r/maliciouscompliance | "I'll bring THIS child to this DETENTION!"

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hey everyone my name is Stephen and welcome back to story time without wasting time let's get into our first story of the day you have saturday detention for being late to school all week and you better be on time next week okay I'll just bring my child two-part malicious compliance this was over 20 years ago so some of the details and dialogue may be a little fuzzy as the years have not been kind this is a two-part malicious compliance so it is long enjoy cast assistant principal principal teacher an old walrus mama me teen dad back story I was a teen dad when I started high school as such mama told me that I had to be home to take care of my son on the weekends she did say that during the week that if I could not find a babysitter for him then she would watch him while I was at school for the cost of extra chores but I had to try to find a babysitter first because she was not going to raise any grandchildren if I can make the baby then I can raise the baby so I did the best I could by asking at church on Sunday if one of the ladies would be willing to watch my son during the week while I was at school but there was some days the sitter I had lined up cancelled last minute leaving me no choice but ask mama to help me out causing me to be late to school and costing me more chores for the first three months I dealt with in-school suspension lunch detention and the paddle on a number of occasions and each time I tried to explain the explanation fell on deaf ears this time was going to be different story I woke up every morning at 4:30 and did my chores got ready for school and got my son ready to go to the sitter's I went to the sitter's with my son about 7:30 only to be told that my son could not stay for that day for some reason or another that went on every day since day one so I drove all the way back home to ask mama if she could watch my son for the day it took 15 minutes one way so 30 minutes roundtrip mama can you watch son for me ah why are you not at school did you take him to the sitters yes ma'am but she said she had an appointment in State Capitol and she could not watch him today please mama I'm already late okay Opie I'll do it but you are doing dishes tonight I give baby to mama and drove the 20 minutes to school every day the sitter had a different excuse and it wound up costing me some extra chores to pay mama for watching the baby first night dishes second night laundry third night cooking supper fourth night more dishes fifth night cooking supper by the time I got to school it was almost nine and first period was almost over I go into the office to get my pass to go to class Monday to Thursday nothing happened I got my pass and went to class I gave the pass to the teacher and accepted the scolding from the teacher Friday morning however when I went into the office to get the pass principal called me into his office I walked in his office principal assistant principal and teacher are in there waiting for me the principal says o people eise have a seat I do and he continues Oh P teacher tells me that you have been late to class all week you know that all students must be here at or before 8 o'clock we've had this discussion before have we not now do you care to explain why you were late every day yes sir we have had this discussion before and every time we have I have told you every time that I have a hard time getting a sitter assistant principal interrupting me that is no excuse what does you needing a sitter for your siblings have to do with you being late every day then the teacher says yeah I am tired of hearing that excuse now you be in my class Monday morning on time or you will be sorry do I make myself clear then he walks out before I could answer him assistant principal says while I'm waiting tapping her foot you better answer me now young man well ma'am I don't need a sitter for my siblings I need a sitter for my son had you not interrupted me I would have told you that assistant principal was mad that I had the nerve to talk to her like that however principal spoke up before assistant principal could get her words out o P watch are you speak to assistant principal or do you need to have another talk with the panel I think since you want to be late all week then a lie about it and speak so rudely to assist in principle you can have saturday detention for the next four weeks you will not be late you will not make excuses and you will apologize to assistant principal for your rude behavior do I make myself clear yes sir I understand to assistant principal assistant principal I'm sorry for being rude and disrespectful good be here at 7:45 in the morning one minute late and you will have to deal with the truancy officer am i clear good now get out of my office and get to class I got up and left I started to hatch a plan to show them how unreasonable they were being and that I was not lying about having a child so when I got home I told mama what happened in my whole plan after taking the punishment for getting in trouble at school she laughed and told me to be more careful and not raise the hornet's nest too badly the malicious compliance part one since I had to spend all day Saturday and Sunday with my son well you can see where this is going I packed my son's diaper bag with everything he would need for five hours grabbed my bag that I put together the night before loaded up in the car then had my brother drop us off at the school at 7:30 the tension started at 8 o'clock I told my brother the plan on the way and we had a good laugh all the way there since my son and I were 15 minutes early we sat on the bench outside of the front door of the school we really didn't have to wait long 10 minutes assistant and principal came walking up carrying their dunkin donut coffee they saw my son and I then principal said Opie I said 7:45 what are you doing here early and why do you have your baby brother here no children allowed take him home and get back here by 8 o'clock now sir you did say that I have to be here by 7:45 I didn't want to be late for detention for being late so I got here at 7:30 he is not my brother he is my son I pulled out the unofficial copy of his birth certificate with father's name section highlighted and showed him si sir it says right here father's name Oh P it takes 20 minutes to get home five minutes to drop him off 60 minutes to explain