son this set her off she grabbed ahold of my wrist and told me don't lie to her and then I'm too young for this to be my son and that she doesn't believe me she told me if I didn't produce valid forms of identification for both of us she would call the police for kidnapping so here's the issue with that I don't carry my wallet on me that often and the only forms of identification I have for my son is his insurance card as his birth certificate and social security card haven't come in yet due to everything being bogged down from the virus I told the lady that and she tightened her grip on my wrist dating that that's a lie because they give you documents at the hospital they don't it had escalated to the point where she shoves me down and tries to grab my son stating that she'll be keeping ahold of him until the cops arrived I quickly got up and grabbed my son from her I didn't punch her but I did sort of palm her nose which I guess I did harder than I meant to because she started bleeding she yelled at me that she was gonna press charges for assault my fiance was making his way back during this time and caught the tail end of the confrontation skipping ahead to when the cops show up they're talking to each of us but the old lady won't stop screeching so they take her farther away to talk I'm in complete fight mode and terrified I'm frantically explaining that I don't have ID but this is my son we just came here to the park to play if there was any way I could prove that I was a mother of my son I showed him a photo of him getting pulled from me c-section and him on my chest a few hours later obviously he looks different now but you can tell us the same baby we were allowed to go home and we were told that we'd be hearing from someone about the assault and charges against a woman yes right because everyone knows a 20 year old woman is way too young to have a baby what on earth was this entitled woman thinking she's lucky she came out of that situation with just a bloody nose our next reddit post is from postmodern hippie goth outside my old starbucks is a small garden with some trees some flowers and a three-foot tall rock wall perimeter the 3-foot tall rock wall has been neglected over the years and several rocks are prone to uncontrollable shifting whenever too much weight is applied it's a decoration wall not a jogging wall most parents advise their children not to run along the wall until today a little girls running laps along the unstable garden wall while her entitled dad is on his cell phone and ignoring her knowing that our garden wall is unstable I asked a little girl to stop she ignores me so I advised her dad of the possible danger sir could you please ask your daughter to stop running laps along the unstable garden wall why the garden wall is unstable she could easily hurt herself are you in charge here no they don't tell me what to do I relay the necessary information to the shift supervisor who is in charge sir could you please ask your daughter to stop running laps along the unstable garden wall the garden wall is unstable and she could easily hurt herself are you in charge here yes I am I don't tell you how to make coffee don't tell me how to raise my kid minutes later a rock in the garden wall collapses beneath the little girl's feet she loses her footing falls three feet and breaks her arm the shift supervisor and I witnessed the whole thing fortunately a third member of staff is an ex reservists who knows first aid upon learning what happened he grabs the first aid in rushes to the scene he says hello little girl I know first aid may I help you the little girl nods her head crying too hard to speak while the extra service is applying ice and a splint to the little girl's arm her entitled dad ignores them both choosing instead to yell at the shift supervisor where is your manager I'd like to know why you didn't maintain your garden wall in actuality the garden wall is the responsibility of our landlord and not of the Starbucks Coffee Company none of this information is making the little girl feel better the entitled dad threatens us with the lawsuit for the next 15 minutes repeating the same phrases ad nauseam where is your manager why didn't you maintain your garden wall after he satisfied himself with his yelling he acknowledges his daughter and drives her to the hospital barely thinking the ex reservist for tending to her injury and her pain the following day the entitled dad returned with his daughter and a lawyer the lawyer takes statements from the ex reserva the ship supervisor and myself the entitled dad wanted to sue Starbucks for five figures but in the end the lawyer never materialized to the best of my knowledge the little girl made a full recovery that was our slash entitled parents and if you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 805,960
Rating: 4.9305925 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: BGdZlpM5718
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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