r/Maliciouscompliance "SHUP UP AND DO MY TATTOO!" "lol ok"

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where your wish is my command being Friday the 13th while waiting for my tattoo I was reminded of a situation a few years ago with my friend lives who's my primary artist and an especially Karin type lady and her kylus boyfriend's double K for both who came in to get cheap tattoos I watched this whole thing go down but wasn't involved per se so this was doing a quick custom job on me and my buddy Chris yes we got matching tattoos Star Wars yin-yang for those wondering I went second so Liz and I could catch up double K bypassed the massive line out the door and down the stairs and walk straight up to the artists area to try to skip the line this was shut down pretty quick and they were told there's a huge wait in front of them and they'll have to go to the back of the line well a double K didn't like this one bit and started to throw a fit like legit tried to pull me out of the chair because he's getting what he wants and I was here first she wasn't I was there at 8 a.m. to help Liz load in OJ and doughnuts and that 10 people in line before me and knew this too well one of the artists just finished and said I'll take you to we were all kind of flabbergasted by this but Liz got this big evil grin on her face so I knew something was up I figured this dude would do a terrible job go to deep used the wrong needle something to just really screw up their day but he did none of this he pulled his flash sheet and said pick one Karen picked something and he asked where she wants it back of her ankle so dude gets to work free handing it while double K keeps looking at the line like they won something well they did win something the smallest tattoo I've ever seen the thing was no bigger than a dime from 10 feet away all I could see was a little black spot on her leg that looked more like a mole than a tattoo double K lost it screaming about him assaulting her and forcing her to get a tattoo and they're gonna call the cops and all that then they tried to skip out without paying they were rather impolitely informed that theft of service is a felony and that cops are only ten minutes away they tried to pay up the 13 bucks but that's where the guys brilliance really shone through his sheet said a custom at the top all custom tattoos were 31 bucks not only did this lady have a very tiny and very intricately detailed tattoo she only had a 50 on her and they had a huge sign at the register that simply said no change double Kate ended up paying the shop minimum anyway but she got her tattoo ahead of the line so I'm looking through the comments and actually a lot of people in the comments here are green with the Karen saying that while it's true that she was certainly rude putting a permanent sucky tattoo on this girl's ankle was kind of going overboard so what do you think let me hear from you down in the comments did the tattoo place go too far or is this Instant Karma our next reddit post is from salvia Moria I work in a casual fine dining restaurant in a downtown area prices aren't crazy but high enough that we don't get a super young crowd I would say average age of our dinner crowd is 30 to 60 although it varies more on the weekend I only include this information so you understand why I didn't initially ask for identification even though you should always check Thursday night a table of four comes in for early dinner to karyn's and their daughters excellent I'm ready for them to split entrees and tip me 15% not the worst type of table for being honest but nonetheless they order a pitcher of sangria and I tell them I'll be right back with that for them to which mama Karen says to me you really aren't going to check these girls IDs her birthday was just last month aren't you supposed to check anyone who looks under 40 she is correct of course that I should have asked for identification even though the girls were with their mothers and I was being lazy by assuming they were of age since their moms didn't stop them from ordering drinks I agree with her and tell her that I actually am supposed to check all IDs regardless of age and proceed to look at all four of the lady's IDs I'm fortunately for Mama Karen her birthday was a few days previously and her ID had expired in the state of Michigan it's illegal to serve alcohol to anyone with an expired ID regardless of age so I had to deny mama Karen a glass for this angry ax while her daughter and friends shared a picture I didn't really have malicious intentions however it felt good that Karen's antics backfired on her edit I didn't include details of Karen throwing a fit when I denied her a glass of sangria she informed me that she a business owner is more aware of the law than I a mere server could ever be I simply couldn't just do my job and bring her a glass my generation doesn't respect elders and blah blah blah her daughters were a little embarrassed I believe but I tried to move past it and serve them the rest of their meal normally Karen kept huffing and puffing but said no when I offered to bring the manager over she says she's a business owner what are the odds that she sells essential oils on Facebook our next reddit post is from River guava not me but my dad many years ago my parents took us on a family vacation being a family of five and trying to save cause we opted to take a 2-day scenic drive instead of flying my youngest sister was just offered diapers and had to urgently pee my dad stopped at a filling station in a small town to let my sister use the restrooms cue the grumpy old store owner refusing to let her use the restroom because we haven't actually bought anything yet there was a line waiting at the fuel pumps and still a couple of cars ahead of us seeing as my youngest sister was really struggling to hold it in my dad goes into the shop and chooses the shadiest looking snack he could find and pays sure as heck after my sister did her thing he proceeds to return the snack because wouldn't you know it the expiration date on the packet was way in the past you can also bet that we went to the filling station across town to reveal the car why would anyone deny access to a bathroom do you want people to pee on the side of your building because that's how you get people peeing on the side of your building our next reddit post is from confused contortion so this happened years ago when I was in high school but I smile every time I think of it my high school had a policy that anyone who had missed less than a certain number of school days could pick one class they had an aien to skip the final you could get a couple extra days for college visits but otherwise it was very straight forward awesome policy and we loved it one year we had this kid who was in eighth grade and had been diagnosed with cancer he spent a lot of his year sick getting treatment going to the hospital running to the bathroom to throw up etc despite all this he finished the year with an A in his Spanish class it was his only high school class so it was the only final he would have been able to skip administration was not going to let him skip the final because he had missed too much school he and his parents asked him to make an exception and given the situation but administration wouldn't budge his teacher stood up for him but was told this kid had to take the final no matter what he had missed too many days and there would be no exception the teacher said okay but told her class not to study for worried about or exempt her final then the first day all her students showed up for the final she told them to take out a piece of paper a number at one-two-three leaving one line in between each number she then asked three questions along the lines of what is your name how do you say yes in Spanish and how do you say hello in Spanish then she collected the final everyone got a 100 that year and she became a legend the kid has been cancer-free for over five years now well