r/Prorevenge - Entitled Mom Gets Put in JAIL! "How DARE You!"

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welcome to our /po revenge and in today's episode a stuck-up entitled mom gets thrown in jail you're not gonna want to miss this one so I used to live in Z Deutschland and upon returning to Fair Blighty the UK I began looking for work being a simple man of simple needs I quickly found employment in the marketing department for a medium-sized industrial manufacturer it was a little below my experience level on qualifications but I take what I can get because I am a simple man at the final interview I mentioned it would be top banana if I could arrive five minutes early and leave five minutes early on most days so I could catch my train with a smile my new boss hereafter referred to as mentiroso which means liar by the way said of course it's only five minutes and I'd still be working the full eight hours sin problem us o P and welcome aboard my first day comes and I ride the choo-choo all the way to my new workplace eager to begin I quickly learned that the lunch room is pure stank senior staff put their name instead of mine on any trade article I get published and that our job mostly consists of extorting money from our own sale staff but that's life I am a simple man and so I said about my labors glad to earn a crust what really flogged my noggin however is lemon - Rosa calling me into her office on the second day and telling me I can't leave early again because it is unprofessional I remind her of the conversation we had in which she said with her mouth the words it will be no problem for you to arrive and leave five minutes early she smirks and replies maybe I said that but is it written in your contract Touche you big old mentirosa Touche I shrug and get on with life because that's life but of course I started looking for other work by making me stay the five minutes allotment Teresa makes me miss my train and turns my two hours daily commute into a four-hour one yet appear I don't know how to pronounce that so I'm gonna say yet I do not want this I am a simple man and need my downtime about two weeks later the company goes on a fiery spree one of those people fired is me because I have been quite openly looking for other work I am given two weeks notice and smugly told I am not good enough for this place and then I will never work in the area again because of lemon two roses contacts as she snapchats the news to the rest of the team I joked not I reflect that she is probably right as I am a simple man among the other victims of the purge as the Regional Sales Manager for Germany this is more important to the company than my meaningless departure since the company also decided to end the contract with their biggest German distributor and so suddenly a huge part of the company's core market is not active and they have no salesmen to find them a new distributor management panics until lemon terrassa remembers that her despised marketing bandit is a fluent German speaker and so the fun begins she asked me to step up to the plate be a buddy old pal I didn't mean it when I said you'd never work in this town again I am a simple man so rather than point out that I am NOT being paid anywhere near what I could earn as a translator rather than remind them that they have just fired me and I am NOT their friend anymore rather than asking is it written in my contract and then smirking like an obnoxious Dingwall on a high horse made of douche i instead swallow my pride and agree to help out it is here that the twin revenge's named inadequacy and abandonment make their entrance firstly inadequacy during every conversation I mentioned my job title advertising assistant when the friendly Teutons politely ask why a lowly assistant as negotiating this kind of deal I simply explained that the regional manager was let go and there is no formal replacement this is entirely true but it is also a huge red flag for any serious company especially well-established German manufacturing firms and combined with a temporary uncertainty regarding brexit which had been announced only a few days prior was enough to kill any interest they had in becoming our next distributor secondly abandonment as I am a simple man I forgot to tell lemon to Rosa that I had already received and accepted another job offer she was thrilled at the praises she was getting from management for finding a stopgap solution to the catastrophic damage they had done to themselves and she asked me if I could actually stay on with the company until they secured a new district since I obviously had nothing better to do with my time being fired at all I assured her there were no hard feelings over my firing and then I would stay to help as long as I could on the day I was originally due to leave I held my calls drew up a summary of where we stood it was effectively a sad emoji followed by a poop emoji handed it to lament to Rosa and explained I was leaving to enjoy a week of holiday followed by starting a new job in a different field she sputtered she couldn't believe it she thought I would stay longer to help clean up the mess they still had no distributor and no Sales Manager for Germany they were hemorrhaging money she called me out reminding me I said I would stay but I am a simple man and so my only reply was maybe I said that but is that written in my contract here's where I would normally describe how I feel about the story but since I am also a simple man I will instead use emojis I will read in a crying while laughing to represent myself and a skull emoji to represent the career of love mid-to Rosa if you are also a simple fan let me know down in the comments how you feel about this story using only emojis flashback to 2014 or so I moved out on my own in 2013 and moved into an old house converted it into a two floor apartment directly across from my future in-laws the downstairs neighbors were loud blaring music at all hours yes all of the hours wouldn't cut the grass or take out the trash on our shared schedule crummy neighbors but they never bothered me directly the guy was pretty chilled when sober and would turn the music down a little when I texted him he was okay until his girlfriend moved in now ad shouting matches to the mix and all of the sudden my requests had turned down the music makes him turn it up I