to mama why he is not with me 20 minutes to get back and on top of that I would have to wait 30 minutes from brother to come get me so I can take him home so all in all two hours 15 minutes round trip to comply with your orders it is 7:40 now sir by the time I do all of that it will be 955 so no sir I cannot follow that order as I would be one hour 55 minutes late getting back sorry sir principal was mad that I had the nerve to talk back to authority he stomped off and unlocked the doors of the school assistant principal said we will be calling mama to come get the child don't think you can get away with this sort of behavior we go in they call mama and told her how rude and disrespectful I was being and that she needed to come get my son to which mama told them relate to me bye mama after I got home really that sounds like a you problem it also sounds to me like you are the ones that are being rude and disrespectful that is opiez child it is his time to spend with his son if you don't like that Opie brought his son with him then maybe believe him when he tells you something don't bother me again over some BS because you get your feelings hurt grow a spine and grow up that was that they didn't bother me or my son for the rest of the tension time I brought my son with me for the OL for Saturday detentions after that I never received another saturday detention the malicious compliance part to teacher had told me the Friday before the first saturday detention that I had better be on time for his class that next Monday so step 2 of my plan activated I called all of my other teachers Sunday and told them what I was going to do for the rest of the term it was about eight weeks before Christmas break they were on board with it but told me that if my son started to disrupt class then they would have to ask me to abandon the malicious compliance I agreed in the next morning I also told the Lydia Church who kept leaving me stranded without a sitter I would no longer be asking or paying for her as a babysitter she was mad but I didn't care I did the normal stuff woke at 4:30 did my chores aid breakfast got ready for school God my son ready with enough things for 10 hours as I figured I would have ASD after-school detention got in the car and instead of going to the sitter's went to school I was on time 7:40 I go in the office with my son who was asleep and got him a visitor's pass the receptionist laughed when I told her why I needed a visitor's pass instead of a tardy slip I took the pass and go to first period physical science the class that I was always late for I walk in take my seat and wait for first Bell of course all the girls and some of the guys in the class are going gaga over my son even some of the snobby girls are talking to me first bell rings eight o'clock teacher walks in and starts taking attendance gets to my name Opie well they cuz he doesn't care about my class again that's it I'm done with this tardiness class I'll be back before he can get out the door present sir well you decided to be on time after all so what's your Excuse this time why have you decided today of all days to grace us with you will being on time well sir if you care to remember Friday in principal's office that you wanted me here on time no excuses then you left before I could acknowledge your order sir so sir I am here on time as you ordered with my son since you did not believe me when I said I could not find a babysitter sir his face turned blood-red he was mad because of my answer he continued to take attendance then turned to me and started barking something all I could make out was office how dare you call baby and detention all his yelling woke up my son who started crying I stood up got my things in son and said sir look what you went and done you woke up the baby I hope you were happy now sir then I went into the hall but not before hearing all my classmates agreeing with me after I got my son calmed down teacher came out in the hall with a calmer tone ope please explain why you brought your brother with you to my class I told you that I wanted you one time not your whole dang family sir he is not my brother he is my son shows copy of birth certificate this sitter has not helped me at all that is the reason I'm always late by the time I turn around and convince mama to help me with them I'm late for your class but please sir if you want to give me detention or any other punishment that's fine and I will take it but please sir do not shout or cuss it's not good for you it's not good for us and more importantly it's not good for my son who will be joining us for the rest of the term watch through gritted teeth office now so I my son and teacher make our way to principal's office teacher goes in and tells principal something principal comes out sees me and sighs Opie come in leave your child there yes sir I'll come in but no sir I will not leave my son unattended I go in pushing my son's stroller Opie teacher said that while you were on time that you were being disrespectful and insubordinate not to mention that you think it is okay for a child to come to school what for the rest of the term you young man are about to learn a lesson that children do not belong in school and that you can not get away with disrespecting Authority or rules now what do you have to say for yourself sir if children do not belong in school then why in the heck are we forced to come I have no other choice but to bring my son with me I don't have a babysitter mama won't help me out remember she said she would but only in extreme cases and for me doing more chores and have ran out of options now of you are going to punish me for something then I think it best to wait until my attorney gets here to make sure that the punishment fits the charges and is a fair carry of justice or you can proceed and have a lawsuit and lose your position with the Board of Education your choice sir I know my rights as a citizen of country teacher was shocked principal after much thought Opie let's not get attorneys involved let's go back to where you said that you have no choice but to bring him with you do you care to expand on that why does he not live with his mother and her family yes sir the reason I have no choice but bring him with me is because the babysitter I hired is useless mama is too busy and I can't afford to pay her to watch him the reason he doesn't live with his mom or her family is because she and her family give up their rights and claim of