at least it's good to know that the school is cracking down on all those troublemakers like kids with cancer and we have a similar story for mirada's down in the comments I have an interesting story as well I got very sick the first year of high school right before finals I missed all of my finals and had to make them up and somewhere to complete the year all in all I did fine except for one algebra two because the teacher said she would let us use the notes for our so I didn't study I showed up with my notes and they refused to let me use them even after seeing a note from the teacher I started the test and in the middle I wrote in huge text they didn't let me use my notes and I didn't study because I was sick I didn't complete the rest of the test I probably did 50% max I received my grades back and got an A on it best teacher ever our next reddit post is from easy lucky free a couple years ago I worked retail in a store geared towards children a very magical store lots of princesses superheroes rodents you get the picture our store had about 25 female employees including all of management and three male employees the dress code was incredibly strict we had a uniform that had to be ironed all the time no visible tattoos only natural hair colors women were encouraged to wear makeup and style their hair men were either to be clean shaven or have fully grown in facial hair for some reason one particular manager was intent on nitpicking me regarding the dress code even when I was in complete compliance of it I was constantly told that I needed to iron it better so I started getting it dry-cleaned and somehow that still wasn't enough I wore a very minimal makeup and she constantly told me I should wear more though she couldn't make me hair bows were a big thing at the store and people made and gave his presents custom ones highlighting characters they weren't exactly against dress code but they did push the limits regardless this particular manager seemingly only had an issue with them when I wore them once she got down on her hands and knees with a ruler to prove my pants him was too long only to be proven wrong there were also some conversations about my appearance that looking back were definitely body shaming as a side note this particular manager was a natural brunette but she dyed her hair black and bleached a portion of the hair underneath so that it would show she was a self-proclaimed bro ho if you need a more clear idea point is her hair pushed the edge of what would be considered natural I got the itch to dye my hair and before working for the store I had always loved to color my hair all sorts of colors however with the dress code only natural hair colors were allowed so I came up with a compromise silver I went and had my hair professionally lightened and dyed silver the next day I worked the district and regional managers were visiting the store I was always picked to work those days because I had the best stage presence and knowledge of the company and those two were always impressed by me when I showed up to work that day with my new shiny silver hair my store managers were appalled they wanted to send me home immediately and for whatever reason they decided to talk to me in front of the higher-ups this is a paraphrasing of the conversation here a major violation of the dress code how so your hair isn't a natural color yes it is gray is a natural color but you aren't gray yet so so it looks unnatural to be all gray are you saying that we can't dye our hair at all if it's not a color that would grow out of our heads naturally at this moment no you can dye your hair it just can't be obviously fake it needs to look real I pointed to the manager who was constantly on me your hair is half black half bleached blond I feel like that looks more unnatural than my gray hair I turned to the two higher-ups and asked if I was in violation they agreed with me that I wasn't I also showed them one of my bows and they fawned over it and even asked me for directions on how to make one in the end I got to keep my silver hair and my bows and my manager was told that her hair actually was a dress code violation and she had to dye it before coming in the next day so am I the only one imagining the manager with a karin haircut our next reddit post is from Mike sass early August 2018 I tried to break up a late-night fight between my cat and my parent's dog and I lost didn't realize at the time just how bad cat bites are so the next morning when my hand swelled up I went to the emergency room where they gave me antibiotic I'd been on antibiotics twice already that year for pneumonia and a UTI so despite knowing that my allergies to both penicillin and sofa were on my chart I made sure to request ones I wasn't allergic to you know because duh they gave me sulfa antibiotics and I almost died two days later I'm back in the ER and get different antibiotics I have good credit and would like to keep it that way so I paid off all my bills as soon as I received them there was drama with getting additional bills later to the point where I called and asked the registrant to go through my account to make sure I had paid everything and if I hadn't I would like to pay it over the phone q two months later when I get some very angry calls from a collection agency trying to collect on the bills I had already paid it took a threeway phone call between the ER the collections agency and me to figure it out but we figured it out cut to the past two days where I've gotten 10 different emails asking me to review the ER one email every business day how did we do reminder give us your feedback don't forget to review so I did on Yelp Facebook and Google just like they asked and here's the review this place almost killed me with antibiotics that my medical history clearly states I'm allergic to then they had the nerve to send my already paid bill from their attempted manslaughter to a collections agency I'm likely not the only person they've tried to bully into double paying a bill now it's a year later and they suddenly decided to hound me for a review you can call me Karen and Opie went on to post an update that basically just said that they contacted her on Facebook asking her to take the post down but of course she refused that was our / malicious compliance and this is our / puppy bloopers you really aren't going to check these girls I dog what do you do the table please you really aren't going to check these girls IDs dog she is correct of course that I should have that's for identification even though the girls are with dog stop whinin please she is correct of course that I should what are you doing what are you doing pooch pets beckon her pets she is correct of course that I should have asked for identification even though they she is correct she is correct of course that I should have asked her identification even though the girls were there with her mother's dog please she is correct of course that I should have asked for identification even though the girls are with their mothers and I was being lazy by assuming they were can you please stop whining she is correct of course that I should have asked for identification even though the girls were with her mother's and dog why are you doing this to me am I not good to you why not pet you and cuddle you and feed you and walk you play with you and told you let you chew up my shoes huh and you've got to sit there look at me and the wine while I'm trying to record and bark like I'm some bad person I'm not I'm a good person I'm a good dog owner I make your life happy and this is how you repay me pooch what do you want bumper puppy dog uh you just want to play that's all you want to do you just gonna play play play play play all right let's go cuddle
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,187,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: o-eih1UDTXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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