r/maliciouscompliance | Don't use Headphones to Listen to Music at Work? Okay then...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first a big congratulations to last week's giveaway winner leila lockhart and as always i do a giveaway every single week so if you're interested i'll tell you later on in the video how to enter but today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by tuna tofu commission impossible i work with computers at my day job so i type wicked fast when i was a cashier i was also lightning quick which was a bonus during the holiday season with the long lines i could go through my long line of customers and call over customers from other registers too so the salesmen and yes they were men working on commission were too good to ring up their own sales or to have their customers wait in line so they would cut ahead of all the other customers who had been waiting i would apologize profusely to those who waited then have to stop and ring up the commission sales but the inconvenience wasn't enough i got attitude when asking for their employee number to properly put the sale into the register you should know that you've done it before well yes about three months ago in the middle of a busy saturday and it didn't occur to me to memorize other people's employee numbers so i just rang it up using my number and the next 20 or so transactions they butted in line to ring up so a week goes by and i get my check and it is huge as it happens that previous weekend and during the holiday season the store had a promotion where the employees got an extra dollar in our check for every 100 we rang up i seriously did about 35 grand in sales that week i did get a stern talking to about ringing up commission items without being a commission employee and that they didn't have a way to pay me for those commissions because i was hourly i then explained how i had to ring up the sales for that department and how they had butted in my line to make me ring them up the commission guys were raising holy heck and i get it they needed their pay in selling suits isn't easy i wasn't trying to take their money but the store policy was that they were supposed to ring up their own sales the managers asked me if i could tell which sales went to which employees and i honestly couldn't it had been so busy and there were so many transactions i couldn't remember from a week before so the store did a little rough justice they added up all the commission sales done on my register with no number assigned and split it evenly among the sales folks in that department maybe not fair but better than no paycheck at all for those guys or giving it to me but the store did let me keep the bonus for ringing in the sales so the salesmen totally screwed themselves on multiple fronts and they never came to my register to ring up anything again that was enough for me if this was you would you feel a little guilty for keeping all those bonuses that those guys technically earned you from butting in into your line and forcing you to put their orders in or would you be shamelessly happy with it and consider it a commission of their commissions let me know how you think you should feel about it in the comments below our next story is by captain losing it alright i'll get those return cases down no problem this sub reminded me of a personal experience at a large desktop laptop supplier amongst other it services this was about 15 years ago and i imagine most of this work has now been outsourced to low-wage countries the name of the company are three capital letters they don't do consumer hardware anymore my job was to screen hardware issues with desktop and laptop computers mostly laptops a person would call customer service their problems would be written up i'd review the ticket call the person if there's any uncertainties and then write up a plan for an on-site engineer to follow if i would determine the problem to be the memory but it ended up on being the motherboard this would be considered a return case and we were strictly monitored on those we were expected to be doing about 20 to 25 cases per day and only have one to two return cases here's the thing though i easily did 30 to 40 cases per day i did this for about 8 months and then i started to get negative feedback from my manager he said my return cases were too high most of the time these were within acceptable range but sometimes there would be three or four per day the fact that i did near double the cases i was expected to handle was never commented on after receiving this feedback twice i decided to change my daily routine i logged onto my phone i went for a coffee and a chat after about an hour i do maybe 15 cases until lunch i take my lunch break have another coffee and chat browse some game strategy guides do some online courses or reading do the remaining 5-10 cases and go home now i did the mandatory 20-25 cases per day and just left it at that fewer cases equals fewer mistakes problem solved i got complimented by my manager that i managed to get my return cases down to only one per day on average of course this job got boring fast and had no future prospects so i went away from there not too long after but i'll always remember this experience and vowed to never work at such companies again their concerns are valid but they're very misguided they're too focused on how high the number is and not the reasoning for why that number might be higher than usual it's frustrating to say the least that they're following the guidelines on how many return cases you need to have in a specific day but not looking at how many cases you have overall per day i guess to them if you only do 20 to 25 cases per day you're fulfilling what they want of you anyways you don't have to do 30 to 40 per day regardless it's not a bad job if people like some down time you know you can read some malicious compliance stories on reddit our next story is by anarchy612 if that's the way you're going to be just leave backstory i used to work at a small manufacturing plant in the shipping department up until a few months ago now the thing about this plant is that due to some well-intentioned mishandling by the previous owner the plant is currently owned by the bank because of that the plant manager doesn't really know too much about the day-to-day running of the plant he mostly just makes sure the plant isn't losing the bank any money until the buyer can be found thankfully there was a good floor manager and a good shipping manager to cover the