can barely walk on my super thin floor without her banging on the ceiling with a broom I was okay since I am a heavy sleeper I could sleep through anything my wife moved in and I quickly found out that she is quite the opposite fan on turned in a certain angle in the door of the bathroom door closed halfway blackout curtains with them taped to the wall so zero light comes through zero sounds other than the fan you get the idea I told her we can't expect them to remain silent when she's ready for bed we need to be reasonable but the wall rattling music needs to during the night she hated it during the day but I told her there's nothing we can do then so she would go to her parents house a lot during the day I talked to neighbor guy he said young man that's cool but it turns out the girlfriend wasn't having it and his attitude then changed to yeah well it's our house so you can go F yourself if you think you can tell us what to do and you can move out if you don't like it something definitely had to change when she got pregnant and the baby came so I did the only thing I could do I fought fire with fire and maliciously complied with the law to the tee I could only report them for noise after 11 p.m. I now forget the morning hour when the noise could start but I believe it was 9 a.m. my dad had these huge old concert speakers in his garage professional-grade black leather bound 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide and a pretty nice vintage stereo amp he has - but my apartment was so small I sadly only had room for one we replaced our coffee table with this thing laid face down onto our thin office carpet tired of his crummy tunes I tested the Geneva Convention braking device when they weren't home holy cow I had to take everything down from the tables counters and shelves because they would shake off I prepared audio files to feed the stereo I was giddy like a kid with a new Christmas toy I turned it on when I left for work and got my wife up to send her to her parents I came home from work and hung out with her parents until it was close to bedtime they resisted for three days on day two I found a pile of manure on my doorstep but it didn't faze me I cycled between signs saw and square waves and clashing chords I'm gonna pause a story here I wanted to know what kind of audio torture this guy was inflicting so I looked up those audio waves and I'm gonna play them here don't worry I turn the volume way down so it won't blow out your eardrums but this is what it sounds like here is the sine wave here is the square wave and here is the sawtooth wave and now back to the story marching music Washington Post March on loop preaching clips they weren't just atheists but outspoken anti Christians so it was a must the most stupid songs you could think of captain planta theme song chicken dance etc this poor old house rattled in ways I didn't think possible the vibrations from the sine-wave would make your vision blur I eventually got a text from him that read sorry man you can stop now I did not he needed a few more days to let it sink in plus I had so much fun putting it together they complained to the police in the landlord there was nothing they could do since I wasn't doing anything wrong I didn't even hear music during the time of peace to follow it was so quiet they would build up their courage and try again every few weeks when I wasn't home but my wife was I then showed her how to tame the Beast so she could let it loose while I was away I had to give them a spanking every now and then but they learned they were so happy when we moved out since I am a simple man I would rate this story music emoji injured emoji devil emoji so a little backstory I have a very good relationship with my mom so I FaceTime in text with her regularly though I have never called her because there was no point to do this my mom and manage are also very good friends and knows when I am there I am always showing my location with her as she worries about me and the cast for this story is entitled mom entitled boy sweet girl my mom me and bolt a cute dog oh so let's begin this happened a few hours after my shift ends and I'm still sitting in my normal spot in the McDonald's I take her vest off so she can play with some kids that were in there earlier and just let her sleep as she looks tired when she returned to me I was just sitting there barely anyone else in the store drawing on the tablet part of my laptop making it drawing in my sketchbook more solid until entitled mom entitled brat and sweet girl walking to the store I overhear the sweet girl looks around 6 to 7 an entitled brat looks to be a teenager arguing about something it sounds like he is making fun of the girls dress which I thought was unfair her dress was really cute but entitled mom's sides with the boy and in Greece the dress is gross and says I don't know why your father bought you that hideous dress the girl is visibly hurt by this and walks away from them this is when she walks over to me she sees bolt in my drawing on my tablet she walks up next to me and looks at my drawing that's a cool robot and your dog is cute what's his name I look at her and go to sign to her as it is a habit not thinking she will probably not know sign language she doesn't and gives me a weird look thinking fast I turned my sketchbook to a blank page near the back and right I'm sorry sweetie I cannot speak I am mute I use a thing called sign language to talk thank you I like it too her name is bolt you can pet her if you like after a few seconds of her reading what I said she looks at me that's so cool she is cute too she then goes in pets bolt who does not move as she is sound asleep I just smile and get back to what I was doing for a few seconds before snatch my sketchbook is grabbed and taken off the table by entitled Brett you're drawing suck why do you even do it anymore I look at him shocked and confused by why he grabbed my sketchbook not even registering the fact he insulted my drawings I take back my book ripping the drawing I was just working on her drawings are not stupid they're cool no they're not anyone could draw better than her now realizing he was insulting my work I get the maddest I get during this whole encounter standing up which in itself is very intimidating but I am wearing a tight red tank top this day and it shows my