r/Prorevenge "YOU'RE FIRED!" "No... U!"

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welcome to our slash pro revenge where someone gets to fire the boss that fired them my dad had worked at the same company for almost 30 years before he was abruptly fired for complete BS he was coordinating an upcoming meeting of people who had to fly in from around the country one important participant resigned unexpectedly so dad canceled the meeting via email and explained why apparently that counted as improperly communicating privileged information and he was fired the next day all this happened a week after dad's boss retired and was replaced by a new guy who wanted to cut costs what a coincidence this was about ten years ago near the height of the recession dad was in his 50s hadn't interviewed for a job since the early 1980s he wasn't sure he'd ever find another job my mom went back to work at a school to pay the bills while dad scraped together what he could doing some sucky online consulting gigs for a basically minimum wage they managed to keep their heads above water but only barely dad was out of work for a year and a half he finally landed a job at a new company three states away coincidentally about an hour away from where my wife and I lived and we're expecting dad's first grandchild mom and dad moved to live about 20 minutes away from us they'd paid off the mortgage on their house so they decided to keep it and rent it out planning to retire there in a few years the new company treated dad very well better salary than he'd made at the old company good benefits and respect from his co-workers and superiors a year later mom and dad were able to buy a second smaller house near their grandkids dad mentioned a few things about his time at old company to his new bosses nothing confidential or anything more like overall strengths and weaknesses of course the story of how he got fired came out as well it turns out that when you work at a company for over 25 years you learn a thing or two about how it works and cutting costs by firing experienced employees can make your company vulnerable new companies started to get very interested they saw an important business opportunity and also saw a chance to get revenge on behalf of a valued employee a couple years later a new he bought old companies they were both big companies and mergers the size take time but when the dust settled it was clear there were redundancies divisions and products that both companies had that new company only needed one up they kept as many as old companies people as they could and very few lost their job except of course for the people responsible for a firing dad new company put dad in charge at the building he used to work in at old company and let him choose his employees from both old and new companies dad had to move back to the old state so new company helped sell his house in the new state and gave him a moving siphoned of several thousand dollars but mom and dad were just moving back into their old house they sold their new houses they'd made payments and improvements on for five years for a nice profit with that money plus the moving stipend they paid off debt safer retirement and took me my siblings our spouses and the grandkids on a cruise van isn't that just the ultimate revenge fantasy to tell the guy who fired you you're fired our next reddit post is from Ray Ray Rex back in my first year of college are used to living a residence on campus with three other dudes two of them were cool shout out to be dog and Hal but the third named David had a nasty habit of taking things that weren't his and mysteriously forgetting that the objects had fallen into his possession of the items he had stolen and were subsequently found in his room included food snacks notebooks vapes and earbuds albeit cheap ones we'd all complained to our RA but since they were such small items we were told that we should just have a house meeting and talk about it with David to have the problem fixed we had two of those where he claimed it all looks so similar how am I supposed to know which is mine considering that we all keep our stuff in our rooms this was obviously BS but the RA said unless it was something major campus police wouldn't launch an official investigation so we instituted a masking tape policy and marked everything but lo and behold he still continued his petty theft knowing nothing would happen unless I took action I planned my revenge i shelled out around 80 bucks for a USB killer it was a USB device that plugged into an unsecured USB port fried the computer by building a charge and dispensing it into the port pretty much destroying the CPU among other parts now obviously I wasn't going to plant this anywhere but I had to make it seem like this was a tool and not some sort of setup so I droped be dogging Alan on my plan and installed this software called device lock which protects USB ports from being used without express permission from the user on all of our devices also just in case the butthole tried to plug it into our laptops I even went as far as taping my name to this silicon timebomb with them roped in the last thing to do was wait and see if David had learned his lesson it took all of three days but expectedly David did not learn his lesson I was at the library when this happened but David had decided that this sexy USB would be the perfect addition to his collection of stolen wares so he went to my room and took it big mistake I got a snapchat from b-dog that David was going postal and I needed to get back ASAP I hightailed it and when I got near our residence I could physically hear david swearing and yelling from the hallway when i got inside he was cussing and screaming that he was gonna sue me for purposefully trying to damage his laptop by booby-trapping a USB admittedly i should have held my composure better but I laughed in that mofo space I told him that the USB was clearly labeled with my name on my desk in my room and I was using it to test whether my computer ports were secured from devices such as this screaming in sued from him after which RRA showed up he heard her from down the hall and asked what the hell was happening I stayed quiet and let David attempt to lie his way out of this but holy flip this [ __ ] kept to his story after explaining my side the Raa said we were both going to campus police as this was pretty serious cue me thinking I just effed up my whole future for a stupid act of revenge when we got there and explained our stories campus please had none of David's garbage they told him that one he cannot sue me since this was to trap but a security tool that was within my own living space of which he had no right entering to steal from and to he was being relocated to the sucky single residences on the other side of campus and if they caught when did this again he was getting banned for life from residences as well as receiving a non-academic offense a nice little chat with the Dean about his misconduct his tone immediately flipped to crying and saying he had all his exam