shortcomings then the plant closes down for a bit when we reopen we learn that the floor manager is retiring immediately and won't be returning but that means the plant manager is now the floor manager as well additionally all other managers and office staff are now work from home so on top of floor manager the plant manager now needs to handle any issues that arise that are too pressing to contact someone off site the structure of the shipping department is this there's the shipping manager who is now work from home there is the shipping supervisor who comes in early and leaves around 3ish then there is me who came in around 10 and left when the last truck to be loaded came meaning that after 3ish i am the de facto head of shipping onto the malicious compliance at some point i could see the writing on the wall layoffs were coming very possibly the whole plant closing needing something more stable i found another job now i hadn't given my two weeks yet because it wasn't set in stone yet may as well have been but until i have a piece of paper or email that says i have the job i don't have the job i had one co-worker on the production floor who liked to push my buttons i'm typically not the type of person whose buttons you want to push i'm not particularly imposing but i've been told by guys twice my size that when i get mad i'm scary anyways on this particular day he decides that the best way to push said buttons would be to walk into the forklift lane as i am passing the grab product to ship multiple times i'm forced to slam on the brakes causing me to spill a couple loads eventually i explode i don't remember what was said but i went off on this dude eventually the plant manager comes over to quell the situation as i explained the situation to him i say something to the effect of i could have killed him i still might to which the plan manager responded with if you're going to be like that just go i looked at the clock and noticed it was close to four meaning if i left no one was there to load the trucks and while the physical act of loading a truck is simple enough the system to record everything was not and it wasn't something you could do later either it needed to be recorded at the time of shipment naturally i looked back to plant manager and just blankly replied with an ok i grabbed my things and left the second i got to my car i called my supervisor he and i are really cool with each other you could even say we're friends he also hates the co-worker in question and is not too fond of the plan manager i told him what was going on and he told me that he was off the clock and doesn't deal with work crap from home basically telling me he was with me without saying it the shipping manager was the next call now she is one of the nicest women i have ever met and she will defend her crew to the death and apparently unbeknownst to me she had started vacation the day prior and would also not be dealing with work crap normally she would absolutely deal with this even on vacation now both of them knew i was leaving and that i didn't give a darn about the repercussions the plant manager didn't i don't exactly know what happened from there that day but i do know that of the 12 trucks scheduled to ship only three did and that's because they showed up before i left it's also worth noting that in our line of product if something that was our fault causes the customer's production to shut down for any amount of time the company gets fined contractually not legally in the end that co-worker never did mess with me again and the plan manager ended up being a lot nicer to me too so because the co-worker is being an absolute idiot and willingly walking right in front of a loaded forklift and i'm getting angry over them doing that that's why i have to leave because i'm being like that it seems like the plan manager was picking obvious favorites here and choosing the guy that willingly walked in front of a loaded forklift over the person doing the actual critical work i had to be with op2 i wouldn't be doing work craft from home either wink wink this next story is by dreadsquid red don't wear earbuds to listen to music at work no problem a couple of years ago my office hired a new manager who apart from being terribly suited to the role and therefore disrespected by the staff group as a whole decided that a good way to establish their self was to do away with our department's well-loved one earbud policy we aren't a call center but clients do contact us well since they had no industry knowledge or training none of us had any idea why they were hired at all they decided that it would be a great idea to disallow everyone from listening to music or whatever through their one earbud new manager framed this as giving us the advantage of listening to each other's clients calls so we can learn that is a really cute freaking way to say i am too inept to teach or guide any of you so you can do it yourselves they literally wanted us to learn from floor talk while performing the jobs we do every day that's like expecting an experienced pastry chef to read up on the properties of flour we already know but they weren't allowed to tell us we can't listen to things at all we could still listen to what we wanted on our computer speakers cue malicious compliance i find it's easier to concentrate when there is a quiet constant voice in the background so i really enjoy scp youtube videos particularly by the exploring series but i also like to listen to asmr which a good number of people patently hate there was no rule that we had to listen to music so i continued to listen to these as i normally would minus the earbud it took about three months in all i would listen to these speaking videos on a volume that was just enough for me to hear it clearly but also just enough that it was annoying for everyone else i knew people were complaining to management and i also knew a they were too pa to say anything to me directly b they were aware that i have damaged hearing so they likely didn't want to question it to my face and c also that management couldn't actually do anything to stop me because i was technically following the old rule that our listening material be at a reasonable volume and the new rule that i cannot wear earbuds to do so eventually we had another team meeting where new manager announced that due to popular demand we would consider bringing back the earbud thing on a trial basis only one other person resumed using earbuds besides me the popular demand was probably every