muscles very clearly I have a six-pack and a little on the buff side which is not intimidating if you're an adult but if you're around my size it is this kid was taller yes but not enough to easily overpower me he sees this and like a lot of kids runs off and I sit back down smiling a sweet girl who smiles back probably never seeing anyone stand up to her brother but no we are nowhere near done with this moments later he is back with entitled mom what the heck did you do to my son sweet girl stop petting that dirty mud but mom she was cut off I asked you a question brat answer me mom she's cut off again you're scared now kid did I have an adult with me answer me mom she threatened to beat me if I didn't give her money she's probably homeless all of this I never get a chance to think or even try to sign with her but finally sweet girl gets a word in mom she can't talk she's mute I look at her thankful but this does nothing to calm her down don't you dare raise your voice at me that's complete nonsense of course she can speak she's just a homeless which she probably just said that to get you on her side at this point I'm actually freaking out as I don't know what to do I don't want to reach for my book or tablet as I'm afraid she will attack me I really don't think signing to her would work and probably only make her mad all the while sweet girl looks at me with embarrassment and shame gosh darn it say something stop it with this mute BS at this point she must have noticed my phone laying on the table grabbing it I get scared as I think she is stealing it but she says let's see what your parents think about you threatening kids and walking around like a prostitute I was wearing a red tank top that show very light cleavage less than she was showing black jeans they had neon paint all over them and one of those hoodie jean jackets she opens my phone I don't have a password on it because it's very old iPhone for as I don't really need a phone for much I don't really use it much except to listen to music she goes to my contacts and calls my mom she answers in seconds as the only time she gets a call from my phone it's an emergency she had to put it on speaker to embarrass me at this exact moment entitled brat asks mom can I take her laptop who is this is something wrong with my kid and title mom seems a little shocked that she immediately knows it's not me but starts with a very smug tone yes miss I have her right here and she is being extremely rude to me and my children she is cut off by my mom i extremely doubt that miss she is a mute and has never been rude in her life now please return her property or I will call the cops looking more enraged now how dare you your teenage daughter is walking around like a prostitute with some stray she even stole my son's laptop miss I do not like you talking about my daughter and her service dog like that I know for a fact my daughter does not have a violent bone in her body and would never steal anything give her back her laptop her phone and whatever else you stole or I will personally make sure you are arrested for theft along with harassing a disabled person also make it my goal in life to make sure you get as much time as possible for it my mom is the county's District Attorney now stop harassing my daughter and return her property before I get angry entitle mom is stunned at this and goes to respond probably to not look bad in front of her kids how dare you speak to me this way my husband will have you and your daughter in jail by my mom cuts her off again my mom does not take any flak ma'am I am the District Attorney of the County we are in I know any cop that you would know it is my job to make sure criminals like you get the book thrown at them now I will ask you one last time before I personally come down there and make sure you are arrested and make sure your kids are taken by Child Protective Services give my daughter's property back she says all of us in the very cold very serious and very scary tone me and my sister know from our childhoods which also probably gives murderers nightmares entitled mom just stands there frozen I thought it was over I was wrong entitled mom seems to get some courage back fine if you want to be like that and defend your prostate within minutes there are four police cars there my manager is with me in my booth with all my stuff safely back in my bag bolt leash to the table so she doesn't run off to play with her police friends and the mom is being loaded in the back of one of the cop cars cussing like a sailor the kids waiting with the police officers for their dad to come to get them I'm giving a statement to one of the officers that knows how to sign also sweet girl has one of my older drawings of a unicorn and flowers also sweet girls had my outfit was cool my mom was there about 20 minutes later and drives me home after she deals with the police and the kids father who was a police officer he apologizes a lot for his wife they apparently were going through a really messy divorce and fighting for custody of the kids apparently she's abusive towards sweet girl my mom later told me the whole time during the trial of the mom she was trying to get her fired and accused her of making stories up about her but it came out that the house she was staying at with her boyfriend where her kids say while they were with her was cooking meth in the basement she was charged with child endangerment drug trafficking theft attempted theft and child to be I don't know how long she got all right so this is a story of one overprotective mom versus another overprotective mom the difference is one is just an entitled parent the other is a freaking district attorney and for the younger audience out there who doesn't know what a district attorney is the district attorney is the lawyer that the cops work with to make sure that bad guys get put in jail and since I am a simple man I'll write this story police car emoji judge emoji unicorn emoji that was our /po revenge and if you are a simple fan let me know down in the comments what you think of these stories using emojis
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Views: 2,934,359
Rating: 4.904181 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: mT0NzPreAiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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