notes on there it was stress that was causing him to do this and he had paid to live in the nicer dormitory style housing but they basically told him tough cookies this is your one and final warning the three of us enjoyed the rest of the semester with an extra bedroom for storage space and beer pong which was definitely a win as for David I've only ever seen him in the cafeteria slash library on occasion sitting there studying without his laptop dude what a stupid excuse everybody gets stressed around exam times but most people don't steal to justify it our next reddit post is from drumhead so this happened to me about ten years ago in a big city on the west coast hopefully this counts as pro revenge I had just finished grad school and was looking for a way to cut down on rent and an already expensive rental market now mind you I was young desperate and inexperienced with roommates at the time and this was a huge life lesson for me and hopefully for my roommate too I placed an ad for a roommate on Craigslist which in hindsight wasn't a smart move enter bad roommates bad roommate was a few years older than me and at first seemed really cool with a stable job as a licensed masseuse after interviewing her hitting it off really well and getting to know each other for about a month we rented a loft in downtown around October with the agreement that rent and utilities would be split around the time our first rent was due in November bad roommate said that her work had been slow and she would pay rent in the next two weeks luckily I had enough in savings so I covered rent well the two weeks came and went and still no rent when I asked her about the rent she yelled obscenities and accused me of being abusive and harassing her no kidding while claiming she didn't have money for rent she would be out of the house from around 9:00 until around 2 a.m. visiting friends all of this nonsense continued on as well as other things such as stealing my food and breaking some of my belongings including a bottle of wine that my recently deceased sister had gifted to me bad roommates excuse was bad energy in the house while giving me a little smirk fast forward to the beginning of December and you guessed it is still no rent this time in addition to yelling obscenities accusing me of being abusive and breaking my stuff bad roommate called the police on me accusing me of making threats the cops didn't do anything as there was no evidence I did anything for the record I didn't but they did give me a lecture about making threats and said next time they come out I could be arrested or forced to leave the residence by this time I was almost out of savings and was fearing eviction bad roommate hadn't paid rent since moving the final straw came when I came home from work to find her threatening my two cats who were cowering in the corner I almost lost it but due to what happened before with the police I didn't want to poke the fire this is when I remembered the officer saying I could be forced to leave the residence and a light bulb went off in my head now the revenge parts I called my best friend whose father was an attorney after a phone consultation with him he told me to pay up the rent and utilities through December and then simply surrender my key Garage remote etc with a signed note saying that I surrender possession of the property with a specified date I snapped a photo of this note elected with the secretary in the management office I then proceeded to sign a new lease with the last of my savings one week before Christmas while bad roommate was out visiting friends I packed up all my belongings and left the house pretty much empty except for the little bit of belongings she had a little bit of food and her bed after about two days of angry voicemails texts and missed calls from bad roommate telling me what a horrible an irresponsible person I was to do this boom did silence until April in April I was served with a summons for breach of contract for abandoning the lease buy my landlord I contacted the attorney aka my best friend's dad and filed a response to the court with a hearing date set in late May I should have to the with my attorney and his - I'm guessing they were assistants bad roommate was also there looking smug think wine bottle incident smirk next thing I know the other attorney announces they're dismissing me from the lawsuit since I surrendered possession of the property but they weren't dismissing it against bad roommates bedroom eights face went gaunt the smirk disappeared and it was priceless after some back-and-forth with her almost getting held in contempt of court for outburst the judge ruled against my roommate with full judgment awarded the landlord the first cherry on top my best friend's dad represented me pro bono the final cherry on top I came to find out a month later via an angry voicemail from bad roommate that after being kicked out of a friend's house while couch surfing her credit was trashed she had an eviction on her record and subsequently couldn't get another apartment and that again I was a horrible irresponsible person I never heard from her again afterwards but she was on the news a few months later mug shot and all for trashing a convenience store last I heard she moved to Las Vegas in the end my credit did take a small hit even though the suit was dismissed the debt was put into collections and reported to the credit bureau for the next four years I tried unsuccessfully to have it removed at the four-year anniversary of the lawsuit I petitioned the credit bureau under the advice of my friend's dad / attorney to clear my record as the statute for filing suit had expired at the four-year mark failure to comply with the request would result in a lawsuit against the credit bureau for a slander of credit to be honest I just followed his instructions is not knowing what I was even talking about a couple days later I received a call that my record had been cleared long story but in the end it was worth it to get back at an otherwise horrible person our next reddit post is from the my coab I used to work for a plasma collection center back from 2008 to 2010 even though I was a certified phlebotomist I was placed up in reception and I slowly worked my way up to senior receptionist and trainer I was also training for quality control and was known for keeping detailed notes of issues that were in need of fixing / training which I would forward on to management some of the things I'd keep track of were violations of FDA and GHA the German health authorities since we were run by a German and Swiss company as well as OSHA issues because I wasn't seeing anything being done I eventually stopped reporting the issues to avoid being labeled a troublemaker and just kept time and date info and if I could I got pictures with date stamps just to cover my own bud in case something bad went down fast-forward to June of 2010 and I was talking with one of my co-workers about the proposed cuts to benefits and the high turnover rate at our Center they were complaining to me about