him her family said that they don't want an idiot in their family and she is in state woman's facility for us an attempted murder so you see there is no other choice teacher says Opie if that's true about his mother then why is he not in the care of child protection services what do you have custody because sir the same reason why I have an attorney on retainer if you have any further questions about the matter you can contact my attorney teacher was silent after that after a really long discussion I went on about my day the other teachers were ok with my son being in their class I contacted my attorney when I got home from school he contacted the Board of Education and got them to agree that my son could indeed attend classes with me until I either found a babysitter or finished the term due to my situation I ended up changing schools before we went back after New Year's I did find a wonderful babysitter who was available when I needed her for a really great rate also I ended up having to retake physical science as I had failed at the first school but ended up passing the class with an 87 B people think it is hard to be an adult married and have a child I only wish I could have complained about that that is easy compared to my experience in high school no when I say I drove to school I had my learner's permit my brother 20 at the time was the one who was teaching me how to drive for a fee I didn't trust my son to just anyone so I would be late to school despite the fact I knew the penalty for doing so there was consequences at home for me getting in trouble at school my learner's permit was taken when I got saturday detention waking up at 4:30 to do chores before going to school we lived on a dairy farm why go inside to call mama this was back before everyone had a mobile phone paddle WTF it was in a school district that paddled students up to graduation with parents permission it was not uncommon to hear of seniors getting paddled one day before graduation but only if the offense called for the paddle my next go-around with physical science class was after lunch so I had plenty of time to be there I found out from a friend at the old school that principal and assistant principal were fired for having personal relations with each other in principal's office during school hours which explains a lot teacher retired at the end of the school year good riddance you old walrus oh geez there's so many moving parts here to handle a good question for you guys is probably how would you handle these situations and what do you think the best idea would have been if you were in Opie's shoes here let me know in the comments below how to turn collateral duties to your advantage this story takes place when I was a lowly ensign fresh out of the Naval Academy aboard a u.s. Navy surface combatant before I get into the story I'd like you to please excuse my English as I'm a product of the American education experiment so back to the story I was one of three newly minted instance and because I went to four extra weeks of training between graduating and arriving at the command I was somehow considered junior this gave me the title of Jo RG or junior officer requiring guidance basically an excuse to get hazed a bit and to do odd jobs that needed doing when I got to the ship our x:o Executive Officer second in command numbered suit one for those who watch Star Trek The Next Generation was kind of a jerk over time he softened a bit and I'd like to think I did my small part in it but early on a couple months into arrival he decided that I wasn't busy enough running my two divisions standing watch recruiting and training the VBSS team and trying to work through my surface warfare qualifications in the wardroom area of the ship where officers hang out and eat there was a court ward that was empty and ugly the executive officer suggested that it would be nice if I could fill it with something useful I took this on advisement and put it on the back of my already long list of tasks that I would get done at some point in the next two years about a month later the executive officer called me into his stateroom and asked about the status of the board that my status as Jo RG made it my responsibility I responded that I thought that doing something on the board was just a suggestion he very curtly said you should consider a suggestion from a superior officer to be in order my first inclination was to recommend that of a senior officer wanted to issue an order they should use the appropriate language to make it an order rather than relying on others to have magically decipher orders from suggestions instead my response was yes sir but my new internal monologue was Roger that sir as sarcastically as possible here is where the malicious compliance comes in knowing that the executive officer was a fellow Academy grad and still having many friends as underclassmen at our alma mater I hatched a plan I asked a buddy who was now a firstiy senior if he could have one of his believes freshmen do a bit of a research project for me I let him know the name of my executive officer and an approximate graduation date the assigned Philippe being the industrious type as plebes usually are was able to find the lucky bags yearbooks from the years that my executive officer was at the academy in these books he was able to find several somewhat embarrassing photos and wonderful quotes one was even of him in costume in any case these are the types of pictures that would be considered light are slash blunder years so I accomplished my assigned tasking I made a poster devoted to the executive officer and his time at the Naval Academy with the Ballona pictures and embarrassing quotes it was an instant hit with the rest of the officers including the captain I have to say between utterly embarrassing his executive officer and the other opie literally bringing his child in for school it's hard to decide which one of these two are my favorite today which one of these two stories are your guys's favorites let me know in the comments below but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to let me know which one of these two stories were your favorite but again thank you all for watching and listening to this storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 129,083
Rating: 4.8966551 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: Rm_h5wPggUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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