complaint lodged against my curated scp content now we're working from home so i can listen to whatever the freak i want i think as long as productivity doesn't dip they should be able to listen to whatever they want obviously op explained the entire reasoning was because the actual manager was too inept to train anybody but yikes you gotta get somebody in that can actually do their job also not gonna lie some asmr sounds are kind of interesting to listen to are you the kind of person that absolutely hates asmr loves asmr or once in a while you'll find yourself listening but don't actually really listen that often i'm kind of curious what the common perception here is i'm definitely that kind of person that listens once in a blue moon but it's not something i would usually go to let me know and our final story of the day is by ensinbricky71 follow brand identity rules when told not to by sales staff i spent about 20 years in the sign and advertising industry primarily in design and production so i am very familiar with rules regarding brand identity and logos i had been at the same company for about 15 years worked my way up from being an outdoor installer to being the primary structural and visual designer for the company we were a small company 35 or so employees the sales staff was never more than two or three dedicated sales people usually one for petroleum accounts and the other one or two handled commercial accounts and private customers and one-off sales around 2010 or so they promoted one of our sales guys to a managerial position so they had to hire a new salesperson i will call him dingus he was an older guy initially pleasant enough but he quickly began to grate on the rest of the shop due to his unwillingness to learn the ins and outs of our products and not getting thorough surveys which always caused problems when the jobs sold and went to production this became enough of a problem that we started following up on a surveys on our own to make sure they were correct one day dingus came to me with a proposal for some signage for an industrial campus for a fairly large agricultural corporation nothing gigantic mostly a bunch of non-illuminated wayfinder signage with logos and colors to match the brand but there were a lot of them and they were easy to build so it would be a pretty profitable job in the end i put together a package and emailed everything over to dingus he sent back an email to me saying that i needed to change the colors on the logos and the iconography to two completely different schemes not included in the brand guidelines he said that the person he was working with at the company had requested those colors i replied that they needed to consult with their corporate marketing department to authorize the change per their brand identity i made it a point to tell them that if we produced these signs with altered brand identity we were opening our shop to the possibility of reworking every sign at minimum and possibly stepping on some toes legally he told me to disregard their forms and do it anyway and that i had better have a revised package ready for him on monday to send to the customer this guy wasn't my boss and his rudeness pissed me off and initiated the malicious compliance i put together the new package using the colors he requested i made sure to call out the pms colors on all layouts with notations in the descriptions so there would be no doubt that this was a deliberate change i then emailed a very nicely worded email to the sales guy and cc'd a copy to the customer's marketing for approval as a standard for our shop and their brand i made sure to ask them to contact us with any corrections that needed to be made and provided the appropriate phone numbers for dingus and myself on the email monday rolls around and i get called into the office dingus and the owner ceo begin grilling me about going over dingus's head to the customer and how my email has caused an issue between corporate and the local manager who had requested the changes i told my boss that i had been specifically told that disregard the customer's brand identity and i had made the changes as requested i then pointed out the instructions from corporate marketing that said all advertising must be sent to them for approval as i was the primary designer i was authorized to do this since any feedback from marketing would come to me for revisions anyway i pointed out that i was never told not to send the specs for approval and that it was part of my job to make sure that my designs would have meet the customer specs since the on-site manager said it was okay and i had emails telling me this was the case i had no reason to think that there would be an issue i knew darn well this wasn't the case but i played dumb as it turned out the on-site manager just didn't like the corporate color scheme and wanted to do his own thing since he was the king of his little fiefdom dingus just wanted the sale and was willing to break copyright rules to get it my email exposed they were trying to end run around the corporate just to get the sale done the owner ceo called corporate and confirmed i had followed their rules to the letter and that changes to their brand identity were not allowed without explicit approval from them i was told i had done nothing wrong and dingus got an extensive lecture and barely avoided being fired but was gone a few months later we still got the job once i corrected all the colors back having dipped my toes personally in the world of design and graphic design you have to follow a company's brand identity to the letter there was one job where i was tasked with designing the cover for a company's annual report and i was literally given a handbook for their brand identity you literally have to read through this entire booklet to understand what you can and can't do very very specific colors shapes what you can and can't do with the logo how far the logo has to be from the edges there are specifications on everything and you cannot break this or else you're causing yourself some major trouble so op knew very well that them trying to get around this is a major design sin and a major sin against the company it can put an entire design company's reputation on the line depending on what client it is but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 44,694
Rating: 4.936255 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: MBKnjggQjVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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