being afraid to call in sick because others have been fired for it and I mentioned that they were putting donors in danger by us being six since we weren't allowed to wear a face mask unless we were in the back in the donor area and even then it was the clear face shields to prevent getting hit if someone leaked onto us without thinking about it I talked about how unions protected against this sort of thing in other medical fields and how that might be something we should consider to help protect us the co-worker got weirdly quiet but I figured it was because I was talking about a subject most people don't like talking about nothing really happened until about August when another co-worker grabbed my ponytail while I was working with a donor and yanked down on it jerking my head back I'd informed everyone I worked with to never touch my hair because it was a trauma trigger for me being abused and so this co-worker knew I would wind up in panic mode from this she'd seen it happen before when a donor touched my hair so this was deliberate I remember telling her to not do that again or I would make her regret it she of course walked up and yanked my hair even harder and I hit her the supervisors went into damage control mode as I fled the area still in panic response and one of them cornered me and demanded I write down what happened because I had assaulted someone on the property I wrote my sight as well and told them to check the security footage since the camera was aimed right at the booth I was working at and had clear view of the events turned out everyone else told an entirely different and creepily similar story than what I told and the footage couldn't be found even though less than half an hour had passed I was fired for assault less than an hour later and squirted off the premises after being given five minutes to clear out my locker and get my belongings so on to the revenge which was two-pronged my partner was there on that day and saw what happened and tried to offer to write up what he saw but was denied so the next time he went in he wound up being screened by the co-worker who yanked my hair who didn't even get a write-up for assaulting me and asked her loudly enough that the whole reception area could hear so how's those fifty shekels of silver in Judas was it worth it which left her in tears and another person had to finish screening him he wound up being banned for six months for his attitude but he claims it was more than worth it while this was going on I've been reaching out to the various organizations and departments that oversaw plasma donation and collection the FDA osha cdc GHA and the like i informed them in the fact that we always clean prior to an inspection but we didn't keep things that clean day to day and suggested a surprise inspection should be in order I also handed over copies of everything I'd collected and tried to report but that the bosses ignored I learned a few months later that all the management and several of the other techs and supervisors were all suddenly reassigned and the FDA GHA and OSHA had all slammed fines on the Senate for violations dating back almost the whole time I worked there what's this this employee has tons of evidence of her wrongdoing let's fire her what could possibly go wrong our next reddit post is from Tim 1701 in the 90s I was a technical operator for a radio station long story short I made production elements for them and adverts on top of my other duties new management came in and decided to only pay me for the tech op shifts I'd done and nothing for the production first month he was there I had invoiced for a little over three thousand pounds and received a 960 pound cheque I ran the overnight so when midnight came I moved all my production into a hidden folder in system 32 shut down the servers through the breakers and left I got a phone call in the morning and was asked to come in for a meeting as I let them up the Greek I'd made pretty much 70 to 80% of all the efforts and production stingers and dents and montages the new boss was a but he told me I'd damaged the product which I just laughed at as before he came in it was a great ad station and he turned it into a top 40 station you could find up and down the dial will call him J I had also found out that the sales staff were charging customers 200 pounds for advertisement production they were on 10% commission and I was getting 40 pounds for each advertisement and they pocketed the rest on top of their Commission bear in mind the rest of the outsourced ads cost 150 to 200 pounds in the meeting I laid out my demands I can restore everything but I don't only want the money you owe me from the past month I want the money from the previous advert your sales staff has pocketed from my work they essentially made 160 pounds extra from each advert on top of their Commission around 300 or 400 pounds a pop there's no way we can do that well there's no way I can restore the adverts J looks at pieces of paper on his desk we can give you an extra 200 pounds a month I want the whole amount I handed him an invoice that totaled a little over 16,000 pounds the color now drained from his face oui oui je you honored that invoice or you will have to recreate or outsource all of the production okay let me see what I can do I'll sort something out for you next invoice date J if I don't walk out of here with that money today you don't get them back as soon as you restore them I'll see what I can do J I will have no guarantees and I'm not stupid a bank transfer today and we can sort that out right here and now J then phones the head office and within the hour I had every penny of it in my accounts his face was a picture when he followed me to the server to watch me just move the files over from one folder to the other yes they were right under your nose J says through gritted teeth you best get home and get some sleep no good luck tonight within 5 hours I was in Spain where I stayed for for weeks when I got back I did hear through the grapevine that the sales team were out for blood Jay bucked and blamed them for being ripped off and they all lost their commission for three months and just got basic pay to make up for the loss I'm pretty sure the company made more than enough back from that to pay for my hostage negotiation I used some of what was left to buy a laptop and started DJing around town for a few years back then it was a rare sight and I used to get nerdy types on a night out just hanging around the boost to see what I was doing with the computer in a pub man I will never understand how people will not pay their workers their checks and then be like what I'm shocked that you're suddenly angry with us and don't want to do your work why that was our / / revenge and if you liked this video then 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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: h1nmNoDvdyU
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Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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